Member Reviews

Another 5 star read by Melissa Wiesner! Romance isn't my usual genre, but Melissa Wiesner is on my list of must read authors. Love and Other Lost Things has depth to the characters and complex issues addressed in the story line. It broke my heart and slowly pieced it back together. The story does include some difficult topics, and the author is kind enough to address the readers in the beginning of the book-so make sure to check that out beforehand. This book captivated my attention with suspense, secrets, family bonds, and romance. Grab some tissues and don't miss this one!

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is my third book by Melissa Wiesner, and she’s an autobuy author for me now. Her range is outstanding.

Short Synopsis:
Jane left home quietly and mysteriously when she was 18 years old. It’s now a decade later, and she’s suddenly back with bruises on face. Her former best friend, Nik, just wants to know why she left and why she’s finally back.

My Thoughts:
This book will gut you in the best way. It’s heartbreaking and sad. It’s such a binge read that you won’t want to put down.

And when Melissa says there’s a twist you won’t see coming, boy was she right!!!

Just an excellent book overall for readers who love sad romances like I do!

What You’ll Find:
💕Second chance romance
🥰 Childhood friends to lovers
🏘️Small town
👧🏼Single mom/awesome kid
❤️‍🩹Some heartache

TW: Domestic violence. Take care of yourselves first. 🫶

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This is a story that revolves around domestic abuse. And the effect that it has on everyone. Jane and Nic grew up together and were best friends. Jane’s dad was the police chief, so the abuse that he did to Jame’s mother got overlooked. And Jane grew up trying not to get in her dad’s way. Jane had turned eighteen and her and Nik decided to take their relationship to more than friends. They had plans to go to college together and start their life away from the town they grew up in. Then the next day after moving forward with their relationship Jane disappears. And doesn’t tell anyone bye or where she’s going. Now it’s been ten years and Jane is back in town. The story goes back and forth from present to past. This is a sad and heartbreaking story. But it does have an hea.

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📖 Love and Other Lost Things
✍️ Melissa Wiesner
🗓️ Aug 06 2024

Women’s fiction, contemporary romance

Series or standalone:
❤️ secrets
❤️ second chances
❤️ small town setting
❤️ mother/daughter relationship
❤️ found family
❤️ single mom

⚠️: loss, domestic violence

💭 Summary 💭
Can love truly heal everything?
You have to read this to find out.
Jane has left her home town of Seneca Falls behind. Ten years ago she left, because,,, what’s there other than pain? Behind she left Nik, a gangly teenager with glasses askew. When she returns after the death of her father, she didn’t expect to bump again into Nik. The chemistry is still there. But Jane holds back… especially when Nik notices the bruises on her face.
They catch up… will Nik discover the real reasons why she left and the secrets she still carries?

This is just my kind of cover. I absolutely love the colours. I would definitely have picked this one up judging by the cover alone.
Jane McCaffrey

character development
I liked the growth of Jane, how she learned the truth about why her mother stayed behind. The bond between Nik and Jane is sweet and strong.

Seneca Falls, NY, USA 🇺🇸

This is my third novel by Melissa Wiesner. Everyone of them has been heartbreaking in their own way. They’re written in a beautiful and healing way. But be aware, this is not a light romance, this comes with heartbreak and a shocking twist at the end.

Range of emotions: 😬😓🤷‍♀️😡😭❤️
🌶️: 1/5
😱: 3/5
😭: 3,5/
❤️: 4/5
⭐️: 4/5

What I’ve learned while reading:
I mostly wondered, what would I have done if I was in Jane’s shoes?!

Do I recommend:

⭐️Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my advanced copy. All opinions are my own, I was under no obligation to review.

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Thanks to Bookouture and Melissa Wiesner for the copy of this book!

A very bingeable and heartbreaking read, LOVE AND OTHER LOST THINGS is a book in the veins of Colleen Hoover and Paige Toon.

Jane left her small hometown of Linden Falls, NY years ago at the age of 18. Now, she’s finally going back, prompted by the death of her father and her mother’s need for help cleaning out the house. Also back home is Nik, the boy Jane fell in love with long ago and hasn’t stopped thinking about.

