Member Reviews

OH NO cliffhanger🥲🥲🥲

I enjoyed it. A part of earth stuck in eternal nighttime, a lone gravedigger living on an island with his adoptive daughter, couldn’t tell her the truth and only wanted to keep her safe. The daughter, didn’t understand why her dad was so strict on her and kept heading head first into dangers. A corrupt night mother who supposed to collect souls of the dead and turn them to moonlight, but instead stealing the souls, even the living ones, for her own power.

Whimsical yet eerie illustrations, captured the atmosphere of the story well. Can’t wait to read the next volume

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The moon has stopped, and nobody knows why, and for Madeline Tock, this is an unbearable situation. Her father was alreading an unbearing worry wort but now that there is no daylight, he has basically made her a prisoner in their home. A rule that Madeline tries to follow, but one night, she sees something incredible out her window, a young boy running across the waves! Knowing she must save him, she rushes out of the house, not knowing that this may be the very last time she sees the father she loves so very much.

This just needs to be made into a Disney movie. I said what I said. This is such a perfect combination of wholesome and spooky that I can't see it not being a Disney movie. And honestly, I don't think I've ever read a book and said, "Ya know what? I need this to be a movie." So I'm pretty sure that's about the highest praise I can give a book. Plus, the art is absolutely gorgeous!

Overall, I definitely recommend this. It was just a super cute, spooky little fairy tale.

As always, thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for the eArc!

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I know of Jeremy Lambert because of his Buffy comics even if I had never read them. But the name made me look closer and what I found made me very happy. His cooperation with Alexa Sharpe results in a great start to a possible wonderful comic series.

And the first thing I realized are the fantastic art - the colors, the line art and the panel build are exactly my kind of style and I loved especially the use of colors to support the story.

What I also like is how the characters were introduced and that it transported a magical feeling that slowly became dark. Not only is the concept of Madelines powers, what it means in a world without sun. Also what clocks have for a meaning is lovingly included.

All in all it is a very lovingly constructed comic with many strengths. And I love that it will be concluded in three volumes because I am always on the lookout for shorter comic stories. I really hope that a German publisher will pick it up because then I will push it into the library system I work in. Until then I will for sure buy a physical copy for myself!

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A very beautifully illustrated YA comic about a girl who hears the dead and is being hunted by the Night Mother in a world where the moon stopped moving in the sky.
This is a first volume introducing the world, the main characters, and the danger of the story, and all those are very intriguing, but sadly the introduction was a real sludge to get through - which is quite something to say about an illustrated book.
The choice was to narrate the first 40% of the book, which I'm sure I'm not the only person hating. I can't stand movies that begin with voice overs and that rule applies to comics too.
Nothing that was narrated needed to be, and the plot could have started straight into the story without losing anything. In fact, it would have made it much more interesting and we would have had a chance to get to care a little more for Maddie, the hero, and could have been surprised by the appearance of the Night Mother, and doubted her words or not, if everything about her hadn't been spoiled previously and repeated for good measure by the friend character just a few pages later. I know this is YA, but it's no reason to insult teen intelligence and give them mediocre stories.
A big shame and missed opportunity especially when you have such lovely drawings.

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A wonderfully fantastical story set in a world where the moon has stopped moving, stuck in the sky and there are no more days just nights.

The illustrations are rich and have such a warm palette when in the house of Tock, but when outside the world is full of cool blues and shades illuminated by the ever present full moon.

Madeline Tock is a foundling and can hear the whispers of the dead and lives on the graveyard island with her dad who makes clocks but knows so much more.

The story builds a wonderful mythology about The Night Mother, especially the latest one that has stopped the moon and is behaving differently from all the previous Night Mothers.

This first volume does a wonderful job of setting up all the characters, introducing the mythology that will pull the story through and adding a nice bit of peril to make us want the next volume, now please.

I received this from NetGalley and Oni Press in exchange for an honest review.

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This graphic novel is so gorgeous, so vibrant and whimsical, I couldn't stop staring at the new art on each page!! Volume 1 of The Night Mother did a great job at setting up the storyline and I really look forward to seeing where this series goes. Although it was only 88 pages it already started tugging on my heart strings, and had me rooting for Madeline the whole way!

The Night Mother will be published on the 8th of October and I'd definitely recommend it if you're looking for a beautiful, whimsical graphic novel with themes surrounding family, time and darkness. The book is noted to be middle grade but is also advertised for all ages and I'd definitely agree that any age can enjoy it!

Thank you to NetGalley and OniPress for providing me with an eARC in return for an honest review.

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Every panel of this graphic novel is a visual masterpiece, an extasy of art, with colors so vibrant, atmosphere so unique and artsyle that is a pleasure to look at. And the storynof Night Mother is as fascinating as the visual aspect – I adore the folklorish note behind it. Although it was roughly one hundred pages, it managed to set a great world-building, with great, complex characters and possibilities endless for the continuation. I am so glad I was able to read it, because it instantly swooned me, and I fall in love. Cannot recommend it enough!

