Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookoture for the ARC

Yet another great novel by Anna Stuart. The author never ceases to amaze me with her gripping stories. She writes excellent descriptions and characters. Especially her historical novels are heartbreaking and heartwarming all the same. It leaves you shattered, it throws a punch in the stomach but it's so, so good. I urge everyone to read this novel.

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Another great story about a family trying to just survive iduring the war Ater the sisters watched their father hung by the Germans they promised they would never give up even when the odds were against them. One was a nurse, another carried message back and forth and the other sister was a great explosives expert. Together with their gran, mum and brother Jacob they did eveything to hold out until the promised help came.
A lovely story with plenty of love, aaction and suspense to it.

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When I saw another book by Anna Stuart posted I knew I had to read it. I love her writing style and the historical aspects of her novels. I find I learn so much background when I read them. I enjoyed the historical facts in the story and as a person of Polish descent, I learned a lot about the resilience of the Polish people during WW2, however, I found the book a little repetitive and I found some of the characters super annoying. I know there wasn't much happening during the war other than the fighting and the surviving, but it seemed like 75% of the book was the same thing happening over and over. It wasn't until the last 25% of the book that I found it got really interesting and I couldn't put it down. Regardless, it was still an interesting read especially if you like historical fiction. I definitely still like the end notes in her story that talk about the inspiration for her characters because I think this breathes new life into the story. I am looking forward to my next Anna Stuart read! Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this story.

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This book…wow! A dark and disturbing historical story that had me desperate to read just one more chapter. A cast of shady characters, a gripping story, everything I want from a book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Anna Stuart once again has hit a home run with another gut-wrenching WW2 story that captured my heart, portrayed engaging fictional characters and a believable plot based on real history. This time The Resistance Sisters focuses on an important point in Polish history: the Warsaw Uprising. By writing the story around a continual or progressive timeline, it works so much better than if it had been divided into a dual timeslip. It keeps the reader in the thick of the events and emotionally charged. It also allows the multiple perspectives to work extremely well as we get a view of what is happening from various angles and can experience the emotional traumas up close.

The novel opens with an intensely jarring Prologue. Sisters Hana, Zuzi and Orla are forced to watch the hanging of their father by the Nazis. So, we know right at the start, this will be a story on revenge. Everything the daughters and son, Jacob, do throughout the novel is motivated by the love for their father and avenging his horrible, unfair death. Kaczper Dabrowski was an exceptional baker and optimistic town councillor with great love and plans for his city. But he is tried for treason by the enemy occupier. Even on the brink of his death, he sends positive words to his children and wife to never give up. To live, love and fight. This is very representative of the Poles whose spirits have never been broken by their occupiers. Even by the Nazis who tried to ‘kill everyone of any intellectual, cultural or political influence in Poland’s captured capital.’ For the Poles have always resisted.

The Warsaw Uprising is told through the three sisters, Hana, Zuzi and Orla. We are taken on each of their personal journeys. We see them grow and act through horrific times. Feel their tears, see the devastation through their eyes. The author’s writing skills certainly made me feel as if I was standing in each of the character’s shoes. The novel not only provides amazing accuracy of the historical event but by putting fictional people in this setting, it brings history to life. For then the reader can imagine what it might have been like for the Poles: the difficulties, the sacrifices, the fear, the rare moments of victory. How they kept ploughing forward, together, even when the odds were against them. By also inserting some romantic elements into the sisters’ journeys, it adds realism as people tried to continue their lives with normal activities. My heart, though, was in my mouth more than once when certain beloved characters are injured, face death or become missing in action. I cared about and cheered for the daughters and the men they loved. Yes, I became emotionally invested and affected by their personal and romantic battles!

There are so many wonderful things about this exceptional story I could rave about, but I want to encourage lovers of Historical Fiction to put this on their must-read list. The Resistance Sisters is finely crafted and researched and provides an exceptional history lesson. I learned a lot and was moved by the suffering of these people. One major fact hit my heart hard. How they waited for the allies to save them and yet nobody came. The discouragement they could have felt would have been soul destroying. But many did not just sit and wait. They banned together as a community and stayed active in fighting back. This is how they kept hope alive in their hearts and maintained some sanity. These people were courageous on an epic level.

