Member Reviews

Working as a nanny to rich families, Ruby Johnson knows many of the secrets that her employers would rather keep hidden. What nobody else knows is that Ruby has secrets of her own.

When she witnesses a murder where she recognises both the killer and the victim, Ruby finds herself in possession of a very unusual secret indeed. So, when she tips off the police about the identity of the murderer, why does she give them the wrong information?

Ruby's actions have a number of consequences - both intended and unintended. And this time, however twisted, she may have bitten off more than even she can chew...

This is a gripping thriller, and repeatedly delivers curve balls. Mystery lovers will be engrossed by the writer's storytelling skill, and come away feeling thoroughly satisfied with the read. Worth checking out!

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So much going on in this book as Eddie Flynn aims to prove his client’s innocence while juggling a bounty on his head. Brilliant cons and a few strokes of luck pull this story together. My only criticism would be that it all happened too fast in the end! Thank you to Netgalley for the advance reader copy, looking forward to the next one.

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Ruby is a nanny to well off families in New York as she used to be one of the neighbours. On her way home one night she witnesses a shooting and sees both the killer and victim. Ruby sees this as an opportunity and takes the weapon, leaving it with one of her employers and making an anonymous tip off. Eddie Flynn is a very wise, experienced lawyer who has seen more than a few things in his time and is now defending the man who was set up by Ruby. Eddy has been a grifter in the past and is wise, very wise.

There are good books and great books and ones that blow everything else out of the water- this is one of those reads. It’s twisty and complex (but easy for the reader to understand) and incredibly well thought out. A belter of a plot, a Cavanagh brilliance, one that left me reeling. Clever and calculated, just like Eddy. So happy to be a part of Eddy’s “family”. Wow isn't enough of a superlative. Stunning, loved this, brilliant.

For more reviews please follow me on Twitter (X) @nickisbookblog

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Eddie Flynn and his associates have a new case. Enjoy the rollercoaster of a trial behind the scenes intrigue. It's like meeting up with an old friend and catching up. Hit men, corrupt cops and a seemingly motive less murder trial.
Couldn't put it down and devoured the book in 1 day.

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I’m one of Eddie Flynn’s biggest fans- I always devour Steve Cavanagh’s Conman turned Defence Lawyer series in a matter of hours so I was overjoyed to receive Witness 8 as a review copy. Even better I was on an overnight flight from the US to London and I had something to entertain me. No small screen movies for me and very little sleep! I just couldn’t put this book down!
Eddie is called upon to defend a paediatric brain surgeon accused of murder but it is obvious he is innocent to everyone except the DA! He has been framed! Who has done this and moreover why? Eddie has to find out before John Jackson is wrongly convicted.
Not only does Eddie have to deal with this but he’s also become the target of hitmen and has to try and avoid being killed. He has to use all his wits and his conman skills from his past life to try and work out who’s targeting him and again find out why!
This book is “unputadownable” - is that even a word? It certainly applies to Witness 8!
The plot moves at a cracking pace and the reader is kept on their toes as the author tells the story from the point of view of different characters including Eddie, Ruby who is John Jackson’s family Nanny, , Kate, Eddie’s work partner, Mr Christmas, a mysterious hitman to name but a few. They are all well drawn and add interesting perspectives to the story. How do all these strands and characters come together by the end of the book? I couldn’t wait to find out.
Anyway, I urge you to rush out and buy Witness 8 on 1 August when it is published- it will make a great holiday read and as I personally found, it will entertain you on any flight!
I recommend it as a five star read.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my advance copy.

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Another good book in this series. I don't think it matters if this is the first one in the series you have read. The pace of the book was good, and so was the plot. I think anyone who enjoys this genre will like this book.

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Oh boy this is Eddie Flynn at his most finest and and absolutely belter of a read I just devoured every word it’s that good!
If you haven’t read any of the books in the series then do yourself a favour either buy, beg or borrow them all, take a holiday or lock all your doors and read them each and every one is amazing.
The story is told by different characters in the book and with short punchy chapters it flows along perfectly keeping you hooked till the last few chapters and heck yes it has a final twist that just blew my mind it was just sheer perfection.
I loved being back with the regular members of Eddie’s team it always makes me feel like I am almost hanging out with them they are so well written, I also liked the Mr Christmas character who was a very scary individual with a love of Marlon Brando he was excellently crafted !
So a superb 5 star read that I absolutely loved and many thanks as always to Steve Cavanagh… you did it again another sure fire winner.
My thanks also to NetGalley and Headline for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I was so happy to have been approved for this ARC of Witness 8. Having read other Eddie Flynn books, I knew I was in for a good read.

