Member Reviews

I love this idea of this, but I wish this was more interactive. Getting a booklet with a bingo sheet and posting a review feels like it is missing the mark a bit...BUT I like the idea of this. perhaps it can be more interactive in the future. I also like the challenges on the bingo sheet to read outside of your genre or comfort zone.

Shared my review in the link, as instructed.

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As with most of Netgalleys other publications, this one has such a great visual appeal. It has fun activities and I have really enjoyed Camp Netgalley this last week! Looking forward to the rest of the month.

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I found this all very confusing about how to use it. The directions were not very helpful. I could not use on my phone and had to download onto a desktop computer.
Had no idea where I am supposed to put the "link' to my review for the talent show. I put it in the links section below.

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absolutely love this idea! Reminds me of all the summers I signed up for the library summer reading challenges as a kid! Such a fun way to keep adults motivated to read through the busy summer months! Thank you NetGalley!

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This is such a fun idea! I love the way it encourages reading and sharing our love of books throughout the month of July. The activities sound fun and I am looking forward to participating!

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Camp NetGalley is such a fun idea! I love that there are weekly activities and way to keep you checking in! Thank you for giving adults a summer reading camp!

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This looks really fun! I love the bingo card and it’s a really cool way to create activity within the community. Reminds me of NaNoWriMo for readers

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This is a really cool idea to bring people together. I liked the 'Camp' idea considering we're in the midst of the summertime.

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Great way to bring a book loving community together! Thank you for the summer challenge looks fun. It would be nice in book form as well.

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I like that netgalley does this but i really think they work best as an actual book becuase of whats inside such as stickers .. it doesnt really work on the netgalley app how its meant to be used. For me its okay. I think the actual products are getting nicer and better every year. SO I am not commenting to discourage.

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What a fun way to bring the book community together with this activity pack! I found it really authentically pleasing and fun!

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Love this. Great idea and excited to read along with this challenge. This is a fantastic idea to get engagement and people engaging with this.

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The templates are cute and the ideas are cool. I also like how it has variety and it doesn't repeat itself or being too similar. The stickers are cute and the file to download it is accessible and not a format that might not everyone is able to download. We get also different choices to introduce ourselves to the challenge which is also cool. I like the most how you can actually open the links mentioned so that you know exactly where to go.

Honestly, the instructions are a bit unclear and jump back and forth in my opinion. I tried the bingo one (even though not having a social media platform to share it) and it was a bit confusing to me as I didn't understand all of them. Like what is meant by make a camp TBR list on NetGalley? Like camp themed books or what? And also 'Set during the summer'. What exactly 'set?' A book release date? A genre? Literally the setting of the book? I also don't know if we can submit more than 1 review for the talent show or if that's not allowed (I tend to categorise things like; best in terms of popular, best in terms of personal best, etc). There is lots of info for this challenge, but also not enough explanation for it.

Bit disappointed that the templates are Instagram and TikTok only as maybe some use other platforms and therefore would struggle to post it in a different social media format.

I think we are also supposed to use social media to show NetGalley the way we participate which I think makes sense, but I personally don't use social media and that seems a bit unfair to me. So perhaps make it open for e-mail entries too?
Definitely still trying to enter the talent show, but would have wished to have an opportunity to participate throughout all the weeks and not only the last one.

After some consideration I also made a list of ideas for next year's Camp NetGalley

1. Engaging with other participants
I saw that for this year at least that all activities were around oneself and not with another person. I would like to see how we get activities to engage with eachother. Would also prefer if that's optional in case someone doesn't want to do this as some prefer to do challenges alone, but some like the other one so would be nice to let us have a choice regarding this.

2. More open options as to where to participate
As already mentioned above, I don't use social media and I'm surely in the minority, but that doesn't mean necessarily that I'm the only one and perhaps the only one who expresses it. I would like to see how we can submit our weekly activities somewhere else than just on social media. My suggestion stands: e-mail entries. Or even Google forms to not be able to re-send (spam).

3. We could also have like a group or chat so that all participants can talk to eachother openly and that if there are any questions to anything that others can help them. And also, to just have fun together and share the experience of the challenge and its activities.

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Another fun & interactive activity pack provided by NetGalley! There's nothing better than activities based around our love of books to bring us all together! Thank you NetGalley!

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The NetGalley Camp is a really great idea for reading lovers. Just like reading challenges on YouTube, you get to do challenges and read and connect to a community that also love to read. And getting a badge is also a nice touch to it!

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This looks so fun! I'm not quite sure how or why I am able to "review" this but, hey, it will boost my ratings. Lol

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What a fun idea! I absolutely love that NetGalley put something like this together. I’m going to share it with my fellow book readers.

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This is a seriously fun activity packet that I am really enjoying going through. I would love if Herbal let did these more often.

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Thank you Net Galley! I truly enjoy the idea of an online based book camp for our little community of readers. Unfortunately, I’m in a bit of a reading slump at the moment but this has been serving as some motivation to get involved and you know, read! I especially like the bingo and have already crossed off a few items even with my measly one book so far in July.

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Here is my link for the review of a book that I am proud of. Thank you! I think this will be such a fun experience.

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