Member Reviews

Readers, get your hands on a copy of The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz before tackling this "can't put it down" sequel appropriately titled The Sequel. Knowing the back story of Anna and Jake will add immeasurably to your "enjoyment" of this latest breathtaking installment of the writing and publishing world along with the diabolical need to justify one's actions.

Anna Williams Bonner is both the protagonist and antagonist of her own story as she attempts to track down threatening messages that once again point to her dead husband Jacob Finch Bonner as a plagiarist. There are no lengths that Anna will not go to to protect her own life as a best-selling author.

Readers will come to better understand Anna's motivations as the tragedies of her childhood and young adult life haunt her and drive her to on a crime spree that cannot really make up for all she has suffered. While maneuvering book signings, meetings with editors and speaking engagements, she is never free of circumstances.

Readers may feel a denouement is reached, but not so fast! Anna Williams Bonner has more in store for us!

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I really enjoyed the Camp NetGalley BINGO card and am very thankful to be apart of the community. Summer is my busiest reading time as I enjoy taking my books outside, camping, and to the pool. While I didn't get to do all of my anticipated squares during July, I do look forward to continuing to fill out my card during the remainder of the summer.

While initially confused by what Camp NetGalley was, I found the camp packet to be very unique and fun. It was engaging but not in a way that was overwhelming. I have never seen another "camp" like this one, and am grateful to be allowed to participate.

Thank you for a fun summer experience!

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Thanks to Netgalley for the fun summer activity! I appreciate the opportunity, even if time got away from me (it's a busy season in library land!).

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I am new to NetGalley. And while I didn't use this as a way to guide my July reading, I can definitely see its appeal. I did not participate in the Talent Show. I know my reviews are nothing spectacular, but I do give them my all and try my hardest to give any potential readers a sense of what they'll get into when reading a book.
I read 5 NetGalley ARC's in July, and Camp NetGalley pushed me to read them. I didn't get Bingo on my card, but I did check lots of boxes.
I can see the appeal of this, and look forward to doing this again next year. Hopefully by then, I can participate a little more.

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This was packed full of fun ideas to interact with. I can't wait to participate properly in this next year!
I think the bingo was particularly a great idea.

My suggestions for next year could be to :

+ Maybe make a read-a-thon,

+ A chosen book for each genre to review. Then you chose one genre you wish to participate in, or more if you'd like more badges. You could do both trad and indie suggestions.

+ Some sort of variation for a recommendation for a recommendation. Encouraging people to interact with each other as well you as yourselves. Maybe they could do one rec for a general read, and another rec for arcs they think that person would like to apply for on Netgalley.

(i'd love to help collab on creating and participating in any of these if given the chance <3 )

Thanks again for creating Camp Netgalley and giving us some summer reading fun.

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What a fun way to be engaged with the books I’ve read this month. Still have a few things to finish up, but hope there will be something similar next summer! Can’t wait to see some extra badges or stickers! Thanks Net Galley for creating this fun event!

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The idea of this seemed super fun and I was so looking forward to being a more active participate but life got in the way unfortunately.

The packet itself was well designed and I enjoyed that everything was right in one spot for me so there was no going and searching a million different places. I did play the bingo - which was a good way to challenge me to do some things I normally wouldn't have and I downloaded the stickers to use for my reading journal but hopefully next time I'll be a more active participate on social media as well :)

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What a lovely summer activity for book readers! Hopefully, I'll be able to participate more in future events. Overall, a wonderful way to keep readers engaged.

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Thank you NetGalley for access to Camp NetGalley!

I loved seeing all the bingo cards, reviews, and social media posts by fellow users. Seeing everyone’s reading spots definitely gave inspiration.

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Full disclosure, I never went to summer camp. Is this reminiscent of it? Who knows! But what it did give me was a good dose of nostalgia for library summer reading programs, which I’m much more familiar with. I loved bingo. Anything that gives me a little gamification motivates me and scratches my brain itch.

For talent show I’m including my review of In Exile. I tried to give really in-depth commentary on both the successes and flaws of the memoir and I think I did do in a constructive manner.

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This was a fun addition to my July reading and a cool way to gamify it all. I liked challenging myself to find things to fill the bingo board with.

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This is such a cute packet! The tracking page was very helpful and the bingo sheet was a lot of fun! The graphics were also on point, amazing job!

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Sometimes I have writing block when it comes to NetGalley reviews, so the Camp NetGalley packet is a fun way to promote engagement and help me pay more attention to my eARCs. I liked the Bingo board, and I enjoyed the idea of stickers but found it a little hard to use them. July is a very busy month for me plus we had an extended power outage so I wasn’t as involved as I had hoped. I do hope similar activities are offered again!

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The layout for the welcome packet is done simply and well. The idea and promotions by NetGalley was rolled out and promoted well by NetGalley.

This was my first time participating in #CampNetGalley and I think I was expecting more because it was being put on by such a large organization. I asked where I could find graphics, and no one answered me. The "assigned" camp counsellors didn't interact with their "teams". Very few participants actually supported each other. I actually didn't find some graphics until I was reviewing the toolkit for book reviews. Whomever handles the social media for NetGalley was not on top of the account. I felt forgotten and not included.

I would suggest highlighting where all of the graphics are located and include a link in the welcome packet. Just as a schedule was done for the Scavenger Hunt, maybe schedule for Meet the Camper and which bunk are you choosing and where can you find the graphics - and promote who the counsellors are for your bunk should be better promoted. Pick people who have time to engage and promote.

I look forward to doing this next year because at least now I know what to expect. Thanks for the opportunity.

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Such a fun idea to spice up the reading. Sometimes you just need the extra kick start to try something new!

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Too bad I couldn't fully participate in the Camp. But from what I saw, it looked to be a fun an entertaining event.

I liked the weekly activities. They were fairly easy to accomplish, and the participation stickers were a nice touch.

Since I already participate the BookishFirst Bingo, I wasn't able to tackle the Camp NetGalley Bingo as well. Perhaps next year I'll be able to play both bingos at the same time.

Overall for my first camp, it was fun. Especially when you're able to earn a NetGalley badge in the process. Five stars.

I was invited to participate in the camp by We Are Bookish through NetGalley. This review is completely my own and reflects my honest thoughts and opinions.

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From the banner to decorate with stickers and book covers and playing Camp NetGalley Bingo to all the interactive options on social media... it was all so fun to participate in! The absolutely amazing Reading Journal was an added bonus! I've never used a reading journal before, but definitely plan to use this one come January 2024! I'm looking forward to this program in the future. Maybe next year you could add a signed book giveaway for those who participate?

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I love the Camp NetGalley welcome packet! Full of fun ideas and so many bookish challenges. I'm a sucker for bingo and I really enjoy the format of this one, plus all the extra challenges. I didn't have time to engage as much as I had planned, but I love the set up and hope to fully participate next year!

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I found this to be a fun challenge. Saving the stickers was kind of a pain in the butt though. The bingo board was fun and had relatively easy squares to fill.

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I absolutely love anything that gamifies reading - group sprints, bingo boards, themed readathons. I think they're such a fun way to make reading a bit more social and also give us more incentive to work through long TBR piles! My July ended up being incredibly busy with work (long gone are my days of summer camp fun!), so sadly I wasn't able to participate in Camp NetGalley as much as I would have liked. I think it's such a fun concept though and I really hope that it continues in future years!

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