Member Reviews

It wasn’t bad book but to me it was a little boring storyline compared to the description I was drawn in by that but upon reading it I felt I could just determine what would happen next

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I was really excited for this, especially with this not being a book with an accidental pregnancy like most opt for. This is a BDSM romance novel with spicy scenes. However for the pregnancy trope this kind of fell, considering its a big plot point for the book.

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had to DRAG myself through this book and I'm sure I zoned out every now and then. Probably just the fact that the genre, trope and themes are not my thing, and I'm happy to have realized that. To clarify, I'm aware that steamy books are not my thing, but I liked the blurb and seeing the length of the book, was prepared to skim over some scenes. However, most of the book involves such scenes and more than anything, it revolves around BDSM, kinks, and the domme/sub dynamic of the MCs. I was hoping for a little more focus on the storyline and building the MCs as more than the tropes.

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I can always trust this author to give me well written, fun, bdsm dynamics. If you like bdsm and kink in your romances, this is a top author for sure. If you're a newbie to the genre, and some light D/s is all you've experienced in books, you might wanna check the tw carefully and prepare yourself. There's definitely more "advanced" kinks in her catalogue. Anyways, I enjoyed it. That being said, I do think that I still haven't found a new favorite from her, something that has an extra spark for me, something that might bring my rating to a four. So I'll settle for a three stars. Fun, enjoyable, solid but not quite deserving of a higher rating, for me personally.

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Very good for what it was. Pleasant build up, good sex scenes, great chemistry and intimacy. Loved it, four stars. Will definitely read this author again.

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This book was very graphic, and usually I read these types of books for that. I felt it was a bit over the top for me. It just seemed like the first half of this book didn't have much of a plot. I really enjoyed the end though. Not upset with this read overall.

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Sam is a submissive who is service oriented. Collette is his Domme. They are also in love. The more inventive their scenes the hotter they are together. However, Collette has asked for something new. She wants a baby. Sam wants marriage though.
How will there new wishes change the dynamic of their relationship.
A hot and steamy read.

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In Her Service by Hannah Murray
Perfect Taboo #7

Interesting, intriguing, and informative look at a committed D/s couple that have some big decisions to make in this book.

What I liked:
* Sam: works in the emergency room, submissive, in a committed relationship, wants to please and care for his domme, good friend, loves Collette
* Collette: university professor, domme, keeps her sub’s needs and tolerance in mind, strong, caring, wants to have a baby, loves Sam
* The look into the relationship between Sam and Collete and learning more about the D/s relationship and how it might work
* The Whine Wednesday group of subs that meet regularly – it would no doubt be a safe supportive place for all of them to spend time
* The respect the author gave to the characters and her ability to make them real and relatable
* That I felt the love and respect flowing between Sam and Collete and knew that they wanted to please and provide what the other wanted and needed from their partner
* That the story made me think and wonder and feel I was there – I grew to care for the characters and hoped they would both get what they wanted at the end of the book

What I didn’t like:
* I can’t think of anything that I didn’t like

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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Fun little kink book with just enough spice, and I especially liked the friend group. (Opposite-sex friends without jealousy, who'dathunk!) But then the climax (heh) really biffed it for me, building up to a scene that is... very vanilla het candlelit missionary lovemaking. There’s always a risk of breeding kink going that way, but my hopes were up given the earlier scenes. Oh well.

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In Her Service was a 2.5 Star read for me.

The cover and blurb of the book all indicated that the plot would primarily focus on the characters wanting a baby, however, for me it didn't really come across as the main focus.

Majority of the storyline focused on the dom/sub dynamic of their relationship which was okay but personally not my cup of tea. I think had I known that, I might not have decided to read it.

With that said, the spicy scenes are very spicy! Even though majority of the kinks weren't for me, it was still a hot read. So if you're after something very spicy then you will probably enjoy this one!

Personally, I found the storyline itself to be lacking a bit. That might just be because I didn't really enjoy the dom/sub dynamic, but I didn't really feel much of a connection between the two main characters. I will say that I enjoyed Hannah Murray's writing style. The way she wrote the spicy scenes was very enjoyable to read!

Overall, if you're expecting a book that focuses on the breeding kink/the emotional connection of making a baby, you will most likely be disappointed. While both of those things are present in the book, there is only a small amount in comparison to the other kinks.

