Member Reviews

It's 'common' knowledge that time in nature is good for us, but to have such a readable and insightful exploration of why it is, backed up by such a deep dive into the most up to date research carefully explained in non-scientific terms, really drives the message home. And with so many of us finding ourselves time-starved, getting the benefits of being in nature are in danger of just becoming another entry on an increasing to-do list, which obviously defeats the purpose: by focusing on research that homes in on how to most accessibly benefit from the living world around us, this book is like a having your own nature-coach, pointing out how to maximise our connections with it in ways that anyone can benefit from. This is a book I'd love to get into the hands of everyone I know, not to mention, architects, council planners, therapists, teachers, healthcare managers, MPs... the list is endless, as are the benefits we can all reap from restoring those connections we've most with the diverse natural world around us. A genuinely inspirational read.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I wholly believe in the power of plants, herbs and natural medicines. This book didn't disappoint and is full of information and ideas. Recommended.

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I had expected this book to be a practical guide to the benefits of immersing ourselves in nature, in fact it was far more literary and well written than I thought! It is quite lovely and very well considered. This author clearly knows their stuff.

The book starts with the authors own story explaining how and why this book came into being. The following chapters focus on different aspects of nature and use scientific studies to evidence the claims contained. There is a lot to read and that each chapter has a well thought out title such as 'Why Green is Good for us and Not Just in What We Eat' reflects the level of detail and discussion contained in the chapter.

This is a book for careful pondering and spending time with - it is less of a 'dip in and out of' book in my opinion - it is one for the deep thinkers out there!

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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