Member Reviews

This book was enjoyable, super short and easy to get through. But I did find that it fell a bit flat, maybe because it was so short (and that didn’t give me enough time to care about these characters).

There’s a spooky house, cool folklore, dark academia vibes, mysterious secrets…all the ingredients to make something really cool and spooky.

And some scenes felt very out of nowhere, mainly because the two main characters felt very insta-love/insta-lust. Their relationship felt very random to me.

Jane Eyre or Rebecca vibes.

Unfortunately, the plot twists weren’t that twisty because I could guess them pretty accurately.

The murder mystery mixed with the gothic folklore was a really cool combination that could’ve been used to push this book to a whole other level. The volume just needed to be turned up a bit.

Thanks to NetGalley for a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review! My review is up on Goodreads and my TikTok (Zoe_Lipman) review will be up at the end of the month with my monthly wrap-up.

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Not my usual type of read but still enjoyed. Gothic horror doesn’t normally grab my attention but this book did!

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When I requested this book, I only saw the month and day of the publishing date...
And apparently it's 2024, not 2023, so this book has long been published. Even better, it was already on my tbr on Amazon.
But thank you NetGalley for letting me read it anyway.

So here we are, on to my review.
I just jumped in, not knowing what I was going in to. And I am glad. I don't normally do mystery/thrillers but I really loved this one.

Callum going all feral over Millie didn't seem weird to me, I mean, I've read shorter timeliness for that so I just went with it.

I think *because* I don't typically read the genre, I didn't see the twists and turns as well as others who do. So naturally I was constantly "looking around the corners" trying to figure it all out.

I would reread this book again, looking for clues that have to be there that I might have missed. I also just loved the overall vibe.
I'll definitely be recommending this book to friends who are into the genre. (Or maybe not even into it.)

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I enjoyed this book.
I will admit I kinda guessed what was going on in the beginning, but it still made a good read.
The twists were done well, and added another layer to the mystery.
I do wish there had been a bit more of our two main lovers but it makes sense why too much was not given away.
I really like the portrayal of Professor Callum, he’s too dreamy! Part of me wanted to see more of him being an asshole.
The darkness is done quite well too. I found myself picturing these scenes and feeling like I was there witnessing everything first hand.

Rated 3.5 because it’s something that’s been done before and it’s easy to predict.

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This is a new author that we all need to watch out for because they will rock the book world!
This was such a vibe. Gothic, creepy, intricate detail of the world that was set, ghosts, hauntings, and an aloof professor living in a decrepit house in the middle of nowhere. Set in the 1920’s, this was a perfect book to read for my Spooky/October TBR list.

“Strange things bloom where grief lives.”

Miss Foxboro took a job in Professor Hughes homes to help him get in order all his data he’s accumulated over the years. The grim fairytales and research is something Millie has been drawn to for years.
Right away to get an eery feeling in this dark and creepy house and the help that still live there… the world building and detail of everything was so spot on, it kept me enthralled to read.
I was obsessed from chapter one. You’ll want to know what’s going on. Who’s doing what. And I have to say, my guesses were SO wrong.
Little spice.
Incredible book.
I felt like it ended rather abruptly though and the romance aspect was very minuscule. I’d like to see an epilogue possibly into the future. 🖤

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

As much as i enjoy horror and gothic stories in other mediums, i never find my way to these books. This was one of the few, and it reminded me how much i enjoy it and how i should look for more stories like this. I absolutely love the atmosphere and i was intrigued to see what was happening.

My issue, like most of the times lately, was the romance. When things started happening between them, i felt like they barely knew each other yet. Even with justification, i need to see it happening to grow an attachment.

Overall it was enjoyable and i would definitely read more from the author!

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So this book was so much more than I expected, but also I'm still processing everything and not sure what I just read, lol. That's what I get for going in blind for a gothic historical romance.

I liked the spooky, gothic, ghostie vibes, but just didn’t connect with the romance. It felt very rushed to me. Like at one point I was literally thinking “omg when the heck is the romance happening, idk if they have really interacted?!" Then like 0.5 seconds later, they started banging , and all the ‘drama’ with the ex-wife seemed so weird, like, why did Millie not really care about the professor and his wifes story at all?! They the side characters all were more interesting to me than the main couple.

