Member Reviews

I absolutely loved reading this book! The concept sounded really good, and the atmosphere was top notch, I just had to know what was going to happen next! Millie, having spent time in a mental institution, meaning she's not the most reliable of person you'd want working for her, well, this professor needs an assistant, and she came recommended.

The atmosphere in this book was just perfect. A house that is in disrepair, with only a few people around, a haunting, weird goings on, and an tense relationship with her boss, as well as the lingering questions about his late wife. It was really well done and I just had to keep reading!

There is this attraction between Millie and the professor, but was hampered by things like the fact that he's her employer, and he's mourning his wife. But things that are forbidden are even more enticing, and are even better in hindsight when the truth came out.

At around the halfway to 2/3 mark, I was wondering if it was going to go in a Jane Eyre direction, or a Rebecca direction. And when the truth came out, that was a fantastic reveal, I wasn't expecting it to go there, and how it all came together was so good!

This was a fantastic read and I would love to read more by Bea Northwick!

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The setting of The Cruel Dark is really rich and atmospheric and I did enjoy the chemistry between Callum & Millie, I think perhaps as I listened to this in audio and didn't necessarily love the male narrator, I think maybe would have enjoyed it more if I had read a physical copy. That being said, the female narrator was enjoyable and whilst the male narrator wasn't for me, I still enjoyed the book. and the ending alone bumped it from a 3 star to a 4 star. The characters are flesh out and well-developed which is always something I appreciate in romances. A great debut and I will definitely be looking forward to more from Bea Northwick

Thanks to NetGalley and Bea Northwick for the audio copy of this book in exchange for my honest review

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I was hooked in this story very quickly after starting the audiobook. This gothic romance was spooky with paranormal and fall vibes. I liked or FMC Millicent and the broody MMC Professor Callum Hughes. She goes to work for him as an assistant after suffering some amnesia and a traumatic event. Wanting a fresh start she finds herself drawn to him and the manor they are working and living in. I enjoyed the spooky gothic vibes, the build of the romance and the end. Add this to your fall TBR.


Thanks to NetGalley and Bea Northwick for providing me with an ALC in exchange for review.

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The Cruel Dark by Bea Northwick absoutely blew my mind. I did not expect this to be so good but I loved every word! The prose was dark and eerie. I loved how utterly spooky this felt. The story just stole my attention and refused to let go until the end. The gothic vibes are great for anyone looking for something dark to read this fall. The romance was swoon worthy and the spice was incredibly hot! I also really loved the journey the fmc Millie goes through as she uncovers the truth about her amnesia. The audiobook just added an extra layer to the creepy vibes and made it feel so much more real.

A huge thank you to the publishers and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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The Cruel Dark is a gothic twisting story perfect for spooky season, if either seasonal or year-round for you, that leans into the gothic romance side without being a dark romance. If you want spooky and healthy this is for you, if you want scary and toxic not so much.

Millicent Foxboro is our lead, and we meet her after she has suffered a bout with traumatic amnesia and is trying to get her life back on track. She is working in a bookstore and healing when an offer to work as an assistant to a Professor of Mythology falls into her lap attached to a salary she cannot refuse. However, upon arriving to the remote manor house she will be working at she finds herself and the house haunted and odd circumstance abounds. During her time at the manor she works under Professor Callum Hughes, a dark and brooding man who she finds herself drawn to when she knows she should not be, leading her into more than a professional relationship.

This novel is twisting, with the plot twists coming with some being a surprise and some I pieced together as the plot went on making it have a nice mystery feel to it. The setting is dark, gothic, atmospheric, haunting, and I found myself settling into it easily, with the story itself hooking me about 1/3 of the way into the novel and making it hard to put down.

I would recommend this novel to you if you enjoy:
- Gothic Romance
- Twisting Plots
- Dark and Brooding MMC
- Steamy but healthy relationship
- A good mix of plot and spice
- Easy, lighter, reads that are spooky
- Are looking for a good fall/Halloween read

I received an advance review copy of this book, and I am leaving this review voluntarily and all thoughts and opinions are wholly my own and unbiased.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, narrator, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All thoughts and comments are my own.

