Member Reviews

As a thorough RomCom enthusiast I absolutely loved this read! A perfect book to keep on your coffee table! The Illustrations are also such a fun touch, overall I love this and would 100% recommend to others!

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This is such a fun way to validate a love for romantic comedies! It also serves as a great little intro to film history. Including some surprisingly recent movies, I loved that way that Corrina was able to identify the most positive themes to come about through the films.

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After yet another evening of scrolling through Netflix, Hulu, Max, etc. just to settle back into re-watching Derry Girls (again) I came across this book on NetGalley. I feel the need to preface my review with a disclaimer- I typically do not read nonfiction of any type. I have probably 8 half-read on my shelf as I write this. I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist was so engaging I finished it over three settings. The formatting, the funky art, the author’s voice, the recommendations- amazing, no notes. I went into this one with the hopes that I would find a movie or two I might want to watch and I left feeling so empowered as a woman who unapologetically loves romcoms. The book starts out with movies from the 1920’s and takes us all the way to 2023 with Greta Gerwig’s Barbie. Each page follows the same format with the opening “the romcom that…” for example, “reminded women that 30 is still young” followed by a page long synopsis of the movie and what it did for women/feminism as a whole. I will admit I skipped parts of some of the pages to avoid spoilers for movies I knew I wanted to watch. I loved that each page also had 2-3 recommendations for movies that ‘did’ something similar. I will definitely be purchasing a copy of this book on release day for the colorful art alone but it will be nice to have a reference for movie nights moving forward, too.

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The book that made me rediscover my enjoyment for romcoms.

Highlighting the feminist messages in romcoms starting in the early 1900s up until last year, this book is a must-have for anyone who has ever dared to refuse the statement that romcoms are just fluff and “happily ever after.”

If you know someone who enjoys romcoms—congratulations, you have found your next gift. Not only does it celebrate romcoms, but it also includes beautiful illustrations, recommendations for similar movies, and spot-on homages to women in the film industry. Plus points for the diversity.

It’s quite possible I will go on a romcom binge for the rest of the summer with all the recommendations received from this book.

I found myself flying through the pages, reminding myself to slow down because I did not want it to finish.

Thank you to White Lion Publishing for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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this book features a lot of discussion around intersectionality, so as a cis white woman, I am not the ideal reviewer, but I did really enjoy it. the aesthetic is super fun and cute, and the content makes this probably one of my favorite film books I've ever read! I was also very gratified that many of my favorite rom coms made it into this book, and I'm excited to check out the ones I haven't seen.

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From gentlemen prefer blondes, to when Harry met Sally, to silver linings playbook, to Magic Mike & Barbie. This book has covered it all. For a movie buff like me it was brilliant to learn more about the underlying feminist themes in many of my favourite movies. This book focuses on the positive impact these movies have - specifically around female sexual empowerment. “I’ll have what she’s having” - a quote that is culturally as significant now as it was then.

Corrina Antrobus is a force to be reckoned with. Her fantastic knack of film critique coupled with a variety of movies that transformed the female identity is a winning combination. This book is witty, clever and fast paced - alongside its BEAUTIFUL illustrations which made it very easy to zoom through in an evening.

Thank you as always NetGalley, Corrina Antrobus & Quarto Publishing Group for the advanced copy ☺️

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As a romcom lover, this book is amazing. I want to buy the physical copy for my new apartment at some point. Some of my favorite romcoms were featured in here, like Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate about You, Notting Hill (my personal favorite), Miss Congeniality, and so much more. I loved the images and how much the author focused on the positive impacts these movies had on sexual empowerment. Romcoms are more than "chick flicks". They changed the way people viewed their own sexuality, despite gender. This book is important and I am so happy I found it!

Thank you Corrina Antrobus, NetGalley, and Quarto Publishing Group for an early copy of this book! These opinions are my own.

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Such a cute book! I was drawn in by the cover and the book did not disappoint. The drawings were very cute and I loved that it included recommendations for other rom-coms. I read this digitally and can't wait to get a physical copy. Definitely a book I will want to keep out for guests to look over! I also think it did a great job at including a diverse set of romcoms from ones that focus on black love to queer relationships!

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As a romcom-loving feminist, I was excited to read this book and I wasn’t disappointed. Love the variety of films chosen and the illustrations are great too. I’m going to curate a feminist romcom film festival for myself with this book to hand.

