Member Reviews

I was not able to finish the camp. It was not what I expected. I thought there would be more reading and prompts. Instead I felt like there was more social media things that were required,

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Wedding Witch - Erin Sterling

so excited to have gotten an arc of this after how much i loved the ex hex + kiss curse, thank you to Erin Sterling & publishers 🥳

this book follows the third Penhallow brother, Bowen - he’s a bit of a loner in his small mountain town and he works with Tamsyn procure ancient magic items. On the search for answers to a mystery involving his friend, Bowen ends up running into Tamsyn at a wedding and that’s when everything really begins to pick up in the book.

As far as Bowen & Tamsyn goes, they were okay but not my favorite Penhallow couple - the chemistry just wasn’t the same as the other two books. BUT! I did really enjoy the time traveling aspect and the side characters in this! I thought it was a very fun twist on the series not being set in the same place as the first two and it tied in very well!

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This was so much fun, I love NetGalley! This was so much fun, I love NetGalley! This was so much fun, I love NetGalley! This was so much fun, I love NetGalley! This was so much fun, I love NetGalley! This was so much fun, I love NetGalley!

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Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet - no review; unfortunately work was my focus through much of my summer. Thank you for sharing.

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Camp NetGalley was a fun summer challenge, hope they continue to do things like this! It’s engaging and pushes you to read more.

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This was a super fun way to encourage myself to up my reading goal over the summer. Can't wait for next year's camp!

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This was a very educational welcome packet. I joined it too late and didn’t get to enjoy it as much as I wanted to. Maybe next summer I can try again.

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I loved the bingo reading challenge and the fun events that went on. The graphics are also too cute! I can’t wait to see more activities like this in the future.

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Thanks for the fun time and all the helpful tips and advice, Camp NetGalley! I had a great experience!

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Thank for this! A lot of information was provided to help give detailed and intentional reviews. Would love to see more events like this to support reviewers for future reads.

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Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet by We Are Bookish is a delightful and informative guide that every aspiring book reviewer and NetGalley user should check out. This packet is packed with tips and tricks on how to navigate the world of book reviewing, from understanding the platform's features to effectively requesting ARCs (Advance Reader Copies). The tone is friendly and approachable, making it feel like you're getting advice from a knowledgeable friend rather than a dry manual. I particularly appreciated the emphasis on building relationships with publishers and authors, which is crucial in the book community.

What makes this guide stand out is its engaging layout and practical advice that feels tailored for both newbies and seasoned reviewers alike. The colorful design keeps things visually appealing, while the straightforward language ensures that the information is easy to digest. Whether you're looking to improve your review writing or simply want to learn more about utilizing NetGalley effectively, Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet serves as an excellent resource. It’s not just a welcome packet; it’s a roadmap to becoming a more confident and successful book reviewer!

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A creative and unique way to support readers and their reviews as well as helpful advice about how to review books both honestly and responsibly. An encouraging and interactive concept for all book lovers!

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Love the overall concept. Super fun and would love to see it again next year. Maybe even something around the holidays too.

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Unfortunately I didn’t get to participate much but I loved the concept so much and NetGalley is always so so amazing and I love these events!

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This was such a fun little summer activity! I hope there will be more! Way to go netgalley! Thank you for the opportunity to participate I. This challenge

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This was such a fun camp/challenge! I enjoyed the packet and planning for the camp, and participating when I could!

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This was a pretty cool idea from NetGalley. While I didn't get around to doing it this summer I hope that they will release something like this again next summer!

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It was awesome. Thank you team NetGalley for such bookish items. I loved the efforts you guys provide for booklovers. A huge fan. I always cherish such bookish items and gifts from you guys. It's a joy to be part of NetGalley family.

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Love this experience. Hope to do it next time. Was not able to complete all the steps.

Favorite review here:
As a huge fan of Lisa Gardner, you knew I was going to cover her newest novel, Still See You Everywhere. After a year hiatus from a new release, a book about a serial killer psychopath hiring our favorite non-cop, one-woman search party Frankie Elkins was going to be a hit and Gardner did not disappoint.

The first thing I love about this book is its originality. On par with Gardner’s other books, she goes above and beyond to create unique and interesting cases and scenarios that you really don’t get in other books. In this case, Gardner visited an atoll off Hawaii that prompted the scenery we get this time. Take a highly tumultuous setting and add an array of characters from all walks of life that you cannot be sure you can trust and top it with a serial killer and you have yourself a next-level novel. The handful of characters we are introduced to in this book are some of my favorites. Frankie Elkin is at the top of that list and I love how her character hasn’t changed, but we have learned so much more about her throughout the novels Gardner has released. Her backstory is what makes her and her constant struggles that we witness, whether that be with alcohol, trusting people, or second-guessing her life choices, keep us wanting to peel back the layers of her life and hopefully see her be happy one day. Each of the other characters in this book bring something to the table and while you really, really love some of them, you cannot help but wonder if you can trust any of them. Gardner sows doubt throughout the entire book.

The details that have gone into this story are so important to the outcome. Every detail down to the crabs plays a huge role in the story surprisingly. The layout of the island, the facilities available, and the personality of each character come together to create a masterful work of art by Gardner. I feel like there was more foreshadowing or even hints as to what the outcome was going to be, but I had no idea how we were going to get there and if everyone would make it out alive. The suspense in Still See You Everywhere is really what put me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

The greatest thing about all Lisa Gardner’s books is you can read them stand-alone even if you hadn’t yet read the ones before. This book is no different. I would 100% recommend you go read Frankie Elkin’s first and second stories by Gardner before this one, but you could easily read this and not have to know the two before. If thrillers and high suspense are your type of book, pick this up immediately. Gardner has earned her title as the Queen of Thrillers yet again with another jaw-dropping, suspense-driven novel with characters you can’t help but be drawn to.

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This was such a fun idea to bring the Netgalley community together with their socials. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.

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