Member Reviews

I could pick up any Eddie Flynn book without reading the blurb and know that within the first few pages I'm sucked in.

Witness 8 was no different. I love that Eddie's con genes are still strong and how he uses it for good.

Some interesting characters in this story, namely Mr Christmas, a man of contradictions.

In this story we follow Eddie and his team representing a man who they believe has been framed but who everyone else thinks is guilty. If we know anything about Eddie Flynn by now, it's that he doesn't take the easy cases.

I always love it when he shows his cards to the reader, we know it's coming and the reveal is always part of the ride.

Already looking forward to Eddie's next adventure.

Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book, this is my honest opinion.

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Mr Steve Cavanagh has done it yet again.

The Eddie Flynn series feels like home to me, and the way in which Cavanagh writes feels so familiar and comforting, despite the chaos that is ensued throughout the narrative.

This instalment in the series centres around Ruby, the neighbourhood nanny, who witnesses a murder on the very close-knit street. When making an anonymous tip to the police, she decided to lie about who murdered the victim, but for what reason?

This book has everything I love about a thriller; dysfunctional relationships, deceit and a whole lot of action. As the king of a courtroom drama, Steve has excellently portrayed the heightened stress and pressure of being a lawyer, and an ex con-artist. It was a fast-paced narrative, full of twists and turns, and moments of distrust, and it was one that I genuinely could not put down, even if I tried. The way in which Cavanagh has written this novel is so unbelievably immersive that it feels like you as a reader are sat, in the moment, watching everything unfold and wondering who to believe.

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Another fantastic book in the Eddie Flynn series. A great plot with subplots and lots of twists to keep the reader on their toes! I absolutely devoured this and it just kept me going back to read which was made easy with the short chapters. I cannot wait to see what’s next for Eddie and his tribe as I feel there is more to come with Mr Christmas & Ruby.
Huge thanks to Netgalley for the early read!

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The next Eddie Flynn novel finds him and his team representing a doctor accused of murder. There was an anonymous caller, although we as readers know it is Ruby, who pointed the finger at him. Ruby has her own motives that we see unfold in chapters that follow her.

I really enjoy the Eddie Flynn books and this one was no different! I really was intrigued by Ruby’s motivations although she is so devious I kept hoping she’d be caught. I think the author did a good enough job layering in breadcrumbs where if you really took time to plot things out you might figure out why for her, but if you’re caught up in everything, then it will be a twist (which is what it was for me!). Can’t wait for the next one in this series!

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Just wow! I can't say I'm surprised as everything Steve Cavanagh touches turns to literary gold!

Just when you think you have the story figured out and you know what is going to come next you get a surprise that you didn't see coming.

One of the things I like about Cavanagh's writing is that the new characters he introduces are brought in gradually. You are allowed to process them before a new one comes in, he does this brilliantly.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Headline Books for an ARC.

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Ah, Eddie Flynn, one of my guilty pleasures. I’ve enjoyed these books ever since Thirteen – sorry, Th1rt3en – the rather bonkers story of a serial killer who frames people and then gets on the jury of the trail of the person that he has framed – and they have always been a fun read. It can’t be easy to come up with the concepts for these stories, especially when Eddie’s first case involved him having 48 hours to defend someone due to having a bomb strapped to his back, but somehow Cavanagh manages it.
Here, we have multiple strands that gel together very well. A contract on Eddie’s life, his distraction due to his colleague being wounded, Ruby’s story (both past and present), the current trial and the question of who actually killed Margaret. It’s not easy to bring that many strands to a satisfactory conclusion, or to make them mesh into a coherent narrative, but Cavanagh does it with aplomb.
On top of that, he does a very good job with the character of Ruby, a tortured soul who could just come across as an unpleasant sociopath (is there such a thing as a pleasant sociopath?) but despite her actions, this reader did find himself feeling sorry for her. A bit. Another character who could have come across as a stereotype is Mr Christmas – I’ll say no more about him, but he ended up being far more complex than I expected.
I mentioned in my review of The Accomplice that it was the best book in the series since Thirteen. Well, while I still think Thirteen is the best in the series due to the daft concept (and the fact that Cavanagh makes it work), this one runs it a very close second…

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Loved it! Eddie Flynn is a genius of a character. A conman turned lawyer makes for the best type of courtroom drama; all of his little ‘plays’ towards the DA and the corrupt cops had me flying through this book. Looking forward to the next one!

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Apart from the mysterious book title this was an excellent read and I would like to join Eddie's family.

This is the first book I have read in this US murder story with wonderful characters and lots of twists.

