Member Reviews

This is such a fun activity, thanks NetGalley! I love the weekly activities. I would love to see more activities like this throughout the year. It would be nice is the templates for the different activities were easier to access.

Review for the talent show posted in link!

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this is so fun! the camp manual is adorable and informative. this would be a really fun activity for a family to do together to encourage kids to read on their summer break.

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Never cross a woman scorned. How do you do that? Don't scorn the woman to begin with, maybe? Her touch is painful, her love is deadly, and she wants Sebastian, no cost too high, no one stands in her way. The Treadwell Directive is standing in her way, therefore, they must be removed. Life in black and white, while Sebastian lives and functions in all the shades of gray. What a nightmare. And any of his allies that learn of his blood oath to the dragons? Offer advice and run for the hills. He and his stand alone. He, and he alone, must do this tango of death with Regina and do his best to come out the other side still standing as the victor. Can he? Ole, baby, ole!

I read this as an arc for the author, to help better the book.

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Camp NetGalley is a fun idea to bring NetGalley readers together during the summer. I like the bingo cards and other activities. Good idea. Thanks NetGalley.

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Good information on how to participate in Camp NetGalley. I appreciate the idea and the work that went into it.

I would like to see more opportunities for winning things like stickers and badges. I like the idea of the Bingo card, but I don't think you turn it in, so it's really just to do it.

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Great information on Net Galley over the summer! Thanks for uploading. Looking forward to completing some if the challenges.


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What a fun way to encourage reading this summer. I always love summer camp when I was a kid. Thank you NetGalley!

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Perfect! Excited to do this this month !! I hope they do more things like this !!! I’m glad I got approved for one of the books already.

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I love the Camp NetGalley idea! It's so much fun! Here's my review link for the Talent Show:

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Who doesn't love summer camp? This is a GREAT fun way to make our reading fun this summer! Thanks Netgalley!

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This is a wonderful way to help us readers stay engaged and try to read more ARCs. As a reader, I always find challenges to be more motivating so I love that there are weekly challenges, along with stickers and badges. This will keep ARCs at the top of my mind cause I have so many books on my TBR, but I can also increase my feedback rating too! Thanks Netgalley for this opportunity!

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I got this too late for the challenge 😔 I'm disappointed with myself for not getting this earlier. I'll have to keep an eye out more closely in the future

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Such a fun way to get involved with NetGalley. I enjoyed the Bingo games and excited for the rest of the weekly activities. I love that you can work towards a badge for your reviewer profile too.

Thanks NetGalley

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Love the idea of a book summer camp! NetGalley uses various activities for the month of July to engage readers and earn badges. I’ve started with the bingo activity which I thought would be challenging to complete. I then started the Zodiac Academy and finished 3 books in a week! Thanks NetGalley for putting on a fun and easy challenge for all of us readers!

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I think this is a wonderful way to get involved. I’m new to NetGalley and still learning my way around. The activities are very fun and can’t wait to see what happens.

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This is a great idea for summer reading and book influencers to get the latest reads . The bingo game is a great idea. I know i wont be able to do a black out on my card lol. I throughly going to enjoy this.

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It's cute and creative. It makes me feel like I'm participating in a summer reading program at a library. I like the different ways readers and reviewers can connect.

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Im so happy to join this camp NetGalley project!! This seems fun and a great way to keep us feeling involved.

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A Letter To The Luminous Deep-
First I wanna say thank you for approving me for this ARC on NetGalley 🫶

So I must have missed the part of the description where it said this was an epistolary novel— that being said OH MAN did I LOVE it!! I haven’t read an epistolary in quite some time so it took me a chapter or two to get used to it and it was SO worth it!

The writing style is incredibly unique. It takes some adjusting time but the more I read the more I grew comfortable and anticipated the tone in which each character was writing.

Love. Mystery. Loss. Friendship. Underwater society, I mean what more could you ask for?!

I ached for Sophy and Vyerin’s loss and the connection and friendship they formed in trying to figure out what happened to their siblings. The writing easily lets you put yourself in their shoes- anxiously awaiting the next letter and the next, to find out what happened.

E and Henery. Need I say more? I truly enjoyed watching their growth through their correspondence as the book progressed. Their understanding for each other, the way they encouraged and trusted each other was perfection.

And of course, Arvist comes in at the last minute suggesting what everyone has already been doing.

Would you believe I’ve had this book on my list of Books To Look Out For since February of 2023?? Very much worth the wait!

I will 1000% be telling all my friends about this book and will be buying a physical copy when it comes out. Excitedly waiting the next book!

I can’t wait for the world to read this masterpiece!

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I’ve never heard of anything like this before and I think it’s so fun that NetGalley is doing this! This Camp NetGalley is such a fun way to get people reading and interacting with each other. I love the creativity!

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