Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this - Caitlin Moss did an excellent job illustrating the romance and friendship between Julia and JP. It was really quite sad though - just a heartbreaking final stretch. Only qualm is that I had a hard time truly understanding why the relationship between Julia and her mom was what it was. would've liked to see a little more development there, particularly with the mom and her backstory.

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4.25 stars!

"Apparently falling in love is easy. It's a silent sweep. A reckless hope that knocks the wind out of you."

Thank you to Netgalley and the author, Caitlin Moss, for giving me an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this book! It was an absolute emotional rollercoaster from start to finish and I loved reading JP and Julia's journey. Firstly, I loved the 'invisible string' idea, which was a prominent theme through the book. I think the first 50% was quite smooth sailing, but the second half hit me pretty hard - as I said it was a complete emotional rollercoaster. I was mad for a few chapters, sad for a few and relieved for a few too! Caitlin Moss really knows how to write to really play on emotions.

I absolutely loved Julia's connection to her grandma - Gramma Elle, it was so sweet and reminded me of how much I love my own grandma. I really liked this connection, and I found it to be a personal touch to the story. Additionally, Julia's connections with not only JP, but characters like her mother and Emily were very well written and thought out. Loved her chemistry with JP as well - their 'meetcute' was absolutely perfect.

It was very well written I feel, and strongly followed the idea of 'right person wrong time' and 'invisible string'. I loved all the attention to detail in the book, the plot was great and the storyline just flowed well. Personally, what lowered my rating was parts of the actual storyline (which I will not be mentioning cos spoilers).

🎀Invisible String Theory
🎀Right Person, Wrong Time
🎀Meet Cute
🎀Meant to Be
🎀Multiple Chances
🎀Strangers to Lovers
🎀Fortune Teller
🎀Single POV (FMC)

"I don't believe in fate. I don't believe in stars aligning. But something tells me him and I were meant to meet."

"I don't think there's a life, or a world, or any kind of universe where I don't like you."

"You will have many loves, most will be him"

"You'll begin where you began"

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I have never been hooked on so fast on a book. The characters Jp and Julia charm from the moment we meat them. The conversations are so lovey and witty throughout the book. I cried more times while reading this than I would like to admit. There are so many tough moments for these characters and yet there is always hope lingering in the background. Audrey’s story line was hard to read because my mom has the same kind of cancer. It is tough to read something that hits so close to home and yet I came away from it hopeful for the characters and myself. I am grateful for the sharing of the book “spreading sprinkles” hope everyone enjoys this book as much as I did.

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I’m a big fan of Taylor Swift so the theme of Invisible String within this book made me so happy and I really enjoyed the concept. I loved the realistic conversation between the characters that made imagining the scenes in this book so easy. The book was complex and Caitlin is such a wonderful writer. It was such an emotional rollercoaster and I loved the chapters with her grandma it was something I haven't seen before.

I do love romance but prefer other genres more so it wasn't a five star for me but also in romance books I usually prefer a slow burn romance whereas in this book it is an instalove so it wasn’t my preference but the people who prefer an instalove romance book will enjoy this book!

If you like romance books more specifically instalove romances, then I would definitely recommend this book to you as well as if you are interested in the invisible string concept definitely pick this book up. Overall it was an emotional and cute read and I enjoyed it.

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‘Fated to meet. Destined to fall in love. Bound to fall apart.’

Goodbye Again was like watching a movie play out on my kindle. And I have a Paperwhite. Hell, you can’t even play Angry Birds on a Paperwhite. So if that doesn’t say enough, let me just keep blatherin’ all over the place about the cinematic experience that was this book…

Moss writes her characters like they’re anything but fictional. Like she genuinely knows & spends time with these people, rather than just having thought them up and brought them to life in her head and then on the page. Her MC’s, her MC’s families, her MC’s pets, namely a pooch named Kevin…. You KNOW them. You love them, you hate them, you hope for them and scream at them. You cry and mourn when they cry and mourn and you want to slap the lips off any person who dares to hurt them.

I have loved so many of her books and she emotionally devastates me every single time. THIS is why I read. Words turned into a story turned into a life. It hooks you. It pulls you by the hair and does not let you go.

