Member Reviews

Thank you to Caitlin Moss of the advanced copy of this title.
I love a second chance romance. This one is more like a 10 second chance romance. I found this book to be a fresh take on instant connection and ill timing.
Julie and JP find themselves on the same flight and have immediate chemistry. Their banter is great and their relationship starts fast, but never strays into unrealistic territory. They conveniently have mutual friends and over the course of several years, continue to run into each other. Their paths are always intersecting, but never for long.
"Aways something, but never everything." These two are like two ships passing in the night. They get the briefest touch and taste, but nothing that can linger. They are both on two different trajectories throughout the book. I felt a range of emotions while reading this and was surprised by the character depth and emotional longing depicted on the page.
This is single POV from Julie's perspective, but the author gives enough detail to know exactly how JP is feeling.

I couldn't put this book down. I came for the angst and I stayed for the what ifs and what could have been.

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Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

This is my first Caitlin Moss book and I'll definitely be reading everything else she's ever written. What an amazing author! 😍

This book is so full of feelings. The characters have such amazing chemistry and they're written so well that they felt anything but fictional. There was so much heartbreak and sadness and moments where you felt the difficulty of their situations. But there was also always hope and love and the feeling like things would work out because how could they not?

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. 🖤

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𝒜𝑅𝒞 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌: Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss

𝕡𝕦𝕓 𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖: September 3, 2024

Thank you @netgalley for the advanced copy of this one🥹

𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤: It is absurd how much I love this book with my entire heart!!
I had to FORCE myself to put it down the other night so I could go to sleep and not be a complete zombie the day after.
I am so attached to the characters in this book after spending 2.5 days reading about them. I fell in love with this story immediately. It made me feel ALL of the feelings. Love, pain, grief, healing.

TW: grief

𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: Julia is on her way back to her hometown to go to her sister’s gender reveal party. On the flight there, she meets JP who is immediately endearing to her.
During their first magical night together they have their fortunes told, the fortune teller tells them a cryptic fortune that Julia will have many great loves, and JP will have one.
Neither of them truly believe this fortune. They were just doing it for the gimmicks. After all, they barely know each other.
One thing leads to another, and obstacle after obstacle comes toward them splitting them apart, giving them chance after chance, year after year. Will it ever stick? What is that invisible string pulling these two together time after time?

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I was absolutely obsessed with this book. From the start JP and Julia had the best chemistry with each other. I felt like their relationship and story was believable to read. Every time we got a new chance meeting, I got more worried there wasn't going to be a happy ending at the end of this book. To family drama and loss, this one goes through it all for love.

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This book is absolutely amazing, and hands down my best read of the year. Prior to reading this book I was stuck in a bit of a reading slump that I couldn't shake. However as soon as I started reading Goodbye Again I couldn't put it down. For the very beginning meeting Julia and JP I knew they were destined to be together. Of course it never quite that simple as both Julia and JP had things going on in their lives that kept them from each other, only for them to find each other again and again, continuously repeating the cycle. This book pulled at my heartstrings from the beginning to the end. I clearly felt all the characters emotions throughout the course of the book. When they laughed, I laughed. When they cried, I cried (more than once). The story was a beautifully crafted story that took readers on an emotional sometimes gut wrenching journey for love. It felt as though I was right beside Julia and JP throughout the whole book. No amount of words will ever be enough to express how much I loved the characters, the storyline, and the book overall. It was an instant 5 stars from beginning to end.

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This is my first Caitlin Moss story, but certainly won't be my last. Alexa, play Invisible String by Taylor Swift. This was a really refreshing book with a lot of great hidden messages and a ton of character depth!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book!

I really enjoyed this book. Such a cute quick and easy read. I loved the storyline and the characters. Great writing style. Perfect summer read.

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This book! Wow..I just loved it. What an emotional ride. I honestly felt like I was Julia and I was going through everything she was going through during this story. I felt what she felt and that takes some good writing! Although there was one part where I was more mad at JP than Jules was but I won't give it away. So many characters that I loved and connected with. Just really a great romance that kept me glued to the book and stuck with me after finishing. Highly recommend!!!

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Goodbye Again
By Caitlin Moss
Published by KDP

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to be an ARC reader.

Fated to meet, destined to fall in love, bound to fall apart.

This story spans 5 years and follows the lives of two people with an undeniable connection but poor timing.

No matter where life took them somewhere, at some time they were drawn together but there was always something standing in the way.

There is friendship, there is heartbreak, there is grief, there is family but ultimately there is love. This book is full of it.

I hope that everyone can love this book as much as I do.


One of my favourite quotes,

There are a million reasons why, but ultimately, he’s just my person. My voice of reason. My steady ground. My peace of mind. My comfort movie and lazy Sunday evening. and also, “because you’re profoundly normal.”

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OMG! I would give this book TEN STARS, ALL THE STARS! This was such a great read. The chemistry between Julia and JP. The ups and downs.... The love.... Wow!

