Member Reviews

Very excited to use the bingo board to participate! Hopefully it will help boost my reading this month!

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Love this!! We will definitely be participating in this and posting on our instagram. Already completed the camper intro!

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A fun summer activity to keep us engaged with books all season long. Hopefully this will keep me from getting off track with my reading!

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This is a great concept!

I wish that it were announced in advance, as we are on a remote camping trip and I happened to see the email while we were heading to a ghost town and happened to pick up service. If I had had the option I would have printed out the bingo in advance.

Overall, this seems fun.

I would just like advance notice!

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Getting ready to fill my backpack with summer reads. While I'm always reading and reviewing, this summer camp for booklovers affords joining the summer activities without leaving home. #CampNetGalley looking forward to escaping the heat by diving into good reads. .

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This could be a fun game if the materials were all available and the instructions were clearer.. I'm going to try and work with it, but so far I have not been able to download the individual parts of the game/program and find it not exactly fun

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Thanks this helped a lot! I'm really excited to use the reading journal to reach my netgalley goals. I'm excited to use the special features and stickers

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I absolutely love this concept! I have never done a summer camp or anything like that as a kid so this is a fun way to sort of do it alongside my love for books :) I love the idea of doing more bookish things like this, as well as book club reading kits! A favorite review of mine is for Powerless. Here is the link:

Thank you, NetGalley and We Are Bookish! :)

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I really like the concept. It gives great motivation for summer reading.
Being able to do this with We Are Bookish and Net Galley is the perfect way to catch up on summer reading.
Downloading the packet was easy.
However, I am not sure how to use the stickers or play bingo electronically.
I've downloaded to my cell and desk top and still unable to figure out how to use.

I had lots of trouble with the Net Galley Reading Journal as well, but gave up trying.

All in all, will print the bingo board and play along. Will submit my "Talent Show" review as well.


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Great summertime activity! I hope to complete the activities and join in with other readers to have a great time!

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Thank you to NetGalley for this book. This was not what I was expecting but hoping to participate. I wish there were a few more activities.

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Love the idea of a summer bookish camp! Can’t wait to read all the books I can in July. I’d say let’s reduce our TBR but realistically for every book read, I’ll add another two.

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I absolutely love this! This is truly the best version of summer camp, I can't wait for more bookish events like this! Thank you, NetGalley and We Are Bookish!

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I am so excited to be apart of Camp NetGalley this year. As a new member of the 'Bookstagram' community, I am really looking forward to incorporating some of the exciting activities into my regular content. I am mostly excited to work on my Bingo skills and participate in Week 3's Scavenger Hunt! The link I decided to attach for this review is from one of my favourite books that I've ever had the pleasure to gain early access to through NetGalley - Hello, Molly! by Molly Shannon. This was actually the first audiobook I ever listened to and hearing it spoken from Molly herself really captured the essence and intention of the novel. This was easily my favourite novel of 2022 and it has certainly crept its way as one of my favourites of all time. I am really proud of this review and it really made me fall in love with NetGalley!

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I decided that I don’t have the capability to do this right now. I haven’t been reading as much or reviewing that often.

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This welcome packet was super colorful and informative. It listed details about Camp NetGalley and included a list of activities and what to expect from the event.

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Such a fun idea! I love the bingo and the badges you can get for reviewing/reading etc. I also like the templates that can be put on social media sites.

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What fun!
One of my favorite reviews for a NetGalley Read

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I can’t won’t to get started on this. An exciting addition to enhance my summer reading. I’m keeping everything crossed that I get the badges Thanks NetGalley

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This is my first summer participating in Camp NetGalley and I love the idea of this! However, I just wish the directions were a little more clear as to what we should be doing to participate fully. I love the graphics and the engagement on bookstagram though.

One of my favorite reviews for a book I read via NetGalley:

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