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I loved this book far more than I expected to. I expected that I would like it, it would give me Mindy Kaling vibes maybe, and that would be it, but this is definitely a book that I would both proudly display and give as a gift to the feminists/film buffs in my life.

The book is essentially a series of short essays about 100 different films - most fall neatly into the “romcom” heading, while others are more… adjacent, but no matter. I like a number of romcoms, and my absolute favorites are some of the ones that graced these pages, but I would not say I am a devotee of the genre by any means, and I typically prefer a book over a movie. HOWEVER… I walked away with the realization that there are a lot of great movies out there that I haven’t even tried to see, and there are plenty I have never even heard of.

I really loved that even though many of these films will have elements that have not aged the best from an intersectional feminist lens in 2024, the author mentions those aspects but does not lose sight of the forest for the trees. Her essays are written with love, affection, and care for her subjects, and are not as critical as I would expect a review to be. I also loved her dedication to showing allllll the different stars and stories that make up the much more multifaceted genre - black, white, Asian, Bollywood, lesbian, trans, bi…?, fat, divorced, older, teen, Nia Vardolos, etc.

Thank you so much for allowing me to read this ARC. I loved it - so rare for me to read a book that actually makes me want to… stop reading and fire up Netflix!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance review copy in return for an honest review. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Very fun book!

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This is a fun and cute book full of nostalgia and feminist empowerment. Very enjoyable for any millennial who grew up loving romcoms and now living and teaching non romcom ideals! Thank you so much for this ARC

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Thank you to NetGalley for the arc of this book.
What a lovely, colorful book. Beautiful to look at such a well informed text. A wonderful text for the movie-loving feminist. It takes the tropes of romcoms and flips them on their head to point out the positive messages for young viewers of the films.

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This was an ARC
Is a journey about how women characters have changed through the years and the most significant romantic comedies and the evolution of how girlhood is perceived in the media and how this change the perception of feminism.
And at the same time tries to give to romcom a valuable perspective and importance for women and their way of telling complex stories too. Trying to give back the prestige to this kind of movies that most men find unappealing.
And how this movies represent the duality of women’s life and what we want and how we want it.
This book does that with chapters that had a certain theme then exemplified with a movie.

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As someone who has been heard to say that my ideal movie is 93 minutes long and set in a high school, and who is also a dedicated feminist, this was a book made for me. Full of interesting and amusing insights, including some great recommendations (of the 'if you liked x, try y' variety) which have gone onto my to-watch list, I really enjoyed this book. It would make an ideal stocking filler for the romcom loving feminist in your life.

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As someone who absolutely adores classics like When Harry Met Sally, While You Were Sleeping, Sex and the City, Clueless, and 10 Things I Hate About You, I was thrilled to dive into I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist. This delightful book, with illustrations for each film synopsis, truly hits it out of the ballpark with its scope of films and respectfulness towards each and every one of them. From timeless classics such as It Happened One Night to 2023’s Barbie, all avenues are explored with care and admiration.

However, I did take a star off due to a personal preference: the illustrations and layout aren’t really to my taste. Despite this, the book’s comprehensive and respectful approach to the genre makes it a worthy addition to any romcom lover’s collection.

Thank you to #NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – White Lion | White Lion Publishing for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC! This was such a fun coffee table book! I adored the illustrations and the overall set up and idea of the lexicon of romcoms that represented different cultures and experiences or were significant for the genre overall. I loved it! I’d love to see some more intersectionality and things like woman directed romcoms, etc. highlighted, maybe a part two with more practical components instead of just story based.

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I enjoyed this book. It had a good range of romantic comedies and I loved the illustrations. However as feminists can we *please* stop using the term "Karen" to categorise other women? The behaviour it's used to describe might be unpleasant but it's just another female-only slur that also gets used to shut women up where there isn't an equivalent for a man (because obviously a man who wants to speak to the manager is always justified!)

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I really liked this book from the writing to the illustrations.

Unfortunately I struggled reading it on my phone (small screen size) and my tablet is not working so I've had to order the print copy ready for its release

Thanks Netgalley

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Adorable illustrations elevate this list of films through a feminist lens.
After a reminder that even Roger Ebert thought it was OK to enjoy a film where the sole point is watching pretty people fall in love this book details 100 reasons romcom are more than just fluff and mentions a few other films to watch. With a statement explaining a feminist take away from the film out of the outset this book may help you realise why some of these romcoms seemed 'more' than others and may help you find a new favourite.
Films are listed chronologically and the book does not shy away from featuring films telling non Caucasian stories.

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