Member Reviews

Eddie Flynn and his team are back and ready to defend a man falsely accused of murder. Ruby is a nanny to wealthy families in a Manhattan street. It is there that she witnesses a neighbour’s murder and she knows the killer so she makes an anonymous call to police. Is Ruby telling the truth or is she more dangerous than the killer?

I was very excited to see a new Eddie Flynn book out as it is one of my most anticipated series. I kept putting off starting this because I knew that I would then be closer to the end and I’d have to wait ages for a new one! This is another excellent addition, full of the usual twists, high octane drama and clever plot. It was great to catch up with the characters as they are superbly written, powerful and you really feel a connection with them all; I especially enjoy their relationships and humorous moments with one another. There were some great minor characters here too!

This novel saw a few different storylines working intricately together and had some very suspenseful moments, although there were also emotional elements. I love that this series offers things that seem irrelevant but are often integral to the plot and the creative ways around problems. The twists are always clever and not random as they are in some other books. This was another highly entertaining courtroom thriller by this talented author; I’m just sad I now have to wait for another! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy in return for an honest review.

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It is no secret I LOVE Eddie Flynn, if you are new to him do yourself a favour and go and read the previous books then this one. You absolutely can read this as a standalone but it is book 8 of an absolutely fantastic series so read the others if you haven't yet! Right, Eddie is a lawyer, previous conman (but not a bad guy like he never done anything to good people) now a lawyer who only represents innocent people. Having previously had a foot in the "underworld" he has an advantage over other lawyers and whilst they are often slimy/shady and some more crooked than the folks they represent - Eddie is a good guy with unconventional contacts at his disposal.

So Eddie is representing a guy accused of murdering someone in his neighbourhood, his posh affulent neighbourhood. Crème de la crème, he is a skilled rich surgeon and the victim is a rich wife who is known to have had many a dalliance with other married men. Someone witnessed the murder, they called it in anonymously and they have their own agenda, enter Ruby. Ruby is a nanny/maid to the rich and who knows all of their business and often secrets, how they operate because Ruby used to be one of them. Now instead of being a wealthy neighbour she works in the house she used to live in and the neighbouring houses. Ruby has fingered the wrong guy intentionally , Ruby has motives and reasons that only she knows. Ruby will have what she wants, she is master of a deadly game that noone but her knows they are playing.

Oooft talk about shady characters! The chapters jump between Ruby (the nanny) and Eddie and co as they try to work out a defense but when the prosecution have their killer and a seemingly bullet proof case Eddie and co sure have their work cut out. And in true Eddie fashion (trouble seems to follow him) they unknowingly shake up a hornets nest and soon they don't just have to look out for their clients!

Action packed but if you know the series this isn't a surprise, investigation and weeding through the facts and evidence of the case. Trying to prove the seemingly unprovable, odds stacked against them but Eddie's team are some of the best, sometimes not the most stable folks, some from the underworld and they work well together, often uphill battles.

Jaw dropping, frustrating characters, shocking behaviours, emotive, skulduggery characters, murder, bad guys and some very unstable people. Jumping between Eddie and Co and Ruby, the chapters flow seamlessly, when we were on Eddie I didn't want to leave, when we were on Ruby I didn't want to leave. Had work/life not gotten in the way I would have read this in one sitting. Gripping, keeping you on the edge of your seat, desperate to fly through it and see where it is going but not wanting it to end because it is just too fricken good!

I eagerly await the next Flynn book(s) with baited breath, I would LOVE to see him on screen (although someone asked me who I pictured when reading him and I am one of those who don't visual my characters as I go), I would need to think. I think what makes them such gripping reads/beloved is they aren't white as snow characters, they have flaws but they work together for the greater good. Eddie has often stood for the underdog and many a times we meet a pompous or read nasty character, often in the courtroom and Eddie brings them down a peg or two, I LOVE THAT. He is just a good dude, I could talk about him/this series all day, no surprises 5/5 for me this time. When you think you know where it is going - you just don't, for being on book 8 I do worry sometimes picking them up, will it have lost its magic? Absolutely not, fresh, page turning, fabulous and some scenes make you feel a bit Annie Wilkes lmao, if you know you know. I cannot recommend this book (and series) enough. Out to buy 1st of August but you can pre order now, moan Eddie, get them!

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Really enjoyed this book. It is very well constructed, and the storyline followed a very logical flow throughout. I loved the characters, especially Eddie and Mr Christmas.I must admit to not having read any of the previous books, but I will certainly be adding them to my reading list.

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Thank you NetGalley and Headline for this eCopy to review

Another gripping instalment in the Eddie Flynn series. Witness 8 had me hooked from start to finish, how do you save someone convince a jury your client is innocent when they are being framed? Full of danger to seemingly everyone I liked how all the plots connected and having chapters from different points of view helped advance the story but without giving too much away

Ruby used to live on the exclusive West 74th Street but after her family's fall from grace she ends up as their cleaner, nanny, any job that needs doing. She is trusted as she used to be one of them. This is a big mistake Ruby is not all sweetness and light like she pretends but a manipulative psychopath. What lengths will she go to, to protect her mother and their secrets?