Eddie Flynn is an ex con artist, now a lawyer who is defending a falsely accused surgeon facing murder. Enter Ruby a nanny/cleaner for some of the wealthiest families. She is a nanny for the surgeon's family but has a secret and deviously hides it. No more spoilers. Loved Bloch, though!

On the plus side Mr Cavanagh injects a little humour into the story. On the negative side we have yet another abusive father - sorry this scenario seems over used?

Thanks to Net Galley and Headline for the chance to read and review.

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Brilliant story, lots of little twists and enough of a mixture of new and old characters to add interest.
The chapters are also short enough that it is too easy to read 'just one' as the kettle boils! Hard to put down as is usual with Steve Cavanagh.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Another huge Eddie Flynn success!
Full of many old and new characters who all come to life and who you will never forget.
The story is fast moving, gripping, page turning and unputdownable.
It is a must read!
Congratulations Steve Cavanagh.....and with a reference to chess in your own words " What is the point of being a grandmaster if everyone else is an would soon lose its pleasure."
I would love to meet Eddie Flynn!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Headline for an ARC of this brilliant book.

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This was exactly what you expect from Eddie Flynn, fast moving, plenty of twists and turns a really good read, I have read some but not all of the "eddie" books, I found that there was just enough back ground information that it didn't take anything away from the book and I didn't feel I was missing something.

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What a terrific read – plot, sub-plots, counterplots, with more twists and turns than a Cornish road. I haven’t read any of Steve Cavanagh’s books before – my loss. Some wonderful characters – Lake, Kate, Bloch, just three of his loyal team, Then there is Harry, Eddie 'Fly' Flynn’s mentor and close friend … a special man. Two Fucks Tony is just one of Flynn’s colourful network of ‘aides’. And of course, Ruby … and her bonding with Mr Christmas. All with depth and believability.
The interconnectedness of those in the legal system and the law, including the wrong side of the law, offers Cavanagh plenty of opportunity for guile, humour, beating others at their own game, as well as delivering an oh-so-readable book.
How lucky was I to have an ARC of this five-star novel, courtesy of Headline and Netgalley?

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Wow, what a ride. Witness 8 is a gripping legal thriller that captivates from the first chapter. The story follows Eddie Flynn, a former conman turned lawyer, defending wealthy surgeon John, falsely accused of murder by his nanny, Ruby, who knows the real killer.

The book is superbly scripted, with fluent storytelling and well-developed characters that make you feel intimately connected to them. Eddie Flynn's unique background adds depth to his character, making his legal manoeuvres fascinating to follow.
The plot is filled with twists and turns that keep you guessing until the very end. Just when you think you have it figured out, the story takes another surprising direction, maintaining a high level of suspense throughout.

Witness 8 also delves into how quickly one's life can be turned upside down by false accusations and the community's reaction. John's struggle and his neighbours' swift judgment highlight the fragility of social standing and justice.

The ending is fantastic and ties up the narrative perfectly, leaving you satisfied yet eager for more. Every moment spent reading this book is thrilling, making it a must-read for fans of legal thrillers.

Witness 8 is an unputdownable novel with a compelling plot, dynamic characters, and constant suspense. Highly recommended, and I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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What an unbelievably good and well plotted book; I loved every word.

Complicated = yes, keep you guessing = yes, yes, full of real people = definitely, boring = never. Best book I have read in a while and I do read a lot of books.

Give yourself a treat but make sure when you start reading that you will not be disturbed. Yes, it really is that good.

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It's always better to read a series from book one and in order, and there are no excuses for not doing this if it is a good as this series. Every book is excellent!
We start this book on Manhattan's West 74th Street, home to a bunch of wealthy families. Once home also to Ruby who, due to circumstances, had to leave with her mother. She now works as a Nanny and Cleaner for the families who still reside there.
One night, after babysitting for one such family, she is walking home when she witnesses one of the residents kill another. She knows them both. She calls the police anonymously, naming the murderer as John Jackson. But she lied...
And the person she named is now in a whole heap of trouble.
But why did she lie?
And if John is innocent, how did the gun get in his house with his DNA on it?
That's two of the things that trial lawyer Eddie Flynn, and his team, have to investigate when he is asked to defend John.
If you have read the previous books, and you have, haven't you, you'll know exactly what you are getting yourself into with this book. An extremely tightly plotted, well executed story, starring the best characters, that will suck you in, hold you captive, confused the heck out of you, spitting you out at the end, shocked but wholly satisfied.
Ok so I have to admit that for the first time with this series, I did guess something quite important early. But that was a lucky guess which turned out to be right and, apart from making me feel a bit smug, did in no way affect my overall enjoyment of this book. It's a good job I picked the right day to read it as I pretty much read straight through start to finish in just one sitting. I was powerless to put it down, and left the Monday chores incomplete. Well, the dust will only just come back anyway!
If you haven't already discovered this series, apart from - where have you been? - and are a fan of this genre, please do check it out. If you have, then you already know what you are getting, and all I have to say is that it's as high quality as what has gone before.
Hanging for book 9 now...
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Ruby Johnson is a nanny and maid to wealthy families in Manhattan's West 74th Street. She knows their routines. Their secrets. One night, on her way home, Ruby witnesses a neighbour's murder. She knows the victim. She knows the killer. She makes an anonymous call to the police and names the murderer. But Ruby didn't tell the truth...
Because there's something wrong with Ruby Johnson. Eddie Flynn, conman turned trial lawyer, must defend an innocent man accused of this terrible crime. As Ruby's deadly game begins, one thing is certain.
It won't be the last murder this witness is involved in...