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Excuse me??? MA'AM???? Ms. Northwick, you are an incredible writer.

Plot twist after plot twist! I usually see them coming, but these ones caught me off guard (in the best way possible). This book found me at just right right time, right at the beginning of spooky season.

The 1920s Gothic setting was something I wasn't sure I'd like, but this one hit really well. Northwick has an incredible way of describing settings and the overall vibes of a scene. I could see everything so clearly in my head, it was like I was really there. The characters were also well characterized, and you really got to know them despite the relatively short page count.

The writing itself was perfect. Not so convoluted that you feel the author is classing you out of the reading experience, yet not so simplistic that it feels like you're being talked down to.

Overall, a fantastic and quick read that will leave you with whiplash (the good kind). Do recommend!

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A friend from bookstagram told me to read this so when I saw a new audiobook edition I had to make the jump. This did not disappoint. The atmosphere was perfect for autumn! The spice was SPICY. And the twists got me, I thought I knew where it was going to go but boom it twisted haha. Fantastic surprise.
The narration was great! I fully thought it was two actors, but having finished and looking at credits its not! incredible.

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he Cruel Dark promises a blend of gothic mystery and dark academia with a side of spice, and it mostly delivers. Here’s my breakdown of the read:

📚 Plot & Pacing: The story is engaging and enjoyable, with a classic gothic atmosphere that creates a chilling mood. The plot revolves around dark secrets and emotional scars, set against a sinister backdrop that evokes the eerie vibes of Halloween and fall. While I appreciated the spooky, American Horror Story-esque moments, I found the beginning a bit slow. Once it picked up, the story had me hooked.

🕵️‍♂️ Mystery & Predictability: The mystery element was solid, but the conclusion felt a bit predictable early on. I had guessed the outcome within the first couple of chapters, which was a bit of a letdown.

📖 Narration: I listened to the audio ARC, and while the female narrator was enjoyable and suited the atmosphere, the male narrator left much to be desired. His performance was jarring and detracted from the overall experience.

🌹 Romance & Spice: The romance between Millie and Callum was intense and fiery, which I loved. The spicy scenes were well-executed and added a layer of excitement to the story. I appreciated the butterflies these scenes gave me—always a plus!

🏡 Setting & Atmosphere: The creepy house and dark academia setting were fantastic. The incorporation of Celtic lore was a delightful touch, especially since I recently visited Ireland and Scotland. It added an extra layer of intrigue to the story.

🦸‍♀️ Characters: Millie was a fascinating character with a complex backstory, and her relationship with Callum was both intense and captivating. They were well-drawn and kept me invested throughout the book.

The audio fell a little flat for me, while the female narrator was spot on the male lacked what was needed to help bring the story to life.

Overall, The Cruel Dark is a solid read for fans of gothic mysteries and dark romance. It’s perfect for a Halloween-themed reading list, though it might not offer much in terms of new surprises for seasoned readers of the genre.

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A dark tale full of mystery and love. I truly enjoyed every second of this book and have already suggested it to multiple people. I loved how it had me guessing and excited to see what would happen next. Highly recommend!!!

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Thank you for providing me with a free audiobook version of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

I liked the narrators and the twist at the end was great, but overall I felt like the story could have been done much better. Maybe it would have been better if I read the book instead of listening, but I doubt it.

Overdone story with not enough umph to make it stand apart.

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This was a great dark, twisty read. Loved Madi and Theo's narration. While I guessed the plot twist very early, I still enjoyed the characters and unique story.

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I really like this one. I liked the eerie spooky feel of the story. I found it to be a very interesting story. The plot twist at the end was a surprise to me to. I was like Whoa, what it going on. I did listen to the audio from net galley. I did not like what they did for the male voices. It sounded like a voice disguiser like from the movie Scream or something.

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I unfortunately DNFed this book at 25%. I really struggled with the narration and the dramatic changes between each of the narrations within a single sentence. I think I will avoid audiobooks written like this in the future.

