Member Reviews

Fun idea. Love the Bingo as it helps me go outside my normal box. I am excited to continue to follow along each week.

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This is a super-fun little booklet with a variety of things to do in July. I’m looking forward to working through it.
The camping Bingo is cute and easy to play. I am using little book emojis as Bingo pieces throughout the month.
Meet the Camper is a fun way to introduce yourself and let Bookstagram know that you are participating in NetGalley camp.
This or That is something I like to do when I see it on Bookstagram Stories. This is made specifically for NetGalley Camp.
Choose Your Bunk is set up by genres and you choose your own adventure. I love this activity and how we get to interact with our community!

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This is a fun little packet with some fun things to do in July. I’m enjoying it.

The camping Bingo is cute and easy to play. I am adding little books as Bingo pieces.

Meet the Camper is a great way to introduce yourself and let Bookstagram know that you are going to NetGalley camp.

This or That is something I always do when I see it on Bookstagram. This one is made for NetGalley Camp.

Choose Your Bunk is set up by genres and that is how you choose.

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This is so fun! I do wish it was more interactive and we could share things on here but otherwise it’s super cute!

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Oh this is so fun! I love all the templates. It's getting me really excited to be part of this platform. Thanks for this.

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I love NetGalley because it gives me access to Advanced Reader Copies of new and interesting books before they hit the market.I love reviewing these books and save a ton of money by having early access to these books.I love to share my opinions with others and am able to read books that I might not have access to or the money to buy. I am excited to participate in Camp NetGalley and all the activities associated with it.I wouldn’t change anything about NetGalley-I would think it is perfect as it is.

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This is a really fun packet for summer reading!

I enjoy the activities and resources provided! I really like when NetGalley does packets like this. I feel like it helps me to become a better reader and reviewer.

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This is absolutely SO much fun! I love the interactiveness of Camp NetGalley. It's such a great idea and I can't wait to see what other great ideas NeGalley comes up with!

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This looks so much fun and will be a great way to get Netgalley users to hang out!

My review for submission:

During dinner, Umma tells Ji-won that the eyes are the best part of the fish because they are not only delicious but bring good luck too. After always declining, she decides to try it out and realizes that her mother has been correct this whole time. When the family learns of Appa’s marital affair, he immediately abandons the entire family.

Her Umma and younger sister are devastated and heartbroken, leaving it up to Ji-won to take care of them both. In a few months, Umma begins dating a man called George with beautiful blue eyes. He is condescending, offensive, racist, misogynistic and in no time at all, Ji-won and her sister grow to hate him. He fetishes them and blatantly watches other Asian women, making for a hostile and uncomfortable environment. Umma is obsessed with George and doesn’t take much notice of his horrible behavior or her daughter’s discomfort.

On top of this, Ji-won grapples with the struggles of friendship and failing school. Her dreams become vivid and violent. In them, she sees beautiful blue eyes that follow her around. She walks into rooms that are full of delicious bloody eyes, good enough to eat and look just like George’s. Soon, the fascination of blue eyes takes Ji-won over and it becomes all she can think about. She begins to spiral and decides that maybe her dreams should become a reality because she deserves to do something about it and save her family from George. After all, Umma did say eating eyes will bring good luck and they could use a lot of that at a time like this.

I loved the Korean-American representation with a complex, family dynamic. The depiction of the culture and food was very well done. There is a lot of profound commentary on racial and gender discrimination but also how Asian women in particular are treated. The unraveling of Ji-won is fascinating and watching her become unhinged and fully commit to her rage was delightful. She may be slowly descending into madness but you can’t help but to cheer her on.

A brilliant, feminist horror novel is perfect for the summer and just what I was looking for! I can’t recommend this enough as it is such a strong debut. Monika Kim is an upcoming author that we should be sure to keep an eye out for (pun intended)! Thank you to Netgalley and Kensington Books for an advanced copy of this!

Check out my review on:

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Such a fun activity for this summer! I love that we are able to post across multiple platforms. Very creative!

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I love the Camp NetGalley them its so much fun!! A review Im really proud of is my review of Hot Summer by Ella Everhart!

The link to my review on insta is :

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This is so very fun. Love this idea. The mixing of platforms is perfect. The templates are great. Love adding them to my IG story or in the stickers on the planner.

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Such a fun thing to do for the summer! It’s super cute and a great idea. Next year, I would suggest maybe making some more interactive part of it be part of the website - like perhaps the bingo card being able to be shown on your profile? All in all, a fun idea for sure!

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This is such a fun idea, love it! I am looking forward to knocking off a few books from my lengthy tbr, and tracking on the bingo board. Thank you!

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Such a cute way to enjoy reading through the summer! I’m definitely going to try to earn this badge!

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The Camp NetGalley Journal is such a fun way to track my reading. I am going to try to keep up on the journal in the month of July. Between family activities and traveling this will be a great way to relax when I am not reading. Thank you for this great way to enjoy reading and discovering new books and authors!

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Everything about Camp Net Galley is enjoyable. I love the bingo games and I am looking forward to the talent show at the end of the month. I recommend for everyone to participate in this activity.

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Absolutely lovely! Enjoyed this one for sure. I really loved the bingo card.

For next year, I would try and focus a bit more to get people to read off their overdue NetGalleys - I have been working to get mine caught up and stay moving ahead, but it would be good to have some more prompts for that.

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cool cool cool I love the info provided.
Thanks NetGalley
cool cool cool I love the info provided.
Thanks NetGalley
cool cool cool I love the info provided.
Thanks NetGalley

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Great book- great idea. Really useful way to encourage people to get reading and share what they are ready. Loved it.

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