Member Reviews

This was such a cute way to make reading fun for adults and reviewers! I ended up being too busy to fully participate, but I thought the concept was great. I particularly loved the schedule and the Camp Netgalley Bingo. I will definitely look for this next year!

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Thank you for providing a fun summer event for us Netgalley users! I haven't had a moment to participate just yet, but I am planning to.

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Fun idea! I didn't have a chance to do most of the activities (it's summer reading time at my library), but hopefully you'll do it again next year.

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Camp NetGalley was a fun challenge for the month of July. I really enjoyed the bingo card, IG story frames, and getting to connect with other readers through the hashtag. This “camp” made connecting readers and learning about new books fun and exciting. I think this would be something fun to themed around major holidays. I would love to participate again!

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This was such a fun idea to put together! I’m a big fan of interactive activities and reading combinations!

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This is such a great idea! I wish there was a way for readers to interact with each other. Maybe have buddy reads or 'reading clubs' groups next year (choosing a Summer/camp themed book in different genres so everyone who wants to can join in).

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I think this was a fun camp! Some feedback I’d have would mostly be regarding the Bingo; unless you have a lot of titles on standby, (which I unfortunately do not yet, I’m getting there!) some of the things were things you might not be able to accomplish during “bingo week.” But I loved the camp overall; NetGalley can seem intimidating sometimes, so I love any resource (like these guides you all come up with) that make it accessible and fun!

My review for the Talent Show is for One Dark Window. I LOVED that book, and I think it deserves to get a little more hype that I see usually on social media! I think a lot of readers would really love it.

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This was such a fun idea! The bingo card was a great way to widen the horizons of my reading and also keep track of different books. I love the packing list too - completely fits the summer camp vibes (and got me started on using totes again!). Can’t wait for next year!

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Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet
Publisher: We are Bookish

This is part of the NetGalley Camp series.
This seemed like a fun summer activity.
However taking the time to show my accomplishments in “Share our talents” – never happened.
I love to read but this year my summer schedule seemed to be super hectic and I just didn’t have a lot of ‘free reading time’. SO I didn't want to take away from valuable and enjoyable 'reading time' to do the activities.
Long dark winter days just might be better!
Hmmm - Perhaps a ‘Winter Camp would work better for me!!!

Want to thank NetGalley and We are Bookish for this fun idea packet.
Publishing Date July 1, 2024 – Archive August 2, 2024.

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This summer's theme is "camping" so this was the best idea! The actives are engaging and I wish I would have had more time to participate more. I hope you do something like this again next year, maybe a little earlier.

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Camp NetGalley was a fun experience! It was nice to connect with others that use this service on social media, following all of the posts and bingo cards.
Highly recommend others join this next year as well. Being newer to NetGalley, it helped me to feel more involved and find a community.

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Camp NetGalley was fun. I wish it would have lasted for the whole summer so I could have more time to review more ARCs.

Here is a review that I am proud of:

Thanks for the opportunity. I look forward to more activities like this in the future.

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Love a summer reading event! It's like getting stickers at the library, what more could you want out of an online book-reading community? Thank you to all who put the event together, it's always such fun!

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I really enjoyed Camp NetGalley this month! This was the first time I’ve participated in something like this through NetGalley. Although I initially downloaded it just for the badge on my profile, I genuinely did have a lot of fun meeting and interacting with new people on bookstagram through this. :)

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I felt although I know moat about technology, I found the pack hard to use. Like downloading the bingo and rhe badges. But then added to it not a clue where I would start. I loved the idea of it, but could not action it.

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Thank you We Are Bookish for finding a fun way for NetGalley readers to celebrate summer and mingle together as campers!

Talent show review post link for Look in the Mirror added!

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This is a really fun concept but I got in on it late due to the camp theme - I'm just not a camp person! I really only ended up downloading it for the badge, but after reading through everything, I wish I had joined sooner. Maybe for next year, it could be "summer reading" themed and the badge is shaped like a slice of pizza (remember pizza hut?!) - I would have joined that way sooner!

More generally speaking, I enjoy when Netgalley adds resources like this. Their book advocate toolkit gave me great tips that improved my reviews, even as someone who's been here for 6 years. Definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't already!

A review I'm proud of:

Thanks for hosting, NetGalley/We Are Bookish!! See ya next summer :)

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Wedi mwynhau cymryd rhan yn camp Netgalley, lot o weithgareddau llawn hwyl a wedi dod i adnabod Ffrindiau eraill ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol drwy’r camp!

Really enjoyed talking part in Camp Netgalley! Lots of fun activities and got to know new friends on social media through the camp!

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I really loved Camp Netgalley!
I think what made this so much fun was getting to pick our 'bunk' (and seeing who else in netgalley liked the same genre as us), playing some bingo, and just getting to interact with all the other bookish netgalley folks. It had such a cute theme for the summer and I think its something Netgalley could really lean into in the other months. Who wouldn't want to go trick or treating with netgalley, for example?
Next time, I'd really love to see some more interactive features within the theme. A go-live on instagram with some staff, supporting good reads that fit the theme? An overview of something happening currently in the literary world, to keep the theming fresh? Maybe even a sponsored netgalley download: you get X release in your genre if you finish all of these different items? I want to participate even MORE next time!
I linked the netgalley read I loved the most during camp: The Co-op by Tarah Dewitt. It was RIGHT up my romance alley and just felt like a perfect summer read.

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This is SO exciting that this wonderfully company is putting together this opportunity for those using NetGalley to come together and learn about each other and the company together. Excited for a really fun July together! Thankful for NetGalley and all it offers those who love reading. It's been a beautiful opportunity for this mom of four to be apart of. A wonderful community of wonderful people. Next year it would be really neat to have a few spots of people to actually meet up for a night of netgalley. Would love to help with this! And actually would love to work for Netgalley. I am a stay home mom looking for some work from home. And I can not say enough good things about this company.

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