Member Reviews

What a fun idea to link people together on social media! I love the idea behind Camp NetGalley. Now that I know more about it and how it works, I will definitely be participating more next year.

Thank you NetGalley and We Are Bookish!

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I appreciate you putting together this fantastic project for us. It was such a delightful surprise!

From my very first day here on NetGalley, I've had the chance to connect with amazing new authors and read books that have truly impacted me. I'm so grateful for this experience. There’s truly no other community like NetGalley.

I enjoyed participating in the activities you organized for us. I had a blast reading some amazing ARCs this month, and it was tough to pick just one for the Talent Show. My friends even said that I was reading too much. Well, I was having fun! I think this shows how meaningful it is to share this moment with all of you.

Everyone who contributed to the project should be proud of their work, as everything turned out beautifully. I adore the stickers, templates, artworks, and journal. We can honestly feel that everything was made with love for us.

As for suggestions for next editions, if possible, I would love to see live streams of authors just casually chatting, discussing their work, and taking a few questions from readers.

Looking forward to camping together again next year.

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I loved Camp NetGallery!

It is my first summer on this site, so I hope this continues to be a yearly thing!

I wish that there could’ve been an option where everybody who is participating, could be sorted into ‘cabins’ maybe based off of their most likely review book genre, number of gallery reviews, or based off of the year that they joined this site- I would have like to have some personal interactions with cabin-mates at this Camp!

I also wanted to mention, I had difficulty with bingo, but I’m also new to the site so maybe I will be able to get bingo next year - although I did get 11 out of the 25 spots on the bingo board (12 if you count free space!)

Here is my favorite review I’ve ever written (on Goodreads). it was for ‘the great alone’ by Kristen Hannah.

This is my first Kristen Hannah book, and it will definitely not be the last. I inhaled this book in less than 40 hours.

I did a combination of listening/reading this book, and then when I got to 300 pages in, I needed to read it because I felt like the audiobook wasn’t fast enough for me. I needed more- I wanted to know more.

The last hundred pages of this book, gave me every single emotion- I cried for the characters and smiled when things went well for them. I did wish this book was a bit longer because the ending felt rushed – I just wanted more! I would have loved to hear about the wonderful life Leni wrote about in the newspaper.

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I had a good time with the Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet. It was fun to participate in the Bingo part of the packet because it gave me new ideas. I didn't really understand the stickers part, but then again, I couldn't print out the packet, so it wasn't helpful. My favorite part was participating in the daily events on X (formerly known as Twitter). I enjoyed seeing what other people contributed as well.

My suggestions for next time. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to comment on the posts on Twitter or comment from my own site each day. I would make that more clear. I wish the PDF had been more interactive somehow, since I can't print out all of the pages. Maybe it's a website where everyone has their own login in order to participate.

My favorite review is on my blog. Since they don't each have their own link, you will have to scroll down a little. It is for The Family Experiment by John Marrs.

Thank you for letting me participate in the fun activities for the month. I gave it four stars because it was a lot of fun, but some of the directions could have been more clear.

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I really appreciate all the fun new projects Netgalley is rolling out for readers and the Netgalley members. I love this idea, and the layout of the projects and activities were very user-friendly and easily personalized. I think one of my favorite things about the yearly journal from late last year was the way I could easily import it to Canva and edit it as much (or as little!) as I wanted to. The different sections and stickers were geared towards readers and their diverse interests. This summer mini-version is obviously much smaller, but it still holds much of the same appeal, and piggybacks well off the activities from the journal. I thoroughly enjoyed the prompts and the activities, and even though I wasn't able to complete all the activities, I really loved having a more concrete goal for my summer reading. I hope Netgalley continues to offer these fun goodies for their members, and I can't wait to see what they come up with next!

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I'm excited to get involved with Camp NetGalley! I've got to plan out my BINGO ideas now. Can't wait to see what sort of activities there will be. I will need to look at my shelf and see what books are Talent Show worthy!
Updated: I enjoyed the posts this past month! I’ve added a review for the talent show.