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- Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing this arc! Please be aware this is an honest review -

I didn't like the writing and it felt juvenile, even though the contents of the book are extremely mature.
Read up to 30% (63 pages)

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In Her Service by Hannah Murray is a perfect book for bdsm reader.

There's not much of big conflict or issues in the book.
The storyline are interesting and refreshing since the couple are trying to have a baby.
At first, they only agreed to marry only when Collette's pregnant.
Later on, their feeling start to change about the agreement.

The characters are so deeply in love and prioritize their partner's pleasure very well.

I really enjoyed reading the Bdsm scenes which are different from any bdsm books that I've ever read.( Which is not that many)

I'll absolutely need to read the next book by Hannah Murray.

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Wow, this book was SMUT. Sam is Collette's submissive. They are also boyfriend/girlfriend living together. They also are in love. She wants a baby. The scenes were very detailed, descriptive. It was a very quick read. If you are into submissive role playing this is the book for you.

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This was a really enjoyable novella. The characters had a lot of depth and it was nice seeing so many side characters within a novella.

This was actually the first I've read in this series and I need to start from the beginning to find out more about the side characters and their stories!

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I really need to go back and read the books I’ve missed in this series. This was delightfully sexy and the only book in the series to feature a male sub and a female domme who are already in a committed relationship. The kinks explored were definitely not my particular jam but I liked the established romance and the friend group and the way they communicated with each other about the things they wanted.

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This book was SO GOOD. Hannah Murray writes kink so well and In Her Service was everything that I hoped for. I had been following her tweets about this book and I jumped on the chance to read this ARC. This book had literally every single one of my favourite things rolled into one delicious novel.

Kinky friends and a play party
Service bottom
Both in their 40s
Needle Play

This book was so much more than just a list of kinks. Sam and Colette’s relationship was so tender and seeing how it evolved with the addition of Colette’s desire to have a baby, and Sam’s to get married was so well navigated. The mutual adoration, respect and trust between them was delightful. Truly a lovely, kinky romance. Loved it!

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The story is about the intimate and complex relationship between Domme Collette and her submissive Sam as they navigate the prospect of starting a family. Their story is a refreshing blend of romance, kink, and the realities of planning for a future together.

What I liked: All the characters in this story were great. Collette and Sam are portrayed with depth, their relationship depicted with authenticity and warmth. I have never read a book with a Domme before but it was so well written I didn't feel lost.

What I didn't like: The story was too short! While the characters and their dynamic are compelling, the narrative feels too condensed.

Overall, "In Her Service" is a well-written exploration of love, commitment, and navigating desires within the framework of BDSM. Murray's portrayal of characters and themes is commendable, though readers might crave a deeper dive into the plot.

Thank you to NetGalley,Totally Entwined Publishing | Totally Bound, and the author, Hannah Murray, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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DNF @ 38%

I want to start by saying I DNF for personal reasons – I’ve read this author before and I love her writing and how she handles kink in general. It’s so sensitively and carefully done, with effort taken to show it realistically, and I found that here in the part of the book I did read. I really liked the plot and I thought the dynamic between Sam and Collette was very sweet. He, in particular, was an adorable character, and I loved their relationship as it was presented.

However, I personally did not enjoy some of the kinks that featured in this book, which is not the book or the author’s fault. I should have read the content advisory more clearly. For that reason I stopped reading the book. I want to say, though, that what I did read was a perfectly lovely romance and I thought their relationship was lovely. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a free copy of this book.

Content Notes: On-page sex, Domme/sub dynamic, needle play, use of restraints / bondage, anal play, use of sex toys, foot play.

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Spicy mf contemporary romance domme with male sub third person perspective. This was a surprisingly tedious read for me considering the subject matter and explicit sex scenes. The writing just didn't pull me in and I didn't fully connect with any characters. I did enjoy the subs having a social group and several of the sexual scenes were fun/titillating. I learned needle play isn't for me (not reducing stars for that - reviewers please don't lower stars when you don't like a kink please). It was a quick read but I don't think this author's writing style is for me.
3.5 stars.

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Thanks for the opportunity to read this ARC.

Whilst well written, it wasn't really for me as I hadn't read any of the other books from the series and thought it was a bit too hard ore and graphic for me.

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