Member Reviews

Trigger warning ⚠️ domestic violence (dv)
10 years ago Jane ran away from her family, friends, her home town & her 1st true love, nik, after a altercation with her violent father, and no one from her home town has heard anything from her.
Now she's back accompanied by her 9 year old daughter, scarlett, after fleeing her own violent relationship. Of course no one apart from her mum knows why she left & is now back in her home town & people want answers, especially nik who has never stopped loving her, will she finally tell the truth & admit she's been a victim of dv both at the hands of her father & her partner or will she go on living a lie & have to keep running & looking over her shoulder never getting the life & love she deserves.
This book made me feel lots of different emotions I was angry at the beasts who think they can treat women like a punch bags, I was sad that Jane felt she had to lie to protect both herself & the beasts & I was rooting for Nik to help her see she can stop running & make a life for herself & scarlett with him & her friends & mum. This was a great read & I would highly recommend it but be mindful of the trigger warning.

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Love and Other Lost Things is a heartbreaking look into the lives of those affected by familial violence and the wide ranging waves of damage that follow.

Jane leaves home at 18 to flee the abuse from the hands of her police office father. The choice wasn’t easy for her. She had to leave her mom behind to endure more pain, and had to leave behind Nik, her closest friend and soul mate.
Life for Jane doesn’t get easier but at least she’s safe from her father. When she returns 10 years later, following the death of her father, old wounds are ripped open and life begins to change shape once again.

This book is a solid look at generational trauma and domestic violence and how sometimes no matter how hard or far we run, we never really escape our pasts.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this ARC before its intended publication date of August 6, 2024.

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This book drew me in from the very beginning. I was drawn to Jane and her story. I was a bit surprised to find out she spent 10years of her life just like her mother. I love how it brings to light domestic abuse and the lack of it being taken care of when brought forward. I love how it concluded and how you see her mother in a whole other light. It shows how strong you have to be even when you think you can’t. I like how she took the steps to protect the woman in her family. I was so excited where Jane and her daughter ended up. And so happy the discovered the truth. This books is beautifully written but a bit slow moving at some parts. But for the most part I loved this book, I felt like I was holding my breath quite a bit with anticipation of what was going to happen.

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What a heartbreaking and emotional second chance romance.
The story is told in the past and present day,
The main characters, Jane and her mother, go through so much. It was heartbreaking reading about the struggles they experienced.
Domestic abuse
To sum it up, this story will definitely pull on your heartstrings and leave you in tears. But, the ending will have you smiling. Especially the beautiful twist at the end.
Melissa Wiesner is one my go to authors.
Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you to @melissawiesner, @bookouture and @bookedwiththeemilys for the gifted e-book.

I was truly captivated by the book. It tells the story of Jane, who left home suddenly at 18 without telling anyone. Ten years later, she returns home to help her mom after her father's passing. There, she rekindles her love with Nik, but she's holding onto a secret and planning to disappear. Will being back home and seeing Nik change her plans? The way the author portrays the emotions made me feel like I wanted to reach through the pages and hug Jane and her mom.

This book truly captivated my heart. Jane's resilience and determination gripped me from the very beginning. The story's dual timeline kept me on the edge of my seat as Jane's secrets and past were unveiled. The unexpected twist at the end added a delightful layer of depth to the story. It beautifully portrayed the struggles of abuse survivors and the choices they make to protect themselves and their loved ones.

If you're a fan of emotional romance with a happy ending, this book is a must-read for you.

🌸 Second chance romance
🍄 Childhood friends to lovers
😢 Emotional reads
🌻 Small town
💔 Who hurt you?”

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Jane and Nick’s road to happiness is both long and painful. I really enjoyed the insight into their complicated history and the bond they never quite grew out of. If anyone deserves a second chance at love, it’s these two.

