Member Reviews

The hotel maid

June is a maid that comes in, does her job, and falls into the shadows. This is why she is requested as the only maid to serve Ms Kelly, a famous actress and elite guest. Her daughter, Mia, is also a frequent guest.

When June finds Ms Kelly dead and Mia goes missing, a mystery unfolds as June shares her past and present.

The book has multiple POVs and plenty of twists and turns. I did both ebook and audio for this. Both were fast paced, the audiobook narrator was expressive and did great. Mia’s perspective from my favorite and I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would !

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Release date August 23.

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What a strange physiological thriller. Can’t really say I enjoyed it as I really didn’t like any of the characters- they all seemed to have dark secrets. Suicide, self harming and murder were included and made the storyline quite a sad one- but possibly not all readers would feel the same.

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Familiar Themes..
Familiar themes abound in this slow burn suspense with a character driven bent. The sad tale of the hotel maid, she remains largely invisible to those around her on a daily basis - that is, until a dead body is discovered in one of the rooms. But, who is the maid? Secrets may well out and a web of lies may be untangled. A tension fuelled, slow burn plot is populated with a credible and well drawn cast of characters and a well imagined backdrop.

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I was intrigued by the premise of The Hotel Maid and the plot is of the slow burn variety. The storyline has much more depth and weight than other similarly-named mysteries told from a maid’s point of view. It was sufficiently suspenseful to warrant a 4-star rating from me. But the story had many aspects that were very depressing and desperately sad, and left me feeling that way long after I finished it. I agree with other reviewers that this (and so many other books) should have included trigger warnings. However, The Hotel Maid could be adapted into an excellent limited series on Netflix or another streaming platform.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for providing me with an ARC of this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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When a hotel maid finds a dead body in one of the rooms in a grand hotel, everyone is under the impression she deserved it. Jane works in the hotel and enjoys her job, she is also the only one the victim will tolerate so her job is made more difficult.
This book has lots of twists and turns but I could not get into it. I could not make a connection with any of the characters and disliked them all. That is my opinion only and others may love this book but sadly I'm not one of them. I appreciate the opportunity to read the book and will try other books by this author.

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This is a really sad tale, one that definitely should have trigger warnings. The author writes the story and characters really well,, but my does it leave you low. Think I was expecting it to be more twisty then it was, but it was a very different read for me. Not sure if I would recommend unless you enjoy dark, sad tales. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me access to an early copy of this book.

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This was a really quick, bingeable thriller read. The story was interesting albeit a little predictable, but I still found it entertaining.

The FMC from the beginning comes off as unhinged and I love an unhinged narrator. You can tell there's something not quite right with June. That pulled me in from the beginning. The book also opens up with a murder and for me that really sets things in motion.

The pacing was good and the book was written well. I think the story also flows really easily and the twists that came with it were also okay. I wasn't blown away by them but, I am an avid thriller reader so I'm not easily surprised anymore.

I did love the ending also. Really well executed and I liked how everything was wrapped up.
Overall, a good thriller/mystery read that you can easily binge in one sitting.
I enjoyed it and would see myself picking up another book by this author as well as recommending this one to others.
Thank you to Storm Publishing, Michelle Dunne and Netgalley for my eARC. All opinions are my own and I am leaving my review voluntarily.

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I was keen to read this as I loved The Good Girl. It’s another dark thriller. Don’t go into this thinking it’s just another Housemaid variation, it’s very different, and personally I think it would have done better steering away from that title. The plot has complexity, depth and secrets galore.

The story is mainly told by two characters Mia and June. Mia is a child with a desperately sad life,my heart ached for her. June is an adult working in a top end hotel, she comes over as likeable and caring.

It has a slightly disconcerting weird vibe through the early stages of the book, but things become clearer. It also has a slow start. It grew on me more and more as it progressed, although it took some time for me to become invested in the characters. There’s nothing that comes out of left field all the groundwork is there.

Unless I missed something I still don’t know who sent the notes which feels a bit odd, were they even needed?

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☆☆☆ 1|2 stars

The Hotel Maid is a 𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 twisted psychological mystery about June, a maid at a luxury hotel, and Mia, a 10 year old abused little girl, and how their lives slowly intertwine. Also,it's about how childhood trauma can affect your entire life.

There are unsettling subjects that could trigger some readers, such as self-harm, mental abuse, suicidal tendencies. There is nothing graphic, but a trigger warning should be included.

The story starts off slowly for about the first 20%
but does pick up once Mia's character is introduced.
There are a lot of sinister characters with dark secrets, and mostly all are unlikeable.

I loved the daunting, atmospheric feeling of the hotel, which could be a character itself.

The author did a fantastic job with the twists, although I did figure out one of them early on. But I loved how it all came together in the end. It's a solid mystery that I think most thriller/mystery readers will enjoy.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and Storm Publishing for my early copy. My review was voluntary, and my opinions are my own.

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I really wanted to love this one but it just wasn’t for me. I found the plot intriguing, but when reading, I wasn’t that invested in the plot. The main character was a bit too much for me and couldn’t stand her, so that also made the reading a little bit harder. Besides, I was so confused at the end and there were some things that didn’t make sense to me -or that I didn’t understood. The writing felt a little bit confusing for me, ant that’s why I ended enjoy it.

