Member Reviews

This is such a cute summer reading activity! I always loved summer reading as a kid, so Camp NetGalley is right up my alley 🤩 Now I need to go pick a review to submit for the talent show! Happy reading, everyone ☀️📚

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This was a good little informational packet. Dont really think it needs a review. But I need to get my score up so here we are.

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This is such a fun little activity for readers. Sometimes I miss summer camps (and I definitely miss having summers off of school), so this was a nice treat of a project to work on this summer. Thank you for sharing!

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A really interesting and community mending tool and idea! I really have enjoyed the experience of being involved!

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Camp NetGalley Is a great idea and it’s really fun, I am glad to be participating. I am looking forward to earning my merit badges and participating in the scavenger hunt.

The bingo board on page 7 is an entertaining challenge.

I am looking forward to submitting a review for the Talent Show portion of the event next week.

In the future, I think it would be fun if there was an online bookclub event, a book trivia contest, perhaps an adult book olympics type event, and some prizes to win as well.

Thanks Camp NetGalley!

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I love anything summer camp related so I’m so here for this. I think more stickers styled after Girl Scout badges would be an excellent addition for next year.

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Great as usual! I really look forward to these Netgalley releases. Thanks for continuing to make them.

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So informative and helpful guide to NetGalley as I get a hang on this! The Bingo has been so much fun and I do hope my fellow Booksta friends join in!
I would have loved a little presentation on how to perfect your reviews to attract and appeal to more publishers for next year. As well as a "cabin" tour.
Being new to NetGalley it was easy to learn but I would still love more tips and helpful guides (more than what i already emailed weekly to me and available online). More fun interactive and get to meet accomplished Book Reviews on NetGalley

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Summer reading program fun for adults! While I love facilitating summer reading programs at my library, helping patrons of all ages find the perfect book for the beach or the tent or the swing in the backyard (or the comfy chair in the climate controlled reading room of the community center!) I'm loving the opportunity to participate in a summer camp I didn't have to design myself. So far, filling in the bingo board with stickers has been my favorite (and perhaps in the future a special sticker or bookmark for a bingo or blackout would be an option?)

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This was such a fun idea! Thanks for doing it. Next year it would be great if it had some prizes or a way to track how many books people read over the month.

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I think this has been such a fun activity with NetGalley this summer! I enjoyed the camp theme and it reminded me of childhood summers. Why don’t we have summer camp for adults? We should. I’m submitting my talent show entry early as I sadly am leaving camp early to go on vacation. Thanks for the fun!

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Although I joined a bit late, this is an awesome way to encourage reading throughout the summer months! Love the idea and hope to participate earlier next year :) I loved the Bingo and I hope to see more events next time where book lovers can all meet together to talk about all things bookish

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I enjoy the Concept of Camp Netgalley and this associated welcome packet. I particularly have had fun with the Bingo Board on page 7 of 9. There are a few things I think could make a similar event and packet a bit more fun for participants in future years.

- Opportunities to win finished copies or signed arcs of partnered books reviewed during the event.
- more interactable pages or posts about the event.
-Announcing the event early in the spring and giving a way for indie book stores to get involved that is low to no cost.

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This is a fun challenge. Perfect for the summer. The stickers are cool 😎 would encourage my fellow readers to participate in the challenge

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this looks really fun, unfortunately I am joining it quite late. As a bookstore owner I would love to participate on camp net galley more next year and maybe even host a few in person parties where we can giveaway some ARCs? Maybe something to think about for the future iterations of the camp!

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A fun challenge to encourage reading and reviewing books over the summer months in a reward based way. There are different challenges to engage with and stickers to earn along the way. Thank you NetGalley.

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This is a fun bookish challenge for the summer! I love it and it definitely helped me prioritizing reading some titles off my Netgalley shelf.

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I’m so excited to be participating in my first #CampNetGalley!! I have really enjoyed bingo and the scavenger hunt. I can’t wait to read everyone’s Talent Show reviews and find some new books. #NetGalley

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Was für eine großartige Idee mit der man Leser aus der ganzen Welt zusammen bringt!
Das sollte es auf allen Netgalley Seiten geben 😻

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This ebook is kind of helpful for summer reading ideas and also participating in some kind of challenge. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to join a summer reading challenge in the least.

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