Member Reviews

4.5 Stars

This was my first read of Ms. Lecky's; I found it to be entertaining and atmospheric in a very good way. Mrs. Lawrence (Lucy) is quite the spunky heroine after she recovers from a number of increasingly disturbing shocks, not the least of which is getting framed for a robbery she didn't commit. The mysteriously alluring Mr. Stone factors in to nearly every scene once the story gets going, and Lucy is not quite sure what to make of him.

I do hope in the next books of this series that Mary (the maid) is able to play a larger part. She was someone who turned out to be invaluable to Lucy's adventures and is a reliable confidant for her. I enjoyed the portrayal of their relationship as it moves from employer to more of a friend or companion.

Trying to categorize this book is a bit challenging: murder mystery, Victorian romance, romantic suspense... it had a bit of it all and was an enjoyable read.

I received an ARC; this is my honest review.

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I could not put this book down! From page one I was completely hooked and couldn't want to see what happened next. I loved Lucy right from the beginning. The more she learned about her recently deceased husband's actions prior to his death the more it drove her desire to take back control of her life. And if that weren't enough, the actions of her brother and mother certainly pushed her along in her drive to look out for herself. I didn't fully understand why her mother went to her in London when the full extent of Robert's financial problems came to light - she doesn't particularly like her and she had a sister more than happy to take her in. But it led to Lucy being reminded that her mother is pretty much the worst so she could close that chapter of her life and know that her family is not there for her. I loved the back-and-forth between Lucy and Phineas throughout the book - especially since sometimes she was in the right and sometimes he was. And it's completely understandable why she would be suspicious of him and why she wouldn't have confronted him about it. She barely knew him and she had recently come to realize that there were very few people she could trust. Although things could have gone poorly for her when she ran off solo, she showed her intelligence by getting out of the situation safely. And then she comes out ahead with the reward money! I enjoyed this book so much I started book 2 pretty much right away.

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No Stone Unturned by Pam Lecky is the top contender for my favorite read of 2024 so far. I don’t know how I missed it before, since I've been on the constant hunt for a murder mystery set in Victorian London. Luckily, I won't have to wait for the next installment as its already released.

Fate forces our recently widowed heroine, Miss Lucy Lawrence, to work together with a cold, handsome insurance investigator who initially rubs her the wrong way. But over time she realizes he might not be so bad. The only trustworthy person in her present circumstances, she's forced to set aside her fears and work with him. It is a complex, organized chaos. Guessing who's behind it remains a mystery until the final reveal. And like any good mystery novel, all the loose ends tie themselves in a satisfying, beautiful bow.

The book has a slow start, I admit. Lucy wasn’t showing any signs of sleuthing prowess and was quite a mess until Mr. Stone turns up. As they face harsh truths, reveal secrets, and spend an increasing amount of time with each other, they can't deny that they care about each other. But time tests their feelings. Misunderstandings bring their budding romance to a halt and force Lucy to embark on the journey to exonerate herself. Thus starting a series of foolish decisions being made (according to Mr. Stone, as they brought Lucy in harm's way on more than one occasion) and adventures with her fiercely loyal maid, Mary.

I'm so looking forward to curling up with the next installment to witness how their relationship progresses and the mysteries they'll solve together!

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Lucy Lawrence is recently widowed and down on her luck. Her situation seems to go from bad to worse as she discovers that her husband of 10 years had many dark secrets which now come spilling out. He has left her in poverty and with a criminal gang trying to retrieve priceless sapphires that he stole. Her estranged family offer her an apparent olive branch and welcome her back to the family home in Yorkshire. However, all is not well in the Somerville household and Lucy is accused of theft when a family heirloom goes missing. She is rescued from this situation by Phineas Stone, an insurance investigator engaged in retrieving valuable gems.

Lucy’s journey of realisation about the true nature of her husband is delightfully told and although she repeatedly experiences set backs, as others use her for their own advancement, she remains determined to clear her name and rebuild her reputation and her life. Lucy’s character is nicely developed and the challenges faced by a young widow in the 1880s are well portrayed. The potential for romance between Lucy and Phineas is an underlying theme and provides scope for further interesting collaborations in future books.