I don’t want to say too much more about the storyline because it’s best to keep it vague, but I thought this was such a good narrative on generational trauma and cycles, domestic abuse, and single parenting. It is a very emotional read and while some parts are predictable… WHEW not everything is!!! An excellent read.

Read this if you’re looking for:
- heart clenches and tears
- sweet kiddos / single mom rep
- second chance romance
- a small town setting (Western NY)
- a shocking twist

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I loved the character of Jane as she lived through the same experience as her mom she quickly realized it’s not so easy to leave when you have a daughter to think about, I enjoyed how Jane’s and her mothers relationship grew and she misunderstood her mother for staying, the high school friendships that she still had after leaving for 10 years and the fact that she wasn’t alone.

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Love and Other Lost Things
A totally heartbreaking page-turner
by Melissa Wiesner

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: General Fiction (Adult) | Romance | Women's Fiction

At first this seems like a simple, light romance, but there are some deep dark themes going on. Things that can and do happen in real life, things that do leave scars, mental and physical.
I so felt for Jane, a hard choice to make at such a young age. I did have some issues with how quickly she moved in with someone, but she's very young, alone and we don't always make the best choices at the age...
What seemed like a good idea at the time turns out to be anything but, and of course poor Jane is trapped once more.
Then she goes back home after her father's death to help her mum sort things. She's not planning to stay but slowly Nik and she reconnect, each sharing parts of their past but holding back secrets.
I really enjoyed the slow reveal of what happened to each of them while they were apart, meeting Jane's school friends and seeing them reconnect, seeing her mum finally get the strength to help her daughter. That though brought me a total shock, I didn't expect to discover that, though I can see why she did it.
Its a lovely story, great mix of romance, pathos, heartache and hard decisions. Would I have done the same? Who knows, who can say what anyone will do when its backs to the wall time.

Stars: Five, a great read with some startling surprises.

ARC supplied by Netgally and publishers

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While I enjoyed the story and learning about the characters I feel like it dragged in some spots and then the ending was rushed. I wish we had more at the ending after finding certain things out.

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I knew when I requested this book, it was going to be a page turner, because everything I have read that Bookouture publishes is. I was prepared for what was to come, I thought, But I would never even think about where Melissa Wiesner took me. If you are looking for a book that will capture your attention, has twist and turns, and then it will blow you away, this book is for you. This was beyond amazing, I won't tell you the emotion I had when I was reading toward the end.
I received an ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley.

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Jane grew up seeing her father physically abuse her mother. One day, he pushes Jane down the stairs. Jane knows no one can help because her father is a well-respected police officer. She has no other choice but to run away. She doesn't tell anyone about where she's going, not even her best friend/boyfriend Nick.
10 years pass, and Jane is in an abusive relationship and has a daughter. She has to return back to her hometown to help her mom with some stuff. She once again plans on running from her abuser to protect her daughter. But, she runs into Nick, who still has feelings for her and will try to convince her to stay.
I really liked how well the author wrote about the physical and psychological abuse people deal with and how it's hard to actually leave and find help. How despite everything that Jane went through, she learns to forgive and give second chances. I also really enjoyed how the author put a little twist towards the end.

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Rarely do I enjoy reading novels where there is some kind of domestic abuse involved, but this book was amazingly well written and addressed in a way that you could understand the “why” of many things that happened…
Jane is a teenager who had a bright future ahead of herself, but unfortunately she grows up with an abusive father, hitting her mom and eventually her as well. She runs away across the country to try and get away from violence, but ends up in the same cycle with a man called Matteo.
This book gave me a little of “It Ends With Us” where the abusive behavior sometimes is something you can’t get away from as easily as you would think… Especially with a kid involved. I really liked this book and the way the whole topic of abuse is explained. It made me able to feel more connected to Jane and all the struggles and awful life episodes she had to endure. Definitely worth reading, especially with a very unexpected ending…
Thank you so much to the author and Netgalley for allowing me to have a copy of this ARC. I enjoyed it a lot and learned about a topic I don’t usually read much about.

