Member Reviews

Another fab Eddie Flynn thriller. You definitely don't need to have read the others to read this one!

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Just brilliant……I love this series and this author so much! Amazing story featuring all of the usual gang- but could absolutely be read as a standalone. Particularly loved Tony’s character having more of a presence. Funny, clever, twisty and an excellent story would 💯 recommend

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This was another fabulous story involving Eddie Flynn and his cohorts! It was so good to meet up with everyone again and to cheer them on through this set of amazing stories, I am always a little in awe of this authors talent in weaving together such interesting and yet seemingly disparate events into one narrative. These Eddie Flynn books are just simply addictive and keep getting better with each I read.
This could quite easily be read as a standalone novel, there is enough information given about our core characters and yet it’s not that repetitive if you read others in the series.
I found the main themes of this book, family and corruption, made for a fascinating page turner and now I’m left waiting and hoping for another book in this wonderful series!

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Witness 8 happens to be the eighth novel in the Eddie Flynn series and I really hope this series never ends. It would be a very sad day if there was no more Eddie Flynn to look forward to. I was hooked from the very beginning when Flynn flaunts his talent in the courtroom so naturally and expertly for the first time simply by bluffing his way magnificently through another court case and blowing the prosecution’s case to smithereens.

But the focus of the story, the murder trial at hand proves even more challenging when the murder weapon is also found at the client’s house with the guy’s prints on it. It seems impossible to win and it would be for most but for Eddie Flynn nothing seems impossible and I was very eager to hear him questioning the witnesses, especially witness 8. I actually for once had a hunch who this was going to be :-).

Unfortunately Flynn’s attention is also taken up by a slew of hitmen wanting to kill him and he even makes the personal acquaintance with one of them. Unexpectedly, there was some kind of mutual respect between Flynn and Mr. Christmas and I was quite taken by the latter who had a penchant for Marlon Brando. There’s no doubt that he’s a bad man but I still liked him, how bad does that make me sound? My only regret is that I kind of wished they would speak to each other so openly again, which didn’t happen. So in short, Eddie has to dart from here to there, trying to evade getting shot at and he has to look over his shoulder all the time. How was he going to solve this?

The key to all of this seems to be Ruby, who witnessed the murder. There were two serious suspects for the murder but then it’s this other man – also believed innocent by Eddie – is put on trial. I didn’t understand why Ruby would set him up, he seemed like a decent guy who you wish no harm. Did he have an awful secret, maybe killed someone else and this was pay back? It’s the best I could come up with but I couldn’t really figure it out, all I felt was that there was something seriously wrong with this Ruby character and I sincerely wished the wrong man wouldn’t be sent to prison.

There really was a lot to sink my teeth in and the twists and turns in this novel had me turning those pages fast. I love seeing Eddie Flynn doing what he does best in court but in this case I loved seeing the conman in Eddie ‘The Fly’ at work just as much.

Witness 8 is a novel full of riveting suspense (and spoiler alert: possible heartbreak) and it was absolutely absorbing. Steve Cavanagh really has it in his fingers and I can’t wait for more!

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Oh my goodness, where do I begin?! Brilliant from start to finish. This book had it all; engaging characters, a rapidly developing plot and a few moments of peril where you just weren't sure what would happen next!
I couldn't put this down, one of my faves this year.

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I’m a big fan of the Eddie Flynn series and was delighted to receive a copy of the eighth book in the series, Witness 8. Thanks to Headline Publishers and NetGalley for my copy.

“There’s something wrong with Ruby Johnson…”

Ruby works as a cleaner/nanny on the affluent 74th Street in New York, seen as ‘the help’ to wealthy families. Ruby used to live on the street but her life now is a far cry from what it used to be. After work one night she witnesses a murder. Eddie Flynn is defending the accused, who maintains his innocence. What has Ruby done? While this is going on, Eddie is in trouble as there’s a hit on him.

I enjoyed this book but something was missing for me and I can’t figure out what it was. I liked being back with Eddie and his team, but this book lacked the usual tension and utter grip it has on you as you turn the pages. For me, the pacing was a bit off and I think some parts were too dragged out. Normally I’m desperate to read an Eddie Flynn book every spare minute I have, as I want to know what’s going to happen, but this wasn’t the case with this book.
Ruby’s character felt almost underdeveloped in a way and I don’t think we got to know the accused and his family much either. However, I did like the mother-in-law, Esther, and she definitely had the measure of Ruby!
It didn’t feel like there was as much courtroom action this time round which was a bit disappointing.

Overall, I did like this book but it’s not the best in the series for me. If you like the series I would still recommend it and if you haven’t read the series yet, you should.
3.5 stars rounded to 4.