We are introduced to Ruby, a maid/nanny/housekeeper for the rich living on West 74th in New York. Early in the story, Ruby is witness to a murder but frames an innocent man. But why? The story evolves with many twists and turns, reintroducing Flynn and his sidekicks as they try to get to the bottom of it. The trick is not to find the right answer, but the right question...

I enjoyed the multiple viewpoints and some of them connected very well and followed on from one another. I find it so easy to picture the characters and settings of this series, Cavanagh sets the scene very well and I feel like I'm almost watching it play out in front of me.

Would highly recommend this book. You don't have to have read the others in order beforehand as the backstories are easy to pick up on. 4/5 for me.

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Witness 8 is another fabulous crime thriller with the wonderful Eddie Flynn.
When a woman is murdered in an upper class are of New York it is witnessed by Ruby a maid that works in a couple of these houses. Instead of informing the police of what she saw she makes an anonymous phone call to the police saying she saw the culprit but giving the name of a completely innocent man, a top neurosurgeon whose child she looks after.
Eddie takes on the case and believes this man is completely innocent and that he has been framed, but proving it is going to prove almost impossible. With a number of corrupt police officers, a power hungry DA that will stop at nothing to obtain a conviction and a few assassins that have been paid to murder Eddie there are many strands to unravel.
Action filled, brilliant plotting, superb court scenes and characters good and bad with great depth this is a book that flows beautifully often with humour but not without some dark heart pumping moments
Another winner from this author who certainly knows how to spin a story and keep you throughly invested in every page.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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I felt SO lucky to get an advanced copy of Steve Cavanagh’s new book. I absolutely love the Eddie Flynn Series. Though I think Thirteen remains my absolute favourite, there is a lot of love about Witness 8 as well.
Told through multiple narratives, you get a whole 360 degree view of Eddie Flynn’s latest trial. Not only is the trial seemingly impossible to win, but Eddie has to juggle that with two different personal challenges as well, so the tension is sky high from start to finish. Look no further for your next legal thriller page turner.
With each book, Eddie Flynn’s world expands further. I love the A Team he has assembled around him. I think my favourite part were the narrations from the new characters, particularly Mr. Christmas. I am not normally a fan of open endings and cliffhangers, but I think it really worked in this case. I finished the book itching to get my hands on the next book.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the chance to review an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Spoiler alert -
Given that I am glowing about the book, why is it five not four stars? Two words: Chapter 27. I know putting a favourite character in mortal danger and making the reader think they have died is great for tension and pace…but the same technique was done with the same character in an earlier book. I hope this isn’t a hat trick - I don’t think my heart can take the loss of this character.

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On her way home from one of her many nannying jobs in the prestigious West 74th Street, Manhattan she is the only single witness to the murder of Margaret Blakemore, another client of hers. No one sees Ruby, even when she is working in their own homes. She works for several of the families on this block, and knows some of their darkest secrets. Knowing the identity of the killer, she calls the police and tells them what she saw anonymously, but the name she gives isn’t the right one, because Ruby also has secrets of her own, ones she wants to keep no matter what.

When Eddie and Kate are called to defend a man innocent of murder the evidence against him is damming - can Eddie, Kate and the rest of the team find the true identity of the killer before an innocent man is sent to prison? This isn’t the only thing Eddie has to worry about, the ex conman always has to watch his back, as you can guarantee there’s more to this story than meets the eye, and it could be catastrophic for everyone.

