Member Reviews

I was so lucky to receive this book via netgalley

This book showcases such a depth of emotion, I felt the angst in my chest and the love in my soul. There is something so perfectly beautiful about a painful love story, I truly love stories like this stories that make you feel something so special. ✨💗🥹

JP is absolutely book bf gold!!!

Such a pleasure to read, can’t wait to read more from this author!!!

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You know a book is going to be good when you are DM'ing the Author with in pages of getting it started! Goodbye Again is hilarious, loving, super sad, and at times frustrating cause you just want it all to work out. But mostly it is a beautiful story of a chance or nine of them at love. The right timing for that love. It's about friendship. Family traumas and how everyone process loss differently. I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book.
Thank you Caitlin Moss for sending me an early copy of your very beautiful book. Thank you NetGalley for the platform.

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This book had me immediately. Right from the adorable meet cute. The love story is beautiful. It’s emotional and heart warming. I loved Julia and JP’s relationship. Loved this novel… everything you want in a Romance and more.

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I absolutely loved this book!
From the very first sentence, the characters and their story drew me in and I couldn't put the book down.
"Goodbye Again" is a rollercoaster of emotions. Absolutely heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, you can't help but root for our MCs Julia and JP.
A truly amazing read!

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I absolutely loved this book! The romance was very well done and it was different than most romance books. The writing style was just what I love reading!

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Julia and JP have consistently been pulled to each other, but the timing never seems to work out for them. Over the span of five years they find themselves going in and out of each others lives but always being pulled back together by some invisible strings.
Overall, I did find the story to be cute! But the different formula through me off a bit but it would work for others!

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10/10 would recommend!!! 🥰

I loved this book SO much. It was such an emotional roller coaster that sucked me in and I did not want it to end.

The chemistry and tension. 🤌🏻 JP was so charming, you can’t help but fall in love with his character. 🥹
Literally everything I love in a book, I found here..

Automatic pre-order for me!! Read it, you will not be disappointed! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Publish Date: 9/3/24

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I went into this one blind and I’m so glad I did. The chapters were short and the story immediately pulled me in. This is more than just a second-chance romance. It’s a series of could be the right person but not the right time chances. This one tugged at my heartstrings so much and had me in tears for a good portion of the book, both sad emotionally distraught tears and sentimental happy ones. I really did not see some of the shocking moments coming and was caught off guard emotionally! It was torture but in the best possible way! I loved this book and it was so much better being able to share in the beauty and sadness with my friends.

If you’re looking for a really emotional love story, pick this one up!!!

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“You will have many loves. But most of them will be him”

This was such a beautiful & unique story. Love, grief, fate, laughs, heartbreak, friendship… Goodbye Again has it all. Don’t let the cute cover fool you- there will be tears! I was invested in Julia and JP’s relationship from the very beginning when they meet sitting next to each other on a plane. They have an immediate connection but there is always something in the way of them being able to be together. I loved the invisible string trope and how it felt like they were just meant to be. The romance and chemistry felt so magical but also so real at the same time. The characters and their families were so well thought out. This book doesn’t follow the typical format that so many romances do, so you really don’t know what’s going to happen next. I couldn’t put it down until they were FINALLY getting their happily ever after!

Thank you to NetGalley & Caitlin Moss for the ARC.

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They are soulmates, but it was always the wrong time for them. There is sooooo much longing, and my heart loved them. My heart also broke for them.

Y’all. Their meet cute was so CUTE. Their banter was so smooth and funny. Their chemistry felt so genuine, and I was hooked from the very beginning.

JP is a kindergarten teacher and she’s a therapist. He’s SUCH a sweetheart. He takes care of her when she’s sick, loves her dog, and is so mindful of her feelings.

While this book is about them finding each other, this also touches on grief & family struggles.

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3.5 ⭐️

This book follows Julia and JP, who meet 9 times over 5 years before finally getting it right. This is a "right person, wrong time" book, where there are a lot of ups and downs. It was entertaining but I had some issues with JP. I liked JP in the beginning, but he flat out chooses another woman over her for a good portion of the book and I couldn't get over it. I have no problem reading OW drama and expect it in this type of book, but it went on too long. I loved that Julia did not sit around and pine for him. I did end up buying their love, but I wanted to see them together more than we did. I wish you could give .5 stars, as it's between 3 and 4 stars for me.

I'd recommend this if you like:
- wrong person, right time
- a book spanning years
- OW/OM drama
- angst

Check trigger warnings.

