Member Reviews

This was my first Eddie book, and me last. Although the plot was interesting, and the multiple POV’s and unreliable narrator was enjoyable to read, I didn’t find myself warming to the characters. The MC’s seemed too perfect, never messing up and always very sure of themselves, although I did enjoy Ruby’s character. Eddie himself is an ex conman, so he of course knows everyone and everything that is going on. If you enjoyed a previously written book by Steve then you will likely enjoy this one. However, this was a DNF for me as I became uninterested in finding out what really happened.
As a result, I rated it a 2 stars as it was a well written book, just not for me.

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My friends know I love this series, and I was squealing when I got a late approval for the latest Eddie Flynn. A friend's wedding and my slow recovery from surgery mean I'm slightly late with the review...
This was fantastic, and exactly what I've come to expect from Steve Cavanagh.
This is so well executed, the plot coninues ramping up and is completely addictive, but still the ending took me by surprise!
It was great fun to be back with Eddie and the team, the characters are so real now, and I felt the drama and stress along with them. I was surprised by the inclusion of certain events, (IYKYK) but it didn't detract from my enjoyment.

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I just didn’t get the time to download this book unfortunately although I am very grateful to NetGalley and the publishers for approving my request. Sometimes the requests time out too quickly to enable us to read them. It’s a shame but I do think I will go on to buy this one.

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"There is something wrong with Ruby..."

As a child, her father abused her mother and wasted their fortune on alcohol and gambling, before disappearing, leaving Ruby and her mother with nothing but his debts.

We join Ruby at the age of 22, working as a baby sitter in the same, wealthy street she grew up. She witnesses a murder, knows the killer and see's him hide the weapon. She makes a decision no one else would make. To frame an innocent man. Remember the opening line of this book, "there's something wrong with Ruby".

Eddie Flynn, former conman, now lawyer, only defends the falsely accused. He takes on the case and is soon wrapped up in the world of crime lords, hitmen, blackmail and more murders.

Eddie's unconventional approach is a delight to read, as he uses his conman history to cleverly manipulate people and plan his defence.

As a first time reader of Steve Cavanagh I had some trepidation starting off with the 8th book in the Eddie Flynn series of novels. However, I needn't have been concerned. The tempo of Steve's novels draw you in, the characters are beautifully described and have depth, hinting at backstories I assume are filled out in his previous books. There is no need to have prior knowledge of the world of Eddie Flynn to quickly become hooked.

I will definitely be picking up the Eddie Flynn back catalogue to delve further into this interesting world.

Thanks to Headline and Netgalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own

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Sometimes it is good to read a book set in a different country and this one is an excellent example . It highlights the corruption within the NYPD plus their legal system and the errors with using DNA which many are now realising is not indisputable. An eminent surgeon has been set up for murder and we know by whom but not the reasons behind this. The characters are all very different and this helps to carry the story through. Plenty to keep the reader guessing and page turning throughout.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC to review.

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Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh is book 8 in the Eddie Flynn series and a really good read.
Another excellent legal thriller by the author with twists, turns and an unexpected ending.
Highly recommended

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Book eight in the Eddie Flynn series and a first for me I was attracted by the cover, title, synopsis and rave reviews this author has recieved.

What a delight of complex mixed characters who have a wonderful dynamic.

It was a busy fast paced entaining read I can understand why it's so well thought of as series.

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I've read a few Steve Cavanagh books, and they're all quite similar. Eddy Flynn was once a con artist but has turned his hand to law. Some of the scenarios are ridiculous, especially as Eddie and his team always use their wiley ways to get out of a tricky situation. However, if you can get past that, his books are very entertaining and keep you turning the pages. I also find Eddie very likeable, which helps a lot. If you're looking for a fast-paced and entertaining read, then this is for you. If you're after a more serious courtroom drama, go elsewhere. Thank you, Netgalley, and the publishers for the opportunity to read an advance copy.

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I was granted an ARC of this book from NetGalley and I was hooked as soon as I read the prologue. The author built suspense from very early on in the book and I constantly found myself frustrated that I didn’t have more free time to keep on reading.

Overall I think this book was extremely well written and a very easy read. I really liked how the author wrote each chapter from a different person’s perspective, this was a huge positive for me. I find that this adds a lot of depth to a plot and enables you to really connect with the different characters as you experience the plot from their POV. I also liked how there were a few situations going on throughout that formed the main plot and all connected together as the book progressed.

I hadn’t read any of the other books in the Eddie Flynn series prior to reading this and I don’t feel like it took away from how much I enjoyed it. This was one of my favourite books I’ve read recently and I will definitely be reading more books from this series to get more of an insight into Eddie Flynn’s past. There was never a dull point in the book where I found myself bored or not wanting to read on and I highly recommend reading it!