Please be aware this story deals with some very tough subjects but at its heart is still a love story. One of second chances, sacrifice and finding the kind of love we all want in our lives.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this amazing book

what i liked first about this book was the fact the author gives you a warning about triggers.... for anyone that has suffered domestic abuse or any other forms of abuse.... so i was able to relax as i had been forewarned and boy was i glad to have had that warning

its not an easy read but it also is... there are some very good moments in between the harshness of certain scenes

but man that ending.... never saw that coming in a month of sundays....

but i was captivated with how the author wrote this book as its not an easy subject to write about and how it was all dealt with

will be keeping an eye out for more of this authors books

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Advanced Book Review! Thank you @bookouture and @netgalley for sending me this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.
Wow Melissa Wiesner really knows how to pack a punch! This is my third book of hers with one more to read coming out later this year and I think it’s so interesting that she writes in both the magical realism and the contemporary fiction/romance space – but with quite heavy topics. Read the trigger warnings for this one if you need to because the whole book is based on the cycle of abuse.
When Jane returns to her childhood home after being away with minimal contact for the past ten years, since she was eighteen, most people in the town, including the boy she could have loved, have no idea why she left in the first place, or how hard the past ten years have been and the secrets she’s been keeping. As she begins to reintegrate into the town and reconnect with the people she left behind, she has to make some tough choices about what’s best for her family.
My heart broke at several occasions during this one and I wasn’t sure I could keep going. But I love Melissa Wisener’s writing and ultimately I’m glad I did. This had difficult moments for sure but I enjoyed reading about Jane’s journey and the characters in her life back home. I can honestly say I didn’t see certain things coming towards the end so I was really satisfied with the way Melissa Wiesner wrapped it up.

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My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Love and Other Lost Things’ written by Melissa Wiesner in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Jane is aged eighteen when she leaves her home in Linden Falls after being pushed down the stairs by her father Police Chief Jim McCaffrey. Now, ten years later, her father is dead and it’s safe to return home with her nine-year-old daughter Scarlett to see her mother. But she didn’t realise the strength of feeling she still has for her childhood sweetheart Nik, nor the love he’s kept for her over the years.

‘Love and Other Lost Things’ is an emotional story of a young woman who leaves behind all she’s ever known to escape from an abusive father only to find herself in the same situation elsewhere. The story is told through the dual timeline of ten years ago to the present and the the topics of domestic violence and physical abuse are handled with care and sensitivity. It’s a lovely story with perfectly described characters who deserve a second chance at happiness and although the conclusion wasn’t at all what I was expecting it’s a unique and apt way to bring closure to this amazing story not only for Jane and Nik but for her mother too. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable story that’s easy to read and is one I can recommend.

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Thank you Melissa Wiesner and Bookouture for my #gifted copy of Love and Other Lost Things! #LoveAndOtherLostThings #melissawiesner #bookouture

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐫
𝐏𝐮𝐛 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟔, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒


Melissa Wiesner is truly a favorite of mine. If Wiesner writes it, I am going to read it. This book was emotional and beautiful and full of amazing characters and one I will not forget. Wiesner has a way of crafting characters that stick with you, and that’s exactly what she did with Jane and Nik in Love and Other Lost Things.

Jane left her hometown as a teenager, and swore she would never come back. But after the death of her father, she heads back to her hometown. With a bruise on her cheek, she runs into Nik, the once Skinny teenager who she fell in love with years ago who is now a handsome doctor. Nik doesn’t know the real reason Jane left town, and the secrets she carries. This is a story about generational trauma, and is so beautifully written.

💜Second Chances
💜Childhood Friends to Lovers
💜Small Town Setting
💜A Major Twist
💜Complex Characters
💜An Emotional Read

TW: Domestic Violence

Posted on Goodreads on July 29, 2024:
**Posted on Instagram - Full Review- on or around July 29, 2024:
**Posted on Amazon on August 6, 2024
**-will post on designated date

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This book had me hooked from the very first page.
In an effort to escape her abusive father, Jane flees in the middle of the night leaving behind her friends, her dreams, and the love of her life. Fast forward 10 years and Jane finds herself running again, determined to show her daughter a different way of life.
Ending up in her hometown, Jane must confront her past, those she left behind, and the man she's running from in order to truly move forward.
Definitely check your trigger warnings. The author did a phenomenal job writing about such a difficult and traumatic subject. This is my first book from this author but definitely not my last.

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Read this if you like:
•second change romance
•emotional reads
•single mom
•Small town
•childhood friends to lovers

I am a sucker for emotional romances. This deals with some heavy topics but oh is this story so beautiful. Thank you Melissa Wiesner for the copy!

