Member Reviews

I loved this! As a fan of the twisted tales books, I had a feeling going in that I was going to have a great time reading this, and I was right! Some of the stories didn't appeal to me as much as I was unfamiliar with the characters or original stories, but they were all short and beautifully written so that made them more enjoyable to read. I would recommend this to any twisted tales fans as there were some fantastic ones in this anthology! I am eager to see more anthologies in this series.

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Over all a really cute perspective of some amazing Disney movies.

The problem I found however was they were too short to get some real meat into the story.
I found most of them were 60% Retelling of the movie then 40% new info where things were just rushed into making a plot.

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Being a Disney adult and book lover, I have loved all the series Disney have been putting out such as the Villains ones, the happily never after, the princes tales and of course the Twisted Tales. This anthology is perfect for seasoned lovers of the series, young and old, or for those just discovering the series and wanting to know what they can expect from the novels.

Each author captures the magic of Disney and brings the fan favourite characters to life in new ways. Normally with an anthology you might find a couple of works that are misses but this was not the case here. Even stories dealing with classics I haven’t watched in a while, Bambi and Treasure Planet, instantly brought back memories and made me want to go and rewatch them.

The writing is perfect is mature enough that an adult can enjoy it without feeling it’s dumbed down but accessible enough that younger readers can enjoy it too. While I loved each story in itself I have to say my favourites were A New Dawn, Rattle The Stars and A First Mission. That said all of them were brilliant.
A must for any fan. I’ve already preordered my physical copy and can’t wait to re-read in the near future.

Thank you so much to Igloo Books and Netgalley for my copy to review. My review is left voluntarily and is honest.

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I have been a life-long Disney fan and couldn't wait to read the new takes on these beloved tales. I thoroughly enjoyed most of them, especially reading about my favourite - Belle. Some of them were a little anti-climactic though.

I'm always excited to read anything Disney and would read other volumes. It has definitely got me excited for my next trip to Disneyland in October!

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for my copy.

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Disney what ifs are a whole new spin on the Magic of fairytales. Filed with the magic you'd expect, but answering questions I'm sure most of us have asked.

This anthology was a fun read, although not familiar with all the tales included it was still a good read.
Characters and worlds we know and love with something new to learn.
Grab this book for a bedtime story read and beg yourself for one more story.

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----------- WHAT I ENJOYED: ------------

-This collection is perfect for Disney lovers - both adults and children alike. It definitely has the magic of Disney woven throughout each story, but it also brings a more modern flare to these tales, which I loved. The collection definitely follows the traditional Disney/ fairytale model of showcasing a "moral of the story", and I think that all of the authors did a really great job of creating positive messages for their younger target audience!

- I loved how some of the authors chose to diverge away from the princess films, and instead showcased some of the more underrated Disney films, such as Ratatouille and Treasure Planet. It gave a spotlight to under-appreciated characters and stories, and I honestly think it would definitely spark an interest for readers to go back and watch these films, if they hadn't already!

- I've only read one of the full length Twisted Tales novels previously and absolutely loved it, which was Reflection by Elizabeth Lim, so I have always been intrigued by the rest of the series. The concept of having an almost "multiverse" experience for Disney's backlist is just so interesting to me, but seeing it on such a short-form scale opened up so many possibilities for this idea.

- The bite-sized stories, mixed with with different authorial voices, allowed for the Twisted Tales concept to be utilized in many different ways: for some stories, it introduced a change to the plots we know and love and so created a whole new storyline; some stories introduced changes to a future we hadn't seen yet, and so opened up ideas on what happened after the credits rolled; in others, it acted like a blip in the timeline, where things would revert back to the original story, just with some minor changes. I loved the variety this brought to the collection, and it always left me excited to see what the next story would bring!

- My favourite stories were definitely "The Journey Home" by Farrah Rochon and "A First Mission" by Elizabeth Lim. I absolutely adore Elizabeth Lim's lyrical writing style, as it always pairs well with a fairytale-esque story. But, the main reason that I loved these stories so much was because of how they placed the princesses in a more modern, feminist light. Both authors really pushed home the message that women can do anything that they put their mind to, and that they deserve equal rights and respect. I think that this is an absolutely amazing message for the younger readers that will pick this book up!

--------- WHAT DIDN'T WORK FOR ME: -----------
As is the curse of short story collections, it isn't always guaranteed that every story is going to resonate with the reader. And sadly, this was the case for me with this collection. I really enjoyed most of the stories, but some were just okay for me, and didn't really add much to the characters, or change my perspective on the original films.