The Resistance Sisters is a real testament to those who stood up and dared to act. It reminded me of the power in unity. These people worked together and rose above the despair that could easily have overtaken them. They exhibited true bravery whilst dealing with poor living conditions, supply handicaps and unsafe zones—just to name a few obstacles. Not to mention enemies lurking in the sky and on the ground. Children, grandparents, mothers, fathers, fiancées and fiancés all tried to make a difference as they fought for the home they loved. Anna Stuart has painted an exceptional picture with her words that truly honours these resilient people of the past. 5 Valiant Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This is the first book by Anna Stuart that I’ve read and I will definitely be reading more!
The Resistance sisters is set during the Warsaw uprising, a historical event that I didn’t know anything about. The story follows the Dabrowska family and how they each resist the Germans and fight for their country in different ways. This book describes how brave, strong, hopeful & resilient the Polish people were. The vidid descriptions and storytelling by Stuart really bring this book to life .
I learnt so much about this Warsaw uprising and thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.
The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars was because I thought the ending was a bit rushed and also a bit too perfect and therefore unrealistic.
I would definitely recommend this book to historical fiction lovers!
Thank you Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book, all opinions expressed are my own.

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Let me first say that while this is book number 4 in an incredible series, you could read this book as a stand alone book. Though I would suggest you read all of Anna Stuart’s Women of War Series. There are brief mentions of characters from the other three books, but nothing that would leave a reader completely lost.

Now, having said that. Let me just state that Anna Stuart's level of detail is absolutely incredible. I read a lot of WWII era books. This series has far stood out to me as one of the best. Not only does the author dip into settings that are not as widely written about, they are things that honestly I have heard very little about. On this book in particular…while I knew the basics of the plot, I had never really read anything about the Polish people and their attempts to help free themselves at the end of WWII. Same goes for all the 3 leading up to this book. Storylines that I’d heard of but didn’t really know much about.

One of my favorite parts of the books are the ending where there are details described about the actual events and what parts of the book are based on true people and how the fictional story ties into the actual events.

This was a book I would have given more than 5 stars to. Not only does the author nail the historical and small details, but the characters she’s developed are relatable, and the story line amazing. I would highly encourage you to grab this one, and the three before it and give them a read!! I can’t wait to dig into the author’s other books!

Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and Bookouture for allowing me to read an advanced copy to help share my thoughts.

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Anna Stuart's "Resistance Sisters" is a poignant and gripping portrayal of courage and resilience during one of the darkest periods of history, the Warsaw Uprising of World War II. Inspired by true events, this novel brings to life the untold stories of brave women who fought against Nazi occupation.
The story centers around Hana, a young woman whose life is shattered by war. Amidst the bombed-out streets of Warsaw, Hana grapples with profound loss – her beloved fiancé torn from her, her father murdered by Nazis. Determined to protect her younger sisters, Hana finds herself drawn into the resistance movement, where each sibling plays a vital role: fiery Zuzi in a secret combat unit, and gentle Orla as a nurse in the underground.
Stuart masterfully weaves together the personal and the historical, capturing the desperation and hope that define wartime existence. Hana's journey is marked by moments of heart-wrenching bravery as she navigates treacherous streets and clings to a torn slip of paper that holds the key to her family's survival. The tension builds steadily as the women of Warsaw prepare to rise up, risking everything for their freedom.
The novel not only illuminates the heroic acts of these women but also explores the complexities of loyalty, sacrifice, and the enduring power of love and hope. Stuart's prose is evocative, transporting readers to the heart of a city in turmoil, where every decision carries life-or-death consequences.
"Resistance Sisters" is a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity. It reminds us of the courage and resilience of those who fought for freedom, and honors the often overlooked contributions of women in wartime resistance efforts. This is historical fiction at its most compelling – a deeply moving narrative that stays with you long after the final page.
For readers seeking a gripping tale of bravery and survival, "Resistance Sisters" delivers an unforgettable journey through the shadows of history, celebrating the indomitable spirit of those who dared to resist.
Rating: 5/5
Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture Publishers for an advance copy for my honest review. = Novel Nerd Blog

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Anna Stuart has crafted a compelling and unforgettable story that honors the unsung heroines of World War Two. Stuart’s narrative is enriched by the distinct roles each sister plays in the resistance. The Resistance Sisters is a must-read for fans of historical fiction, offering a gripping and emotionally charged journey that will stay with readers long after they turn the final page.