This is what I hope for at the start of every new book. To fall into something so well written you forget you’re reading at all and you have to take a breather just to calm your heart palpitations. And walk outside for some air, scream at a random, unsuspecting person *because what the hell else are you gonna do with all these emotions, huh??*, and finally, you clean up the drool that’s collected in front of you (where the hell did that come from?). And then as an afterthought, you whisper to yourself (very sadly & very quietly because you’re at work), “Get a hold of yourself, woman! JP is nacho boyfriend! The clothes in a puddle on the floor are not yours. He peeled those off of someone else.”….sniff sniff…

Ahh yes, I digress. This book was everything. It was love at first sight. It was too many LOL’s to count. It was heartache, frustration, trauma and tradgedy. It was the double edged sword of yearning and longing; hurtful, but not hopeless. It was love, big love and lots of chill bumps and a little bit of magic...

In a word, it was apricity.

& of course I recommend. Just please understand I’m a reader, not a writer okurrtt?! So I’m sorry this review is basically the equivalent of a psychopath.

HUGE thanks to Caitlin Moss, you mf’n queen & to NetGalley for this arc in exchange for a terrible, but completely honest review. I. Loved. It.

Pub date: 9.3.24.

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Right person wrong time. I love the heartache you feel for these too and how much you just want it to work for them. You will swoon over JB and hope to find a man half as amazing as him! I now uncross my legs every time the plane lands! Couldn’t put this book down and even got to enjoy it on my layover at Lake Washington so I felt all her Seattle moments.

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A love story of more than six chances at falling in love and being heartbroken. A must read if you love the angst of right person, wrong time. I really loved this story and I can’t wait to read what Caitlin Moss will write next. Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the e-arc.

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“You will have many loves . Many loves, but most of them will be him” is the fortune Julia is given on the night they meet. “You will only have one,” she tells JP. This intriguing exchange sets the stage for Caitlin Moss's "Goodbye Again," a captivating novel that spans five years, beginning with a cross-country flight.

Goodbye Again broke me in the best way. I fell in love with Julia and JP, not to mention Kevin the dog. . I rooted for them, cried for them, and even got mad at them.

This novel was one of the best books I have read. When I read the last line, I just said “wow.” There are no words to describe how invested I was!

I hope you will read and love it as much as I did! Thank you to NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for a chance to read an advance copy.

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Despite there being a few things that grinded my gears, Goodbye Again was a decent read. The beginning of the book wasn't my favorite. I thought it started off a little weak. I didn't really gel with Julia's inner monologue. As the story progressed, her voice started to grow on me. I thought the chemistry between JP and Julia was fantastic. The airplane scene with them was the perfect mix of snarky banter and chemistry. The invisible string concept of the story was interesting. I thought the author did a great job progressing the plot over time. What knocked this book down a few notches was the communication between Julia and JP. I found myself frustrated with their communication and timing. JP's omission and Julia's relationship with Donovan were irritating to read. I get that these plots were important to the overall storyline; however, it was maddening to read. I did enjoy the storyline with Audrey. Overall, I think I would have liked this book better if the communication between the main characters was better. Thank you to NetGalley and CAITLIN MOSS for the ARC.

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Book Review: A Beautifully Gut-Wrenching Journey


Wow, where do I even start with this book? It’s a tour de force of emotions, and it absolutely swept me off my feet. I’m resisting the urge to give away any plot points because this book is best experienced with a fresh perspective, but let me tell you, it’s a rollercoaster that will make you laugh, cry, and everything in between.

From the very first page, the author grabs your heart and doesn’t let go. There were moments when I was chuckling at the witty banter and other times when I was wiping away genuine tears. The narrative flows effortlessly between joy and sorrow, and it’s crafted in a way that feels both personal and universal.

A standout detail for me was the Lisa Frank backpack reference. As someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, this nostalgic nod felt like it was speaking directly to my inner child. It’s these little touches that made the book feel incredibly intimate and relatable.

In a world where many stories feel formulaic, this one is anything but. It’s so rich and engaging that I’m practically begging for a film adaptation—MAKE IT A MOVIE NOW! As someone who is especially sensitive to emotional storytelling, this book hit all the right notes and then some. It’s not just a story; it’s a powerful experience that resonates long after you’ve turned the last page. If you’re in the mood for a read that will deeply move you then this is an absolute must-read!

