Member Reviews

Fate keeps pulling them together, but their timing is always off. Over the course of several years, their story weaves through so many twists and turns, and I was completely hooked! 🎢 Just when I thought I wasn’t on board with where the author was taking things, a new reveal would shift my perspective. It kept me on my toes the entire time—an emotional rollercoaster in the best way possible with fantastic character chemistry.

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Thank you Caitlin Moss and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This book was everything I didn't know I wanted! With a title like Goodbye Again, it doesn't sound like books I normally read (which are almost exclusively romances). In fact, it was better than the books I normally read. I was sucked in right away and ended up reading it in one day.

We open on Julia on a plane going to her sister's gender reveal party. The stranger next to her starts chatting her up and they end up going out that night. They go to a fortune teller who basically tells them they're going to be linked forever. They laugh it off and continue getting to know each other. It's sexy and it's fun. We do a few time hops and look into their lives as they evolve over 5 years, sometimes they're together, sometimes they're not.

This book was heartbreaking and beautiful. There are some very heavy parts, which had me tearing up, but through that, we see character growth. I loved that it didn't follow the same path as a typical romance. Also, JP is basically a dream man, a gorgeous kindergarten teacher who loves to read and always has Julia's best interest in mind.

100% must read!

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What would you do if one day a fortune teller tells you something and you cant forget and you think of it every day and somehow life coincidentaly turns that way?
Ive been loving this author for a long time and I consider her as the queen of drama and angsty romances ..
The writing is impeccable, you'll feel all the emotions
Read if you like
Right person wrong time
Contemporary romance

Thanks to the Author and Netgalley for this arc in exchange of my honest opinion

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✨ARC Review✨


Gooodbye Again
Pub Date: September 3, 2024

This was my first time reading a Caitlin Moss book and I loved it! It was full of so many emotions ❤️. Must add to your TBR!

From the very first chapter, I was completely drawn into the story. JP and Julia’s initial encounter is both surprising and captivating, setting the stage for a friendship that evolves over time. As their lives intertwine, they form a deep connection, yet fate always seems to intervene. They experience love, loss, and growth, but the timing is never quite right.

This is a book that will stick with me for awhile!

Thank you to NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for the ARC!

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Gosh I simply cannot say enough good things about this book! It had me kicking my feet and squealing and crying and laughing all at the same time! This is definitely in my top 5 favorites for the year, I can't recommend this book enough! GO READ IT!!!!!!

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WOW! This book was on a whole new level! Caitlin Moss writes her characters so well that I feel like when they hurt, that I hurt so bad This book was one of the easiest reads I have read in the best way possible. It was light, fun, swoony and just everything I needed to cool off after a tough day and just to grab my kindle and read something this fantastic was the highlight of my days. Moss does it so well, if you haven't read this book yet, what are you doing? I feel like I connected with JP and Julia so much which obviously sounds ridiculous but I spent the entire book rooting for them! Never once did I pick this book up and want to put it down, it was that intriguing. I cried, smiled and all of the above with this novel. Also side note, the cover is a piece of art so if my review doesn't convince you to read it, hopefully the cover will!
This is a 5/5 book and I strongly recommend giving it a shot!!

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I was not able to review this book due to complications with the download. Even after trying several times, it would shut down around the third chapter and I couldn't read any further.

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Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss offers an enchanting take on love and destiny. It perfectly encapsulates how true love can spark instantly, but its realisation also needs to be perfectly timed.

The story centres around Julia and JP, whose paths are destined to cross, I mean they are sitting next to each other on a flight to the same family event! From their initial encounter, their spark is undeniable. However, despite their instant chemistry, their journey to a lasting relationship is far from straightforward.

Something that I particularly enjoyed about this story, was Moss’ use of the nine pivotal moments or “chances” in the lives of JP and Julia where fate throws them at one another. Each chance represents a significant turning point in their lives, and the personal challenges they face during these moments either brings them closer together or pushes them apart. These moments were beautifully crafted and added such depth to the character development and their relationship.

I loved how Moss skillfully captured the essence of how love can be instantaneous yet requires patience, perseverance and ultimately sacrifice. JP and Julia’s interactions are filled with passion and emotion, and their growth throughout the story highlights the importance of timing and personal readiness to be committed to one another. I also truly appreciated the character of Audrey, she proved throughout the story that being the other love interest does not make you the villain.