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This book is a romance, but more so a love story. It had emotional depth and the harsh realities of falling in love. This is what I want in romance novels!! Really well written and well developed plot and characters, loved it. Highly recommend

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I absolutely loved this book. The story does not follow the usual tropes or predictability in current romance novels and is told from Julia's point of view. I was smiling from the beginning because of the connection between JP and Julia. who met on an airplane while traveling to attend the same party. Even with the instalove that occurred between the main characters, the story shows how circumstances can lead to not always happy endings. The story spans the course of five plus years and how two people need to overcome life and beliefs to ultimately find happiness together. I had a hard time putting this one down. The characters were written with a realness to them that pulled you in and rooting for them. I definitely would not classify this as a pure rom com due to its more emotional nature that deals with some bigger issues, but it was balanced in its delivery. I will certainly read more from this author in the future. Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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Goodbye Again is a sweeping love saga between two people who just couldn't get their lives lined up. Julia and JP met on plane ride to Seattle, bonded almost immediately, yet couldn't manage to sync up enough to give a relationship a proper go. This story is full of realistic, messy relationships between family and partners and delves into the idea of ethics and sacrifice. I enjoyed it and plan to check out more of Moss's books.

Thank you for the ARC opportunity!

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Sometimes you want to read a book that has emotional depth and is written for being published, instead of the ‘fast tiktok’ books that we keep coming across, this is the former.
It isn’t a tale of love per se, but of Julia and JP’s yearning, of their friendship, and their beliefs. It is a tale of being a better person for who you love.
I absolutely loved the idea, the execution, and the way this book stands apart from all the rest that I have read this year.
This book deals with dysfunctional families, grief, and all the complexities of being in love.

A wonderful, wonderful read.

Thanks to NetGalley, the Author, and the Publishers for the ARC.

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"Fated to meet. Destined to fall in love. Bound to fall apart."

Caitlin Moss is an amazing writer and this felt like such a unique and impressive story that is not only sweet and cute but also heartbreaking and has a hint of spice.

This book had so much emotional power in it. Its a cute romance story but in addition to that it handles different relationship between children and parents, relationships between couples, friends, the growth of the characters, their up and downs. You get to follow their personal growth from closeby.

I was completely invested in this book from page one. ❤️

Arc provided by Netgalley

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Thank you NetGalley and the author for providing an advanced copy of this book for my review.

This book was such an emotional rollercoaster, I constantly went from swooning to sobbing in seconds. While the beginning of the MC’s relationship didn’t feel realistic to me at first and sometimes I couldn’t understand the why of certain decisions, I slowly warmed up to this couple’s journey.

Sometimes, people fall madly in love and get it right. Some don’t. Or sometimes, love is a just wonderfully infuriating mess, full of missed opportunities, mistakes and wrong timing that, one day, just click into place when you least expect it - that’s what I think this book does beautifully.

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I have loved Caitlin Moss’s novels since I read You First early last year. She has a way of making you connect with her characters and fall in love with them. This one was no exception. It made me laugh and swoon while still bringing tears to my eyes. I was constantly rooting for Julia and JP. Their journey was not linear and was heartbreaking and beautiful. The heavy topics were at the forefront but were not over the top. I can’t recommend this one enough.

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goodbye again is an emotionally yearning wonderland of a romance that had me laughing, tearing up and rooting so hard for these characters and their years’ long love to finally end in happily ever after.

so many people have fantasized about an airport meet-cute and this story allows the reader to live out that dream through julia & jp: two unassuming travelers who meet on a plane heading to the same destination. their chemistry is immediately palpable though their quick witted banter and obvious attraction to each other but certain circumstances befall their ill timed meeting leading to a compromise of a tension riddled years long friendship instead of what could’ve been a whirlwind love story worthy of history books.

my heart leaped and ached for julia & jp as they kept getting the timing wrong on a love they so desperately wanted! they shared so many sweet moments, bared their souls to each other, and journeyed through so many seasons of life together experiencing ultimate joys and navigating the complexities of insecurity, grief, and loss.

i admired julia’s strength in her relationship with her mom. as someone with strained family ties, her dynamics were very family similar to mine and i felt so seen and valid in my feelings reading the moments they shared.

jp is one of the most selfless mmcs! he’s so kind and giving and someone who truly enjoys life and living to the fullest despite what is thrown at him. i’d definitely put him in the acts of service category (loveeee) bc he was so dedicated in clearly demonstrating his interest. this is my favorite quality to see in an mmc.

my only grievance is the ending feeling slightly rushed and not quite as gratifying as i had wished.

would still do highly recommend to anyone looking for a true heartfelt romance!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

Wow. You know how, sometimes, you're at the beginning of a book and you love it so much already that you figure it'll definitely be worth 5 stars, but then it almost never is? Quite the opposite here. If anything, it got better and better and I would give it more than 5 if I could. Easily one of my favorites of the year (and I pretty much read a book a day, so that's saying something). I loved Julia. I loved JP. I loved Julia with JP. I loved their growth throughout the story, together and by themselves. I loved Kevin! I loved Gramma, and what a twist THAT was at the end! I even loved the sad parts. I can't say enough good things about this. I had never heard of the author before - now I have to check out her others. Beautiful writing from beginning to, literally, the end - even her acknowledgements were beautifully written. Put this on your TBR immediately.

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