Member Reviews

I'm a reader and a writer. I love books about reading and writing and especially publishing. Publishing is such a closed world that it is wonderful to get a glimpse of how another writer views it.

This book is written from the points of view of Eddie (real name Naledi) and Hugo. They meet in a cafe where Eddie is writing her play. Hugo catches a glimpse of it and is intrigued. He would rather be an actor than be heading for the law career his family expect him to follow. In spite of her talent Eddie is getting nowhere with submissions. Only when she submits under an assumed name which hides the fact that she is female and black does she finally get a meeting with a top agent. Despite her hopes the agent is dismissive. Hugo and Eddie became friends and they resubmit the play under his name. This time the result is quite different.

I loved this book. It has so many interesting things to say about publishing, about how unequal and unfair it is, about white privilege and male privilege and nepotism. There are similarities to Yellowface but in my opinion this is much better. Highly recommended. Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC.

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Eddie Morua first meets Hugo Lawrence Smith in a cafe. While Eddie is outside smoking Hugo looks at her laptop and sees that she's writing a play. After their brief encounter they befreiend each other on Facebook. Her play finished Eddie sends it to agents with no success. Thinking that her full name,Relebogile Naledi Mpho Moruakgomo, which indicates her ethnicity is a barrier she sends it to an agent using a pseudonym suggesting that she's a white male and sure enough the agent is interested and asks to see her.............that interest suddenly dissolving when Eddie meets the agent in person,

When Hugo makes contact out of the blue,they hit on a "cunning plan" to subvert what Eddie sees as blatant racism and the play is resubmitted under the name of the good-looking,urbane ....and white, young man's name.................and it's a roaring success.As the saying goes,"what could possibly go wrong?".
Plenty as it happens and this is an entertaining story with a message,several messages in fact,about racism,loyalty ,friendship,relationships and much more. It's very funny,frequently moving and Eddie and Hugo are great characters.
I picked this up expecting something like "Yellowface" but in my opinion at least it's much better,there's a stronger message but it doesn't beat the reader over the head with it.
An excellent book by a very talented young author.

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