The pacing of the novel is perfect, with each chance offering a blend of romance, introspection, and the occasional twist of fate. Goodbye Again proves that love can be both immediate and complex. It incapsulates the notion that it takes more than chemistry to build a lasting relationship.

I loved this book. It made me feel everything, there were passages that brought me to tears, parts that made me laugh aloud and so many beautiful meaningful quotes! Fans of romantic fiction who appreciate a nuanced exploration of love’s complexities will find this novel both satisfying and inspiring.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the Author Caitlin Moss for my ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This morning, I intended to read precisely one chapter of this book before picking up another book that I had planned on reading today instead. Things did not go according to plan. I couldn’t put this one down. I devoured this book. I absolutely adored JP and he’s secured a top five spot in best book boyfriends of all time. Despite expectations that romance novels will always follow a certain format, this one did not—and I love it even more for that. This book was heavy at times, covering hard topics of grief and loss. While it had hard subjects, the humor really balanced it out well. This book has easily become one of my favorite romances of the year and I cannot wait to suggest it to everyone. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy!!

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Goodbye Again has such delicious banter. So good I couldn’t stop reading it. I actually wondered where Caitlin Moss has been all my life. Her writing is so easy to read and I was drawn to keep reading. Chemistry was crackling right off the bat. The dialogue was fantastic. The way I devoured this book was remarkable.

This is a story of two strangers, JP and Julia, who met on a plane from Chicago to Seattle who happen to actually be going to the same party. From there, an invisible string is tied between them and every time there is distance between them, they grow much more fond of each other. I enjoyed watching them get to know each other, watching their love grow. They’re PERFECT for each other, they get each other but it’s never the perfect time for them, life always gets in the way.

This book is going to make you feel. It’s going to want you to feel loved. It’s going to make you long for the characters. Many times I felt my shoulders raise to my ears while swooning over the romance but I also felt my heart drop to my stomach in some parts.

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Caitlin Moss’s *Goodbye Again* is the kind of novel that hits you right in the feels and lingers there, like the last notes of a bittersweet song. It’s a story about love, loss, and the impossible choices that come with both—perfect for anyone who’s ever wrestled with the question of whether to hold on or let go.

Meet Ella James, a successful journalist with a life that seems picture-perfect from the outside. But beneath the surface, she’s struggling to keep it all together after a heartbreak that left her reeling. When she’s sent back to her hometown to cover a story, it’s not just the assignment that dredges up old memories—it’s also the return of Jack Lawson, the man she thought she’d left behind for good.

Jack and Ella have history, the kind that’s messy, complicated, and unfinished. Their chemistry is undeniable, even after all these years, but there’s a reason they said goodbye in the first place. As they navigate the murky waters of their past, Ella is forced to confront everything she’s been running from: the pain, the regrets, and the possibility that maybe, just maybe, they weren’t meant to end the way they did.

From the moment Ella and Jack are back in each other’s orbit, the tension is palpable. Moss does an incredible job of capturing that push-pull dynamic—two people who are irresistibly drawn to each other, but who also carry the weight of their shared past. Every interaction between them crackles with unresolved emotion, making it impossible to predict whether they’ll find their way back to each other or walk away for good.

*Goodbye Again* isn’t just a story about rekindling an old flame; it’s about the hard choices that come with it. Ella is at a crossroads, torn between the life she’s built and the one she might have had with Jack. Moss explores these themes with a deft touch, delving into the complexities of love, regret, and the fear of making the same mistake twice.

What makes this novel stand out is Moss’s ability to create characters who feel real, flawed, and deeply relatable. Ella isn’t just a woman in love—she’s a woman grappling with her identity, her ambitions, and her need for closure. Jack, with his quiet strength and lingering regrets, is the perfect counterpoint to Ella’s driven nature. Together, they create a dynamic that’s both heart-wrenching and hopeful, as they navigate the emotional minefield of second chances.

Moss’s writing is sharp and evocative, with a knack for capturing the small moments that carry big emotions. The setting—a small town that feels both nostalgic and suffocating—adds another layer to the story, making it clear that sometimes, going back is the only way to move forward.

If you’re in the mood for a novel that will make you laugh, cry, and maybe even reconsider your own past loves, *Goodbye Again* is the book for you. Caitlin Moss has crafted a story that’s as heartwarming as it is heartbreaking, with characters you’ll be thinking about long after you’ve turned the last page. It’s a reminder that goodbyes aren’t always the end—they can be the start of something new, something worth fighting for.

