Member Reviews

This book is told purely via dialogue or internal thoughts. I’m not sure I’ve ever read a book like that before. It took me a while to click why I felt the story was different, and I honestly don’t think this storytelling style is for me.

That being said, it was an interesting story with lots of twists. Has you guessing till the very end. Very fast paced.

For a story with so many POVs I would have liked more than one narrator to be able to properly tell all the voices apart.

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Wow what a ride. If you like psychological thrillers that keep you on the edge of your seat, twisting your brain trying to figure out what's going on, this is the one. It's funny how our brain imagines the worst possible scenario when reading thrillers, but this one has a smooth ending. Go read it

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This domestic thriller revolves around new neighbors and their children. When the teenage girl falls or is pushed out of the window and falls into a coma police and parents begin to speculate what happened. Due to the rivalry of the brothers next door and competing affections, they are blamed for the incident. As the police investigation continues secrets come to light.
I thought this book was alright we have your typical domestic thriller with plenty of twists and turns and many red herrings. I would love to say I figured out the main culprit, but it is so off the wall that most people won't guess the ending. In fact, the last chapter felt like such a letdown and made the rest of the book frustrating because we upended everyone's lives for that. Overall, this is a fast read the narration was on point, but it is definitely a mediocre book.

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When a new family moves in next door to Vanessa she’s thrilled, with a daughter the same age as her boys and a little boy not much older than her daughter Chloe, she introduces her family and the two mums become fast friends. The boys Lucas and Jacob some become besotted with new neighbour Rachel. Both boys vie for her attention and fall out in the process. When Rachel falls out of her bedroom window leaving her in a coma the police believe it was no accident and suspicions soon turn to the boys. The investigation drives a wedge between the two families and Vanessa’s seemingly perfect blended family starts to disintegrate.

Great narrator and I thought I had this sussed a number of times but was completely wrong. Love a final chapter twist!

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A great prologue and the story told from multiple points of view. Over the ending I felt was a bit rushed. I was intrigued to see how the story panned out from the beginning. The characters were good although we did felt they were a little one dimensional however I did a really really enjoy the narration and was hooked by the book.

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I really enjoyed the beginning of this book it had me hooked but the second half dragged a bit for me. Really liked the narration & look forward to more by this author.

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I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants a gripping thriller to mentally immerse themselves into!
The narration by Tamsin Kennard was just BRILLIANT and apt! I've impressed on the fact before that narration really plays a vital role in how a listener enjoys an audiobook and I'll stand by it! You just can't love a story with terrible narration, and sometimes even the dullest stories could sound interesting as hell with a talented narrator.

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#GirlNextDoor by Karen King is a psychological suspense that follows two neighbouring families.
The story starts positively and is presented from multiple POVs, letting you absorb the story from all angles. This book for me was a slow starter but half way through, I was completely hooked, everyone was a suspect at one point! This is definitely a great holiday read, so pack in your suitcase! @@NetGalley_UK @bookouture @karen_king

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for an audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

Lies, fights, ultimate betrayals will rock this family to its core.

Vanessa has a wonderful life. With her partner Aaron, they have a little girl and both brought teenage sons from previous relationships to the family. The boys, Jacob and Lucas, are best friends and brothers. Life is perfect until the family next door moves in. They have a teenage daughter, Rachel, who quickly befriends the boys. When they both like Rachel they quickly become divided, combative and their jealousies put a strain on all the relationships in the house. One day, Rachel falls from her bedroom window, landing in a coma. Her younger brother saw someone run from the house after she was pushed, but who was it? When suspicion falls on the two boys as the prime suspects, Vanessa's perfect family is torn to pieces.

This was my first mystery from Karen King and I really enjoyed it. The family quickly becomes divided and fingers are being pointed in every direction which leads to a lot of drama as to who did it. It is told from multiple character's POV which keeps the pace moving and build suspense. One thing I struggled with was some subplots and sub-characters that don't find resolution in the end.
The ending was good but a lot of wrap up that had not been flushed out enough early on. Overall this was a good domestic thriller and I would be interested in more of King's work.

