Member Reviews

Oooooh this was a great read! The main characters are so likeable, and I rooted for them the whole book to finally get their great ending... together. And just when you think that moment is there, something happens that you didn't see coming, opening up some new themes (ie illness, an unideal relationship). This was hard to put down, thanks to some humour and the riveting will-they-or-won't-they storyline.

Thank you Netgalley and KDP Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was wonderful! The characters were so enjoyable and I found myself really rooting for them. I took my time reading this one because I just didn’t want it to be over! Such a perfect summer beach read!

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This book had me laughing, crying, frustrated, sad, overjoyed, and IN LOVE with Jules and JP! Wow what a rollercoaster these characters go through to find love, purpose, and meaning! And the depth of each character and the emotional turmoil they go through? I just want to hug em! I really enjoyed the pacing and how Caitlin just keeps you on your toes throughout it all…excellent writing style! Chefs kiss SO good, pick up your copy on September 3rd!

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5 stars!

Goodbye Again was such a spectacular book and one of my favorites I have read this summer. This was a long time coming love story between JP and Julia. We get to go along for the ride and really see how the characters stories evolved. There are some parts that are pretty sad but I was very happy with how the book ended. I loved all the characters and thought they were well developed. This is my first book by the author and it definitely will not be my last. Overall, this book really had it all and you will not be disappointed with it, highly recommend.

In Goodbye Again Julia and JP are seated next to each other on a flight from Chicago to Seattle. Julia is a therapist while JP is a kindergarten teacher. It turns out they are going to the same gender reveal party for Julia's sister, Emily. Jp is friends with Emily's husband, Austin. This is really when their love story starts but there are a lot of bumps and other people along the way to finding each other.

Thank you Netgalley and CAITLIN MOSS for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Goodbye Again is a beautiful and complex mix of love, happiness, sadness, romance & distress. It shows the importance of second chances; the possibility of truly falling in love over and over again with the same person; that things are not always what they seem.

Julia is a logical, critical thinker who loves to live life by a plan and schedule. That is thrown to the wind when she meets an unlikely person on a plane trip.

JP is a heartwarming, caring kindergarten teacher who by the looks of things, could blow anyone's mind in more than one way.

This book is filled with endearing characters, great character building/progression with the use of both colloquial and formal language along the way, which can sometimes make things seem more complicated to read than they are.

With some "slow" parts of this book, you MUST push through, don't place this in the "DNF" file - keep reading and ENJOY!

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I really enjoyed the beginning of this book! I got to chapter eight when I hit a formatting issue that was not surmountable. I deleted, redownloaded, and reset my iPad, kindle, and phone, and it hard closed the book at chapter eight on all three. I couldn’t get around it. A disappointing formatting issue for a book that had a promising start.

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Goodbye Again follows Julia Waters and the events taking place after a serendipitous flight from Chicago to Seattle where she meets JP. The two have an instant and deep connection and spend the weekend with one another. This story is about the obstacles that take place over the course of their relationship, and what, if anything they can do to overcome them.

This is my first book by Caitlin and coincidentally, my favorite read so far this summer. I am blown away.
The way she wrote about Jules and JP had me rooting for them at every turn.

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I had the pleasure of getting a digital ARC copy of this book! Thank you @NetGalley and thank you Caitlin Moss! I would rate this book a 4 star! I really enjoyed reading this! It’s my first Caitlin Moss book I have read and I can’t wait to check out more of her books! Julia and JPs relationship and the falling in and out of love (but never truly out of love because lets me honest the feelings were there all along! )

I feel like this had a few different tropes-

He falls first (don’t get my wrong she falls shortly after)

Forbidden love! (Their timing always seems to be off and and one point they are will other people)

I always write down my favorite quotes from books and here are some of mine!

“My heart sees your heart”

“Apparently falling in love is easy. It’s a silent sweep. A reckless hope that knocks the wind out of you”

I loved seeing their journey and them finding their way back to one another!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for this ARC.

Julia and JP meet on a plane and realise they are headed for the same gender reveal party. They feel drawn to each other and attempt some sort of relationship but it never quite works out because there is always something in their way, like a moral dilemma or an overseas job. It takes them years of dancing around each other to realise they have to be together. Yes, there are BIG FEELINGS but there are also other people. Cue Audrey, an old flame, and Donavan, a new one. And a prediction from a fortune-teller's that is repeated ad nauseam. Seriously, the "right person wrong time" trope gets a very big workout.

Julia is a child therapist who has a nice sister but a horrible mother. She comes a lot to her dead Gramma for life advice which I found slightly weird.

JP is a kindergarten teacher with a cliched Italian family of 11 million people who are all warm-hearted and love Julia instantly the one time they meet her.

