Member Reviews

A bloody thrilling debut that I devoured feverishly! I predict a tv reality show turned bloodbath smash hit! The characters are colourfully depicted and the twist definitely be twisting!

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My review was published at on Thursday 11 July 2024.

Before I paste it, I would like to add that the eBook which was sent had format issues on my Kindle. I see other NetGalley readers had the same issue. Please look into this issue for the future as a lot of people would struggle to give feedback if they have to go to great lengths in order to read the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for the ARC.

* * *
Write what you know

Those words by Mark Twain struck me as soon as I read a little about Louise Minchin's debut novel.

Isolation Island - the upcoming title - is about a new survival reality show which sees ten celebrities grouped together on a Scottish island to contend for the grand prize which is unique to each individual.

Only, it doesn't go to plan.

The main character - Lauren - is an investigative reporter t who has signed up for the show for two personal reasons: to claim her dream prize of a primetime television series and to also unmask a sinister A-List celebrity who also happens to be one of the ten contestants on the island.

To avoid giving away spoilers, the programme is halted just when the contest is picking up steam. And that's when the real competition to survive begins.

For a debut novel, I thought Isolation Island was brill.

As with any mystery-themed story, I spent a lot of time thinking to myself 'ah, it's got to be them' only to fall way off when it becomes clear that those ideas are - for want of a better term - red herrings.

So, yes, Isolation Island was an enjoyable read with a cavalcade of characters with various backgrounds you truly would expect to find on a reality series. Albeit without the murderous traits.


I started off this review by quoting Mark Twain because Louise Minchin was one of the contestants on the twenty-first season of I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here. That edition of the series was one of the two to take place in a Welsh castle due to the pandemic. Considering Isolation Island's story is headquartered mainly inside a Scottish monastery, it made me ponder whether Minchin's idea for the story spawned from her time in Gwrych Castle for the ITV series.

If anyone is qualified enough to set her fiction inside the world of Reality TV - with the main character being a journalist - then Louise Minchin ticks the box. Just ask Mark Twain.

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What a fantastic debut. I will definitely look out for further books from.her

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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This was my first book by this author but will certainly not be my last. The story grips from the outset and I really did not want to put it down at all. The plot is brilliant and the twists and turns keep you guessing throughout. The characters are so well described and their interaction is what makes the story so enthralling. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I am sorry but due to the formatting of this book it’s impossible to read it on my kindle. I hope that the publisher will relist it in a readable format.

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I'm hugely disappointed that I was unable to read this first novel by Louise Minchin.

Having successfully requested it from NetGalley it was downloaded to my kindle. However the manner in which it was downloaded made it virtually illegible. Every row had a number against it and the sentence layout was super fragmented, some lines with only one word fro the sentence on it. NetHalley you have to do better.


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Ten well known individuals arrive on a remote Scottish Island to compete to win an alluring prize. But this will be no easy win.

As the contestants soon find out, the trials they are expected to undertake during their two week stay are downright gruelling. Still, a little physical activity never killed anyone. But a murderer amongst them might do that and more...

So, while nobody actually expects anyone to die as a result of participating in this reality TV show, they're in for a surprise!

This book takes a familiar trope of recent thrillers, but handles it a little differently. For one thing, the anticipated murder takes place quite for into the book. For another, the story line is consistently gripping, earning the book - despite some minor inconsistencies - a solid 3.5 stars

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4 stars.

What a brilliant debut by Louise Minchin.
The concept, the plot, the characters, the atmosphere, the location.
Everything was brilliant. No doubt this will be a huge success.
If you’re looking for a page turner thriller that will you have guessing and second guessing and with plenty of plot twists then this book is for you.


Ten celebrities have arrived to take part in the most gruelling - and lucrative - reality survival show ever devised: two weeks completely alone on a remote Scottish island, in the depths of winter.

With a production team that seems incapable of keeping them safe, a gathering storm and the unrelenting gaze of hidden cameras, the contestants are stretched to the limit as they try and outshine their fellow competitors and hide their darkest secrets.

But when a contestant winds up dead, it soon becomes clear that the players are not just fighting for the prize, but for their lives.

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A cracking thriller, great premise as long as you are willing to suspend your disbelief, couldn't put it down. Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was such an interesting book from start to finish. Very "lockdown-I'm-a-celeb' feels.
Initially I thought it would be difficult to remember who each of the 10 characters were but Minchin describes them and builds them so well that remembering who's who isn't a problem!
I love a good mystery and Isolated Island is full of it! I love the development, I love the sinister feel and I was really surprised at the ending!
Highly recommend!

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I got a review copy of this from NetGalley and I read it very quickly as it was fast paced and easy to read. It’s not a particularly new premise - reality show gone wrong - but the characters were integrating and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. The behaviours of the production company seem a bit far fetched but it makes for a good story!

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Was offered the opportunity to read this ARC courtesy of Netgalley and Louise Munching. I'm not a fan of reality TV but if it were like Isolation island I might be more inclined to give it a watch!! 😂

Story definitely reminds us that people are not always what they seem and sometimes idols don't deserve the pedestals that people place them on!!