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Hoping to leave her traumatic past behind her, Jane finds herself trapped in the same cycle of domestic abuse she grew up watching her mother endure. Wanting better for her own daughter and after over a decade, she finally returns to the hometown she left behind but is she ready for the old wounds it’ll re-open?

Love and Other Lost Things carefully examines how the past always finds a way of catching up with us. With deeply complex issues explored such as love, loss, forgiveness, and domestic violence, this book is as inspiring as it is emotional. The powerful yet beautifuly written storyline has a way of drawing you in and keeping you hooked by pivoting between unbreakable family bonds, suspense, and heart-shattering secrets. Can true love really survive anything?

You’ll love this book if you enjoy the following themes:
💖 Enduring power of love
💖 Heavy secrets
💖 Intense emotional depth
💖 Well-developed complex characters
💖 Second chances/forgiveness
💖 Mother/daughter relationships
💖 Small town setting

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this digital ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I found this book really enjoyable. Although I was able to predict a few small details, this book was amazing. As well as the author really did it with the big twist in the end!

Now the real question is, will we see more ?👀😂

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Jane escaped her hometown by running away from her father, leaving behind her friends and Nick, her first love. Now, after ten years away, her father's death and personal problems have brought her back.
The book's main theme is physical and psychological abuse, and the victims' attempts to escape from their abusers. Of course we also have the friendship and romance between the main characters, Nick and Jane.
Despite having a well known plot, and that I didn't connect too much with the characters, the novel is well written and entertaining with a little twist that adds interest.

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This book was one I sometimes wanted to put down because it was so heart wrenching, but I just couldn’t. If you’re looking for a good cry, this is one for you.

In this novel we follow Jane and her daughter who have had a rough go at life. Jane decides to return home after her father dies so she can help her mother. However, Jane has an ulterior motive when it comes to this visit. While in town she quickly stumbles upon her old best friend and first (maybe only) love Nik. It’s clear from the start Nik still has feelings for Jane, and he will do what he must to convince her to stay and be with him. Along the way Jane’s secrets are revealed, leading to the readers heart being ripped to shreds and eyes in need of some eyedrops.

I adored Wiesner’s novels The Second Chance Year and Wish I Were Here, but I will say this novel is completely different from those two. There is no magical realism, and I found myself crying while the other novels I laughed. It’s not to say this one isn’t as good. But I will reiterate this novel is for when you want a good cry, not a laugh.

The only thing I didn’t like about Jane was her stubbornness and lack of willingness to ask for help. The only person she trusts is Kait, but I thought Nik should have fallen into that category.

This book earned some brownie points for mentioning the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter. These were my favorite books growing up, so it put a smile on my face.

I did enjoy this novel. I can see myself picking it up again in the future.

*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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An emotional read that deals with the topic of physical and mental abuse in a sensitive manner.

This was well written however, I feel it needed to be a little more fleshed out. I could have done with more angst when she reunited with Nik and more serious conversations between them when it came to her past. Although it was spoken about, there wasn't a great amount of detail. It felt kind of glossed over for me.

That being said, I want to thank Melissa for writing a book that deals with domestic violence. I'm glad she has shown how hard it can be to walk away and the continuing fear and despair you may feel.

This was a good second chance romance which focuses on repairing fractured relationships, healing from past hurts and breaking the cycle.
I will definalty look for more of Melissa's work in the future!

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I want to start by thanking Melissa Wiesner for the thoughtful and compassionate way she addressed difficult subject matters and her respect in doing so. Thank you for the trigger warning in the beginning and the resources provided in the end.

Love and Other Lost things deals with complex domestic violence situations and addresses the question people always ask. “Why didn’t she just leave if it was so bad?”

In addition to abuse, this book focuses on the relationship between mother and daughter, friends lost along the way, and the healing that comes through growth and maturity. I loved every part of this book. It was so well written with really nice character development. I could empathize with Jane as she went through so much at such a young age.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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I felt so lucky to read another book by Melissa Wiesner this year and this did not disappoint. Me. Wiesner tackles domestic violence, motherhood, love, and how the past can steer the future until you decide not to let it. I loved Jane and Nik’s story, and how you get to hear the perspective of BOTH characters. Definitely another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ by her. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this wonderful story.