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Thank you for providing this Welcome Packet for Camp NetGalley! I had downloaded it in hopes of joining the challenge, but the summer had other plans for me. Well written and helpful like everything from We Are Bookish.

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I appreciate NetGalley & their continued creativity endeavors that allow the community to take part in fun challenges. Camp NetGalley is a really summer adventure project for book fans!

I would recommend doing an event like this doing the holidays as well. You could always partner with publishers to bolster engagement with a chance of widgets as a prize, just an idea. But this year was great & I applaud y’all!

I have attached a review I am very proud of!

Massive thanks to NetGalley for the gifted copy, which I voluntarily read & reviewed.

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Joined some of the challenges, didn't have time for all. Still had lots of fun! Hope we can go back to Camp Netgalley next year!

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The Camp NetGalley event is a fun idea. This welcome book has a few activities; however, the instructions for each week would be better if lumped into groups. Such as, week 1 instructions with week 1 activity page(s). I was a little lost flipping back and forth through the document.

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While Camp NetGalley was a fun idea, I do think it was kind of confusing as to what it exactly was. I downloaded the welcome packet in early July, but then I kind of forgot about it most of the month. However, I had some major family emergencies this month, so I was definitely sidetracked. I twill participate again next year, but I think it would be helpful to get emails each week about the different activities since it’s easy to miss social media posts.

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i really loved this summer challenge so much! i hope you guys keep doing things like this in the future! and thank you so very much for organizing it!

some of my favorite summer reviews:

The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan, #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett:

A Memory Called Empire (Teixcalaan, #1) by Arkady Martine:

Six Scorched Roses (Crowns of Nyaxia, #1.5) by Carissa Broadbent:

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I thank you for this very fun and unique packet! My favorite has been participating in the weekly activities. I have chosen a review from Netgalley shelf showing one of my favorite books that I reviewed and received an orange pencil for. I hope we can have a Holiday packet next!?! Thank you Netgalley for all you do for the entire bookish community.

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Cute idea, but I got distracted by my father’s illness and then death and didn’t participate as much as I had hoped

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I really loved Camp NetGalley! It was so fun to participate in the different challenges. The photo scavenger hunt was so neat and I loved seeing everyone's photos as they shared and participated as well. Bingo was tons of fun and I loved the less stressful activity that could be done throughout the whole month of July. I kind of which there were some more stickers to put on the the banner though (but I love stickers and awards)

Thanks for an amazingly fun event to close out the summer months!

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This was such a fun event! My talent show review is here:

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I loved the Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet. It was fun and interactive. Loved the Summer Camp theme and bookish stickers, as well as the Bingo. When I tagged Camp NetGalley on Instagram, other NetGalley campers could see my posts and I could see theirs as well. So it was great to connect with other Campers. I live in South Africa, so it's winter here now, so my reading spot pics were indoors. So for readers in the southern hemisphere, for next year's Bingo, could the request be for a summer/winter reading spot, depending where you are in the world. Then I would be able to take a photo of my reading spot at the window of a coffee shop with the rain coming down outside, or at a table with my hot chocolate and marshmallows. Otherwise I enjoyed the Camp activities. The book review that I am most proud of is for the book Such a Good Family by Caitlin Weaver. Left a review on Netgalley and my j9bookstash Instagram page and Goodreads.

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I really loved this idea from NetGalley! I ended up not reading as many books as I was hoping, but still found this idea to be so fun, and I do hope Netgalley continues to do challenges/activities like this one!!

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This was fun!! I really liked the activities! Not sure what I would add for future iterations though!

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I love the concept of Camp NetGalley as it brings eARC readers together in fun ways. The bingo and scavenger hunt ideas were really cute and I saw lots of participation with the story templates of campers and counselors. I liked the flexibility of activities and how participation wasn't required in everything as life often gets in the way and having to do too many tasks can take the fun out of reading. I can't think of anything that would make the experience better from my point of view, but I can't wait to see what y'all come up with for next year!

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