Before I even started reading I had already given this book 5 stars, and by god I was right! I’m such a big fan of Steve’s books since discovering the Eddie Flynn series a few years ago, and now as soon as I get wind of another book coming out, I’m right there with the pre order! I was keeping this for my holiday in July, but I knew I had it sitting there on my kindle so I couldn’t resist! I literally have no idea how Steve comes up with the things that Eddie gets himself into, and how he gets out of them is nothing short of genius! I love the way that you are fed little bits of info through the story which leaves you wondering why did he do that? So without saying too much, the diner and the chewing gum are just two of many! By now, we have really seen all the characters grow into their own, developing deeper personalities and showing different sides of themselves. We even see a slight glimmer of emotion from Bloch! (Again can’t say why for fear of spoilers!) and Ruby, what a complex character she is, and so well written! The storyline is excellent as always, Steve is such a brilliant writer, how he can write in the style of an American so well is just pure talent on its own, without all the additional parts like the unique storytelling, the way the books hook you in from the first page, and everything is really clear and well explained to the reader in regards to the American legal terminology. One of my favourite series, and one of my favourite writers! Fabulous read, really enjoyed it, definitely goes far beyond expectations!

I can’t really say anymore without ruining the story, apart from if you’re an Eddie Flynn fan, or even a reading fan, you’ll love this!

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this eARC.

I've seen a lot of recommendations for Steve Cavanagh's Eddie Flynn series and whilst I've not read any of the previous books I had high expectations when I started reading. Steve Cavanagh exceeded every single expectation, this book really hit the mark with me and I thoroughly enjoyed Witness 8. The authors writing is good and very engaging. The plot line is multi layered and full of subterfuge, lies and deceit that really piqued my interest and captured my attention. I really liked the courtroom scenes. Being new to this author it did take time to familiarise myself with the characters and for them to slot into place in my mind. I like the brief recap Cavanagh gives on each characters history, so I didn't feel I'd missed much by not reading the previous books. I really like the way the story is told through different characters with their different agendas and motives. Most of the characters are likeable, and even though I wasn't keen on Ruby at first, she grew on me at the end. The pacing here is perfect and the suspense and thrills the author creates make this a very absorbing and compelling read. This is one of those reads where I was eager to know what would happen next whilst trying to work out a reason for one characters actions. I think Eddie Flynn is a complex, unique yet likeable character with his own way of doing things - this adds to his charm and I was rooting for him and his team throughout. The ending is good, it complements the story and gives good closure and I hope possibly a chance for two characters to return?

I'd recommend this read if you like thrillers that keep you on your toes and you're second guessing what will happen next. I will definitely look to find the time to read the previous books in the series and get fully caught up!

4 stars

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I know fans of conman turned lawyer Eddie Flynn and Steve Cavanagh will call a heathen, a heretic going to Hull in a handcart - I’ve only previously read Thirteen from this series. I thought Thirteen was great, though the finale wasn’t my favourite. I read K*ll For Me, K*ll For You which got me eager to read more of this author’s books.

If I had read the series, it’s very possible I wouldn’t have felt overwhelmed by so many characters. Honestly, it’s in the running with The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for the most character names in a book, and at least that had a character list.

It took me a good while to get into, it’s a complex case, Eddie Flynn is defending his first murder case, there’s a witness and a murder witness.

You know the Eddie Flynn style, it’s stylish New York hard boiled, there’s hitmen, corrupt cops, mobsters and much more woven in to this intricate plot.

I enjoyed it, it took a while to get into it but I’m sure if you’ve followed the series already know many of these characters it would be a lot easier.

Thanks to Netgalley and Headline

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 1st August. This is the first book I’ve read from this author and I was blown away! This book was definitely a mind- blowing page turner with many unexpected twists and turns throughout!

The book is a fantastic crime thriller that leaves you guessing right up until the very last page and it was twisty plot with many gripping moments in every chapter! I really hope there is a sequel to this book as it would be great!

Overall, I’d highly recommend this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars! 😊

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Steve Cavanagh can do no wrong in his writing of the Eddie Flynn series,each book just goes from strength to strength.Filled with colourful characters and sharp dialogue this is an addictive read that I found impossible to put down.
As Eddie's team has grown throughout each book so has their closeness, each one having the others back when needed their a team you'd want on your side every time.
This is one series of books that I never want to end.
Congratulations Mr Cavanagh you've written another winner.
Thanks to Netgalley and Headline for the ARC.

