Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me a copy to read in advance of publishing.

Jane McCaffrey left her hometown after high school and moved to LA. But after her father's death, she returns and is reunited with her mother and Nik, her first love, and other friends she had in high school. Jane is keeping secrets from those she loves and is hoping her past won't catch up with her while she is back in town.

I adored this story. It is one of my favourite books that I have read this year and I am eager to read Melissa's other books and will be watching out for her future books. Jane and Nik's story was moving and very emotional.

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✨My Thoughts✨

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

If I could give this book a million stars I would.

I knew from the first couple of pages that this story would break my heart and it did in so many ways but it also had so much hope and light.

Jane and her mum have a story that will resonate with so many women, it was hard to read at times but so worth it for the conclusion and ending.

The whole story had me enthralled so much that I read it in a few short hours and I didn’t put it down until the very last page.

The love story, missed opportunities and second chances had me so emotional but that epilogue was EVERYTHING.

Every book this author writes is absolutely beautiful and I’d recommend you all read her books immediately.

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I am NOT okay. This book kept me up past midnight because I couldn’t put it down.
Jane leaves home at eighteen to get away from her abusive father. She runs to L.A. only to get involved with another abusive man. Jane returns home with her daughter when her dad dies. She is planning on disappearing with her after she helps her mom. Jane doesn’t expect to run into her best friend Nik or have her emotions come back after all of these years.
This book was a roller coaster of emotions. It was a difficult read with domestic abuse, but it was also filled with hope and love. Thank you Bookouture for inviting me to be part of the Books on Tour for “Love and Other Lost Things” by Melissa Wiesner. Many thanks to the author, Bookouture and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of the book. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
#LoveAndOtherLostThings #MelissaWiesner #NetGalley #Bookouture #BooksOnTour #BookLove #Bookstagram #NewBook #ILoveBooks

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This book is not for the faint of hearts. It’s some hard subjects to write about l’m sure, as it is to read. Melissa did a great job with this book. This is my 3rd books I’ve read and they all suck me in and captivate me till the end. Loved the twist at the end that I never saw coming as well as nik and Jane’s love. Only complaint is that I wanted more of their after story or an extra bonus epilogue selfishly. A definite recommend book to all my friends and book clubs. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for granting me the privilege to read for my honest review. 4.5 stars

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I expected to be moved or that with the themes, it would be a moving read. Unfortunately, I think I missed the point.

Despite this, the book remains a good read with strong, important themes.
Jane is a character who touched me all the same. Without help, she had to fend for herself for years, and to see a woman finally get help, finally have a supportive entourage. It was really beautiful to see.

Sometimes, just having one or two non-toxic people in your life can really help. Here, Nik and Jane's mother are her people. Although I was very surprised by Jane's mother's behavior, I was very happy to see that she decided to fight for her daughter. So that she doesn't have to go through what she's been through all her life.

The plotwist? I thought about it without really thinking about it. The idea came to me but I didn't go any further, wanting to see where the novel would take me. I'm quite surprised, but why not? It was a bit abrupt for my taste, though.

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If you liked it ends with us by Colleen Hoover, you’ll love this one. This book has some heavier topics so be sure to check for content warnings.

This is a very emotional love story that shows the lengths we go through to protect the ones we love. Tropes included are second chance, childhood friends to lovers, and who hurt you?

I had a hard time connecting to the characters and feeling engrossed in the story. It felt a little slow for me in the beginning but things really picked up towards the end and I truly was shocked by the ending.

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At times, this book was hard to read. I can’t even imagine how someone who is in an abusive relationship feels. The hopelessness and trauma in this story crushed me, but there was also such inspiration and beauty as the story unfolded.
I found myself not wanting to put it down! I was so captivated by not only the storyline, but also the characters.
And that ending- I did NOT see that one coming!
Melissa Weisner is a phenomenal author. I have loved every book I’ve read of hers and can’t wait to read more.
If you love books that break your heart and put it back together- you will love this one!

My Rating 4.5 ⭐️

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Love and Other Lost Things by Melissa Wiesner

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Bookouture and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Jane McCaffrey is only back in her hometown of Linden Falls because of her father’s death. She swears she’ll leave again forever—it’s not like her childhood home holds any happy memories. But Jane hadn’t planned on bumping into Nik…

The boy she fell hard for was a skinny teenager with messy hair and his glasses askew. Now he’s broad-shouldered and stands well over six feet but his deep brown eyes are just the same. And when he breathes her name and caresses the fresh bruise on her cheek—like he can’t help but touch her—Jane is thrown right back to the best and worst time of her life.

Jane and Nik once shared kisses, hopes, and teenage dreams. Taking in his blue scrubs and doctor’s ID badge, Jane’s heart lifts that at least one of them got to live their dream. And as they catch up over the beautiful music they once loved, it’s like the years between them fall away.