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"The Resistance Sisters" by Anna Stuart is a captivating WW2 historical fiction novel that will keep you hooked from start to finish. The story follows a group of brave women who join the resistance movement during the war, facing danger and heartbreak along the way. Stuart's writing is both engaging and emotional, making it a real page-turner that will tug at your heartstrings. The author's attention to detail and vivid descriptions bring the time period to life, making you feel like you are right there alongside the characters. Overall, "The Resistance Sisters" is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and anyone looking for a gripping story of courage and sacrifice during one of the darkest periods in history.

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Thank you to the publisher Bookouture and Netgalley for an advanced readers copy of Anna Stuart's The Resistance Sisters. This book is historical fiction - and the fourth in a series of women in war - focused on the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, where the people of Warsaw fought back against the NAZI's after five years of occupation. The book tells the story of the women of a family (sisters) - as well as their younger brother - who each took different roles in the Warsaw rebellion, the force known as the AK. It is a powerful tale of triumph and tragedy, of perseverance, and grit. I think it is really well written and a fantastic read - no spoilers here.

The book is more compelling for me because I visited Warsaw as part of a Holocaust study trip in 2019 and actually visited the museum dedicated to the Warsaw Uprising. People sometimes confuse the Warsaw Uprising with the Warsaw ghetto uprising of 1943, when the remaining Jews fought back (unsuccessfully) as a last gasp effort to prevent their extermination at Treblinka. The Warsaw Uprising took place a year later, by the Poles. Sadly the end result was that by the end of 1944, the German's obliterated as much as 85% of the city.

I wish I had read Stuart's book before visiting the museum. It is that good and would have provided me with much more context. If you like historical fiction, this is a must read.

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This book was a captivating and emotional story set in World War Two Poland.
The brave and determined Hanna, faced unimaginable challenges and losses.

The themes of sisterhood, resistance, and the fight for freedom was portrayed in the novel.
The suspenseful and gripping plot, joint with the rich historical detail, gave a compelling story that kept me on the edge of my seat.

I became emotionally involved in Hanna and her sisters' journey as they navigated the treacherous war-torn Warsaw and protecting their loved ones while fighting for a better future ahead.

Overall, this story was a thought-provoking read.

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This is my 6th novel be Stuart, and her research/novels are always top-notch, detailed and I am invested in the characters.
I found out this is Book #4 in her Woman of War series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

We follow a Polish family whose father was murdered by the Nazis. Now, they each do their part to help others as part of the resistance. Hanna is now out to save the rest of her family, but at what cost? Her sisters Suzi is working for a secret combat until and Orla is a nurse in a hidden hospital. Their brother is wanting to help.

This story is about love, loss, family, strength and survival. If you are a historical fiction fan I highly recommend this novel and other by Stuart.