The story is entertaining enough but the way the characters often talk to each other doesn't feel natural. Some scenes feel beyond awkward, plus, Julia's mother seems a caricature. Surely no one is that openly hostile towards their child? And she just takes it!

There is more spice in this story than is my personal preference but I simply skipped a few pages. If you love this sort of stuff, and big speeches about feelings, this is the book for you.

3.5 stars

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Well sh*t. This was such a show stopper for me! A total ARC win, I love so much when I get this lucky to stumble upon such a perfect read. The very beautiful (and quite lengthy in years) love story of JP and Jules (swoon), that was un-put-down-able! Any easy 5 star, that I knew would be a 5 star within the first few chapters. Well done!

Big thanks to Caitlin Moss and Netgalley for this absolute honor to read and rate this ARC!

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One of the best parts of getting advance copies of books from authors who I've never read before is the chance to read new to me authors that make me fall in love with beautiful writing. I want to read every single thing that Caitlin Moss has ever written! This book made me mad at times and oh my gosh did it make me feel things... deeply. Books that grip your heart, rip it out and then scotch tape it back together are the kind of books I want to read over and over. I want to say so much more about the story but it's not necessarily the "plot" that I want to talk about.. it's the writing.. it's the feeling between this couple that can never seem to get on the same page at the same time. I adored the author's note and insist if you are reading this book that you read what motivated those "dream" scenes. Finished this in July and know this will be on my top 10 books for this year!
Thank you NetGalley and KDP publishing and Ms. Moss for the ARC.... I am now a devoted fan!

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Firstly, thank you to NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for allowing me to get early access to this book! Well I was instantly hooked. The way Caitlin introduced the FMC and MMC had me falling in love with them on the first page. Outside of the two main characters she did an amazing job creating side characters you cared about. I did not expect to care about Audrey as much as I did , but her story and development was beautifuland tragic all at the sam tomw. I was a little worried at the 1/3 mark that would find the book t be repetative with the constant "right person wrong time ", but Caitlin introduced new characters and added more depth to why JP and Jules wouldn't work and I was hooked again. I finished this book in about 6 hours (don’t think I put it down once). Would recommend it to anyone who loves a happy ending that with fun banter and beautiful character development along the way.. Excited to read more books by Caitlin in the future!

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Every single time I start a Caitlin Moss book, I get this instantaneous feeling that this book was meant just for me. That the story, the words, the characters are all speaking just to me. That’s how deeply I feel her books. And out of all of them, Goodbye Again hits me the absolute hardest and speaks to me the loudest.

We all know how much of an emotional person I am (I’m not even a little bit sorry), but this book knocked me on my ass. I am still recovering from the roller coaster it sent me on. Truthfully, I don’t know if I’ll ever fully recover from it; at least not any time soon. Julia & JP’s story was so incredibly beautiful, so heartbreaking, and so raw. I felt every single flutter, laughed at every joke and witty comment that was passed back and forth between them. And my heart hurt with each painful moment they experienced. Caitlin did such a perfect job developing both Julia & JP’s characters throughout the entire book; making it known to themselves and to the readers that it’s ok to find yourself before you find others. The second chance romance (or in this case 9th IYKYK) and right person, wrong time/invisible string theory tropes are ones that I will forever hold so incredibly close to my heart, even more so when they’re done so beautifully like in this one.

Goodbye Again is officially tied for my top favorite read of the year. I truly don’t think anything will be able to top it for me.

A HUGE thank you as always to Caitlin Moss for this e-arc. Check out Goodbye Again 9/3!

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Is it really possible to fall in love at first sight? Does fate keep putting someone in your life to nudge you in the right direction? Julia and JP are traveling from Chicago to Seattle. During their flight, they find out they are both attending the gender reveal party for Julia’s sister. After a whirlwind romance, the two are forced to part ways but neither can get the other off their mind. Julia knows she loves JP and is willing to wait for the right time to give their love a chance, but does he feel the same?
This book will make you laugh and cry as you follow the two on an emotional roller coaster of love and loss. In the end, does true love stand a chance against life’s struggles? How are we supposed to know which goodbye will be the last?

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I really enjoyed reading this, I had to pace myself because I didn’t want it to end.
Jules and JP had the chemistry and I’m a huge fan on the invisible string/second chance (in this case ninth) trope.
It was heart breaking and heart warming all at once, there were tears and laughs. I wish it was longer and I wish we had seen more of them as an actual couple.

Thank you netgalley and

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do you know when a book just makes you feel everything? makes you stop, and contemplate every single thing, ever? this is that book for me. i went though every emotion a person can feel when reading this. i smiled when the characters were happy, i laughed when the characters were getting to know each other, i cried when their life changed in an instant and my heart broke with every heartbreak they felt.

i will talk about this book for years to come. it was tragic, it was bittersweet, it was hopeful, it was insightful, it was breathtaking, it was beautiful and it was heartbreaking.

i always say it’s a good book when you can physically feel your heart drop and my god did this book do that. i was rooting so badly for julia and jp and every missed chance between them was like a knife to the heart. every encounter made me hold my breath.

this may be my favourite book ever. i’m being dramatic, maybe?? but this book has made me feel some type of way. i loved every painful and tragic page.