Truly creepy in places, with great characters and plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing I cannot wait for the next in the series

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This is the first Eddie Flynn novel that I have read and it will not be the last. What a fast paced book. The plot leaves you guessing at every turn. Eddie Flynn is a conman turned lawyer. He is asked to represent a man who is innocent of the crime of murdering a female neighbour, he has been set up by the nanny, who interferes in the investigation and subsequent trial.
Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for the advance copy of this book.

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Not quite the usual Eddie Flynn, classic, All the usual characters, but not as many twists as normal or was that me ?
Fans of the series will probably love it. Just when you think you have it sussed something else occurs.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Eddie Flynn is back. Fewer twists and turns than some of his previous outings but if people like the series they will enjoy this one.

Thanks to Netgallery for the ARC

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This is a classic Eddie Flynn novel. Full of twists and turns, some that I guessed but when you think everything is over there's always something else that's going to happen. Side note... Ruby is a complete psycho.

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Book 8 in the Eddie Flynn series and another cracking read. I really love this series and I really loved this book. For anyone who doesn’t know Eddie is a former conman who is now a successful practicing lawyer in New York. This time out Eddie has agreed to defend a paediatric brain surgeon, John Jackson, accused of murder. Eddie only defends people he genuinely believes are innocent. Reads well as a stand-alone but I do recommend reading the rest in series for background, and they are so good!

Briefly, a woman has been murdered in her home on an elite street in Manhattan and the police are convinced Jackson is the killer after receiving an anonymous tip and finding the murder weapon in his home. Ruby Johnson saw and recognised the killer and when he dumps the murder weapon she took it and hid it in Jackson’s home. Whilst Flynn and his team are investigating they also discover that there is a hit out on Flynn and a number of assassins are on the hunt, including the enigmatic Mr. Christmas. This leaves Eddie looking for the real killer whilst trying to keep himself alive!

This is a faced paced and exciting read with a very interested character in Ruby who is possibly a psychopath or at least has been terribly traumatised by her childhood. On the face of it she is a kind and popular child sitter and cleaner to a number of the street’s residents, however, she talks to a painting and cares for no one other than her mother. She’s bad. Very bad. But I still felt some sympathy for her. A compelling read I finished in a day. Brilliantly written and some great twists and turns and loved the ending, even though it’s a cliffhanger! Fabulous

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This is the first novel from Steve Cavanagh that I've read and certainly won't be the last. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down. Great characters and storyline. A definite must read.

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#Witness8 #NetGalley
Ruby Johnson is a nanny and maid to wealthy families in Manhattan's West 74th Street.
She knows their routines. Their secrets.
One night, on her way home, Ruby witnesses a neighbour's murder. She knows the victim. She knows the killer. She makes an anonymous call to the police and names the murderer. But Ruby didn't tell the truth..Because there's something wrong with Ruby Johnson. Eddie Flynn, conman turned trial lawyer, must defend an innocent man accused of this terrible crime. As Ruby's deadly game begins, one thing is certain. It won't be the last murder this witness is involved in..
It was mind blowing thriller.
Thanks to NetGalley and Headline for giving me an advance copy.

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This is the first Edie Flynn novel that i have read and i can see why the series has been successful.
Fast paced action from Eddie and his team who are all extremes of the type of characters we expect to find in legal /police/investigative thrillers.
I liked the background of Eddie as a conman turned lawyer, scared of no one and using his old skills to his advantage. The reader knows that the goodies are going to survive and that lots of baddies get what they deserve. Lots of fanciful action and the fact that three separate hitmen all turn up at the same time for a kill typifies how unreal much of the plotting is. Despite this i liked the book as it is very easy to read and fun to read about the life of super rich privileged New Yorkers dealing with murder and blackmail.
Thanks to NetGalley and Headlines Books for the ARC

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This was my first book by this author. Very enjoyable mix of a crime story with some psychological aspects and very entertaining. Certainly a bit different to other books of this genre. Recommended.

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If you have read any previous books in the Eddie Flynn series then you know what to expect from the leading man and you also know the story will be good

I have to admit to being sporadic in my efforts to read all the series but it seriously didn’t make any difference, I think a first time reader coming into the series would enjoy it just as much as a series devotee

Set in Manhatten in one of the most salabruis streets, a dastardly deed is done, witnessed by no one….or so the culprit thinks

Eddie Flynn is ace, other Characters are generally great, aside from Tony two 😎 and the courtroom scenes fiery and clever and absorbing

Mr Christmas is chilling

Really good read as had expected it would be

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WOW what a fast paced amazing and exciting Eddie Flynn thriller Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh is.

Ruby Johnson is a maid and nanny working for wealthy families in Manhattan's West 74th Street and knows their everyday agenda and secrets she even lived on these streets once upon a time and now has a chip on her shoulder and loves the colour of money.

Something is going to change Ruby after she has witnessed a neighbour getting shot on her way home from work one evening and informs the authorities who the killer is.

