Member Reviews

Whilst not a fan of reality shows, I was intrigued to see what this was about. A good whodunnit in an atmospheric setting.

There’s real a sense of menace from the start with the remote setting. With twists and turns and a variety of characters a great debut novel.

Thanks to Netgalley and Headline for this ARC.

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10 Celebrities are left on a remote Scottish island in the middle of Winter, to take part in a TV reality 'gameshow'. Their home for the next 2 weeks is an ancient, ruined priory. Secret cameras and microphones follow their every move and conversation. But things start to go wrong - by accident or deliberate? They're worried very early on about lack of safety in their new 'home' but then things worsen. All contact with the outside world is lost and then a body is found. An amusing reality show is turned very quickly into something much more sinister.
The story turns into an exciting 'whodunnit' which will keep you guessing. Very entertaining and an enjoyable sumer read

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Highly recommended - page turner

Read the summary of this book, definitely my type of read for murder and mystery

Famous people are left on an island on the outskirts of Scotland to live for 2 weeks in the hope of winning the dream award, all being filmed in a TV series - but someone dies

This book was easy to read and I couldn’t put it down - story flowed well with the characters. Plenty of twists, turns and drama

Thank you to Netgalley and Headline Publishing

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Free Courtesy of Netgalley

First book for Louise Munchin and what an entry into the book market at your first attempt. This book is amazing and the story flows really well.

The main character Lauren is an investigative journalist and has agreed to go on a reality show called Isolation Island, where 10 celebrities are transported to a remote island in Scotland in the middle of winter. The island was formally used by monks and they are forced to dress as monks and live in a monastery on the island, and do challenges set by the production company but all is not as it seems and after a few close calls one of them ends up dead. Will Lauren use her skills to find out if it was an actor murder or will she just hope that they are rescued soon

The characters are well written and the story is very good. It is a bit like I'm a celebrity, get me out of here but worse for the celebs.

I would recommend this book to people who like books with a bit of mystery.

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If you're a fan of reality TV and tense mysterious novels then this is an ideal read for you.
Lauren is an investigative journalist and when she discovers that a famous Hollywood Actor is booked to join others on Isolation Island for 2 weeks she accepts the offer to be part of the group. It's set on a remote monastery in Scotland and from day 1 there are major problems with safety. And when a really bad storm threatens production all contestants are told to stay in the great hall, but after a massive argument one of the party is found dead the next day.
Lauren then realises she has to use her journalistic skills to discover how they died, potentially causing a risk to her own life
This was a fairly fast paced thriller with a few red herrings thrown in. A great read

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What an amazing debut from Louise so well written and thought through!
Lauren is a journalist who along with nine other celebrities is heading to a remote Scottish island to compete to win a prize of their dreams! There can only be one winner and they aren't allowed to tell anyone what their prize is. Strange occurrences start to happen as soon as they set foot on the island and they need to rely on each other more than ever! Cue an incoming storm never seen before and the erieness of the monestary they are in along with being miles from anywhere and no way of communicating with the outside world and you can see why it's called Isolation island!
Did not see what was going to happen and was kept guessing till.the end. Well done Louise loved it couldn't put it down! Will be looking for more from Louise in the future. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this.

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Excellent! gripping read! Did not want to put it down! Had a sneaky suspicion about the culprit but was kept guessing all the way through!

Loved it so much! Will definitely be heading to the launch my local bookshop is doing

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I absolutely loved this book – it was a very easy read and I couldn’t put it down – the story flowed well and the characters well written. Plenty of tension to keep you hooked and guessing to the very end. Full of atmospheric drama with twists and turns.

On a deserted Scottish island, in an abandoned ancient monastery, 10 celebrities are left alone to win the prize of their dreams. It’s a reality show with similarities to Big Brother and I’m A Celebrity, but without any other human contact, apart from the Voice that gives them their strict orders to be followed or punished if the rules are broken. It’s where each contestant has come with their secrets and everyone is suspicious of the other person, wondering who is genuine and who is playing the game. Then one of the contestants is found dead – are they safe or in mortal danger?

Highly recommend – a real page turner to enjoy.

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline Publishing for the ARC in return for an honest, unbiased review.

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I really enjoyed this book - the reality TV angle was very current and I loved how it built up and up into more of a mystery- and a great ending. Recommended.

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"Isolation Island" is a taut, well written debut thriller from Louise Minchin. It is however extremely unlikely that a reality survival show such as this would ever get commissioned - isn't it?? There is a good variety of characters amongst the competitors, all with their own reasons for being there, although some seem rather reluctant and most are definitely out of their comfort zones.

This is a really atmospheric novel which keeps you guessing until the end.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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There are reality tv shows to suit every taste, from baking (my personal favourite, who doesn't enjoy a tasty cake?) to celebrities completing complex challenges in a jungle setting and traitorous antics in Wales. So, it seems like a terrific premise for a novel to use the reality show idea and take ten celebrities to an isolated island near Scotland, where they compete to win their dream prize.
Of course, nothing is ever as simple as it seems and our protagonist Lauren, an investigative journalist clearly has an alternative motive as she is travelling to the island in order to 'get the truth' about one of the other potential contestants. Lauren's storyline is setting the scene for some explosions later in the novel, but when we meet all of the ten celebrities, the reader soon realises, that everyone is keeping secrets - and the question becomes, just how dangerous these secrets prove to be.
As the novel unfolds, Minchin is building up the tension nicely, and we know that we are rapidly moving towards a dramatic conclusion. There are sufficient secrets and plots surrounding each character so that the reader can never be sure of who is telling the truth and the suspicions lead to many dramatic lead and twists.
If "Isolation Island" was a tv show, then I've booked my place on the couch, and have the popcorn ready!

