Member Reviews

I love this idea! This gave me lots of incentive to read over the summer. I absolutely love a challenge. Like other reviews have said, I wish it had been more interactive. There were some parts I did not understand how to use either. I am looking forward to this next year and hope that they improve it.

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What a great, fun idea this is! I'm hoping (a) it continues next year, (b) I can find more time to participate, and (c) any teething issues can be improved upon every year.

The Welcome Pack itself was great: informative, colourful, easy to understand. It was a shame it wasn't more interactive - it would have been nice to be able to tick the progress boxes off, for example. I realise this is a whole other layer of tech, though. Likewise, the idea of the reading journal and stickers was great, but I didn't really 'get' how to make use of them.

I think the main thing I'd like to see going forward is just more interactiveness. Perhaps I'm not on social media enough, but after the initial announcements, I don't remember seeing much at all about Camp Netgalley. It would have benefitted greatly from more of a planned and advertised social space, as otherwise it was too easy to forget and feel a bit... "Urm, what am I meant to be doing?"

As for my Talent Show entry (I think this could have been phrased a little more clearly as an existing/older review - I'm assuming? - and not this review for the Welcome Pack), the review I'm most proud of from my decade plus (wow!!) with NetGalley is my one for Stark Holborn's Ten Low. Not only did I love the book, but my review was quoted in the publicity for both this and the sequel, and that was possibly the coolest thing I've ever done :)

So, in summary: I didn't quite 'get' the Camp experience this year, but I am very hopeful that the event can be repeated and all of us will get more of the hang of it.

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I wish I'd hate more time to participate! The month became very busy for me. It was a little difficult to know what the tasks were each week and where to find the templates. I hope you do this type of thing again soon!

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I'm thrilled to be part of #CampNetGalley! Camp NetGalley is absolutely fantastic! Diving into all the action and reading has been so much fun.

I was especially excited to work on completing a "full card" BINGO with a few tweaks. Each day at camp, I eagerly looked forward to participating. I'm also on the hunt for the perfect review link to share for the Talent Show!

A huge thank you to NetGalley for organizing such an engaging event. I made the most of this amazing month! I'm looking forward to earning my Camp NetGalley Badge! Here's to a blessed and inspiring journey!

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This has been a fun and interesting challenge to break up what can be a monotonous summer routine. The variety of activities kept me engaged and also coordinated nicely with our library’s summer reading program.

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I absolutely loved the idea of Camp Netgalley and it was the perfect escape from a dreary winter for me. I enjoyed the fact that it could be done at your own pace, could be social but absolutely could be a solo challenge too. We could join with the time we had available and pick up wherever we left off. I liked the Insta posts sharing more about our fearless Camp Councillors than before, made me feel like one of the in crowd!
I think the booklet is an awesome idea and loved the bingo page and the chance to decorate with stickers.
A fantastic opportunity to meet other Netgalleyers! Thank you and sign me up for next year!

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Camp NetGalley has been lots of fun. It is always great to have something to focus on (that isn't just for the kids) over the Summer and this has been great.
It's not just a reading challenge, with lots of fun activities and freebies along the way.

I have attached my review for The Mind of a Murderer by Michael Wood, my favourite book of the year so far.

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The Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet is so cute! I absolutely love the bingo and that you can earn a badge for participating. For next year, it would be awesome if there was a way to somehow make it interactive with Instagram (since I'm a bookstagrammer). Like somehow getting my followers to engage with NetGalley through the various Camp Activities.

Thank you for the such a cute PDF!

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This was so much fun! Took me back to my childhood and the summer reading challenges we did from the library!

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This made reading book so fun!! It was an amazing idea, I actually felt like I was in a camping with my book. This month I found so many amazing reads!!

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I didn't get chance to take part in all the challenges due to health but I am really looking forward to taking part next year. I did however enjoy the concept of the Camp

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Cute summer fun! I didn’t take place in all the challenges/tasks but this was so nostalgic and fun to do.

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Book Excerpt:
"Welcome to Camp NetGalley! Whether you're a longtime NetGalley member or just getting started, we're thrilled to invite you to our online summer camp extravaganza. Pack your favorite bookish tote bag and get ready for free weekly activities created just for you!

Camp NetGalley is an online bookish experience that took place during the entire month of July 2024. It was so much fun with all of the shared creative ideas, especially the summery themes.

I enjoyed the challenge of seeing so many camp reading sites, books, and games to choose from this summer. The novels were fun reads that kept one's attention until the end. There were lots of offers, and I hope I didn't miss too much. I will be waiting to see what's up for next year.

Thank you for sharing the Camp Netgallery Welcome Packet with us.

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Camp NetGalley brought back the fun and nostalgia of summer reading clubs we used to participate in as kids at our local libraries.
For future iterations, I hope to see more incentives geared towards clearing out our NetGalley shelves and improving ratio percentages, as well as an exclusive read now section featuring summer titles to read and promote.

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So fun! Loved the Bingo!

Here’s my review for Daydream by Hannah Grace:

Okay but how precious was this? The communication. The working on yourself to be ready to be in a relationship?

And taking a step away from Henry but the absolute power of female friendships has me swooning.

Could not put down, and read this in under 48 hours. Will read anything and everything happening at Maple Hills.

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Honestly, so fun and so cute! What a great way to create a niche community online. The summer camp vibes are so good, and it’s a fun way to connect readers from all over!

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What a fun month #Campnetgalley has been ! Thanks @netgalley for making this opportunity one to remember and a great memory of our summer! I loved the weekly suggestions and games. My TALENT show post is on my stories in Instagram under @shereadswith_coffee featuring “The Other Year” by @reafrey, link is below. Review is posted on NetGalley. I enjoyed seeing others camp reading sites, talent show reports and Bingo cards!
Next year hopefully we can get our Bingo card early so we can set up our month! What a great theme and fun idea! Thanks NetGalley

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This was a really cool challenge! I’m looking forward to see more of this in the future! Already downloaded on instagram all the little shareable games/ prompts!

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I think was a very fun and engaging idea.
The idea of week themes and day prompts game a low risk chill to the project I found.

Only thing that could improve is having a way to see the other participants as the hashyage someone's glitches and it was hard to find folks. But that's just a note!

Very cute idea and definitely would love to see something similar or this exactly next summer!

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I'm so excited to be a part of NetGalley camp this year. It's my first time this year so forgive me if there are anything that I've missed out.

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