But Nik doesn’t know the heavy secret Jane carries about the real reason she left town. Or who put that bruise on her cheek… or about her plans to truly disappear, forever.

My Opinion

Love and Other Lost Things was a beautifully written, emotional book. I read the first few chapters and knew that I was hooked. Melissa Wiesner takes the reader on a rollercoaster of a ride. Whilst difficult topics mean that this isn't an easy read - it has all been written delicately, and there is a warning at the beginning of the book. A heart-breaking but lovely book.

This was my second book by Melissa Wiesner and both have been 5 star reads. With this Melissa Wiesner has guaranteed a place on my must read list.

Rating 5/5

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If emo romances are your jam then definitely add Love & Other Lost Things to your tbr because this book will definitely tug hard at your heartstrings.

This is a tragic and heartbreaking story about breaking the cycle and finding a second chance at life and love. It only took one time for Jane to run away in the middle of the night and escape the home she grew up in only to find herself in a similar situation years later. When he father passes away, Jane returns home to help her mother and to finally break away but she didn’t expect to run into Nik.

Nik was everything to Jane but when she left town she left him behind and all their plans together. When she learns he still followed through with his dreams she is relieved and sadden at the same time and mourns the life they could have had as she still feels the same draw to him even after all this time. Nik can’t believe his eyes when he sees Jane and all the emotions he felt came swirling back along with so many questions; ones he is determined to have answered before she disappears again.

Thank you publishers and netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback

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Wow! This is a book that will stay with me for a long time. It was gripping, electrifying and a page turner.

It follows the story of Jane, who left home to escape her father’s abuse, and found herself trapped in the same cycle with her boyfriend, Matteo.

This was interesting and took on serious topics and themes with sensitivity. It may be triggering for some so check out the content warning.

It celebrates friendship, motherhood and freedom. The author’s approach to the subject matter was done with grace and respect. The plot also exposes the options and limitations available to people like Jane and her mother.

I loved Jane for taking control of her life and even though I did think about that plot twist. I never expected it and was completely blindsided in a good way.

If you love books about small towns, strong female leads and second chances then you should read this.

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I cried almost all the way through this book. I grew up with an abusive dad so this book hit way too close to home for comfort. My heart felt for Jane as he was brave enough to leave her situation and start her life over. I was not expecting the ending at all and that part felt slightly cheesy but still is reality for many women. The only slight negative I have is that I wish it was longer. Reading it ifelt rushed but still the writing is amazing! Would highly recommend!

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In "Love and Other Lost Things," Wiesner presents a potent, heartwarming, and emotional story. A story which focuses on healing, redemption, self-discovery, and a second chance at love. Once begun, it becomes a tale hard to set aside. Brace yourself for a journey that will simultaneously shatter and mend the heart, whilst tackling subjects that may challenge some readers. The characters are crafted to resonate with readers in various ways, ensuring full investment in their lives.

"Love and Other Lost Things" showcases Jane McCaffery's struggle to reclaim her life. The story leads readers to empathize with her pain of leaving home and the man she loves to flee an abusive situation. A decade later, a tragic event leads her back home, where she reunites with her mother and her first love, Nik. Despite this, Jane intends to leave again, but this time, she is not planning to escape by herself.

This story led me on a nerve-wracking and heartbreaking journey. It compelled me to read into the early hours, eager to discover whether Jane would finally find freedom and happiness. As the tale unfolded, one cannot help but cheer for Jane and Nik. They both deserved a shot at happiness and the opportunity to be rekindle what they lost ten years ago.

"Love and Other Lost Things" delves into the issue of domestic abuse. It showcases the challenges victims encounter while trying to leave such situations. It's common to hear people blame the victims for not leaving. However, this compelling narrative sheds light on the struggles they endure. It also demonstrates the extreme measures they must sometimes take to break free from their abusers.

This book provided my first experience with Melissa Wiesner's writing and it assuredly won't be the last. Love and Other Lost Thing takes readers on compelling, sincere, and emotional journey through generational trauma and the quest to break the cycle of abuse.

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Love and Other Lost Things is an emotional journey about a women trying to escape an abusive relationship. Raised in domestic violence household, Jane returns after her father's death nearly a decade after she fled under the cover of moonlight. She abandoned the one person who loved her deeply. Now faced with the secrets she long kept hidden, Jane and Nik rekindle lost love as her abuser comes to take his family home.

Heavy read, small town love story with an ending that is truly NOT believable. .

Thank you, Bookouture

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Will Be Difficult For Many. Read It Anyway. This book is a romance that is about surviving domestic violence and the lengths some people will go through to do that. It is about the lengths two mothers will go to to protect their children in that situation, as best they can. And yes, there happens to be a second chance romance in there as well. Ultimately, it almost feels as though the romance plays second fiddle to the more women's fiction domestic violence drama though, even though the book *does* meet all known romance novel "requirements"... *without* going the Tom Clancy's Without Remorse (which also meets them) route. And without being near as explicit in anything, though the "spiciness" here is at least say jalapeno level. So for those that prefer the spice level of maybe a warm glass of milk... read this book for the women's fiction side and maybe shield your eyes or something when things get more "exciting". ;)

Ultimately a solid book that does indeed begin to create at least the possibility of some dusty rooms, this really is one that everyone should read, even those who find it most difficult. Perhaps *particularly* those who find it most difficult.