The stories that I especially didn't connect to were the ones with themes of power and responsibility - mainly, the animal-focused stories based on The Lion King and Bambi. Now, these stories were not bad in any way, I just didn't really take much away from them? Especially as they are focusing on themes like leadership and selfishness vs. responsibility, and these are things that just don't really resonate with me! So, mainly that is just personal preference and experience, and other readers might really enjoy these stories!

--------- OVERALL THOUGHTS: ---------
Overall, I did really enjoy this collection. It was fast-paced due to the short length of the stories, and I loved the variety shown throughout. It really made me want to go back and re-watch some of my favourite Disney films (something I'm now definitely going to be doing!). It was just a really fun, positive time! Would totally recommend if you are a Disney lover who wants a different perspective on some of the classic stories!

Thank you again to the publisher, the author and NetGalley for the Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I have loved the Disney Twisted Tales for a few years so I was really excited to read this collection and see the classic stories in a new light,

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As a Disney fan, I have collected and read nearly all of the twisted tales. This Anthology was such a great read. Quick short stories.
This is a MUST have for any Disney lover.
Cant wait to add it to my collection

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Thank you to NetGalley and Igloo Books for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Disney's New York Times best-selling series presents a rich anthology filled with all-new what-if twists, such as What if Mulan became the emperor's advisor? And what if Remy the rat met Colette first? Edited by New York Times best-selling author, Elizabeth Lim, this Twisted Tale anthology features twisted short stories with new takes on fan-favorite Disney films.

A New Dawn - The Lion King
This was quite the unexpected twist! I really liked the idea of Mufasa surviving Scar’s murder attempt - it’s one I hadn’t considered. The dynamics of the story were very good. Understandably, Mufasa was reluctant to release the mantle of king to his son because whilst he is not sound of body, he is sound of mind. I think the whole story was a great twist on what could have happened should we have not had that awful, gut-wrenching scene!

The Journey Home - Beauty and the Beast
Seeing a story where Belle truly finds her independence and doesn’t need a man to save her? I am SOLD! I absolutely loved this one. Being a big fan of Beauty and the Beast, I was perhaps a little skeptical about how this would go ahead but it was honestly perfect. Belle gets to go on her own journey and finds the self that she is most comfortable with, proving to herself that she can make her own way. Seeing Belle so happy in this story was honestly wonderful though it did make me wonder… who would then save the Beast?

Et Voila - Ratatouille
OH MY GOD. I absolutely adored this short story! I always enjoyed Colette’s character but getting something in her POV and seeing her with Remy? It’s everything I didn’t know I needed! The softness in her and the passion were just wonderful to read. Not to mention how Remy’s journey was different too! As much as I thoroughly enjoy Ratatouille, this AU was truly wonderful!

The Secret Exchange - The Little Mermaid
This was quite the intriguing idea! What if Ariel stayed when Eric woke up? Well, here’s an answer for you! What a delightful little story! I loved getting to see Ariel learning about the human world from Eric - but perhaps more importantly, Eric learning from Ariel about her world and why merfolk should not be feared. Yes, Ariel has a big job to do in convincing her father to alter his way of thinking, but Eric’s level of acceptance from the start really helps bolster her. I really liked that we got some action from Ursula as well - she definitely had to be included!

Rattle The Stars - Treasure Planet
This one didn’t interest me as the other short stories did. However, that is not because of the way it is written. It is simply that I haven’t watched the film and must admit I don’t understand it! I can imagine it must be quite the twist to the original story, however not one for me.

Fates, Three - Brave
Getting to see the point of view of Merida’s triplet brothers was quite intriguing! I wasn’t at all surprised to see they were still up to their usual tricks - even if they have drifted apart slightly. I did enjoy seeing them rather grown up instead of just wee boys because it allowed me to see them more as individuals instead of one entity. It was a shame not to see any Merida in this story but it certainly was an interesting one to read!

The Reluctant Prince - Bambi
Rather like the Treasure Planet short story, this one unfortunately didn’t interest me much. It has been many, many years since I last watched Bambi and I don’t remember what goes on. Because of that, this story didn’t have much of an impact one me at all. I do think it was well written and to Bambi lovers, I am sure it is wonderful!

A First Mission - Mulan
Now this was brilliant! After the events of the film, it was clear things wouldn’t instantly be smooth sailing for Mulan - and I’m so glad that Lim didn’t take the easy route and make it all sunshine and roses. Mulan had to fight for her place in the army, and she has to fight for her place now. I absolutely love how she was written and I was just drawn in. If ever there was a longer version of this short story, I would 100% jump at the opportunity to read it!