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Somehow I never get tired of following devious maids ( get it) as they made their rounds on the hotel, and this definitely was no exception. This story was wicked good!

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I received an advance copy of The Hotel Maid by Michelle Dunne from NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this novel!

The Hotel Maid is told from the perspective of June, a maid in a high end boutique hotel. She keeps to herself and seems to enjoy her job immensely, June takes pride in her work and knows the ins and outs of the hotel like the back of her hand. One particularly rude guest only allows June to clean her room, and treats her like a live in therapist.

June has an unsavory past that we start catching snippets of as she finds threatening notes left for her in the hotel…

I feel like Michelle Dunne did an amazing job giving the reader juuuuust enough to tease them with thinking they knew where this story was going to go. I definitely caught on to the twist part of the way through, but there were still several elements that shocked me! I had a hard time putting this one down.

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Michelle Dunne’s “The Hotel Maid” is a complex, dark, and twisty tale of intrigue that leaves the reader questioning how far they would go to hurt the ones who have hurt us, second guessing their loyalties, and paying close attention to those in society who are too often deemed invisible.

Cleverly written with an intricate plot and compelling story line, this is a psychological thriller that will have you thoroughly immersed from page one. It’s hard to write anything about this book that won’t contain some sort of spoiler, so this review is going to be short and sweet. And, as I think this book is best enjoyed without knowing anything about it before you start, trust me when I say this one will keep you guessing and shaking your head until the end.

Thank you @stormbooks_co and NetGalley and for the advance ebook. #thehotelmaid will be on shelves everywhere August 23, 2024!

#stormpublishing #psychologicalthriller #mysterybooks #thriller #fiction #thrillerbooks #suspensebooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookgeek #booknerd #femaleauthor #femalewriter #michelledunne

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Thank you Storm Publishing for a copy on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Hotel Maid is a quick read that is packed with a slap to keep the reader on its toes.
Cedarwood Manor, a luxury hotel with mysterious staff.
June is quiet, stealth and the hotel maid she sees everything but no one notices her.
June also has a secret past.
While the luxurious guests think she’s not listening, June takes it all in.
Then one day her past catches up with her, beginning with cryptic notes.
Will the truth come out and June be unmasked?
As the plot progresses, all is slowly revealed.
I read this one in just over 24 hours, it kept me intrigued.
It’s really good how it all comes together and while I did have my guesses all was not correct.
My first book with Michelle and it had my attention and entertained me.

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the suspense!! so thick you could cut it with a knife. im not a big thriller reader so i dont have the highest of expectations. all i care about is if the story grips my attention and i dont guess the plot twist. this one did just that! could not put this down

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The Hotel Maid by Michelle Dunne is a dark mystery psychological thriller that shows how childhood traumas can affect your life in the long run. This thriller is partly a heavy and heart-breaking, partly revenge-driven story.
Something was missing for me to jump on 4 or 5 stars... It was a good story but it struggled to keep my attention. But not every book will be exciting for everyone.
I loved the twist, I think it was cute and well-deserved. I loved how secrets were unwrapped step by step.

This story is told in the dual timeline and mainly from June's and Mia's point of view. It was easy to follow and there weren't a lot of characters so no confusion.

Mia, little Mia... pure soul that was treated horribly by her adoptive parents. All Mia wanted was love and recognition but all she got was more home chores!

June is a maid at the Cedarwood luxury hotel. She loves what she does and has been there for years. But then things go wrong and someone is there to open a Pandora's box full of secrets!

I would list some trigger warnings: su!cide, self-harm harm and child abuse.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this copy!

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The Hotel Maid sucks you in from the start. As the story progresses, the layers create depth. In the middle of the story, the reader starts to make connections to the other characters and their relationships. June Calloway is a maid at a well known manor. She lives her life simply with an older woman. After some secrets have been told and some ominous notes received, the reader learns June is not as simple as cast off to be. I enjoyed reading this book!

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The Hotel Maid is a fast paced thriller that had me asking so many questions as I was reading. It has got all the right features to make this a solid thriller as it was an easy read with short chapters which allowed me to keep turning those pages.

There was a dual narrative from the perspectives of two characters; June and Mia, and as the story unfolded the pieces began to connect together. The ending was fairly satisfying however something did feel like it was missing from it. I can't put my finger on it though. Regardless, I liked the book enough and would definitely read another by the author.

Read this because you:
· Ask a million questions
· Enjoy not being able to put a book down because you JUST need to know what's going on
· Have a thing for books with unlikeable characters
· Love short chapters

Check content warnings if you are sensitive to particular themes.

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Oh dear, I’m sorry but the plot in this book was too over the top for me. It deals with child neglect and self harm, neither in a believable way. I have experienced both, and I can tell you now that some of the things described in this book would never, ever, happen. Anyone who can suspend belief and enjoys inconceivable scenarios, for example when someone nearly dies but is at work the following day, or when the personality of a character does a 360 degree turn, or the timeline just doesn’t fit, will probably enjoy this book. Sadly, I didn’t. Thanks to Storm and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review, and I’m sorry that I won’t be recommending this to anyone I know.

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First I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read this incorrect proof.

This book is amazing. I was hooked from the beginning. I mean it starts with a dead body in a hotel room. Who wouldn’t be hooked?

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