I love Steve Cavanagh’s writing and I am a big fan of an Eddie Flynn story!! When I was accepted for this ARC I was sooo happy. Once again, I read anything by Cavanagh so quickly as the pace is always so fast and the plot and story becomes too exciting for me to put the book down.

I must say, this one wasn’t my favourite - I think thirteen and fifty fifty are on a different level to this. However, overall a great read and would highly recommend.

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Firstly, let me fan girl over the fact that I was able to read this before release 😍 secondly, thank-you to @netgalley and Orion Publishing for giving me this ARC! ❤

WOW. I have had to think about the rating of this book and I just couldn't give it 4 ⭐ as it was just too good! It had twists from the beginning 😳 and had me questioning what was in store for this book and it even had me feeling upset and a potential emotional moment (I won't spoil it!) 😢 and the epilogue, well...I honestly had no that the hint for the next Eddie Flynn!?

This is an ABSOLUTE MUST READ! 😍 (I am not biased honest! 🤣)

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There is something a bit special about Steve Cavanagh and his superb creation, the brilliant, maverick lawyer Eddie Flynn who happens to be a former con-man.

I have delighted in reading all the other Eddie Flynn books but you can read this with no prior knowledge of any of the other books.

A murder in a Street in New York populated by extremely wealthy people and a witness to the event (Ruby) who will do what she wants to get where she needs to be.

Disclosing any of the story feels a bit like a spoiler but some of the ingredients in this story include - murder, police corruption, child trafficking, hit men, brilliant court room set pieces, twists and turns a plenty and a gritty narrative with a super fast pace.

If I could give this more than 5/5 I would. Cavanagh has now sold over a million books and I can only see this number getting increasingly fairy rapidly.

If you have not read any Eddie Flynn books and this is your first go back to the beginning when you have finished, you can thank me later.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an impartial review.

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Another great Eddie Flynn book, I do hope the author doesn’t stop writing them. Eddie is a con artist turned lawyer who uses tricks in the courtroom and is always brilliant, In this book, he has to overcome an innocent client, threats on his own life and Ruby, who is muddying all of the water with an agenda of her own. I missed a bit of Eddie being very clever in court but I did like the character of Mr Christmas and hope we get to meet him again. Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC.

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I've heard sooooooo many good things about author Steve Cavanagh and protagonist Eddie Flynn, and I do have a couple of this series in my tbr pile.

But when I saw this one available to review on NetGalley, I jumped at the chance. Never dreaming the wonderful people at Headline would say yes.

And I'm so happy they did!

As Steve Cavanagh and Eddie Flynn are the bomb!!

When it comes to courtroom thrillers, this is the best one I've read in a long time, and I was hooked from the moment Eddie cons a cop into dropping charges on the stand by using a few friends to pose as tow truck drivers.

And as the story unfolded I became even more enthralled and intrigued by Eddie and his team. Who are colourful to say the least and I loved how every facet came together and how complex and nuanced these characters are.

Not to mention the big case Eddie ends up involved in was compelling to say the least. As a rich surgeon and family man is set up for the murder of a neighbour in wealthy Manhattan's West 74th Street and the District Attorney who lives nearby is determined to see him convicted.

Which means Eddie has to pull out all the stops. Whilst also fending off a threat from the policeman, he embarrassed in court at the beginning of the story.

And all in all this was a story that I couldn't put down and one I found myself still reading at 3 am. It was just that good!

I will definitely be reading the other books I have on my tbr pile ASAP and would thoroughly recommend this cracking page turner of a thriller to all.

My thanks to Headline and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an early copy of Witness 8. 😊

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