Eddie Flynn and his loyal team set out to prove that the man Ruby has accused is innocent. I love the witty remarks throughout the book IE Lake's suit looked as if someone else had worn it when they'd died in their sleep and Lake had taken it from the corpse.

Eddie is up against District Attorney Castro who is power hungry and out to beat Eddie hands down when the case goes to trial.

I had to hold my breath near the end as I thought someone close to Eddie was going to die.

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How have I not read a Steve Cavanagh book before now??? This I know……………….it may be my first, it won’t be my last! I loved it!! I am absolutely delighted to learn that this is something like book 8 in the series and I can now go back and read all the others!!
I love the characters and I am looking forward to learning more about them in the previous books. Having said that, it did not detract at all from Witness 8 that I hadn’t read any of the previous books, it is perfectly readable as a stand-alone.
I’m not going to précis the book for you, that’s done by better writers than me on the book cover, suffice to say Eddy Flynn, one time conman, now lawyer is defending an esteemed brain surgeon who is accused of murder by an anonymous caller who says they witnessed him killing one of his neighbours.
The book grabbed me on page one and didn’t let me go till the end. Housework and sleep have suffered, but who cares! I couldn’t put it down. I love the main characters, so likeable and interesting…….I want to know more about them. Ruby, the other main character is equally interesting and I wonder if we’ll hear more about her in the next book? I hope that policing in New York City isn’t as described in this book and that some poetic licence has been used and that people don’t get shot dead as frequently as they do in this book, but at the end of the day it’s a fiction book and there has to be some suspension of reality. (She’s says hopefully)
My sincere thanks go to the author, I look forward to reading more of your books Steve Cavanagh, to the publishers and to NetGalley for an advanced e.reader copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are 100% my genuine views.

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A brain surgeon is arrested for murder his accuser is a nanny to his son.
Lawyer Eddy Flynn is defending him.
Lots of characters and twists in this fast paced thriller.
Thank you to Netgalley and Headline for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this series and author and this book didn’t disappoint 💫

The pacing was good, the storyline was different and I love a book with the rich. This was a fantastic addition to a great series.

Would definitely recommend.

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What an absolute cracker of a book. A real fast-paced page turner.
Ruby is the nanny to rich parents on the street to where Ruby used to live with her parents. Until her father gambled all their possessions and house away.
Ruby witnesses a murder. She knows both the victim and the perpetrator. She calls.the police anonymously and gives them the name of the murderer.
But is Ruby telling the truth, and if not, why is she lying?
This is an Eddie Flynn book, and I'm sure many will be familiar with him and the other characters.
This is my first book by Cavanagh, and I absolutely loved it.
It didn't matter that I hadn't read any of the previous books as you got a bit of back story on each character.
Each chapter is from the pov of each character, and they are quite short, so you just want to keep turning the pages.
Even though I got why Ruby was doing what she was doing for a good reason, I really didn't like her and wanted her to get caught.
I loved how Eddie seemed to be one step ahead of Casto, dirty tactics, but I loved the courtroom drama.
If the previous books are half as good as this one, I shall have to read them all.
Finally, the twist at the end. Loved it.
Thanks to Netgalley and Headline for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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This is the latest in Steve Cavanagh's popular Eddie Flynn series set in New York, with the trial lawyer and conman facing an extremely challenging set of circumstances, being the target of multiple hitmen, including a Mr Christmas. Simultaneously, Flynn is having to defend an innocent man, a paediatric brain surgeon, a traumatised John Jackson, from a charge of murder, where the evidence appears to be rock solid. Babysitter and cleaner, Ruby Johnson, is walking home at night in an exclusive Manhattan district when she witnesses the murder of client and friend Maggs, ruthlessly shot dead. She recognises the killer, and when he leaves, she retrieves the gun used.

Ruby is no ordinary young woman, there is something not quite right about her, something some people can discern, but most are fooled by her, although given her behaviour with the 'Red Priest', she clearly seems to suffer from mental health issues. She plants the gun in Jackson's home, and makes a anonymous call to the police, ensuring that Jackson and his wife, Alison's livrs begins to rapidly fall apart, as the horrendous tensions and never ending pressures build. This is a complex case that is to test Eddie and his crack team to the limit, this includes law firm partner Kate Brooks, office manager, Denise, the taciturn Bloch, his good friend, retired judge Harry Ford, and the crumpled suit wearing monster hunter, Gabriel Lake. These are desperately anxious times, with further murders, and the gravest of dangers to negotiate for Eddie and his team.

There are twists and turns that had me turning the pages as fast as possible right up to the end. Inevitably, with the number of books in the series, some of Eddie's trademark antics and a few plotlines have become familiar, and it becomes possible to predict what might happen on occasion. Nevertheless, Cavanagh's Eddie Flynn cuts a stylish and charismatic central character who still has the power to charm and engage. This is helped by a terrific supporting cast and the creation and development of engaging characters like Mr Christmas and a Ruby who it seems clear are set to return in the future. Looking forward with great anticipation to the next in the series! Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.

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