Member Reviews

Thank you to @netgalley and @FitzcarraldoEds for the opportunity to read An Inconvenient Place by Jonathan Littell and Antoine d'Agata (tr by Charlotte Mandell [@avecsesdoigts]). This is an incredibly tough read. I confess to having tears in my eyes whilst reading of man's capacity for almost unimaginable cruelty. Littell started out with the intention of describing the atrocities carried out by the Nazis in Babi Yar in 1941 only for the Russians to launch their invasion of Ukraine in 2022 within days of him having 'finished' the manuscript. This allowed Littell to draw horrific comparisons between the Nazis of 1941 and the Russians in 2022. The book brings to mind Solzhenitsyn's need in The Gulag Archipelago to keep alive the names of the otherwise forgotten victims. Individual stories are told and Littell does not shy away from the horrific barbarity of both the Nazis and the modern day Russians. d'Agata's photos are sometimes beautiful and often awful. The comparison between Babi Yar in 1941 and Bucha in 2022 is striking. We have learned nothing as a species. This is an important book. Congratulations to all involved in bringing it to my attention. I shall not forget.

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