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Wow Wow Wow! I feel like I just read a Nicholas Sparks book. This story is so heartbreaking and the redemption is so sweet and I'm so happy that it ended how it did. I was truly grateful for the author's note at the beginning because losing a parent AND cancer hits really close to home for me and sometimes it can be really hard to read about that in a book because I lived it but also very validating and I love seeing how authors can write what I went through and sometimes they write things that move me or impact me.

That being said, I was an INSTANT fan of JP. Like, immediately. I loved the banter, I loved their friendship and relationship and it felt genuine right from the start. I truly fell in love with them right away. After the part with his niece, I knew my heart was going to shatter a million times during this book as I realized what the title meant. But I was not prepared for all of the intense emotions I would feel. Gosh, I was so mad at Julia so many different times for not just standing up for herself or calling JP out on his crap or just letting things go again and again and again. I cannot believe all that time passed and she didn't fight harder for him. It made me so mad. But I know things like that just mean the author did really really well writing the characters. I could not believe her mom treated her the way she did and for what..... not properly dealing with her grief?? Good gravy. I hope I'm never a parent like that.

All in all, fantastic book. Loved the story even if it was truly truly heartbreaking at the same time.

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I LOVED this book!!

JP & Julia's chemistry was absolutely spot on & their interaction in the first chapter hooked me straight away - it wasn't the usual cheesy spiel! The chapters were short & sweet too which I love because then I can squeeze in a few more 'one more' chapters!

I loved the writing - the pace felt steady & kept me hooked throughout. I loved seeing relationships develop over the course of the story, although, I was shouting at my Kindle, 'just get together!!!!' multiple times! Haha!

Audrey... I'll say no more!! :(

The twist at the end got me! I really didn't see it coming!!

The book had it all - spice, heartbreak, tears & humour. I'd absolutely recommend it & reread it in future.

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I cried, I laughed, I swooned and I was kicking my feet more than once.

Oh goodness.. I fell in love with both characters so bad from the earliest moments in this story. THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!
Oh, by the way. This is a FAST burn.

Now the title makes sense. Cause the characters find each other every time but have to let each other go over and over again. Which was both heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time. But I don't want to spoil all the events but it's so worth your time reading this.

I'm so in love with this story. New favourite of mine 🥹

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"Goodbye Again" by Caitlin Moss is a disappointing read that fails to deliver on many fronts. From the outset, the writing is plagued by a lack of coherence and sophistication, making the narrative difficult to engage with. The dialogue often feels forced and unnatural, riddled with cringe-worthy lines that detract from the characters' believability.

The plot, though seemingly promising, unravels in a predictable and unimaginative manner, leaving little room for genuine surprises or emotional depth. Character development is almost nonexistent, with the protagonists coming across as one-dimensional and their motivations unclear.

Additionally, the pacing is erratic, with the story dragging in parts where it should be brisk and rushing through moments that could have added substance. The attempts at humor and emotional resonance fall flat, making it hard to form any real connection with the narrative or its characters.

Overall, "Goodbye Again" is a frustrating read that leaves much to be desired. It lacks the finesse and engagement necessary for a compelling story, ultimately making it a book that's easy to put down and forget.

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"You begin where you began."

5 stars!!


I have just finished reading this book, and I loved every single second of it. I went through every different emotion you can imagine, from hope to grief, from love to hate, from annoyance to outrage. I spent some parts of this book not liking JP (specifically at the "I didn't know I was actually a rebound," I admit. He rolls his eyes. "Way to make it about you." and "We had fun. I mean, I'm happy now. But we were..." ... I can't begin to tell you how much that scene enraged me.) but I spent most of the book rooting for Julia and JP because their love is, simply, undeniable.

I quickly fell in love with Julia, her quick wit, her banter, her caring nature, her heart; the way she handled everything with so much grace that I know I would not have had had I been in the same situation. Each character is so realistically human and Caitlin portrays them all so well - from the love and regret and hurt and hope you see between Julia and JP. From the difficult relationship Julia has with her mum and the almost absent-like relationship she has with her sister (at least absent like when it comes to JP.) From JP's relationship with Audrey, and even the friendship that grew between Julia and Audrey that left me heartbroken. I ate it all up. I want more of these characters and yet the story is perfect as it is.