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The Resistance Sisters by Anna Stuart is a powerful historical novel that is grounded in fact. It is the fourth book in Women Of War series but can be read as a stand-alone.
The book is set over the summer of 1944 in Warsaw, Poland. It surrounds a family with three daughters and a teenage son. We hear of the resistance of Warsaw and witness the incredible bravery of ordinary citizens trying to save the city that they love. “Not all resistance is with guns.” Resistance comes in many forms as we follow the siblings as they try to disrupt the evil Nazi regime.
Warsaw is a much-loved city. It is heartbreaking to see it destroyed. “Buildings can be rebuilt. It’s the spirit of the nation that we are fighting to keep and you girls are a vital part of that.” The Poles are loyal to the city that they love. From the youngest to the oldest resident, resistance is in their blood. Some will die. There will be sacrifices by all but their will and their love will live on.
Although the Nazis take lives without a thought, we see that the sisters recognize the value of life. “Treat the dead with respect… He may be a Nazi but he’s still someone’s son.” Soldiers on all sides have mothers who will grieve their loss.
Despite the hardship and cruelty, the Polish people retain their humanity. “We’ve done the fighting… Let’s pray to God that we can now do the living and the loving.”
Hatred will destroy us from the inside out. “It’s hateful”. “It is… but we cannot let the hate suck us in. We must fight it with love.” Love is a force far greater than hatred.
As the brave people of Warsaw fought for their city, they waited for help from the Soviets – but they were abandoned to their fate. “What the Nazis are doing to Poland isn’t war… it’s annihilation.” The Nazis wanted to wipe Poland off the map but the Polish people stood firm. At times it felt as if even God had abandoned them. “If God was still even watching.” God was watching and would send them signs that He saw and He cared.
The shocking fact was that from 1939 to the end of the war, 80% of Warsaw’s buildings were destroyed. History, culture, and of course, people, wiped out by a cruel regime.
Anna Stuart has constructed a powerful tale of life, love and resistance in times of war. The people of Warsaw are to be commended for their brave fight. We must never forget them.
I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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A riveting story of survival, and destruction, and perserverance. This is a time when the evil was taking over Europe, and poor Poland was now under occupation.
We follow a family, the Dabrowski family, three sisters and a brother, but also a mother, and grandmother. A family hurt by the invaders, and now are willing to give it all for their country, and this is a story of how they do it.
This is a fictional story, but filled with facts, and sadly poor Poland, here we see the people fighting for their freedom, and the rescuer doesn't seem to want to help!
I was pulled into this read, and the author didn't let go, now I want more!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bookouture, and was not required to give a positive review.

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What a powerful start to a book! It definitely draws you in.
After the Dabrowski family are forced at gunpoint to watch while their son/father/husband Kaczper hung they vow to carry out his last wishes. Hana sees it as her duty as eldest to take care of her younger siblings only to discover that they are stronger than she gives credit for. They are all fighting their own wars, Hana for the chance to be reunited with Emil who is a pilot with the British forces .Zuzi who fights with the resistance combat unit AKA and is fearless until she discovers that her younger brother Jacob has joined them! Orla is busy nursing at the John of God hospital little realising that she is fighting in a different way by keeping people safe and repairing the troops wounds to enable them to fight again.
They all did Kaczper proud by continuing to fight, live and love.
I loved that threaded through the story was the fact that they all had their own role models without realising it.
The funniest bit was the courgettes!

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Firstly I would like to thank netgalley and Bookoutune and the fantastic author Anna stuart for an early copy of her book to read.

My rating 3.5 rounded to 4

This is the 4th book in the women of war series. A polish family who's father is killed before the war started,the sisters want revenge.Hana is putting her life in danger by hiding secrets,Zuzi is working for the female combat unit,orla a nurse..even there younger brother fighting against the nazi regime....this book is about there bond,strength, survival..another great read from this author..looking forward to reading more of her books.

This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon uk.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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The Resistance Sisters by Anna Stuart is the fourth installment in the Women of War series. It is a gripping tale of courage, friendship, and a Polish family’s fight for freedom during the tyrannical grip of the Nazi regime. This is the first book I have read that details the efforts of the Resistance fighters in Warsaw, Poland during World War ll. It is a brilliantly written story with vivid descriptions of the Dabrowska family and how each member contributed to Polish Resistance uprising. This story embraces the value of family and how treacherous times can strengthen their bond. The narrative draws you in and you find yourself transported to Warsaw, Poland in 1944. It is a very touching and heartwarming story that brings tears at times and heartfelt joy at other times. This is an incredible historical fiction book that is precise with illuminating details, and it will absolutely capture your heart. It is a must read for all historical fiction fans!

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A rather gritty story of three sister who vowed revenge against the Nazis when their father is killed and survive to find happiness as the Russians take over.

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