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This is a great read for the audience it is intended for! Some feedback I've seen has said it felt rushed, but a faster paced story is great for keeping the attention of young readers. The story did seem to move quickly, but it was very engaging and interesting, and I loved that the characters were thrown strait into some action in this first volume. The premise of the eternal night and the lantern the Night Mother weilds was very interesting, and isn't something I've seen before. I think this will be an interesting story and will definitely pick up futire volumes. In future volumes I hope to see more character development and to learn a bit more about the main characters.
I am not the biggest fan of the art style (the young characters did look much older), but I appreciated the use of color which was perfect for the story and layout and the text was all in strategic places that made it very easy to read and keep up with.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this and will be picking up a copy as soon it releases. 💕
It was well written and I really enjoyed my time reading it. The illustrations were nice.

Rating 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This was a very beautiful book and I loved the art style/colour palette. This was a very interesting story and is not something I have seen in a children's book. I really enjoyed the story and want more from this and I know that this is the first book in this new graphic novel series which I am very interested in carrying on. This is one that I want to have on my shelf for myself to firstly enjoy and then for the younger members of my family to enjoy. I cant wait to see where this series goes.

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The moon is stuck, there is no daylight, no breaks from the never ending nightmares for Madeline.

The artwork was absolutely beautiful, and the premise for this was very interesting. I’m honestly a little sad that it just didn’t deliver, the story itself felt super rushed. We barely have a chance to get to know these characters and form any sort of connection. I know there’s more volumes to come but I do wish this first volume was longer,I’m not sure I’ll continue this.

Thank you NetGalley and to Oni Press for giving me this arc in exchange for my honest review!

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I'm sorry to say, but I didn't like this book. First the art, the colouring was good but the drawings aren't really my thing. When a 12 year old looks like in their thirties it's a bit confusing...
The story couldn't catch my attention as well. The description actually sounded more amazing than it came out to be. Therefore, the plot has great potential but it doesn't really live up to it (yet).

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Thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for the eARC. The Night Mother is a gorgeously illustrated graphic novel for Middle-grade readers.

I found the trade paper back to be too short to form enough of an opinion of the story as a whole, but I found that the premise, art, and characters are all unique and engaging. I look forward to reading more of this story. I did find it hard to get into initially, as I felt that the characters and backstory deserved another trade's length of story before beggining where it did.

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The Night Mother is a gorgeously illustrated graphic novel. I've been a fan of Alexa Sharpe's work, both original and fan-oriented, so I was very excited to read this graphic novel! The plot is whimsical and full of mysteries. The entire concept of the Night Mother is honestly amazing and feels like it's an adaption of a classic fairytale, not an entirely new one. The plot does have a LOT of information thrown at the reader in a very few pages. I'm a little startled that this graphic novel was only 74 pages, but since it's the first novel in what I hope is a longish series, I can let it slide. In spite of how fast the plot moves, I am very curious to see how the story goes on from the first volume. This volume is a whirlwind, and I wonder if it will keep that pace throughout the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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This is a very beautifully drawn comic. Its pretty colors and good character design are eye-catching. I liked the story so I'm reading the next volumes of the series.

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This first book tells us about the mythology and about the characters, but it's an introduction to the serie.

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Gorgeous illustrations - loved them! Story wise… It was maybe a bit too fast-paced? I get that it’s the start of a series of several volumes, but I would have liked to get to know the characters more before jumping into a big mystery and a big lore-filled world.

Rounded up to a four star because of the beautiful art by Alexa Sharpe.

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My favorite thing about this graphic novel was the art style. The illustrations are beautiful and expressive, and as an artist myself, I was truly lost in the artwork.
Sadly, the story itself was very rushed and was not explained so well, and I felt I was lost a bit throughout the whole time. I like the concept, but I think it would have been better if this would be one bigger graphic novel and not a series. In 90 pages, it is impossible to be invested in the story and to feel connection to the characters. I don’t feel compelled to continue with the second volume, but if you like middle grade/ya fantasy graphic novels, give this a try.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc in exchange of my honest review.

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This was very good! It was both sweet and a little haunting. The art style was my absolute favorite thing about this, its sooo beautiful. The story itself was fine, it felt a little rushed, but that might have just been because I read graphic novels very quickly. It also felt a little young, but I am kinda outta the age range this book seems to target, so no points off toward the book for that. Overall, this was great. I am considering continuing on in the series, which is not something I do a lot for graphic novels! HAd fun, I wholly recommend The Night Mother By Lambert and Sharpe if this seems up your alley.

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i loved it. It was so dark and haunting. An amazing story for all ages. And the art work is done so well. The story was amazing, Waiting for part 2 to enjoy it !

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