I feel like we have all been in a place when we meet someone that it just wasn't the right time or the right place... Someone that we have thought about and wandered about at times in our lives what could have been.

I laughed, I cried, I sobbed!!!! This was an absolutely fantastic book! I will be singing its praises and recommending to everyone!

Thank you Caitlin Moss and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

#NetGalley #CaitlinMoss #GoodbyeAgain

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It isn’t often that I find a book that I want to read slowly and digest because I truly don’t want it to end, but this is one of those books for me. I absolutely loved getting to know Julia and JP throughout this book and watching their journeys through each “goodbye” and “hello.” There were times that I laughed out loud, ugly cried, and wanted to reach through the book to hug the characters. I truly cannot thank Caitlin and NetGalley enough for this ARC!!

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"Goodbye Again" by Caitlin Moss is an absolute gem that effortlessly captures the complexities of love, loss, and second chances. This book swept me off my feet from the very first page and kept me hooked until the very end.

Moss's writing is nothing short of mesmerizing. Her ability to weave together a story that is both heart-wrenching and hopeful is truly impressive. The characters, Julia and JP, are beautifully developed, each with their own flaws and strengths that make them incredibly relatable and compelling. Their journey is a rollercoaster of emotions that had me laughing, crying, and everything in between.

One of the standout features of this book is the warning at the beginning, preparing readers for the emotional depth they are about to experience. It's a thoughtful touch that shows Moss's care for her audience.

As someone who received an ARC of this book, I am beyond grateful to NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for the opportunity. This is my first book by Moss, and she has quickly become a new favorite author. Her storytelling prowess and the raw, authentic emotions she brings to her characters are simply unparalleled.

"Goodbye Again" is a must-read for anyone who loves a beautifully crafted story about the intricacies of human relationships. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy and revisit the world of Julia and JP. Thank you, Caitlin Moss, for this unforgettable journey.

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I loved this book so much! The main characters, Julia and JP, have a whirlwind romance, and then we follow them over years as they try to find their way back to each other. At parts it was heartbreaking, but I found myself always rooting for the characters. Highly recommend! I can't wait read more books from this author!

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Julia and JP meet in a cross country flight and spend an unforgettable night together in Seattle during which a fortune teller predicts they will always be in each other's lives. This proves complicated as they live in different cities, have their own careers and life continues to get in the way. Despite all of the obstacles, something keeps pulling them back to each other. Will Julia and JP be able to overcome what is keeping them apart or will they perpetually wonder what if?

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With a tear-stained face and a literal aching in my heart, I am attempting to put into words, how much I LOVED this story. It was hysterically funny, heartbreaking, hopeful and full of everything that makes a beautiful story, well, beautiful. I could live in these pages and this has become one of my favorites ever.

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I could not put this book down. I wanted to call out of work today to finish it. An incredible moving read that captivated me from page one. The character development, family dynamics, modern romance with a deep second chance romance. My heart felt for each of these characters. I loved the pace, the ease, the meaningful connections. I loved everything about this book. Recommending to everyone!

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I am constantly on the hunt for the next great rom-com & I found one in Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss. I especially loved the right person, wrong time aspect of this story. You will be so glad you read this book~

Thank you NetGalley & Caitlin Moss for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This book takes “right person, wrong time” to another level. JP & Julia meet on an airplane and learn they are headed to the same event. Their next few encounters are a whirlwind. They have the chemistry and banter that we all want. The invisible string pull that feels like they are the one. But something always gets in the way, & they turn into many unexpected chances over time with extreme heartache and disappointment along the way.

I was an emotional mess for 90% of this book. If it wasn’t JP & Julia getting it wrong, it was the Gramma Elle chapters turning me into a puddle (remembering my own grandma). So many times I wanted to scream “WTF” … 🫣 but damn, that woman can write a book! She always grabs my heart and squeezes a little too much, but I keep coming back for more 🤣

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Goodbye Again by C. Moss, is a full length, stand alone, romantic comedy.
Julia is a former publisher, now working as therapist on a flight to a wedding.
And karma has a way laughing at her. She meets an intersting seat neighbor, JP. He's a writer and kindergarten teacher. The short time they spent together makes them interested in each other. But the time isn't right. The depart, meet again and again over the years, but still the time isn't right for them.
A beautiful quiet story, a slow burn, is a sweet story.

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Hey book lovers!

Just zipped through Goodbye Again by Caitlin Moss, and it was such a great ride! 🚀📚 The story follows Julia who’s figuring out life’s messiness after a bunch of setbacks. Along the way, she meets some pretty unforgettable people who help her navigate her journey.

Moss’s writing is like a warm hug with a splash of real talk—super relatable and full of heart. The characters are so well-developed, you’ll feel like you’re right there with them, cheering them on.

If you’re into books that blend real-life struggles with a touch of inspiration, Goodbye Again is totally worth picking up. It’s a feel-good read that’ll leave you reflecting on your own life while enjoying a great story. Happy reading!

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