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Sinopsis en español:

Un romance completamente desgarrador, conmovedor e inolvidable, perfecto para los fanáticos de Colleen Hoover y Paige Toon. Cuando dos almas perdidas vuelven a estar juntas, ¿será demasiado tarde para arreglar sus corazones rotos?

Jane McCaffrey regresó a su ciudad natal de Seneca Falls solo debido a la muerte de su padre. Ella jura que se irá nuevamente para siempre; no es que el hogar de su infancia guarde recuerdos felices. Pero Jane no había planeado toparse con Nik ...

El chico del que se enamoró era un adolescente flaco con el pelo desordenado y las gafas torcidas. Ahora tiene hombros anchos y mide más de seis pies de altura, pero sus profundos ojos castaños son los mismos. Y cuando él pronuncia su nombre y acaricia el moretón reciente en su mejilla, como si no pudiera evitar tocarla, Jane regresa al mejor y al peor momento de su vida.

Jane y Nik alguna vez compartieron todo: besos, esperanzas y sueños adolescentes. Al ver su bata azul y su placa de identificación de médico, el corazón de Jane se alegra porque al menos uno de ellos pudo vivir su sueño. Y a medida que se ponen al día con la hermosa música que alguna vez amaron, es como si los años que los separaron se desvanecieran.

Pero Nik no sabe el gran secreto que guarda Jane sobre la verdadera razón por la que dejó la ciudad. O quién le puso ese moretón en la mejilla… o sobre sus planes de desaparecer de verdad, para siempre.

Entonces, cuando el pasado llegue, ¿podrán Jane y Nik encontrar la fuerza para luchar el uno por el otro? ¿O Jane estaba peligrosamente equivocada al pensar que podría dejar atrás su secreto y que eso los destruiría a ambos?

Es un libro triste porque vemos todo lo que las mujeres que sufren violencia en su relación tienen que pasar, que si tiene hijos es aun es más difícil poder salir de esa relación y si lo logra muchas veces todo termina en tragedia. Esta es la historia de Jane una adolescente que vio a su madre sufrir a manos de su padre, que no entendía porque no huían y se alejaban del monstruo y decide irse sola para tener una buena vida, pero lo que pasa no es algo lindo, no, nada de eso porque cae a manos de otros abusador, el cual se aprovecha de su juventud e inexperiencia para controlarla y dejarla embarazada. Diez años después idea un plan para poder alejarse y empezar otra vida y que su hija no repita el patrón.

Gracias a NetGalley y al editor por el ARC.

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El libro es puro sufrimiento y corajes.

⚠️Tw: violencia familiar, maltrato físico y psicológico.

Jane sufrió de violencia por parte de su papá, un respetado policia por lo que era imposible que alguien le ayudara, entonces decidió irse sin despedir de nadie ni siquiera de Nick, su persona.

Diez años después regresa con su hija a su pueblo natal ya que está huyendo de una relación abusiva y como el golpeador/ donante esperma de su padre está muerto puede ir a visitar a su mamá. En su regreso vuelve a ver a Nick que ahora es médico y sigue teniendo sentimientos por él, pero no puede pasar nada entre ellos porque en una semana se irá a un lugar en donde su ex no pueda encontrarlas.

Me fue difícil porque a lo largo del libro vemos la complejidad de salir de una relación abusiva, como no se tiene la ayuda de las autoridades, como no se cree en la palabra de la mujer, las amenazas, los golpes, la cantidad de mujeres que pasan por esto son demasiadas que no hay lugar en los refugios, como a pesar de que sus parejas sean golpeadores pueden seguir viendo a sus hij@s porque a ellos no los han golpeado y la mujer tiene que aguantarse. Son demasiadas cosas para mencionarlas todas, pero da mucha tristeza y coraje que todavía se tenga que pasar por estas cosas.

"Most women who are murdered by their abusers are killed after they leave."

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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