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This is one of the most compelling books I have read in quite a while. It is the perfect combination of a legal drama, featuring Eddie Flynn, a conman turned criminal lawyer, and a twisted psychological mystery, featuring sociopath Ruby Johnson, nanny and housekeeper to many of the wealthy families in her neighbourhood and the only witness to a brutal murder. Switching viewpoints between Ruby, Eddie and various other intriguing characters, such as the assassin, Mr Christmas, the story moves at a fast pace which keeps the reader gripped throughout. Now that I’m aware it’s part of a series, I will seek out other books by this author and add them to my to-read pile.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review an advance copy.

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Tension, red herrings, twisting plot, humour - this book has it all. Eddie Flynn is back in another intense and fast paced story with all the usual suspects in this series. Eddies tricks in this book are SO satisfying to read. You can’t con a conman 😏

I’ve only read 2 other books in this series but what I love is that you don’t necessarily need to read them in order - although I will be going back to read more! Steve Cavanagh has written this so well that you know you’re in for a good story with any book from this series. They ALL will keep you hooked and Witness 8 hooked me instantly from the opening court room drama scene in chapter 1.


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Another book in the Eddie Flynn series. This one follows a nanny who witnesses a neighbours murder and tells the police who did it. But she has lied and an Innocent man is in jail. Enter Eddie Flynn, the lawyer who will defend the innocent man and uncover all sorts of things about ruby johnson the nanny. I devoured this book in 2 days. It was so well paced and the writing was brilliant. I love the character of Eddie Flynn and I really couldn’t work out what was going on with the nanny. Set cleverly and well thought out. Without giving away any spoilers I’d say read and see what you think.

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This is the first Steve Cavanagh book I have read, and it won’t be the last. This was a complex thriller with a number of side plots that were all neatly tied up by the end. There were some great twists that I didn’t anticipate coming, and I found myself wishing I had read the previous books to better understand the characters. Overall a great crime thriller, and I will look forward to catching up with the previous Eddie Flynn books.

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Wow, this had me hooked straight away. I raced through this book. I lovedvthe way thecstory unfolded and thecway it was written, it read that a 1940's crime show. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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I generally don't like books with unreliable narrators or ones that only reveal big secrets at the end so I appreciated that we knew a lot about the murder from the get go. I enjoyed Ruby's character, she seemed to be the most three dimensional out of them all and didn't fall into many of the tropes and clichés as the others did, and I think her ending was fitting. As for the rest, it felt all too like an American detective TV show. Bad corrupt cops, gangs, bad guy turned good who also happens to know everyone, rich white suburban families who think they are untouchable. Special mention for Mr Christmas also who seemed quite mysterious. Not the worst but not the best.

EDIT to add that I have since discovered that this is part of a series of books about Eddie Flynn and co which may explain why I thought they were not as developed as characters as Ruby and Mr Christmas were (who are new characters) so this does change my score to 3 stars and not 2.5.

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Back with Eddie and the team for another complicates case, this time they are asked to defend a doctor who has been accused of murdering a neighbour in his affluent neighbourhood. But we also follow the witness to the murder, Ruby. While walking home from her babysitting job down the street, she watches what happens through the window, but instead of calling for help, she sees it is a way of righting some wrongs.

This was another excellent chapter in the Eddie Flynn story. Eddie and the team are under pressure, as ever, but this time there is an added layer in the form of some extra-shady characters who are out for Eddie's blood. Lots of action, great characters and a big dollop of tension, this was a cracker!

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I went into this book thinking it wasnt in a series and found out after finishing that it is oart of series and it isnt the first book. I was slightly confused during parts which makes sense now. The storyline was written well and the characters were all very enjoyable. I would definitely go back to start this series from the beginning. I am rating it 4 stars even being confused at times.

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My name is Mr Christmas. I don't want this to appear rude, but I have been planning to kill you..." Wow! What a book. I was hooked on Eddie's world and the case. Following every character's story leading to the truth and solving the case. This was the first book I've read by this author and I will definitely be looking out for more!

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At first I thought this was going to be a fairly simple whodunnit.

Neighbour stabs another neighbour in the lit window then sneaks out to rejoin a party given by yet more neighbours. However it was all viewed by a baby sitter on her way home. As she used to be another neighbour in this posh street there was no doubt that she could identify the perpetrator.

So why does she anonymously finger a completely innocent man?

From that point on I was led on the most convoluted journey. Twisted? Oh yes. Jealousy in spades, murders pointless but increasing in numbers. Also assassins assassinating each other.

Witness 8 is my first Steve Cavanagh book but I don't expect it to be my last.

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I have always loved reading Steve Cavanagh books and this one certainly did not disappoint. It was fast-paced and left me guessing consistently. I grew rather fond of listening to Ruby's POV and understanding the way she thinks and reacts. It was a brilliant book that I will no doubt read again - I look forward to hear what Cavanagh has to say about it at his event tomorrow. The four stars was simply because I enjoyed some of his other books more than this one!

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