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Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh follows Eddie Flynn and his team on their investigations regarding their current client, John Jackson. Mr Jackson, a wealthy surgeon living in one of the best areas in New York, is wrongly framed for the murder of one of his neighbours and has his life falling apart as Johnson's neighbours try and get rid of the family. Little do they know that the person framing John is someone John and his family trust very much, someone who is trying to hide a secret of their own. Eddie and his team are keen to get to the bottom of who the killer is and get John acquitted of murder. But with a number of professional hitmen after Eddie, will they be able to get him off for murder and discover the truth?

This was an incredibly gripping book, which I really enjoyed; this was helped by the varying chapter lengths. Some of the chapters were much longer, allowing the plot to slow down, whereas other chapters were very short, which built up the book's pace and the suspense and literally had me on the edge of my seat and kept me awake at night. The plot was also very well-thought-out, with some very likeable characters, which increased the reader's interest. There were also various points in this book where the readers were left not knowing what was going to happen, somewhat of a cliffhanger. The book was so well written that it would not be possible, or at least extremely hard, to guess which direction the author went in, which further made me enjoy this book as it was much harder to guess the plot.

There is not much I can say I disliked about this book. It may have been nice not only for more description of the legal proceedings but also because Cavanagh could potentially introduce some more thrillers in the courtroom itself. However, this is just a suggestion, and I was inevitably happy with the descriptions of the legal case in the courtroom with some very good cross-examination.

Therefore, I rate this book 3 stars, making it a good book that I thoroughly enjoyed. I really struggled to put this book down because of how gripping it was, making it an excellent thriller, and I very much look forward to reading the next book in the series. I would definitely recommend this book, particularly if you like murder mysteries, legal fiction or even if you are a young adult. I must thank both NetGalley and Headline for an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book in return for an honest book review.

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4.5 Stars
A twisty, entertaining legal thriller featuring Eddie Flynn and his team. This is a series of books that I have loved. This can be read as a stand-alone novel but why deprive yourself of so much fun and entertainment from the previous novels.
The characters are well developed and richly drawn in this intriguing novel, just what you have come to expect from this author.
The plot is well conceived and slowly unfolds through multiple POV characters.
An innocent man is wrongly accused of murder and his life is slowly unravelling day by day. Can Eddie Flynn and his team find the real killer in time.
This is a well-paced, fun and compelling read.
Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley UK for the ARC.

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It all started with Ruby who is manipulative and not to be trusted. Then various strands of the story are revealed and then woven together. The result is a cleverly created, twisted plot that means the reader never quite knows what is coming next.

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I was so happy to be back with Eddie Flynn! I think the characters in the series are absolutely wonderful, Eddie, Harry and Kate in particular, and I love seeing how they work out cases. This book didn't *quite* hit the mark for me, the second half was excellent but I found it took a bit too long to get going, with far too many POVs. I wanted more time in the courtroom with Eddie, and while everything came together beautifully at the end, I thought there were maybe a few too many storylines going on. I absolutely love this series though and Cavanagh is still one of my all-time favourite authors.

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Another good story from Steve Cavanagh !! I loved the character Ruby and wanted to see how things went for her. I also love Eddie Flynn.. He is the best character. Can't wait to see what he does next.

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I totally love Eddie Flynn - wotta character. Author, Steve Cavanagh has produced yet another entertaining book that highlights the difficulties that can surround a legal case! I could read any book he writes!

The plot developed steadily and in doing so we got to find out more about the main characters. I love the support Eddie gets from Harry and Kate! They are characters that merit their own series of books. I am not so sure about Bloch or Lake though - they seem too superhuman for me!!

It gives me pleasure to 100% encourage readers to read this book or indeed any other by the Author. While reading it feels like you are watching what is happening as in the cinema - Is there a TV series? There should be.

#Witness8 #NetGalley

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This was a great book. I was hooked straight away. I loved all the characters and how they have come together as a team of misfits.

This is the first I’ve read in this series but would love to read more, this in mind it did not spoil this story as a stand alone.

Eddie is great and love his conman ways of achieving his goals.
Rubys story is very sly and as the book unfolds I was Dean deeper and deeper into the character

A great book, thank you to the authors publisher and NetGalley for this advice copy

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33% in and I wasn't invested. I didn't care if the guy got off, I didn't really care if the lawyer got deleted, I was bored.

At 60% I was finally interested but it was no explosive ending to make up for the tedium of earlier. It was good enough for a beach read but don't be expecting an utterly gripping thriller.

This is book 8 in the series and I won't be reaching for the back catalogue any time soon.