Very much recommended.

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This one made me emotional. It is both heartbreaking and offers hope. A second chance love story. And a second chance at family and found family. The story centers around abuse so if you are easily triggered, you should avoid this one.

I was drawn in from the first page and connected with Jane. I have nothing in common with her but I felt what she felt. While there are some chapters from Nik’s point of view, this felt more like Jane’s story. Where she is now and how she got here. I loved that she was a fighter and no matter what bad thing happened to her, she got back up and fought some more. I was rooting for her and Scarlett from the start. It took me a little longer to warm up to Nik but eventually I was rooting for their happily ever after.

This was the kind of book that I didn’t want to put it down yet I did for breaks because of the difficult issues involved. But to offset those difficult issues, Jane worked on rebuilding some touching relationships in her life. I am not always a fan of getting emotional when I read, but this one rewarded me in the end. It was a great break from my normal reads.

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This was my first book by Melissa Wiesner and it definitely won’t be my last!! I loved this book so much. It was a second chance romance with a past and present timeline from 10 years ago. This novel touches on childhood abuse, intimate partner violence, grief, forgiveness and so much more. It was written in third person which I actually enjoyed. Melissa’s writing is beautiful and allows you to feel what the characters are feeling. I would definitely recommend checking out this book!

Thank you for the copy NetGalley, Bookotoure, and Melissa Wiesner.

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Wow, this one is a little tricky for me to review! When a storyline includes a heavy theme, in this case, domestic abuse, I try to treat my opinion with care. Where there is an area of unbelievability for me, someone with this experience may feel completely different. I want to share my thoughts but also treat this with care. As always, the Goodreads synopsis is on my second slide, so I will jump right into my thoughts.

I want to believe that the way Jane struggled to find help and protection in seeking to escape her abuser is unrealistic, but I know this isn’t always true. This is probably the hardest part to read. The desire to be out, the acknowledgment of her danger, and yet the lack of resources or support she found was awful. The heaviness of the storyline made me want to love this one more, but truthfully, the second chance she finds with her first love, Nic, felt too simple and quick. I recognize a lot has to happen in a story for it to move along, but I found myself knowing they would have a HEA but not feeling much apprehension about how it would work out. This didn’t keep me from enjoying the story, but I think it held me back from loving it.

But. But. But even knowing there will be a happily ever after does not mean it's a fully predictable ending, either! I know this may be doesn’t make sense…Alicia, how did you fully predict a happy ending and then not predict the ending…well, just read it! When you know, YOU WILL KNOW.

If you like tragic, emotional stories with a second chance, I would say you’ll probably like this one! I have a feeling my lack of 5 stars here might be just a me thing. I can see this one being a huge hit for rom-traum lovers!

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We follow Jane’s life 10 years ago and now. Then she’d escaped home in the still of the night, leaving everything and everyone she had loved behind to escape the clutches of her abusive father. The story is steady and easy to follow, it reels you in easily. In her new life miles away from home, she falls into a trap that is near to the hell she’d left behind.
To save her 9 year old daughter from the childhood she’d had, she returns to the place she’d left. The story makes you ask the question: ‘How far do you have to run before you break the habit, the pattern, the cycle?’ Rebuilding old links, finally making a level of peace with her mother, there’s Nik, the love of her childhood.
I found Jane relatable in her thoughts and actions, I particularly adore the bones of Nik. A beautiful inspiration to find your way back to life after abuse, but is it possible? You’ll have to read to find out.

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Second chance romance
Emotional reads
Single mum
Small town
Childhood friends to lovers

Jane left her hometown of Linden Falls years ago just at the age of 18. Now, 10 years later, she’s finally back, prompted by the passing of her father and helping her mother out with the house. Also back home is Nik, the boy Jane fell in love with and hasn’t stopped thinking about him.

I thought this was a well written narrative on generational trauma and cycles, single parenting and domestic abuse. Please check the TW on this book as it does discuss some heavy topics which might be upsetting for some readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this arc in return for an honest review.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
If you loved that devastatingly, heart breaking heavy feeling that It all Comes Back to You elicited, you will love Melissa Wiesner's Love and Other Lost Things. This beautifully written novel had me engaged immediately. Trigger warning: This book is about domestic violence and lost love. This novel is beautifully written in typical Melissa Wiesner fashion, with excellent character development. This is a novel that sits with you well after you finish it. I highly recommend this book to fans of Colleen Hoover's It Ends with Us. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture, and Melissa Wiesner for this heart-breaking page-turner.

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