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Estas fueron mis reacciones al leerlo:
-Están destinados a estar juntos.
-Que lindos.
-Ya casense.
-Wow, si que me engaño.
-Amiga, date cuenta.
-Ella merece algo mejor.
- ¿Cuál es el encantó de JP que atrapa a todos como moscas??? No hay razón para que sea tan querido.
-Julia merece algo mejor.
-Sigo sin ver porque la obsesión por ese tipo.
-Ella está igual de loca que él, definitivamente se merecen el uno al otro.
-Que asco.
-Ya dejen de hacer drama por todo y juntense de una vez por todas que ya no quiero leerlos.
-Por fin terminó.

Cuando vi que eran nueve oportunidades me desánimo y me dieron ganas de no leelo, me gsutan los libros de segundas oportunidades, pero 9 son demasiado. Lo empecé a leer porque me encanta el chisme y me dí cuenta que algunas de esas oportunidades sólo tenían un brinco en el tiempo de 2-3 meses, entonces pensé que no sería mucho tiempo para que estuvieran juntos. Todo iba bien, hasta llegar a 5ta oportunidad y de ahí todo el libro fue cuesta abajo.

Spoilers ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

Se conocieron en un aeropuerto, se pusieron a platicar y se dieron cuenta que ambos iban a la fiesta de revelación de sexo de la hermana de Julia. Todo fluyó y empezaron a salir, desafortunadamente 3 semanas después descubren que ella es la terapeuta de la sobrina de JP por lo que tienen que terminar su relación.

Aunque todo parecía bien, él desde el principio le dijo que seguía amando a su ex, por lo que dejaba en duda lo que significó su tiempo con Julia.

A los dos meses se vuelven a ver y él le cuenta que se irá a Grecia por un año y como él no cree en las relaciones a larga distancia quedan en que ambos seguirán con sus vidas, pero manteniendo la esperanza de que cuando regrese lo puedan intentar.

Cuando ella se entera de que regresó al país, va a su casa y para su sorpresa le abre la puerta una mujer que resulta ser Audrey la ex y ahora novia. Unos meses Julia se entera que se comprometido.

Cuando JP le dijo a Jule que si tenían una oportunidad le dijera y él dejaría a su prometida, lo odie y me alegre cuando J le contestó que no, que se fuera con su futura esposa. Fue triste leer como ella veía la forma en que él trataba a su prometida -el maldito fue un buen actor porque parecía que besaba el piso por el que Audrey caminaba- y luego salió con su estupidez. Maldito rata que no sabe estar sólo.

Me alegre cuando apareció Donovan y Julia contó lo feliz que era. Todo iba bien hasta que volvió a ver a JP y como por arte de magia se dió cuenta que su relación no era tan buena y le empezó a encontrar fallos.

Fue muy desagradable ver como Julia se volvió amiga de Audry para estar con JP y apoyarlo. Eso de que quería coadyuvar a Audry fue una mentira, antes de que se enterara del tumor habían convivido 1 vez y no eran amigas. Todas sus "buenas" acciones fueron excusas para ver de lejos y suspirar por un hombre casado. 🤢

La escena después del funeral de Audrey me dio asco, los dos actuaron mal.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Goodbye again was fantastic. I was right there with JP and Jules on their emotional rollercoaster that spanned years. I have to admit towards theist quarter of the book I was getting antsy for them to finally get together- and you knew they would. From the start the book reminded me of something Emma Scott would write. And that is wonderful! I loved the cadence of the dialog. That may sound strange but it makes a huge difference in how the characters think and react. A five star read for me. more Caitlin Moss!!!!!

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A great emotional rollercoaster. Beautifully written ‘right person wrong time’ story that will have you hooked throughout. Characters are well developed and the right balance of cute and frustrating. I’d definitely recommend this

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“Goodbye Again” by Caitlin Moss was a story I voraciously consumed. This is a self-published book that doesn’t feel like one, and I mean that in the nicest way. Moss writes with skill and has such a keen grasp of timing and plot devices. “Goodbye Again” is about two people who are the right people but wrong time. After meeting on a plane, they agree to meet up again while in the same city. They enjoy each other but the timing isn’t right. For the next five years they have many chances but something or someone seems to block their way. It is evident these two should be together but through the author’s careful writing we can feel and see what each character is going through outside of this relationship and how it impacts each chance. I loved these characters and their beautiful story. It will be published September 3, 2024. Pick up a copy and prepare for a day of reading, heart tugs, some tears and laughter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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