There are plot twists, moments of suspense and some enjoyable humour. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, story and historical setting and look forward to reading more in this series

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This was a genuine page turner. It was a well worked murder and heist mystery that saw a wife stick in a loveless marriage find out her husband was involved in stealing precious stones and then paid the price. As she uncovers the truth she is led into a web of betrayal from which she extricates herself with ingenuity. Throw in a love 8nterest who at one point is a rescuer at another a threat, then a chase scene at the end and you have a fulfill8ng read..

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My first impression of this book is I hope this isn't your typical wife loses husband in a bad financial deal, family turns against her and her life falls apart. Well I was pleasantly surprised that No Stone Unturned was not that type of novel. Lucy Lawrence is a young women finding out her husband Charlie was in a terrible accident or was it an accident. As the events unfold we find out that Lucy and Charlie's marriage was all by happy. He could never keep them from being financially broke. Then the accident and the truth comes to light. After Lucy finds out that Charlie was supposed to be in Scotland and wasn't she meets Mr. Phineas Stone who Lucy automatically dislikes. Well we find out that Charlie had many secrets that Mr. Stone informed Lucy about. She then takes off to her family home to celebrate Christmas with her brother, sister in law and mother. Things seemed amiss with Lucy and her family when the family prized pearls have gone missing and her family accuse Lucy of the theft. She knew she shouldn't have trusted this family invitation. Lucy finds herself in deep trouble until Mr.. Stone gets her out of trouble, for the time being. You see Mr. Stone has found out that Lucy's brother is in financial trouble and he could possibly be involved in what happened to her husband. Lucy cannot believe what Mr. Stone is telling her until a Mr. Marsh makes an introduction to Lucy that things get out of control. With losing her home on the horizon and no family to turn to. Lucy and her trustful maid Mary embark on an adventure that could lead them into dangerous territory. Lucy must find out what Charlie was up to and how was her brother involved, even if what she finds out is truly upsetting.

I totally liked the character of Lucy. She was not your typical down on your luck character. She kept on going no matter what the danger was.She was losing everything and needed to find a way of changing things. Should she trust Mr. Stone. Is he really out to help Lucy out her predicament, or have her feelings for him or lack of clouding her judgement.

I love the strong female character in my mysteries, but I also like the pairing of Lucy and Phineas. Her determination in finding out the truth and trying to start her new life and him trying to protect her while not fully admitting that he has feelings for her. The back and forth between them is sure to bring many a fireworks between them. Especially when Lucy out smarts Mr. Stone, I was curious how he would react to her.

Since this is the first book in the series I was lucky enough to be approved for the next two books. So thank you Storm or the ARC'S. I hope that the other two are as good as this one. You all know I am a fan of twists and turns and this book has many. So again thank you NetGalley and Storm for the ARC. Thank you Ms. Lecky for giving me a new female character to explore. This is a book I would truly recommend to my fellow readers. Cannot wait to read more tales of Lucy Lawrence and hoping Mr. Phineas Stone is along for the ride.

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This was a fairly enjoyable historical mystery set during the latter Victorian period. It was a bit slow at times, especially about half-way through, then it picked up. The characters are interesting and the two intertwined plots satisfying. I will probably read the second and third books in "The Lucy Lawrence Mysteries" series eventually, but not right away. The author has provided an obvious romantic path for her heroine if she avoids getting herself killed.

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Lucy is a widow caught in a web of deceit that her late husband left behind. Phin is an insurance agent whose job is to find lost or stolen items. I will say that the beginning of the book seemed to drag quite a bit and was worried I would not be able to get through it. But a quarter of the way in I was so VERY glad I stuck with it. There is a lot of twists and turns, scary moments and sweet ones that kept my interest. I absolutely adored the discussion between Mother and Lucy ….hardly ever get an author willing to work that out, rather than leaving it to the reader’s imagination. Lucy was well written with her thoughts, emotions and fears and there were a few times I would have loved to have had a few minutes with her family! Phin is rather stoic, but it was delightful to see a growing warmth develop it him. This was a good story, my first time reading this author and will be back for the rest of the series

I received this story for free and these are my own opinions

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Lucy is in shock when learning of her husbands death. What follows is a mystery that will envelope her body and soul. Family drama and a good mix of mystery leads her to question not only her future but also her past as well.

This was book one in this historical mystery series, and I am a fan already. Lucy is faced with many challenges in this book, and she faces them with poise and humbleness. Her and Stone are great characters, adding a lot of mystery, drama, and even a hint of romance to the pages. The storyline was done well, and the writing was engaging. I can't wait to get started on the next book.