But I did enjoy the ending! The last 35% of the book was so exciting and I couldn't stop listening because so much unraveled so quickly.

Reading the other reviews for this book, I may be the outcast by enjoying both of our narrators. I loved the accents used, and while Madison's bedroom voice could have been different for other points, I still really enjoyed her work.

Final Rating: 3.75⭐, 2.5🌶️

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editting Co-Op for an ALC/ eARC of Cruel Dark, by Bea Northwick (narrated by Madison Mitts and Theodore Zephyr). This is my honest and unpaid review!

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Going into “The Cruel Dark” by Bea Northwick, I had no idea what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving this book!

Bea Northwick's writing is stunning, with poetic descriptions that create vivid imagery throughout the entire story. The pacing is perfect, keeping me thoroughly engaged from start to finish. Each character is well-developed and essential to the plot, adding depth and dimension to the narrative.

The book includes a touch of spice, which is tastefully done and doesn't overshadow the main storyline. Northwick strikes the perfect balance, enhancing the overall experience without detracting from the plot.

The plot twists are masterfully executed and took me by surprise. The author weaves clues throughout the story, leading to satisfying revelations by the end.

Overall, “The Cruel Dark” is a magical read that kept me on my toes and made me fall in love with the characters. I can't wait to see what Bea Northwick comes up with next!

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Thank you, NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book!

I went into this book a bit blindly. I have never heard of this book or read anything by the author. I also did not look at the synopsis and requested it purely based on the title and the cover, and I can say I was pleasantly surprised!

The writing was atmospheric and the characters were interesting enough to keep you guessing and flipping the pages. It definitely is more insta-love than I typically go for, and there is a trope that I SUUUUUUPER dislike in this book (that I can't talk about because *spoilers*), but it didn't bother me as much as it usually does. I also understand that due to it being such a short book a lot is happening off the page, which in most other books, would have bothered me immensely. However, here, I was just along for the ride and found myself having a fairly good time.

I think that I was looking for a bit more of the spooky elements, but what was present was delightful, and I wouldn't say this book is particularly scary. I also wasn't expecting the smut, but that doesn't bother me at all. I just wish that maybe if we had focused on it just being spooky or just being smutty, the scenes would have had more depth and description. But that is just me being nitpicky.

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One of my favourite books is Jane Eyre and this book was similar. I enjoyed the plot, Gothic setting and even the ghosties

But the spice in this didn't exactly feel like it added to the plot. It felt more like it was just there to be there. But it was still good spice

Thank you Net galley for the ARC <3

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The Cruel Dark is a dark Gothic tale centring around Millie, a housekeeper, who is about to start a new job with the mysterious widower Professor Callum Hughes. But not all is as it seems. Willowfield houses more than just the living residents.

For lovers of Jane Eyre, Crimson Peak and all things gothic romance, this book will grip you from the get go and is impossible to put down. I loved the twist at the end! Instant buy!

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The Cruel Dark by Bea Northwick presented an intriguing premise, blending gothic atmosphere with a touch of romance. While the setting and characters had potential, the execution felt somewhat uneven. The pacing was slow in parts, and the plot twists, while surprising, didn't always land with impact. The romance between Millie and Callum was promising but lacked depth. While the story has its moments, it ultimately didn't fully captivate me. Thank you to NetGalley and Bea Northwick for the ARC.

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"𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒽𝒾𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒹𝑜𝑒𝓈𝓃’𝓉 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽.”

Thrilling. Spicy. Gothic. This book is one of those where I wasn’t quite sure what to expect going in… yet I was blown away by how much I craved reading each page. Everything was weaved together so hauntingly and I absolutely loved it.

“𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝑔𝑜 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝓎 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑒” 𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝒶𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒹, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒽𝒾𝓂.

Callum Hughes phewwww 😮‍💨. I kept boarding between hating him, suspecting him, and being downright feral for him. Speaking of, the spice is superb and I loved how it was weaved in despite the darkness and thrills the story carries. With our FMC, Millie perplexed me. As she tried to uncover her past and the house's mysteries, I felt like I was right there rooting for her.

There are a few twists in this book. Each time I thought I had caught on, it would shift. The ending twist was just 🤯. This story was so much more than I expected, and I honestly couldn't put it down for a second. Definitely add this one to your list.

