Member Reviews

The Bingo Board! I'm Thriving!!! Can't wait for the camp activities to begin! What better way to spend your time at summer camp than with a book in your hand! Team Camp Netgalley!

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I am looking forward to completing this Camp NetGalley Badge Challenge! We get to have some extra fun added to our reading reporting! I also really like the idea of the NGalley Bingo! Let's have a great July team and enjoy those wonderful reads!

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This seems like a fun way to boost your reading during July. I like the prompts on the bingo board and look forward to trying to complete as many as I can. I think for the future, it would be cool to have a netgalley read-a-thon with prompts, maybe where you can join a team and try to compete against other team, winning points for each book you read. I think it would also be cool to maybe get some publishers to allow some upcoming mainstream/popular books as "read now" just for the month of the "camp netgalley".

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What a fun idea! I want to incorporate this idea into my book club. The packet was adorable and the information was very easy to understand, can’t wait to play bingo. I am a die hard bingo fan lol.

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Thanks so much for allowing me to participate in Camp NetGalley!! I cannot wait to see all the fun things that I can do and get the badge!

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This was seriously such a cute idea! I love the whole idea of getting the NetGalley community together to read and have fun. I’ll be updating my review once the event is over to discuss my favorite parts, but I’m super excited for the scavenger hunt!

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Excited to start Camp NetGalley! I love a summer reading program of any kind (thank you, public children's libraries lol)

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I just adore this, saw it pop up on my Insta feed earlier today and knew I wanted to be participating right away! Reccomending it to all the lasses in Bit Crack Book Club so we can all join in. Really like the useful tools shared by NetGalley and the service in general. I use it daily for audio books and always reccomend to friends and followers

Here is a recent audio book review:

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What a fun idea for the summer, camp netgalley. I'm excited to get cracking on the bingo card. I feel each month I'm trying to up my ratio. Then I see a pretty book cover or my favorite author has a new book and there it goes. 😜 I love reading outside by the pool or in the corner of my favorite couch. If the kids are fighting I may hide in a closet just so I can read in silence.

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Information was well written and easy to understand. I’m very excited to do the summer camp. I definitely enjoy reading and reviewing so having the challenge and bingo card are an exciting thing to take part in.

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This is such a great idea! I always love summer reading challenges and this is such a fun spin on that idea. The bingo card is adorable and has some awesome goals on it.

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Go NetGalley! What a creative concept - summer camp!

Can't wait for each week.

LOVE the clear "NetGalley Events" calendar - very helpful.

One of my favorite reviews was for The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center Really enjoyed the book and the enthusiasm carried over into the review! Thanks NetGalley!

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I'd love to participate in this, getting badges, playing bingo, submitting reviews, I'm all in! But the instructions are... missing? The Welcome Packet doesn't provide any specifics on how to participate in any of the events. I find it confusing and the NetGalley website doesn't have anything on it labeled Camp NetGalley. I love the idea of this, I'll muddle around and see what I can find. What would be super helpful is some kind of FAQ or support message board or something on the NetGalley website.

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This welcome packet is cute and a fun spin on summer camp for adults! Activities, badges and games...what could be better?

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This is such a cute idea! I loved it! Can't wait to play the bingo card and the other stuff that's in the book!

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I am so flipping excited about this CAMP! How cool and exciting to get to participate and play. I am downloading and printing the welcome packet and getting started.

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How cool is Camp NetGalley!! I’m so excited about Camp NetGalley Bingo board & can’t wait to fill up my card!! There’s nothing I love more than reading, especially in the Summertime!! I got my AirPods, my favorite tote bag, my iPad & I’m ready to knock this Camp NetGalley challenge out the park!!

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This is such a fun idea! I love it. The bingo board is a great idea. Also it would be fun to post pics of books we are reading with #'s.

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Such a fun idea to get the NetGalley engaged and refresh our enthusiasm for reading! Love the thought that went into this concept and the visual presentation of the 'Welcome Packet!' Looking forward to Opening Day at Camp :)

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Easy enough to follow summer bookish activities! Activities, such as bingo, are divided by weeks of July. Complete some activities and earn a badge!

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