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While this story did have an interesting twist at the end, the rest of the book felt rushed for basically everything.

I listened to this via audiobook and it might have a higher rating if I had read it instead. Madison Mitts' voicing of FMC Millie was weirdly breathy and had odd emphasis on certain words in sentences which made the entire book sound salacious and was horribly distracting. Theodore Zephyr's voicing of MMC Callum made him sound like an old man which made the spicy and romantic scenes pretty ick for me. Theodore also voiced some other characters in the book and they didn't sound nearly as bad, so it was a disappointment that the MMC sounded awful.

It felt like the paranormal scenes were blown through quickly and could have used more expansion so they actually felt creepier, but I did like what they had in there. Made it intriguing to discover what was happening. I definitely didn't expect some of the stuff that happened in the end.

Read if you love:
-Professor x assistant
-Gothic romance
-Haunted house

Thank you to NetGalley for this free copy of the audiobook after the book had published. My thoughts are entirely my own.

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Plot: A young woman takes a job as an assistant to a professor. She’s had a difficult past and is being haunted in her present in her new home where she works. She is given warnings to leave, but stays because of her attraction to her employer.
Themes: unclear
Characters: It felt hard to care very much about the characters. I don’t really feel like I got to know any of them.
Writing: The writing was pretty good. The book was atmospheric. The strength of the writing was in the descriptions of the places and observations of the characters rather than in their dialogue. The book was moody with some horror elements. I felt like it wasn’t very engaging until the last 15%
Audio: The quality of this audiobook was okay. It was a duet style audiobook and it was patchy in some places.

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"The Cruel Dark"by Bea North is a gothic thriller. It is very atmospheric and spooky. I liked this book way more than I anticipated.

In 1928, in New England, the Willowfield Estate fell into disrepair after a tragedy befell the previous wife of Callum Hughes. Millicent was hired to be the assistant to Professor Hughes because of her knowledge of languages and mythology. She discovers a journal that belonged to the first wife, and she is concerned and intrigued. She also sees ghosts in the place. There are some super spicy scenes in this book.

The descriptions are extremely well written! I enjoyed the narration by Madison Mitts and Theodore Zephyr. His deep voice worked well for the voice of Callum.

Characters - 5/5
Writing - 5/5
Plot - 5/5
Pacing - 4/5
Unputdownability - 4/5
Enjoyment - 4/5
Narration - 5/5
Cover - 3/5
Overall - 35/8 = 4 3/8
Rounded down to 4 stars

Thank you to Netgalley, Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op, and Bea North for providing this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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A wonderfully dark and chilling gothic novell. Better than any scary movie you will ever watch.

The only negative I can say about it is the male narration. There was just something about the deepness of the voice that made it feel more like a caricature than a believable character

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The Cruel Dark is a guilty pleasure if ever there was one. Chock full of all sorts of good things - a haunted house, ghostly moans and frightening apparitions, a tormented but deliciously handsome - and devilish - lord of the manor, and a pretty little thing who comes to work for said lord.

As it turns out she has a little more backbone than the average assistant, and the chemistry between them is rife. There are a few things I found puzzling, that could have been handled a little better, but all in all I enjoyed it.

Fair warning, it is NOT for the prudish or the very young, so if you are listening to the audio, as I did (good job, by the way!), keep little ears well away.

Three and a half stars!

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4.5 stars!
This book was so so good! I finished it in one sitting! I loved how the book started and it was going well, but the middle was a tad confusing and I didn't fully understand a couple of things but continued to read because I liked the premise, the characters, and the suspense. It kept me positively hooked and was fast paced. But around the ending, I thought I had everything predicted but nope, in those last two chapters I was mind blown! Everything made sense then and the ending was amazing! Definitely worth a read!
The story follows Millie who begins to work as an assistant to a reclusive professor, Hughes to organise his notes and help with his research on folklore and mythical creatures. During this time, she comes across many strange and suspicious things surrounding his late wife's death. Inspite of this she can't help but be swayed by him.
Huge thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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