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Eddie Flynn returns in Witness 8 which is the latest thriller from the ever excellent Steve Cavanagh.

The pacing of the book is superb with an excellently twisty plot that keeps the pages turning.

This series somehow continued to improve book by book despite its existing high standards and Witness 8 is one not to miss.

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I am a huge fan of Steve Cavanagh and I was delighted to get the opportunity to read his newest book Witness 8. This was one of the most gripping and thrilling books I have read in a long time. I read it over the course of a day as I simply couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait to read more from the author in the future.

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More a Psychological Thriller than a Legal One!!!!

i always enjoy Eddie Flynn’s books and i enjoyed this one as well. i love these characters so so much!

there were multiple plots and so much was happening. but all of them kept me engaged. the tension and the action scenes were well-written. Steve Cavanagh writes great action scenes. you can live them while reading.

Ruby’s part of the book was mysterious. i expected a good reveal after all the things she did to Jackson’s family but it was kinda underwhelming. but as a woman, i found it satisfying!!

Mr. Christmas’s part of the book was the most interesting. Eddie really can’t live without putting himself in trouble 💀 someone is always after him!

as for the ending, i didn’t like that. mainly because we also got an open ending in The Accomplice which made me think that we might get a sequel but we didn’t (that book needs a sequel!!) and now the same is going to happen here.

overall, a great read. i enjoyed it thoroughly!! 👏🏼 can’t wait for the next one and many more!!

thanks to publishers and netgally for the e-arc. this was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024. i love this series a lot so needless to say i screamed when i received the copy 🥲

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I have read all of this incredible author’s Eddie Flynn legal thrillers and this is by far the best.

Taut, not a word wasted, a couple of enthralling plots that twist and converge throughout, great characters, a terrifying psychotic, sociopathic villain and of course the author’s trademark wit and legal knowledge.

All of this in one book. What more can you possibly ask for?

A sure fire best seller.

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A pediatric brain surgeon is accused of murdering a neighbour. Adamant that he is innocent the only thing standing between John Jackson and a life behind bars is lawyer Eddie Flynn, and a scheming witness.

Fans of the Eddie Flynn series will be well aware that despite all the predicaments he ends up in Eddie uses his cunning to defeat even the toughest foe. This time around author Steve Cavanagh has set up a storyline where Eddie seems to have met his match, in more ways than one. Witness 8 has Eddie facing a number of adversaries and placed in what seems to be an unwinnable position.

When a murder takes place in a wealthy suburb of New York the murderer flees, disposing of the murder weapon nearby. Ruby Johnson, a part-time nanny and cleaner for some of the wealthy residents is the only witness. Rather than report the crime Ruby decides to retrieve the murder weapon and use it for her own ends. We begin to realise that Ruby is unpleasant, the more we read on we discover she's manipulative and constantly scheming. There are times when her behaviour is unsettling and I was convinced she was suffering from a dissociative identity disorder. What is unclear is how and why Ruby is framing one of her employers, John Jackson.

Wealthy clients hire high-end legal firms, but the lawyer hired by John Jackson knows that in order for his client to stand a chance in what appears to be an unwinnable case something, or someone, special is required. The firm turns to Eddie Flynn and his associates. Having previously been a con artist Eddie is an expert at reading people and thinking outside the box; he's not averse to playing outside the rules either and we witness this early on when he defends a client and ends up embarrassing a police officer in the process.

What Eddie doesn't realise is that the police officer involved works for a criminal gang and they are upset that Flynn has disrupted one of their financial scams. Determined that it won't happen again they put a price on Eddie's head.

It becomes a case of cat-and-mouse as Eddie has to contend with having a target on his back while trying to solve the puzzles of who the actual murderer is and how he's going to save his client. While all of this is happening Ruby Johnson continues her scheming and a hit-man with a strange code of ethics zeros in on Eddie. I began to worry that Eddie had met his match with two such formidable opponents, particularly when a devastating event takes place. I was truly convinced that this was the end for Eddie, however, we know he's a fighter and even at his lowest ebb he refuses to give up. Author Steve Cavanagh keeps the tension going right up to the last moment and has fans nervous about the conclusion.

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