Overall, A Twisted Tales Anthology: Vol 1 is a fantastic collection of short stories, keeping the brilliant Twisted Tales series alive!


Thank you again to NetGalley and Igloo Books for an advanced copy of this book. My review will be live on my blog on 2nd August and is available immediately on Goodreads.

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Disney done different

These are the stories we all love but just a little different, with familiar characters but different actions a whole new story is born, ones that are easy to imagine and wish that Disney did alternate endings in movies!

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I love Disney and this view of Disney stories was awesome

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Didn't work at first. I've figured a way to make it decent enough to read.
since i can't remove the star rating 3 star until I've read it

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If you’re a Disney fan and you’ve read the previous Twisted Tales then you know this is for you!
However if you haven’t this is the perfect starting point for you to try! Made up of 8 different short stories from The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Ratatouille, Bambi, Mulan, Brave and Treasure Planet these are an excellent introduction to the darker side of Disney! Perfect for quick bedtime stories for the older kids.
I thoroughly enjoyed them, as I have all the twisted tales and cannot wait to see what vol 2. will contain!

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As an ardent Disney aficionado and a devotee of the Twisted Tales series, I found this anthology to be particularly delightful. It is always a pleasure to delve deeper into the narrative of my favorite Disney Princess, Belle. I eagerly anticipate adding a physical copy of this volume to my collection, which will complement the others I have already acquired.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this for an honest review.

This small short story book based on Disney/ fairytales. Is refreshing , the little mermaid story in particular was my favourite.

Eric meeting her , her voice not being stolen and Ursula has a more evil plan in hand.

I’d say it’s different and catered to Disney fans all over .

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I LOVE the twisted tales series & this is a perfect addition. I really enjoyed exploring these stories of beloved characters through a new perspective!

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I received an ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley and publisher Igloo Books in exchange for an honest review.

I adore the Twisted Tales series. There is something so delightful about official Disney fanfiction and I was particularly excited to learn there was a short story collection. As I sometimes do with anthologies, I'm going to talk about stories individually. I can't remember the story names so I will do it by film instead. I am also going to spoil things a little because it's hard to talk about them otherwise:

Beauty and the Beast: What if Belle went to the fair instead of her father? Well, she never meets the Beast, the castle dwellers presumably are doomed and she ends up running the bookshop in the town which hated her. She's perfectly happy though. This one is a little weird because while it's nice she has an alternative for a good life, it does raise some questions.

Lion King: What if Mufasa survived the fall? This story was one of the ones I disliked the most just because it felt so out of character. Mufasa becomes a helicopter, overprotective parent when he was quite open and honest with Simba in the movie. He also still trusts Scar, so you can't even argue that the accident changed him. It was decently written but didn't really ring true.

Ratatouille: What if Remy met Colette instead of Linguine? I skimread this one as I'm not hugely into Ratatouille, and as far as I could tell, not much changes from the film. Colette still meets Linguine and they still end up owning a restaurant together, so any changes are a little superficial.

Little Mermaid: What if Eric met Ariel as a mermaid? This one was kinda cool. It has some of the same stuff as the live action remake, where Eric and Ariel get to bond a bit more because she can talk to him. However, this was another one were things didn't really change much. Rather than look interested, Ariel can now say 'that's interesting'. The story goes in a different direction but it's not super exciting.

Rattle the Stars & Fates Three: I skipped both of these as I have only seen Treasure Planet once and Brave not at all.

The Reluctant Prince: What if Bambi didn't know he was meant to be the Great Prince? And what if he didn't want to be? This was kind of the opposite of the Lion King story. I enjoyed it because I got to imagine Patrick Stewart as Bambi's dad again and that was fun. Bambi is a little whiny here but it was mostly fun.

A First Mission: What if Mulan took the job with the Emperor? This was a really strong story and a great way to end the anthology. A lot is different from the film/sequel, and it's nice to see that alternative world. I wish more stories were as bold as this

Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars

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I’m a massive Disney /pixar fan and I really enjoyed this book. It’s really helped tie in other characters and their background stories to the main characters and movies/books. I recommend to anyone who enjoys Disney you won’t be disappointed.

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I found these alternative stories / endings very interesting. Thought Belle's story was particularly good, and I actually preferred this ending for her over the one from the film.
If you love the idea of reading some canonical Disney fanfiction, this book is a great pick!

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I'm an avid Disney enthusiast and a fan of the Twisted Tales series. I found this anthology particularly enjoyable. It's always a pleasure to read more about my favourite Disney Princess Belle. I'm looking forward to adding a physical copy of this book to my collection, alongside the others I've already acquired.

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