Member Reviews

The Review should focus on your favorite things about Camp NetGalley, ideas for next year, and any other notes or suggestions you have.

This is such a fun idea and a great way to shake up summer! I love all the activities and items, from the scavenger hunt, to bingo, to the stickers!!

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Pros: NetGalley is the best platform I've used for requesting egalleys. There's a wide selection, books are simple to request, and publishers are so quick about responding. I usually hate getting emails from companies but I'm actually excited to see what's new from NetGalley.

Cons: it's not the easiest thing in the world to actually read the books, especially the ones that I'm trying to read on a desktop while it looks like I'm working. Surely there has to be a better way than Adobe Digital Editions. The NetGalley app itself needs to be taken behind a barn and disposed of.

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Excited about this! Looking forward to diving deep and filling my bingo card. Already posted on socials and thrilled about making new net galley friends.

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This is such an amazing event! I don’t have any ideas, but I’m looking forward to participating in this! Thank you so much for the invite!

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Sounds like a fun event. Love that all the information is here. Looking forward to getting involved in this for July. What a wonderful idea!

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It sounds great. Lots of activities and a chance to mingle with other book reviewers.
Thank you for putting it together. I am looking forward to learning more.

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How fun! Looking forward to Camp NetGalley! Sounds like a motivating way for me to get some more reading done :)

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Yay! This is such a fun packet and idea. I love Netgalley as it really helps me connect with content in the book community, and stay on top of books for my career. Thank you for all you do netgalley!

Here's a review I enjoyed recently:

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC!

Yet again I'm enchanted by Erin Craig's writing (I'm not biased by name!) the characters were sweet and well thought out, and it truly just feels like a vacation in a book. It reminds me of reading fantasy for the first time and being totally enveloped in a story and world. Really really well done.

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The Review should focus on your favorite things about Camp NetGalley, ideas for next year, and any other notes or suggestions you have.

I loved this idea! It works so well as a summer reading activity. I am super looking forward to the scavenger hunts! Things I liked the most: the calendar of events was excellent, made it easy to plan for activities and make timely content with them too, the bingo card, lots of good activities and I appreciated the intentional diversity with the queer and BIPOC rep. It would be even cooler if it included something about supporting your local library and maybe an action campers could take to help fight book banning.

Suggestions - page numbers on the PDF would be helpful, I printed mine to include in my print reading journal, some neat social media graphics would be cool as well.

Talent Show Entry:

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Excited! Excited! Excited! What a wonderful Summer Reading Challenge?!? I love the weekly spread, bingo board and review challenge. Fantastic idea with bright colors and is very engaging. Thank you, this is just what my Summer needed.

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You had me at free badge and bingo. I love me some badges and achievements. This is a nice, easy, exciting summer activity to get people reading. Thank you for doing this.

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I really like the idea of Camp NetGalley! My favorite part so far is the Bingo Board. Bingo Board reading challenges are one of my favorite ways to pick new books to read! I’m excited to see what else there is to participate in and what will be done for next year.

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This is such a fun concept and I absolutely cannot wait to participate! What a fun way to get people reading!

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This was a fun little guide to get me started for a fun summer activity! I’m looking forward to participating, I love that it had everything I needed to get started.

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You had me at "Bingo!"

Summer reading is big around my house full of elementary kids, and I love that NetGalley has joined the club! Our local library does a Bingo game for both adults and kids, with every "win" earning a ticket for raffle drawings of fun bookish swag -- I'd love to see something similar next year at Camp NetGalley.

The summer months are always crazy around here, but I'm counting on Camp NetGalley to help incentivize my own summer reading.

Cheers to summer!

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This Netgalley camp is so fun!! I’m so excited to participate in the challenge and fill out the bingo board. I really love using Netgalley and the ability it gives me to read and share books before they are published. Shared in this review is one of my favorite books of the year, Love at First Book by Jenn McKinlay. I love her writing and her well written characters!

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Thank you for putting this fun reading camp experience together! I think this camp experience will help encourage readers to tackle their arcs.

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What a cute idea! Excited to participate in the bingo board. We’ll see how well this summer activity goes!

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Thank you NetGalley for giving us another cool option to keep track of our reading and also to allow us to have fun doing it.

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This is my first year on NetGalley and I am really excited to participate in Camp NetGalley! This is so fun!

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