Member Reviews

The colorful layout and upbeat nature of this Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet has me excited to be a part of the fun this summer! It is easy to understand and laid out in a cohesive manner that flows well. My favorite part of this program is that it encourages reading (brain exercise!) in a fun and creative way. I cannot wait to dive in and play Bingo, ready so many books, and participate in the talent show.

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This was a lot of fun, and I really loved the graphics and the whole theme of the Camp.
I think it was a lovely idea and I'd love to see similar themed challenges for Halloween or Christmas - especially if it comes with a new badge!

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Such a great idea for readers and keeping them engaged! Hoping this happens again! I loved the Bingo game and felt it is a great way to keep readers interested!

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This is absolutely such a great idea and so much fun! Thank you for such a great summer pack! I love that this community has such fun things for all of us to be involved in and do together,

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This is a super fun reading program! I was very excited to give this a shot, especially since I haven't participated in something like this since childhood at my local library. The bingo was probably my favorite part, as it's so much fun to pick and choose which books belong in which category.

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What a fun way to get readers to engage with more books! The Bingo will help motivate me to think of new ways/things to read. Thank you!

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This is such a fun and interactive event for all book lovers! I have been extremely busy this month and am reading far less books than usual, but Camp NetGalley still motivates me to read as much as I can and share content/recommendations to my social media accounts. I would love to see clearer instructions for the bingo as it isn't entirely clear whether the reading required all needed to take place this month.

Would appreciate it if the event can avoid seasonal themes as it's not so fitting for those of us in the southern hemisphere.

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I really liked this idea and wish there were more challenges that we could all take part in. Using social media helps but having the weekly tasks/challenges on the home page would help as well with getting engaged. I love Bingo reading games it always helps when getting into a bit of a slump or having so many options. Physical prizes would be great for next year as well.

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I loved the Netgalley camp! I would make it more engaging by creating a separate interactive app just for the camp!

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This is such a fun little task to take part in and i'm looking forward to finishing some of the tasks! especially the bingo!

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This was a fun thing to do! I especially liked the Bingo. It was really fun to do with friends. The badges enhanced the experience. We printed out the stickers in a printing place which was really enjoyable to do with friends.

For next year, I would suggest spreading the word out more in Netgalley itself maybe with a notification when we open the website so people are aware of it. I only came to know about Camp Netgalley from an Instagram I happened to come across. Giveaways (Netgalley bookmarks, physical stickers etc.) could be really helpful in getting more participants.

Thank you for a fun experience!

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This is a really nice idea! Thank you. This is a fun way of engaging with books this summer. There are plenty of ways to track your reading as well as having fun too. I am sure many readers will be glad to use this resource. The layout are cute, summery, and give you the feeling of attending not just any camp, but a book camp. I especially like the stickers, the activities, and the idea of a talent show. I am just glad that I don't have to sing or do a dance routine. Again, thank you for a terrific way to spend time in a book and have a blast doing it.

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⭐️ 4/5. Heir, Apparently is a really cute YA romance that is a great choice for middle readers and above. There’s a prince, an adorable dog, snobby princesses, a plane crash, a deserted island, and the “ a prince chooses a normal girl” troupe.

The plot of this book, as well as the first one in the series “The Prince and the Apocalypse”, are unique and creative. I feel like we can all relate to a certain level about what we thought we’d do at the end of the world (when Covid quarantine hit), so the panic dying your hair or um…getting married? 😂 I think we’re relatable to a lot of people. Maybe the first more than the second…

I actually read this sequel as a NetGalley Arc before I read the first one, so it can be read as a stand alone. However, I ordered the first one because I now want the first part of the story!

There were a few things in this sequel that were harder for me to get fully inserted in as someone who is 24 (like I liked the brother of the MMC better than the MMC himself, or seeing a few small plot holes that honestly probably weren’t really relevant to the situation 😂, but this book is aimed at YA-aged readers and I don’t think they would notice these things.

Overall, a really cute, unique, and entertaining read! I’d recommend :-)

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The review I am proud of is "Not Another Love Song" by Julie Soto. It was my first review here on netgalley and I am glad I am taking the chance to join this community. I don't have a following really, but I want to continue to support authors including reading early copies. I got my first approval earlier this month and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me.

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Fun summer inspiration - thank you for creating, promoting and sharing widely. Look forward to future similar releases

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Very informative! I like the way this is laid out. It's easy to read and has all of the necessary information without being too lengthy and wordy. Will definitely be checking the camp out!

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What a fun summer activity. I'm excited to do the prompts! I enjoy having reading challenges especially in the summer when I am more relaxed, #teacherlife

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A fun little summer reading experience; I'm looking forward to participating in the weekly prompts. Thanks for putting this together, NetGalley! #CampNetGalley

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This is such a cute idea!

I simply wish it had more variety on books to be read and more group activities

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So fun! I absolutely loved the camp theme for adults! Very nostalgic and so much fun for the summer. Thanks NetGalley for the nostalgia!

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