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Ten celebrities put together on a remote Scottish island. Their only chance of winning is to survive two weeks completely alone, their every move filmed for the entertainment of those at home.
From the outset we can see a mixed cast, deliberately assembled to cause tension. Upon their arrival the production team throw surprises at them, waiting to see how they will cope. Our main viewpoint is that of Lauren, an investigative journalist whose obsession with exposing the truth about an A-list celebrity has almost cost her everything.
Things tick along relatively calmly, with one or two characters removed from events early doors to allow us to focus on a core group of contestants. Then one of the stars is found dead.
Tension immediately ramps up as people scramble to hide their secrets - and there’s plenty of them. With suspicion high, it only gets worse when another star is discovered dead. You’d expect this to be easily solved…but the production team have been knocked out of action (conveniently) by a major storm.
As with all natural events, they die down sooner or later. By the end of the book we have a pretty good understanding of what happened, and Lauren is left with a choice that suggests there could be more to come from this story.
Thanks to NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this in advance of publication in exchange for my honest feedback.

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A great read. This book had enough description to set the scene of the location without becoming boring. As usual for a reality tv setting there’s a good mixture of likeable and non-likeable characters. Unusually I didn’t predict the ending so a bonus there for me as a mark of a really good book. Highly recommended read.

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I really wanted to like this book, it’s an interesting concept the idea of a reality show where death may be the reality. However the writing is quite cliched, lots of descriptions of how the lead character is desperate, fighting for breath etc which pale after a while. Also very cliched descriptions of the surroundings eg the sky is like a bruise.

The plot was ok, it was fairly obvious who the murderer was although the twist at the end was good.

Some things made no sense (spoilers)-

Lots of accidents happening to the participants. Were these carelessness of the the part of the reality tv company? Part of the murder? Who knows?

Realistically if someone who wasn’t already famous had written this it probably wouldn’t have been picked up by a publisher. Which saddens me as there is the basic of a great plot here and Louise Mitchen clearly had talent for writing - but overall it’s not as good as it could be.

The middle part of the story is pretty gripping though and it zips along at a good pace so an easy read

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What a debut novel from Louise Minchin.A abandoned monastery on the Atlantic coast of Scotland was the amazing setting. The atmosphere that was created right from the beginning had me keen to carry on reading until the small hours. It was exceptionally well written with a very intriguing storyline. I hadn’t expected a murder to occur which really blindsided me, but certainly added to the menace. There were a lot of twist and turns with the odd red herring which added to the intrigue. I will certainly read and future novels.

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This is my first Louise Minchin book. To be honest I usually stay well away from 'celebrities' who write but I was pleasantly surprised. Isolation Island was excellent. One of the many reality TV novels out at the moment it soon became obvious this was something special as we see the contestants fighting for their lives. I loved the characters. They were nice and not so nice. Almost identifiable but not quite! Very human in adversity. There were plenty of surprises and a great twist at the end. All in all a great read. Good enough to make me look up more of Louise's books. 5 stars from me.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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Imagine 'Big Brother' on steroids - would you want to be part of the game? Ten celebs have signed up for a game show, set in a monastery on a deserted island off the Scottish coast, the prize - whatever the winner desires. Lauren, an investigative journalist, is there for one reason only; she is on the tail of a big story, but the story she wants is not what she gets. From the moment the group are abandoned on the island, things start to go dreadfully wrong and when they are cut off from civilisation by a storm, events only begin to spiral.
This was a cracking read from Louise Minchin, which I read in two sittings. The build up of tension was nail-biting and for once, I found it difficult to identify the culprit. I loved the ending and the dilemma Lauren found herself in.

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Reality TV being my guilt secret I devoured this book. Blooming well loved it. So good. Well
Written and absorbing I hope that author writes much more. Fantastic book.

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Really enjoyed this debut thriller by Louise Minchin.
Whilst not a reality tv watcher I could totally relate to this! Truly believable. 10 celebrities, a remote Scottish island, daily challenges set, fasting or feasting. Then a huge incoming storm. If course there’s. Murder… It’s a thriller.

Loved the twists and surprises.
Truly believable in the realms of reality tv! Full of vivid characters and packed with drama and suspense.
Fantastic summer read! thoroughly enjoyable.

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Isolation island is Louise Minchin's debut, and it's a little cracker. I must confess that I'm not a fan of reality shows, but when I read the blurb for this book, I was intrigued. I love a good whodunnit with an atmospheric setting.
"So what's it all about?", I hear you ask. Well, if you've read the blurb you'll know that ten celebrities are sent to a remote Scottish island to take part in a new reality show. Things don't go according to plan. There are health and safety issues, punishments for breaking rules and discord amongst the celebrities. Then two of the celebrities are murdered, and the remainder find themselves cut off from the outside world thanks to a storm.
As soon as the celebrities arrive on the island, you can feel the tension. There is a sense of menace from the outset. The remoteness of the island, and the harsh conditions, help to create the atmosphere. The characters aren't particularly endearing either. I genuinely only liked two of them, but I'm not saying who.
There were enough twists and turns in the story to keep me guessing.
All in all Isolation Island was an engaging, thrilling page turner.
Thanks to Netgalley and Headline for the digital ARC.

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