The little twists at the end leave potential for a new story so that could be interesting if the author wanted to carry on.

Glad of some decent characters in here and that provided a balance to the story and happenings.

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Title: Isolation Island

Author: Louise Minchin
Genre: Romance

Rating: ★★★★

Isolation Island by Louise Minchin plunges readers into the thrilling chaos of a high-stakes reality survival show.

Ten celebrities, each with their own secrets and ambitions, find themselves battling not just the harsh Scottish winter and the relentless scrutiny of hidden cameras, but also a mysterious killer in their midst.

What I Loved:

Gripping Plot: From the very beginning, Isolation Island grabs you by the collar and doesn’t let go. The premise of a reality survival show turned deadly is not just intriguing but executed brilliantly. The tension escalates with each chapter, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they try to guess who the killer might be.

Complex Characters: Each contestant is richly developed, with their own backstory and motivations. As their secrets unravel, it becomes clear that everyone has something to hide. The dynamics between the characters add depth to the story, making the reader care about their fates.

Atmospheric Setting: The remote Scottish island, with its unpredictable weather and rugged terrain, is almost a character in itself. Louise Minchin’s vivid descriptions make you feel the biting cold and the growing sense of isolation, amplifying the suspense and danger.

Reality TV Satire: The book cleverly satirises the reality TV genre, highlighting the often absurd lengths to which producers will go for the sake of entertainment. The production team's incompetence and the contestants' desperation to win at all costs add a layer of dark humour to the narrative.

Twists and Turns: Just when I thought I had it all figured out, Isolation Island throws another curveball. The plot twists are well-crafted and surprising, keeping the mystery alive until the very end. The final reveal is both shocking!

Survival Elements: The survival aspect of the show is portrayed realistically, with contestants facing genuine physical and mental challenges. Their struggle for survival against nature’s wrath adds an extra layer of intensity to the story.

Isolation Island is a masterful blend of thriller, mystery, and dark humour. Louise Minchin takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through the treacherous landscape of reality TV, where the line between entertainment and survival blurs. The book’s gripping plot, complex characters, and atmospheric setting make it a must-read for fans of thrillers and reality TV satire!

If you’re looking for a page-turner that will keep you guessing until the very last page, Isolation Island is the book for you. Just be prepared to question the motives of everyone around you the next time you tune into a reality show!

Thank you to The Publisher Headline , The Author Louise Minchin & Netgalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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A gripping thriller based on a gritty reality show that goes off the rails. Narrated by a contestant who is an investigative journalist, the story moves from working out how she will get her scoop to one where she is fighting to clear her name. Would pay good money to see this reality show….

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This not-so-gruesome thriller kept me turning the page with twists and turns. Diving straight into a mix of diverse characters, the story fires at a fast pace throughout and I felt the balance of character and plot was successful. Although we don’t necessarily delve too deep into backstories, the plot focuses on their present situation and character flaws, culminating in an exciting and eventful ending. The writing is easy and informal, akin to a more light-hearted genre, so it was a pleasant welcome that although the world is set in vacuous reality television, it explores something a little more dramatic. A good, soft introduction to a murder mystery for someone more likely to pick up a romantic comedy.

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Really wanted to enjoy this one and as much as I tried the firmatting on the kindle is so annoying it needs sorting so it can get a true review.

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This was a rollercoaster, I really liked the story and the mistery, it was full of twists. I wasn't expecting the end, and with this kind of misteries, that is the best part, when it's really well written.

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I enjoyed this story which took inspiration from the current craze for reality competitions. The characters are left on a remote island and have to complete challenges to survive.
I felt this was very typical of Louise Minchin who has undertaken extreme challenge since leaving the BBC and i was interested in the book. The challenges were fairly predictable but the descriptions were written with her knowledge of extreme sport.
The story progresses as expected and develops into disaster. There is a twist at the end which i had predicted.
All in all an enjoyable read. Recommended.

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I am super sad :( ((

I was so happy when I got an ARC of this as the premise sounds amazing! I downloaded it straight away, had my cup of tea in hand and ready to settle down for the afternoon to read this. Only to be shocked to find numbers at the beginning and end most lines. It's just not readable.

So upset for Louise that the publisher has not formatted the kindle addition correctly, so no one can read it as it sounds like such a fun read

PLEASE can this be sorted and a new addition sent?? Sat here hoping and praying.....

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Absolutely brilliant debut novel from Louise Minchin! and thanks to Louise herself for gifting me a signed copy.

The concept was excellent and the setting was extremely well described I really could picture our location (this would be so great to read in a remote cabin somewhere cold). The character pool was diverse and well represented, and empowering topics were touched upon.

However, I do wish the stakes had been a little higher from these characters and we got more of an outsider looking in POV maybe from the film crew or family/friends on the outside to give it more depth. I also would have loved a few chapters after the final reveals from the characters after the main story took place.

I did guess the overall murder mystery element but I feel that's based on the volume of books I read not on the author's imagination. But I would definitely recommend and would pick up another book by this author x

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