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Love and Other Lost Things was my first read by Melissa Weisner. The story centers around Jane, a small town girl, fresh out of High School who flees from an abusive Father. Jane had a great group of friends, big dreams for college, and a budding romance with her best friend, Nik. All these dreams shatter when she runs away from home to start a new life in New York, without so much as a word to her friends.

Love and Other Lost Things tells Jane’s story in dual timelines - her time in NY and present day, Ten years later. Unfortunately, Jane finds herself in another bad situation, which lands her back home to visit her Mom. After running into Nik, everything starts to really pick up in the story. I don’t want to give anything else away, but the pacing was pretty good. Overall, I liked this book, but there was something with the Authors writing style that made it a bit difficult to really immerse myself. Also, I know this is a book centered around abuse, but I felt like 90% of the story focused on that. It would definitely be difficult for anyone that’s triggered by this to read this book. That being said, this story gave a very raw, heartfelt look at what it must feel like to live through such a horrible ordeal.

Many thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This was a fast moving book that I finished in one day.
Domestic abuse is always hard to read about. I felt for Jane and her Mom. It’s a well written book with a surprising secret at the end. One I didn’t see coming.
Definitely recommend

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Similar to It Ends With Us, you can see how it would be hard for Jane to leave an abusive relationship. While it was a heartfelt journey for Jane and her friends & family, I really struggled with the plausibility of the major “twist” of the story which dropped my 4 star rating to 3.5.

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An emotional book about second chances and freedom from abusive relationships. Jane fled her hometown a decade before to get far away from her abusive father. Now, she came back after his death and tried to get freedom from her abusive partner of last ten years. Jane and Nik are meant to be together this time. Heartbreaking story of finding oneself repeatedly in abusive relationships. Characters are defined thoroughly and their feelings deeply. Story switches from past and present with Nik and Jane's perspectives. The pace is okay, and the plot is good. Climax is understandable due to circumstances. Recommended. Thanks a lot to Netgalley and Bookouture for the eARC..

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Jane flees her volatile relationship with her 9 year old daughter in tow back to her home town following the death of her abusive father.
On her return she bumps in to Nick, her best friend and first love and he is eager for some answers about her sudden departure a decade earlier.
Brilliantly written though I did find the twist a but rushed.
Thanks to netgalley and bookouture for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I am a big fan of Melissa Wiesner’s writing, and when she reached out with a new book I jumped at the chance to read an early copy. Thanks to Melissa, Bookouture, and NetGalley for early access in exchange for my honest opinion. While different from the other book I read by the author, I remain a fan of her writing and will continue to anticipate her new releases.
This is a book you can read in a single sitting - the storyline draws the reader in right away, and the transitions between present and past timelines engage the reader in that “just one more chapter” mentality until it’s far too late to not finish the book (or maybe that’s just me talking from personal experience!). At times some parts can seem overdramatic, but that’s how life can be!
Love and Other Lost Things is well-written, realistic, and raw. The plot heavily involves domestic violence, which readers should know before beginning. This serious topic is handled sensitively, compassionately showing generational trauma and effects of growing up in an abusive environment. Some parts were especially uncomfortable to read, but the author takes care in demonstrating the barriers involved in getting help and how inaccessible, both physically and mentally, the concept of leaving can be. I thought the foreshadowing in this book was perfectly executed, and I was not surprised by the ending. But be aware this is definitely a SAD romance - and take care of yourself first if this sounds too emotional or intense for you right now.

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If this doesn’t speak romcom perfection I don’t know what does!… I was so delighted with the warm fuzzy feeling this book left me with. Reach for the tissues🥲

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Jane and Nik have a complicated past, and between high school and now, so when the past comes calling, will Jane and Nik find the strength to fight for each other and move forward? Or was Jane dangerously wrong to think she could outrun her past?

This book is heavily themed in DV and be warned if this is a trigger for you — as it is quite difficult to read. I did feel that the author repeated specific statistics a few too many times, otherwise, the characters and their connections were easy to be invested in — the children, friends, family and DV situation felt realistic and felt like you were there with them through everything. I don’t want to say too much more about the storyline but I thought the author did a good job with a narrative on generational trauma and cycles, domestic abuse, and single parenting. The topic is heavy and can be an emotional read. The ending was crazy. I am hooked on this author for her fabulous writing style. I enjoyed the main character Jane and her daughter, and the mother-daughter relationships between herself, Scarlett and her own mother.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC. This is my honest review.

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