Member Reviews

I joined the #campnetgalley, and what a blast it has been. I love the whole idea. Reminding me to do the things that needs to be tweaked now and then, like my profile. And this makes me do it.

I am writing this before the end of the month as there are books, I would love to request and reviewing this will help me get another square on my bingo, well two as my ratio will go up before I request the new book ha-ha.

I loved the bingo. The activities are fun. I understood most of the squares, struggling a little with the square named “BIPOC author”. That might just be because I am an expat with English as a second language, though.

My idea would be considering doing the same for Christmas. Starting in the middle of November, mixing it with Christmassy activities? I mean, the Christmas books are on their way. It might have been done before, I am new here hi hi.

I am giving this a 5* because I can't really think of anything doing this better. The weekly thing on Mondays is awesome, keeping the momenyum going.

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I found this to be overly complicated to use. Maybe as a nearly 70 year old grandma I am not the target audience. I think it would be useful for children to use as an aid to promote reading habits.

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Useful information to find our way round NetGalley. I’d like to see more click links within the booklet to help more with this. Valuable guide though 😃

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I think I joined a little too late but this looks so fun! I’m definitely going to try this next time and I can’t wait to try the bingo.

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So fun! Love me a good reading challenge! What a fun way to inspire reading during the summer. Reading bingo is my fave!

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This is a great and very cool idea. I hope I can earn a few bookmarks! It is a fun and inspiring way to keep us from having a reading slump, which seems to always hit me summer/fall.

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This is such a fun idea! I absolutely line it! Maybe next year we can do a virtual book club for the month!

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Okay well this whole idea is adorable. I was just thinking about how I missed summer camp, so what a fun way to combine that idea and books! I loved all of the different activities and can't wait to see next year's.

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I always wanted a summer camp that I actually enjoyed and after 28 years, I finally found one!!!!! I can’t wait to see what books I’ll be approved for during this time because with NetGalley, every book I’m approved for is such a wonderful surprise!!!!

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This is such a clever event! I especially appreciate the theming - very trendy right now.

NetGalley has been such a valuable resource as I jump back into the world of reading and look to increase my bookish social channels. Events like this help to increase visibility for this important resource and engage folks at a time of year when things generally become pretty sleepy. Kudos for these efforts.

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I love love love this little challenge! Posted it in my book groups! Everyone seemed to love it, I don’t know if they joined, but hope they did!

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Another fun way to encourage more reading and reviewing. I love the chance to get exclusive stickers too.

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Camp NetGalley Welcome Packet
by We Are Bookish
Crafts & Hobbies Social Media
Ages: All

When this popped up on my radar, I was excited. I downloaded it and started to explore.

I've waited a few weeks to review because this was an 'event' where interaction was to take place and I couldn't give an honest review without seeing how everything would go.

And sadly, I'm a little disappointed. This is a great idea, but it fell short because I think it was rushed, and not a lot of thought was given to the entire population of readers who are members of NetGalley.

There's a major lack of 'instructions' on where, how, and when to download bingo cards and other templates; thus it is not user-friendly. It was very discouraging when I couldn't find 'directions' or suggestions on how to do these things, and my excitement about joining in faltered...

And it doesn't feel as if it was taken into consideration that, yes!, some of us do not use, or are 'fluent' in social media nor have the 'right' computers, or want the app on their phones. Instagram will only show me, on my desktop, the 'top posts' for Camp, so I don't get to 'see' everyone's posts.

I think that is the main discouraging point; I couldn't participate because I didn't see anyone else unless I searched and that only gave me the 'top posts', but I thought a lot of people were playing. So, I'm not having a lot of fun, and thus I did stop 'playing' like I was during the first week. (That first week I was EXCITED! Now, I'm blah). And I'm not getting 'emails' about the events as claimed on the download, and yes, I checked. And like I said, Instagram only gives me the top posts, so I KNOW I'm missing out on A LOT! This is not the event's fault!

My top suggestion: I really think NetGalley should get a Discord channel. That would be, IMO, a simple way for EVERYONE to join in with NetGalley. Not only Camp NetGalley but other things too. It's a chat room where we can all talk. Yeah, I know it's another 'site', but it's a simple and private chat that we can all use.

Discord (or something similar) would be a great central place for members to go to participate in activities like Camp NetGalley. And easy for those 'in charge' to post activities. (No, I am not affiliated with Discord, but I do hang out on a few channels.)

I do love the idea of Camp NetGalley! Connecting NetGalley readers is a good thing, but it needs to be simple so it's user-friendly and more 'open' so everyone can join instead of being at the mercy of algorithms!

3 Stars

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I think this type of activity is fantastic and very fun.
With this, many people get together to participate, and in this time we read and carry out the camp activities.

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It's a cute idea. I think the activities look fun. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to participate because life is crazy right now.

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I honestly do not know much about this event but it seems fun! I don't think I have enough information to add any ideas for this event because I have never participated in it before.

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more engaging opportunities and ideas than i had anticipated. not sure about the Talent Show and end-result hope here. .. which sort of leads me to wondering if a bit more of an overview narrative and unifying theme could help for next year. love the idea of Camp, the weekly activity format, and writing a review... just wonder about potential to make more interactive with others and/or their proposals/reflections/reads/etc.

looking forward to seeing next year

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What a fabulous reading challenge!
Loving all the prompts, it's perfect for the summer & to keep your reading varied.

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I am excited to be entered into this! What a fun little reading challenge. Go camp NetGalley! I didn’t know what rating to give it so I’m giving it five stars!

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I think a "Summer Camp" activity on NetGalley is a fantastic idea. I like the bingo cards, and I like that there are different activities set up for each week. I hope you consider doing other themed events like this at other times of the year as well!

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