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I have tried and tried and I can't get into this - it feels like something I would like so I can't say why I just haven't been able to read.

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Now, I’m not a thriller or mystery reader. But I guess I’m now a mystery romance reader because this story was so satisfying I now want to read more 😍😍 I’m not going to tell you the plot because you should discover it for yourself. All I will say is that there is an old haunted (or not?) mansion, a cast of characters you will love (or fear?) and the most beautiful love story full of twists and drama. The plot was very engaging, and when the last twist hit I almost jumped from my seat in the bus!

The ending was so satisfying I still feel giddy thinking about it. And the writing was 🤌😘 — atmospheric and lyrical, just what this story needed. I can’t wait to read what else Bea Northwick has in store 😊😊 which means I’m definitely reading Lover — a companion novel to The Cruel Dark from the point of view of Callum, our MMC.

All in all, I recommend the book to anyone who loves dark gothic stories, scorching hot romance, and gripping mysteries that will tickle your nerves and tug at your heart ♥️ Even if you’re not a mystery / thriller / horror fan like me, please give it a chance! I assure you the romance is front and centre in this one, and all other aspects only add to the enjoyment 🤩🤩


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*** I received an e-ARC of this book from Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op in exchange for my honest review***


I would say this book is gothic romance ghost story. “Mad” Millie Foxboro takes a job at Willowfield. The staff appear to be hiding something, Professor Callum Hughes is broody, and no one is I’ll tell her what happened to Mrs. Hughes. When things begin to go bump in the. Night, Millie has to remind herself that ghost aren’t real….or are they?
You will not expect the twist at the end of this story!

✨ Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley.

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It was a very enjoyable read, it made the gears of my mind turn from the first chapters, with all the theories I came up with and i obviously fell into some of them although I wish I had fallen into the more far-fetched ones (the ones that had the element of the fantastic more intense!). As much as the author tried to mislead us the ending was clear from the beginning and I felt that - despite a touching love story with a gothic background - I have read/seen something similar before!! nevertheless as I said it was a pleasant read and a page turner !! I liked the characters but I expected a more complicated ending!

Thank you NetGalley for the e-Arc in exchange for my honest review!!

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If you are before the 30 percent mark and are struggling, just hold on!
I really struggled to even pick up this one for the first little bit but when I hit that 30-40 percent I was so invested. It turned around so fast that I read 70 percent of this book in one night. I couldn't put it down and not know what was going to happen.

Millie and Callum had such delightful chemistry and the spice was very well written. I don't normally read a ton of historical books (this one set in the 1920s) and I was a little worried the spice wouldn't hit the way it should because of that. Honestly, dumb thing to worry about on my part. The banter was also a lot of fun. The fact that Millie was so quick witted made me love her even more in context to the time period.

The setting was detailed so well and the vibes were absolutely dark gothic. I was questioning everyone and everything, it felt like I was playing clue except I didn't know a crime was being committed. Partly, I couldn't go to bed without knowing what we were dealing with, ghosts, myth, none or all of the above - it really could have gone any way.

I could have never in my life guessed the whole ending, the twists were twisting and I was inhaling it. Now that I have finished it, I could see all the signs pointing to the twist but during I was not guessing that at all which made me that much more surprised in the end. This was so suspenseful and absolutely memorable. I am very impressed with Bea's debut novel!!

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The Cruel Dark is a gothic novel, full of dangers, missing persons, amnesia and possible murder with a hint ot the paranormal.

I love a good gothic mystery and The Cruel Dark fits the bill. Millicent Foxboro is a 26 year old who has amnesia. She has been working as a housekeeper for a bookstore owner, but has accepted a job from Professor Callum Hughes, a professor of Celtic myths ,whose wife has died under mysterious circumstances.. The house Willowfield is dark, depressing, dilapidated, and understaffed. Strange happenings with undertones of the paranormal keep people away. Millie finds herself being haunted by the ghost of Mrs. Hughes, or is it all part of her amnesia and madness? Strange accidents happen to her and Millie begins to wonder if someone or something wants her dead. This book reminds me of the gothic romances that I read in my teenage years and I really enjoyed the story and the mystery.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the chance to read and review this ARC.

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I ended up really liking this. It was a slower read but kept me interested. The last 25% was WILD though, I couldn't put it down. The twists and turns floored me.

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