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I enjoy Steve Cavanagh's books very much. He has an easy way of writing which is a pleasure to read and always keeps you entertained.
I particularly enjoy his Eddie Flynn series. I like books where the main character has a particular skill that he uses to good advantage, and as an ex-conman turned lawyer, Eddie has all the skills necessary to win in the courtroom. I also like characters who have a strong moral code and who are always there for their team. Again, characteristics that Eddie has in spades.
Eddie and his team only defend the innocent, and in this book, a highly respected surgeon has been accused of a murder he did not commit. The evidence against him, although circumstantial, is strong, and it will take all of Eddie's guile and cunning to make sure that he is found not guilty and the true perpetrator brought to justice . Alongside this, he has a price on his head after inadvertently becoming a thorn in the side of a dangerous and powerful man. Can Eddie free his client, and manage to keep himself and his team alive while he does it?
Although the plot is a little formulaic, for me that is not a negative. I like the familiarity, and that is why I read this type of book! I would recommend Steve Cavanagh to fans of Robert Crais, Harlan Coben, and Michael Connelly. Eddie actually reminds me very much of Elvis Cole, and Mickey Haller.

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Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for my advanced ecopy in exchange for a review, This is a fast paced action thriller based around a rich neighbourhood where a murder occurs. Ruby witnesses a murder but then comes up with a plan to blackmail and set up different neighbours. The book also follows Eddie Flynn who is on the defence team when John Jackson is accused of Margaret's murder. The book is full of action including corrupt cops, secrets, lies, murders and guns. I liked how the book is told from different characters points of views so we can get an idea as the reader what is going on. Good storyline and characters. I will be recommending

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This was my first Eddie Flynn book and I cannot wait to read the others. I loved it. Witness 8 is a fast-paced thriller with lots of twists that leave you racing towards the conclusion. I do not know which characters, other than Eddie, were in the previous books but I'm looking forward to finding out. Having said that, Witness 8 is a standalone story. There is enough backstory given on each character to allow the reader to understand the motivations of the characters.
The tagline sums up the story. It is twisted, fascinating and at times complicated. There is so much going on in Eddie's life but you become so invested in the character you end up cheering him on. A legal drama with a difference. Highly recommended.

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Reading an Eddie Flynn novel is like having a favourite chocolate bar. It's wonderful, indulging, and you know exactly what you want from a legal thriller, but you end up consuming quicker than you wanted to.

This story is about a maid/nanny, Ruby, who witnesses a murder of a woman who lives in a house on the street Ruby grew up in. However, Ruby is not your normal witness and sets up somebody else for the murder for her own gain.
Eddie Flynn, a conman turned lawyer, has to defend this innocently accused man.

Flynn is a fantastic character with witt , charm, and throwing twists and turns throughout the story. With the same cast of characters from previous novels, some returning characters from older novels, and the introduction of some new characters, this keeps the action fast-paced and enjoyable.

Cavanagh is a fantastic writer, and this legal thriller is no exception. With short punchy chapters and lovable and realistic characters, the story is delivered well.

Whilst this could easily be read as an individual standalone legal thriller, I would recommend reading the series in order to fully understand and get the backstory of the characters. The series as a whole is solid, and has a few really good gems (Thirteen is my favourite), however this storyline for me personally didn't feel as engaging as some of the previous ones in the series.

However, I loved the introduction of Mr. Christmas. Ruby was slightly interesting, but Mr Christmas was an outstanding addition, and I really hope that he reappears for future books in the series.

Huge thanks to Netgalley and Headline for the ARC. This book is out now!

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What would you do if you witnessed a murder and needed money? This book doesn't actually say who did it until nearer the end, but gave a few suspects. I was pleased that it focused more on the plot and investigation, rather than courtroom scenes as I've been known to only skim read court scenes if they drag on (not this book however). I had guessed at something that happened in the past, but I don't want to give anything away. I also, weirdly, enjoyed the character Mr Christmas!

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Ruby Johnson is a nanny and maid to wealthy families in Manhattan's West 74th Street. She knows their routines. Their secrets. One night, on her way home, Ruby witnesses a neighbour's murder.

First book I’ve read in this series by Steve Cavanagh and the Eddie Flynn series and I definitely enjoyed it. All starts fairly innocently learning about Ruby and her jobs, the people she works for but quickly turns darker.

I loved the inclusion of the story regarding the Red Priest. Cavanagh writes engagingly and the book flew past as I read on. Interesting characters and I felt a lot for them, frustration, dislike, hope, it had it all.

I would absolutely recommend the book to anyone who likes the genre and will likely be going back to check out Cavanagh’s other books featuring Eddie Flynn.

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