Member Reviews

Ann Merivale’s 9th and final book, condensing the highlights of what she learnt as a Deep Memory Process Therapist (Regression Hypnotherapy) over many years. These are written as 27 individual case studies (stories or scenarios). These are written as chapters and it’s an easy enjoyable read.

There will be many sceptics and there is no way to prove these recollections, or indeed to the believer. I think you just must read with an open mind and that is what I did. I would like to believe that yes, this is true and this not being my first book about regression sessions, I do believe.

Well done to Ann Merivale and thank you for the insights of your work.

Thank you to NetGalley and to Collective Ink Ltd for the ARC in return of an honest, unbiased review.

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Many people will afraid to death, but some will embrace death to end their pain. So what perspective should we use to look at death, friend or enemy. This book will help us to get some light on it.

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Thinking about death makes me have mixed feelings. Sometimes, I want it just come near to me, but sometimes, I want it very far far away from my beautiful life. Reading and listening story abouth death from someone else always makes me pondering about the meaning of life. Thank you for this book Death, friend or enemy.

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Unlike death itself, the book DEATH: FRIEND OR ENEMY? Views from the Other Side by Ann Merivale is not for everyone. She is a Woolger-trained Deep Memory Process therapist with many years experience in past Life regression in the UK. This, she contends, will be her ninth and last book, her final swan song, a culmination of everything she has seen and learned, squeezed into these 27 multiple, diverse scenarios.

There’s no way to prove to the fully skeptical that, as Merivale contends, souls are born into the world with a plan based on a series of earthly past lives, among a cast of characters they’ve previously met, with skills and emotional wounds created in those past encounters. There’s no need to prove it to believers, just the opportunity in this book to read the author’s wide ranging encounters with the souls of many non-fictional (and some imaginary) characters. And, in between those two categories are the curious, and hopefully open-minded, who will sometimes believe, other times doubt, but always value the compassion and understanding that Merivale insists will greet us in the afterlife.

So much could be said about this book, but certainly Merivale’s now and future followers will delight in how much of herself she shares in this book as our “scribe,” how carefully researched are the vignettes of each of the souls channeled, and mainly the wisdom and reassurance that we have nothing to fear.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher 6Th Books for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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