Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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This is the 2nd book I’ve read from one of my favorite authors! Beautifully written book. I loved the story, and was educated on what life is like living with dangerous forest fires, and the smoke. Huge appreciation for firefighters and first responders that risk their lives to fight these fires. The theme is strength and family first, and what a mom/dad/neighbor/sister/bff will do for each other. The sacrifices that were made by Mel, Sam and True were touching. I was on the edge of my seat reading about what would happen next. Through everything, the human spirit and love conquers all. Read this book!

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Smoke Season is a highly gripping and exciting novel, taking us and its characters on an emotional, edge-of-your-seat journey through a haze of smoke, uncertain love, duty and danger. I couldn't put it down.

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The characters in Smoke Season were really easy to root for and to like. All the POV characters are just people trying their best to go through the day and to do right by the people they love, but they're still human, nuanced and flawed.

The pacing was pretty good, the story never dragged or stalled.

I enjoyed the person with a medical condition meets natural disaster aspect of the story since it's an aspect that often gets overlooked in disaster survival stories.

There is queer and trans representation in the book but it's really secondary to the story itself which I liked.

I received an eARC of this book, many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Uninon Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I enjoyed the fast pace and the character development in the story. Each chapter flowed seamlessly into the next, keeping me on the edge of my seat. The characters were well-crafted, each one growing and evolving in a way that felt real and compelling.

The theme of the story was undeniably sad, touching on deep and emotional subjects. Despite this, I couldn't put the book down. The sadness woven throughout the narrative added a layer of depth that made the story even more engaging. It wasn't just the plot that kept me hooked; it was also the way the characters dealt with their struggles and grew from their experiences.

I found myself emotionally invested in their journeys, rooting for them through their hardships and celebrating their victories. The blend of fast-paced action and thoughtful character development made the story a memorable read. It struck a perfect balance, making me feel deeply while still keeping me eagerly turning the pages.

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As the walls of fire close in, True, Mel, and Sam wrestle with one terrible choice after another. It’s time to decide what risks are worth taking and what they are willing to let burn to ashes. I loved her book "the wild between us" and was eager to read Smoke season. For me, it was very fast paced. The characters were developed and well rounded. I couldn't put this one down! Thank you Netgalley for my ARC copy.

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What a cool story! I enjoyed this book. It was very entertaining and engaging. Pick it up on publication day.

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