Member Reviews

I love the idea of a book summer camp for users of NetGalley, and this is the perfect idea. And the best part: I can participate from anywhere, which is also amazing. And here is my review I'm most proud of for the talent sh0w:

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This is such a cute idea! I'd love for future years to include prizes. Maybe physical totes or stickers, or perhaps even auto-approval with a publisher (is that an option, because that would be amazing!)

For my talent portion, I offer my take on The Goddess of by Randi Garner

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That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming
1000000 stars to this one. This is what I was hoping The Assistant to the Villain was going to be like. If you wanted something a little more adult with humor and snark then check this one out. I devoured this one in two days and couldn't put it down. I am off to read the other two soon.

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This is the absolute most cutest idea I’ve ever seen!!! I’ve been in such a book slump lately and this is such a fun way to get out of one!! I’m so excited for this!!! Netgalley you are so awesome!!!!

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I love the creativity, NetGalley! This is such a cute idea for the summer. Camp NetGalley makes me feel like being an adult in the summer isn't that bad. I like having something to look forward to! I can't wait to keep up with all of the other campers on social media. The nostalgia of camp, badges, and activities is sure to brighten up my summer.

Thank you NetGalley for this fun activity!

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This is such a cute idea. I love the idea of a 'talent show' and the other little games throughout the month sound fun as well.

What a great gift to the community!

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Wow!!! So much was uncovered in this book that I have been waiting for!! While I still have a few questions a ton were answered!

The writing and the way the whole story tied together is perfection! The world building is beautiful but not so complex where you get lost. It is just the right amount so that the writing creates a beautiful picture in your mind with a clear detailed story. This is true for the whole series!

Lor’s personal growth throughout the series was slow, she had so much trauma burdening her. I feel like we really see her start to unpack her trauma and really flourish in this book, and I am absolutely here for her healing journey❤️‍🩹

The.ENDING!!!! I… No, nope, nuh uh, I do NOT accept that ending!!! I just met Nisha this past weekend at Apollycon and told her I was currently ARC reading this book and was 70% through. You know what she said? I’m sorry… yeah I knew it was going to be bad but not this bad!!!😭😭😭 I will be emotionally distressed until I have the next book in my hands.

Bright side? Release date for the next book is November 26!! At least I won’t have to wait too long to have Nisha mend my broken heart 💔

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EXCUSE ME??? This is such a fun and cutie idea!!!! I’m in a mini slump right now and I feel like participating in challenges like this always puts a pep back in my step whenever I am in a slump. I’m so so excited to do bingo solely because I LOVE bingo.

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Okay…this is seriously SUCH a cute and creative idea, NetGalley!! I’ve found there aren’t many ways for me to be “active” on NetGalley beyond the basics- reading, reviewing, cover polls, etc.

I think Camp NetGalley helps bring the users in for a fun, engaging summer activity. The graphics are adorable and actually functional- something I would WANT to share on my social feeds and continue to share as I make my way through the activities. The activities are also pretty open-ended and bring users back again and again through the whole camp timeline.

Thank you NetGalley for providing this fun reading activity.

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I just saw this beautiful initiative on social media and I ran to download the pdf!
This is the first time I've participated and I can't wait to find out what fun activities NetGalley has in store for us! Thank you for this chance to make work in the summer more bearable!

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Thank you Netgalley for giving us Netgalley Summer Camp. This looks like so much Fun........

A fun way of reading your favourite authors new books or new authors which are great to stumble across..............So open you favourite authors books etc and dive into your day off or coming up holiday's.

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Such an amazing challenge, very well detailed and the bingo card is very challenging but makes us be diverse readers!
Can't wait to join this challenge :-)

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I am so excited about Summer Camp! I love even virtual get togethers with other readers. I can't wait to get started on the BINGO card, I am going to get it all ready for my socials tomorrow. I look forward to each week's activities. For next year, some special social media graphics and maybe even an author appearance would be great!

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All I can say is I love this idea for Camp NetGalley I really enjoy the bingo pages and this download has some extra fun challenges to boot.
my like to a review I thought I did pretty good is It is reviewed by greer on Goodreads

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This is a great idea, although I'm not sure how much of it I'll participate in. The scavenger hunt sounds fun!

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Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet is a fun coordinating set of publicity materials, activities, prompts, and usable media for book reviewers, librarians, book professionals and allies written and provided by NetGalley's sister media company WeAreBookish. Released 1st July for book advocates, it's 9 pages and is available for free download via NetGalley.

I've been saying for years on all my social media posts and groups (I'm a *huge* book nerd) that I really wish NetGalley would bring back some limited edition badges and updated goals and "fun stuff" for folks active in book advocacy. They've heard us and this is a really nice addition.

This new activity set coordinates very well with 2022's book advocate toolkit materials, both aesthetically and with coordinating electronic stickers and a similar format.

Thoughtful little extras are always really well received by the book/reader communities and this is certainly no exception. Camp is set to run the entire month of July, and camp "attendees" will receive a special limited edition badge to show off on their profiles.

Three weeks of vacation from work, lots of cool drinks stocked, and a TBR pile to get through. Bring it on!

Five stars. Niche, but definitely nice.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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So excited to participate! This is going to be the push I need to get through some of my outstanding galleys/

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This sounds like so much fun! I’m most looking forward to Bingo. I feel like that kind of challenge helps broaden my reading horizons.

Review link attached.

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I think this is going to be a really fun event. I don’t know if this event is new, or if this has been done in years past. I usually work at a camp in the summer where I get very little service, so I can’t do anything on here. If this is a new tradition, that makes me super excited to see what’s going to happen in the future. Who knows? Maybe there will be other events as well if we’re getting this one.

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This is such a fun and exciting way to get everyone more involved and participate in summer reading! I can't wait to complete challenges and play BINGO. I really feel like this will help with my summer reading slump I seem to get every year!

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