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Really enjoyed this book. Such a rom com and loved the characters . Thanks net
Galley form early read. Highly recommend

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thank u so much for giving me the opportunity to read this early!! what an amazing start to my reviewing journey!!

i don’t know what i was expecting when i saw the cover - but i really liked this it was so cute. it was like a second chance romance but x1000 (or nine hehehe)

i loved how it was love at first sight basically & right off the bat i was immediately into it. it grabbed my attention right from the beginning and immediately ropes you into the characters lives - and then keeps you hanging on by a thread EVERY TIME!!!!
i loved the main characters i loved julia and jp - i felt their chemistry immediately and was eating it up.
it was so FRUSTRATING every time they couuuuld be together and then they couldn’t i was sitting on the edge of my seat WAITING.
the donovan story line rlly pissed me tf off but other than that i’m AHHHHHH

also tears when i realized it wasn’t her gramma at the house …. that made me self analyze my life for like an hour.

so cute i’m obsessed!!

thank u netgalley & KDP for letting me read this early i absolutely loved it

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I cannot explain how much I loved this book. I devoured it. This was the perfect emotional rom-com and everything about it was great. Real feeling characters with real feeling dialogue. Genius plot. Mix-ups. Feelings. A dog named Kevin. Truly, this book had everything and I will be surprised if it’s not an instant bestseller. Caitlin Moss write so much genuine dialogue and quotable lines, i had to have had 50 highlights! I LOVED this book!! Thank you netgalley for the arc!

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This book melted my heart. I felt every emotion that Julia and JP felt…their chemistry, their love, their passion, their pain, their grief, their very complicated feelings about each other and about life! I felt all the swoops and dives, and I was completely invested in these two warm, complex, funny and passionate characters. No spoilers, no synopsis—just read it and hold on for a fantastic ride. I was proved an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher via Net Galley.

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I am not a big fan of this book. I started off liking the repartee between the two main characters but became disillusioned with their protracted five-year on-again-off-again relationship.

Julia Waters has a ton of baggage for a clinical psychologist, primarily related to her father’s death when she was 8 years old and her mother’s subsequent, ongoing emotional abuse. In most Master’s degree and PhD psychology programs the candidates are required to undergo their own therapy; in this case, the author clearly neglected this aspect of the protagonist’s character development. Consequently, there is much angst as she struggles with confusion over her feelings for JP, a charming kindergarten teacher who is dealing with his own emotional issues following the break-up of a long-term relationship.

I enjoyed the witty dialogue and comical scenes, which were unfortunately overshadowed by the tedium of the ambivalence of the two lovers. Both seemed to surrender to their passion in the moment while allowing external circumstances to interfere with committing to each other. Neither one seemed capable of directly communicating with the other. Also, I was puzzled that JP was consistently described as a "normal, good guy" when he displayed much avoidant behavior. Adding to the emotional turmoil, there are heavy doses of grief secondary to the loss of loved ones.

Overall, reading this novel was an exhausting experience and a relief to come to the end of the book.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and will be posted on Amazon upon publication.

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Caitlin has done it again!, JP is sooo swoony in this book! I adored the chemistry of the characters and the various emotions this story made me feel! I highly recommend this book!!

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love. love. loveeeeeee. this story was twisted, magical, and fillleeddddd with romance. i loved everything about it. i literally could mot get enough of these two. their chemistry was like something i've never read of before. Cailtin didn't do the same thing that eveeryone else does, she did exactly the opposite and killed it doing it.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC (:

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This situationship was a cute read! Lots of heartache, lots of twists and leaving you asking WHAT IF the whole time. Coming this September, definitely put this on your TBR!



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Julia and JP have consistently been pulled to each other, but the timing never seems to work out for them. Over the span of five years they find themselves going in and out of each others lives but always being pulled back together by some invisible strings.

Overall, I did find the story to be cute! However, certain parts of the book seemed to drag for me. I understand that the whole point was that they were going in and out of each others lives, but after the fifth time or so I was internally screaming at them to get it together HAHA. The writing for me was a little choppy at parts. I do like how Julia always stood her ground with her career, especially with her mom. JP was also always just so sweet. I found myself guessing that they were going to run into each other and expecting them to get together only to realize they could not actually be together and go their separate ways. I did like the book! I was just expecting a little more I guess?

Thank you to NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for the ARC!!

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