I sobbed my heart out at the end, and I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am they got their happy ending. I don't know how I would have handled it had they not.

The story is beautifully written, and Cailtin Moss has such a way with words; she has you hooked so quickly (or she had me hooked so quickly, at least!) And I would recommend this book to anyone, especially if you want to have your heart ripped out and put back together multiple times.

JP may have enraged me in the scene mentioned above but let me tell you, he redeemed himself with:

"You wrecked my world and flipped it on its head and I don't want another day to go by where the world doesn't know I'm yours and you're mine."


"It feels like I have loved you in a million different lives and in a million different ways. And I'm still not done. I want to love you forever. I don't think I can live without you, Jules. I thought I could, but I can't. The world spins a different direction when you're in the room. Gravity doesn't exist. The wind stops blowing. My heart beats to the sound of your voice. You."

10/10. A simply stunning story.

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I was engaged in this story right away. The characters had chemistry right away. This story tells a story about two characters that love eachother but it’s never the right time. There was love, spice and a little heartbreak. I cried and then the story put me back together.

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This book is AMAZING!!!!! I could NOT put it down.
This romance novel with put you on a crazy rollercoaster ride of emotions! It is so well written you can’t help but love the main characters JP and Julia. Their love story is about fate, bad timing and undeniable chemistry. Your heart will swoon and then break over and over. But for all the tears, it was a beautiful story about love you don’t wanna miss!

Thanks ti Netgalley for this eArc!!

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I was extremely hesitant to read this book for several reasons. 1. I assumed there was some sort of magical element in it and the characters would travel through time or get a do over or something because the description talked about a fortune teller. Turns out that’s all there is to it, there’s a part with a fortune teller. 2. I saw the author share that traditional publishers rejected this book because the story was too complicated and didn’t fit their boxes, which made me wonder if it was going to be any good. Turns out, the publishers had a Pretty Woman moment and made a big mistake. Huge. This is easily my favorite Caitlin Moss book to date. It’s so much more than just a “wrong place, wrong time” romance. Those can be hit or miss for me because sometimes you just want to scream at the characters to GET TOGETHER ALREADY WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? While I did have that moment one time during this book, there was so much nuance to the story and what was keeping them apart that it wasn’t frustrating. They also had such a sweet friendship as the base of it all, and it made me like them even when they weren’t together.

This book has banter, romance, heartbreak, loss, grief, surprises, redemption, and had me unable to put it down for more than a few hours before I had to keep reading. Other than the part at 90% finished where I started panicking that this was not in fact a happily ever after and that I was going to be so mad if they didn’t end up together (don’t worry. It really is a romance and does have a HEA) it was enjoyable from start to finish!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Wow! I did not expect this book to blow me away the way that it did! This is one of my new favorite books and I just know it's one I will be thinking about for a long time!

This had all the feels of a cute rom-com but also will break your heart at parts. You will be rooting for the main couple to get together and feel such frustration when things get in the way - but I promise the ending makes it all worth it! This doesn't feel like a typical romance book - it doesn't follow the typical format but that is what makes it so great and so relatable. Real life doesn't always work out the way we want and sometimes life and circumstances get in our way - but we all keep going and move forward and hope that in the end it will all be worthwhile.

I also want to note that this book deals with a narcissistic character - and as someone who has personally dealt with this Caitlin Moss could not have described the emotions and turmoil that come along with it any better! I wished the main character could have set more boundaries for herself but this also made it relatable - it's not always easy to do!

Love the role the grandma plays in this story too! Such a sweet relationship - made me miss my Granny and wish she could come sit with me and give me some advice too! (though the twist at the end with the dreams was so well written and unexpected).

"There's often humor in the heartbreak"

I will be raving about this book and recommending it!!

Thank you NetGalley and Caitlin Moss for this ARC!

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Oh my goodness I don’t even know where to begin. I felt like I related to this book so much. I had to put it down so many times because it made me so emotional. I sobbed through this entire book. As you guys know, Caitlin Moss is my favorite local author, I own all of her books and they are seriously all 5 stars for me. The way that she is able to bring so much emotion and relatability to her characters is so amazing. I cannot say enough good things about this book. Everyone should read it or at least read one of her books!

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