I had the audio version read by Tamsin Kennard who I am a big fan of. She has enough distinct character voices and a great pace to hold my interest and stay engaged in the story. I highly recommend her work.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

Wow! This book was full of twists. Having a blended family as the main suspects really added to the drama and suspense. I was constantly questioning myself on who I thought was guilty. All of these characters seemed to be guilty of something. I did not see all of the twists that came in this book.

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Girl Next Door was a fun and exciting read! I haven’t read a lot of mystery books and I was hooked with every clue, twist, and turn! The ending I didn’t quite see coming (which I love)!
I appreciated the multiple POV’s, I think it really helped the story.
The audio narration was engaging and also contributed to the story.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to listen and review this!

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This book had all the makings of a gripping domestic
thriller… lots of suspense and potential leads keeping me guessing and second guessing. I’d have given this a higher rating had the ending/“wrap up” not let me down so swiftly. Such a matter-of-fact, quick and tidy explanation after hours of build up and no clear connecting threads? Left the conclusion lackluster, unfortunately. Kept my mind busy enough 90% of the book to have been a worthwhile read and the audiobook was really well narrated- but don’t expect the usual sigh of satisfaction when you finish this one.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced listening copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Very fast paced thriller that I just could not stop listening!
I loved how compelling this book was, the way the writer thought it all through and when I say it delivered… IT DELIVERED!

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I was instantly drawn into this story and the what ifs and do done it's, I felt so bad for the Mom having gone through everything she did with the abusive ex to find a guy who she thought was the best. Though is he.... What's he hiding after the neighbor's daughter falls out of her window and is rushed to the hospital several in the family are blamed and no one including the police know what to believe.

I read a lot of this genre and I hope not to spoil this one but I gotta say it was nice seeing one end this way.

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This one was just ok. I didn't like any of the characters and they were all in the wrong the whole time. You can't trust anyone, they all have secrets and it wasn't the most exciting storyline.

Having said that, it was well paced and there was enough going on that you won't get bored. The writing was decent but the elements just didn't work well for me.

It felt like there were too many threads and it was all a bit much.

I liked the ending which saved the book for me.

3.5 stars

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This was a decent thriller. When step brothers both fall for the new girl next door it causes some friction in the home. Then the girl falls out her window. Who was to blame? Lots of little twists along the way.

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At some point you this almost every character was responsible for the girl’s fall. Overall a good story.

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This book grabbed my attention immediately. I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't get grabbed by this one after reading the chapter of Rachel's fall. In that chapter, (Spoiler alert...sort of), she thinks a thought that suggests who caused her to fall out of the window.

Yet, despite this, the book did still suck me in. There was so much going on with the characters in this book. Almost all of them had questionable characteristics that made the reader doubt their innocence.

It had a good pace with short chapters. The different POVs added mystery and tension.

The ending fell slightly flat for me. Maybe that's because of the thought by Rachel at the start. But, I also felt the conflict was a bit random. I would've never anticipated it. The ending wrapped up fast. I would've liked to see a few more things explored in the wrap-up.

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When Vanessa and her family get new neighbors with kids similarly aged to their own, the excitement is immediate. Unfortunately, when the new neighbor's daughter falls from her window and Vanessa's own sons become suspects things get out of hand quickly.

I absolutely loved this one. The writing is perfect and moves the story along in such a quick, believable way that I never wanted to put it down. That kind of writing in combination with an amazing narrator is unbeatable, I absolutely flew through it!

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Whether in real life or fiction, I can never understand those who immediately become best friends with their new neighbors; it never ends well. Karen King keeps the reader guessing and gives good reasons to suspect everyone in the girl next door's life. For me, the ending was not wholly satisfying instead, I was left hoping the main character had learned her lesson about trusting people before getting to know them.

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