*I want to thank Netgalley and the author for this book in return for my honest review*

Stormi Ellis
Boundless Book Review

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I had a good time reading this. Like Lucy wasn't a woe is me, damsel in destress FMC. She had a nice and strong personality. I would definitely recommend

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Title: No Stone Unturned
Author: Pam Lecky
Genre: Historical fiction, mystery
Rating: ★★★★☆

Release Date: July 25th 2024

"No Stone Unturned" by Pam Lecky is a delightful blend of mystery, historical fiction, and adventure that whisks readers back to the foggy streets of 1886 London.

The story begins with Lucy Lawrence, trapped in a troubled marriage and yearning for adventure. Her mundane life takes a dramatic turn when she meets the enigmatic Phineas Stone over the body of her deceased husband in the mortuary. As secrets about her late husband start to emerge, Lucy finds herself entangled in a web of deceit, danger, and intrigue.

With stolen gems, a suspicious death, and the looming threat of London’s most notorious gang leader, Lucy must muster all her courage and wit to navigate this treacherous landscape. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she must decide who to trust and how to stay one step ahead of those who wish her harm.

What I Loved:

1. Engaging Mystery: The plot is full of twists and turns that kept me guessing until the very end. The mystery of the stolen gems and the suspicious death of Lucy’s husband create a compelling storyline that’s hard to put down.
2. Rich Historical Setting: Pam Lecky does a fantastic job of bringing Victorian London to life. The atmospheric descriptions made me feel like I was walking alongside Lucy through the misty, cobbled streets.
3. Strong Protagonist: Lucy Lawrence is a well-developed character who evolves throughout the story. Her transformation from a trapped, dissatisfied wife to a brave, resourceful woman is both believable and inspiring.
4. Intriguing Secondary Characters: Phineas Stone is a captivating character with his own set of mysteries. The supporting cast, including the dangerous gang leader and other shady figures, add depth and intrigue to the story.
5. Blend of Genres: The mix of historical fiction, mystery, and adventure, with a hint of romance, makes for a well-rounded and entertaining read. It has just the right balance of suspense and character development.

"No Stone Unturned" is a fun, engaging read. Pam Lecky has crafted a story that’s not only a thrilling mystery but also a vivid portrayal of Victorian London.

Lucy Lawrence’s journey from a troubled marriage to an adventurous life filled with danger and intrigue is both thrilling and satisfying. If you enjoy historical mysteries with strong female leads and plenty of suspense, this book is definitely worth adding to your reading list.

Thank you to The Publisher Storm Publishing ,The Author Pam Lecky & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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In the first of the Lucy Lawrence Mysteries, the last thing recently widowed Lucy expects when she returns to her family home, after the unexpected death of her husband, Charlie, is to be accused of stealing the family jewels. Charlie has left her destitute, and with no income and the prospect of having to sell the marital home, proving her innocence is paramount. Initially she trusts insurance investigator, Phineas Stone, but when she becomes suspicious of his motives, she sets out, with her trusty maid, to find some missing sapphires which were supposedly in Charlie’s possession just before he died, making herself eligible for a substantial reward, a solution to her financial woes.

Originally published in 2019, this is a captivating, fast-paced mystery with several plot threads, and many interesting characters. Prominent in the background is the dilemma of Victorian wives left with nothing after their wastrel husbands died, and what options lay ahead for them. Luckily Lucy has a loyal maid who is willing to stick by her side. In the early chapters the story jumps ahead with back story added later, temporarily disrupting what would preferably be a linear read. There are hints at Phineas’ love interest, but I’m pleased this did not devolve into a romance. Miscommunication is well-employed to keep the plot moving. Definitely a worthy entry in the historical mystery genre and I look forward to the second in series, Footprints in the Sand, following Lucy and Phineas as partners in crime solving.

