Member Reviews

This was a neat idea. I had some trouble printing things out, but overall it was fun. I wonder if they will be bringing this back during the holidays or will it just be the summer only. Either way it is something new and pretty cool.
My favorite book so far is the following :

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A really fun challenge to do and be part of - a great motivator to pick some Netgalley books to read.

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This was the first time I've participated in Camp NetGalley and this little book made the experience more fun.

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So devastated that I got distracted with work and missed the badge deadline!!! I think this event was a really cool idea though. If possible, it would be fun to make it more interactive in the future, like maybe with weekly challenges on social media or something.

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Thank you for this! Very helpful! It definitely introduced me to NetGalley and how I can use this platform to read amazing books and help them get more readers out there!!

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This was a neat idea. Thank you, Netgalley, for offering this little challenge. Very informative. I'm sad that I missed the deadline for the badge but that’s alright. Maybe next time!

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Thanks for giving us a way to participate in a summer reading "camp." I always love a BINGO challenge!

Maybe you should make 2 bingos - one with book challenges (eg LGBTQA+ main character) and one with things to do (read outside/follow on social media)

One of my reviews:

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Very informative on what camp netgalley is. Would have liked to see more information on other platforms.

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Missed the deadline for this badge but it was a fun idea for NetGalley to do and I wish it was more interactive!

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I loved this activity!

This is an odd thing to review due to it being more of an activity than a book but it was fun! I wish I had participated a bit more. Hopefully it grows even more next year!

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Thank you for the Camp NetGalley Welcome Pack!
Not sure that this requires a review, but wanted to share that it was appreciated.

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Bravo! What a clever idea to encourage community engagement. I so enjoyed following along with member posts on Instagram. It brought back fond memories of summer reading. I think we’re never too old to enjoy book camp! I’ve already added the new stickers! I hope there will more opportunities like this to interact with fellow NetGalley book nerds.

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I absolutely love this idea and I hope with some updates that Netgalley continues to do things like this in the future! My main feedback is that it was so easy to forget about it without reminders. I almost wish it could be it's own tab at the top when going on or get reminders about it.

Love the creativity and ideas to engage the community!

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I really liked the idea of this, but I wish I hadn't forgotten about it until two days post talent show submission. I hope this is done again next year, and I will try and remember to participate!

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found this whole thing super confusing - I’m newish to NetGalley, so it may be my own inexperience to blame.

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This was a fun idea for summer reading! It kind of reminded me of when I would be a part of the summer reading programs at the library when I was a kid, and I loved being able to be a part of the book community and seeing what everyone was reading for this challenge! I hope that NetGalley continues to do events like this in the future.

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This was such a fun summer activity! I loved seeing other bookstagrammers post their summer reads and their netgalley camp bingo cards.

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This was a fun summer activity! Loved getting more involved with NetGalley and learning more about book reviewing.

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This was such a fun idea. Thank you, Netgalley, for making this a new thing. I'm sad that I missed the deadline for the badge but that’s okay.

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Although not a book. This was a super cute challenge and I loved seeing everyone’s post that participated in summer came? Will we be getting a fireside fall challenge next? This is great and fun to interact with.

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