Member Reviews

The life story of a tree. We see birds and seasons pass and where the tree ends up later on.

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC.

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Within My Branches is a poetic book about the life of a tree & all of the ways that it interacts with the world. I appreciated the simple verses throughout the book, and the illustrations were sweet. It was a great depiction of the web of life and how important a tree is in it.

For me, the tone of the book was a little more melancholy than I would have liked for its subject matter. That being said, it was very heartfelt and some children will probably love it! Thanks to NetGalley, Pushkin Press, and Nicholas Michel for the chance to read and review. My opinions are my own.

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This is a beautiful book. The illustrations carry the reader throughout this nature inspired book. I would absolutely love to share this with my students. I would cover the illustrations and read a text and ask for them to interpret what they read/hear into an art piece of their own.

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An introspective piece with amazing art about an oak tree’s life journey.
The verses are insightful.
I wish this had been longer.
4.5 stars

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This was a lovely book with beautiful illustrations. In my opinion it wasn't super memorable but I can see how it could get kids thinking.

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This was a beautiful book; an ode to the life of a tree. I loved that the tree was the narrator. My daughter thought it was a little sad when the tree was cut down but she appreciated that the tree got to go on new adventures as a ship. The illustrations are absolutely stunning. I’d recommend this to nature lovers and introspective hearts.

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Beautifully written and is an absolutely stunning way to show how trees may go through their lives.

Thank you Pushkin and NetGalley for allowing me to get this Arc!

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This is a gentle and thoughtful picture book telling the story of an oak tree.

Through observations of life within and around the tree the story of the mighty oak is told .

The illustrations are beautiful capturing the majesty of the tree but equally the residents who inhabit its space.

This is a curious book as although the images could be explored with children under 7, the prose has a more magical , slightly metaphorical feel - too subtle for a younger readership. This would be a great key stage 2 text/ picture book through which to explore the natural environment.

As an adult, I was captivated by the gentleness of a book that also has a tinge of melancholy especially in a world that does not always appreciate trees and nature

Nicholas Michel has created a visually stunning book that defies a categorising of readership.

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Within My Branches meets my criteria for a favourite children's book - simple text for children and also nuanced poetic devices for adults. The illustrations are beautifully detailed and I love how more of the story can be understood by looking at the details in the illustration.

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This lovely children's book translated from French tells the four hundred and fifty-seven year life story of an oak tree, all the creatures that have visited it and the events it has observed. The illustrations are just magical and the prose poetic, recounting everything from love stories to storms, scars and rebirth. The nameless tree meditates on the circle of life and the inter-connectedness of all the beings in its sights.

'Who was right and who was wrong?
I chose not to take sides:
good and evil have no place
in the tree kingdom.'

I absolutely loved this one, highly recommended.

Thank you so much to Pushkin and Netgalley for this ARC to review!

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