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A suspicious death, stolen gems and an unclaimed who will be the victor in a deadly game of cat and mouse?
London October 1886: Trapped in a troubled marriage, Lucy Lawrence is ripe for an adventure. But when she meets the enigmatic Phineas Stone, over the body of her husband in the mortuary, her world begins to fall apart.
The sudden demise of her husband throws a whole different light on Charlie, he isn't what Lucy originally thought. Going back to her family whom she fled some years ago in Yorkshire was the only option left to her when someone scares her at her house demanding she give him something that she has no idea what it's about. Scared she runs to Yorkshire, where it turns out Phileas is too.
This was a fascinating story and full of twists and turns, fantastic characters and Lucy is a gem, I am so excited to read her mystery book2 in the trilogy when she goes to Egypt.
And of course there is the hint of a budding romance between her and Stone, I mean a bit of a murder mystery, twists, turns and romance what more could a reader ask for. I was surprised I enjoyed this as much as I did. You see, I am only just dipping my toe into historical romance and this is my second book of the era and genre and wow, I loved Pam Lecky's writing and I love the whole era, The properness of it, the respect one has for one another, the clothes, literally everything.
Pam has an amazing way of bringing you into that world, and then you realize after reading that in fact you are in the current year, that is how amazing and gifted she is as an author.
Looking forward to her other two books with Lucy as the main character, I just fell in love with feisty, smart Lucy and oh, okay of course dashing Mr Stone
Kerry Kennedy Author

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I didn’t hate it but unfortunately I didn’t love it either. This book was painfully average.

Lucy’s husband gets killed in a traffic accident and from that moment her life starts falling apart. It turns out he had a lot of dangerous secrets, and his death was most likely not an accident. Lucy, fearing for her life, goes back to her family home to reunite with her estranged mother and brother.

A lot of things were not adding up in this story. Lucy was supposed to be an intelligent woman, capable of taking care of herself and making her own decisions. And yet, so many people had managed to trick her somehow it was painful to read. Some things were so painfully obvious and she couldn’t figure them out until it was convenient for the plot. Other clues were so contrived I was rolling my eyes.

I was not a fan of the main characters, they had little personality and felt like cardboard cutouts. The dialogues were mostly clunky, sometimes downright cringe when trying to be funny.

Overall it wasn’t all bad, there were parts of this book that I enjoyed, hence the three stars. However, “an utterly addictive historical mystery” I was promised, it was not.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I found this first book in the Lucy Lawrence Mysteries to be delicious. Lucy is a strong, stubborn, resourceful and intelligent woman who finds herself in a terrible situation when her husband is killed. Phineas Stone is an insurance investigator and the two start working together, and their relationship is a delightful, slow burn. I look forward to the growth of the relationship and the Series.

I received an ARC for free and gave my honest opinion voluntarily.

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Lucy Lawrence finds herself 10 years married with no children and barely any relationship with her husband. In London in the year 1886, she has few options other than the status quo. But when she learns of her husband's murder, she returns to her unhappy childhood home and encounters even more trouble, including being accused of stealing her mother's priceless, heirloom necklace. Can the mysterious Phineas Stone unravel the mystery and help free Lucy, or is he working against her?

If you love historical fiction, you will love Lucy and her tenacity.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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No Stone Unturned by Pam Lecky

England, 1886. In the flickering gaslights of Victorian London, 28-year-old Lucy Lawrence's future hangs in the balance. Her husband's murder has left her reputation in tatters, and the theft of her mother's priceless heirloom pearls has only added to her woes. But when the handsome investigator Phineas Stone enters her life, Lucy finds herself drawn into a web of deceit that leads right back to her marriage and a deadly conspiracy that could undo them all.
Really enjoyed this , the author really manages to capture the era and the twist and turns keep you guessing. Great characters.

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This book was AMAZING, great storyline that kept me guessing the whole book! The characters were well done and entertaining. I can’t wait to read the next book!!! I would highly recommend this book to everyone!

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I found this an absolute delight. It was a historical mystery that had all the things I loved. The characters were well developed and the story engaging with good twists and turns. Lucy, the main character was a steady, strong female that I enjoyed reading about. I think in real life we would have been fast friends.
The author wrote an engaging book that was very satisfying indeed. I highly recommend this one.
Thanks Storm Publishing via NetGalley.

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No Stone Unturned is the start of a promising new series. Set in the 1880s, Lucy finds out that her now dead husband was up to no good, as was the rest of her family. Lucy is a feisty character, and the supporting cast of Mary, Phinneas and Gordon make for entertaining reading. I liked the twist in the middle that saved the book from being a little predictable, and the ultimate ending. I am looking forward to reading the next book to see what happens next to this cast of characters. Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an advance copy to freely review.

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