Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC

A thrilling and mysterious book. A main character with a hidden past. Someone threathing her, murders and kidnappings and all fun at this hotel. I was kept guessing on the edge of my seat throughout the book. I didn't see the twists coming and was flabbergasted by some of them. An enjoyable thriller.

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tricotillomania, self-harm, cutting, mental-health-issues, triggers, emotional-pain, coping-mechanisms****

I have to admit that I couldn't finish the book because Mia's story was so close to the life stories of people we tried to help in hospitals and jails. People who have been subjected to those kinds of abuse had those very coping mechanisms and wished every minute for someone to rescue them. I think it is a good story for people who think it is all fiction but has too many painful triggers for those who recognize it as reality.
I requested and received a free temporary uncorrected e-book proof from Storm Publishing via NetGalley.

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June Calloway has had it rough. She's had to make due with the little to nothing that life has flung her way. Though she is a kind and generous person, she withstands pain, hate, abuse and selfl-mutilation as part of life and she seems to welcome it. However, when the truth of her origin and the woman who changed the course of her life are unmasked, June decides enough is enough. This book will have you wondering from beginning to end. Give it a try, it is so worth it!

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Wowza, talk about a page turner! A quiet, serious loner who loves the chateau she cleans has plenty of skeletons in her closet in this fast paced story. Interesting characters and some shocking surprises.

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Thanks to netgalley for allowing me to review this book. I really enjoyed reading this book! It's a dual thriller about a maid at a very fancy hotel, contrasted with a 10-year-old girl abused by her family and kept inside their home. The book starts off a little slow but really picks up and enjoyed reading to see where the story was went. I will definitely read more from this author.

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June is a maid at the hotel, where she keeps her head down, stays quiet and does her job. Ms Erika Kelly is a frequent VIP guest at the hotel.

Mia is a 10 year old girl who is adopted. Her mom is a verbally and emotionally abuse woman. Her dad is sketch. Her mom happens to be Erika Kelly.

It took forever for this story to get going, and it took me a long time to get through this one. I kept putting it down to read other books. I’d saw I was about two-thirds through the book before anything really started to happen.

Thank you #NetGalley for the complimentary copy of #TheHotelMaid in exchange for an honest review.

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This had me saying “what??” Every couple pages this was a mystery and I loved it. Jane is a maid that’s been working at the cedarwood hotel for 6 years she likes it because she’s invisible to all the guests. There is different point of views so you’ll have to pay attention. When a guest ends up dead someone blames Jane but did she do it or was it someone else?

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The Hotel Maid had me hooked from the prologue! Michelle Dunne had me pointing fingers at almost every character at some stage along the way, and I was wrong every time! But, the twist...I can certainly say I did not see that coming. Adding Michelle to my favourite author list stat! Highly recommend this one, 5 stars!

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WOW! I have no words…..

The book follows, Jane, a hotel maid who absolutely loves her job, however, she does get the old uproar against guests! Jane realises she may know her guests more than she thought she did!
This is a fast paced read! Very compelling and a lot of twists that are very well thought through!

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Seriously dark and full of secrets and the past coming home to roost, I loved this. The story centres around, in part, the mysterious dark underbelly and whole new world of behind the scenes at an exclusive hotel, the premise that the maids move around, pretty much unnoticed but integral to the workings of the place was cleverly played upon. There was also so much packed into the interwoven tale, domestic abuse, grooming, unmarried mothers and the harsh treatment them by nuns at homes for the like to name but a few hot topics. The slow drawing out of the truth and the dawning realisations made for a gripping, compelling tale and made me question, sever times over, where my loyalties lay. A definite recommend.

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This is very dark and disturbing book - not at all one to read for pleasure unless you like tales full of child abuse, neglect and self harm. Two thirds through it did pick up a little and a more coherent plot appeared, although it was confusing to work out who was whom, since the characters seemed to be borrowing each other's names as they went along.

A clearer timeline so the reader knew when we were in the past and when in the future might have been helpful too.

Overall I did not enjoy the book, I found a lot of the plot far-fetched (especially the activities of the 10 year old) and only ploughed on because I was committed to making a review. Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for allowing me access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Book kept me guessing all the way through. It kept my interest. Covering up a murder. Would be ikteresto NM g if there was a second part to this story. Or even if there was the some from someone else point of view

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I had no idea what to expect from this book, it built up such a good storyline that had you trying to unravel everyone's secrets, let me tell you I go it wrong!! I was blown away when the secrets started to come out.
A good, chilling read which I couldn't put down. It's always the quiet ones

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This was a very different and original story. I enjoyed the style of writing for the most part and I was kept engaged. My only criticism would be that I found it confusing sometimes working out past from present. A sad and dark tale of abuse.

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This was a really good dark psychological thriller. I really liked that there were multiple POVs and the character development. There were some really good twists and overall a good book that I recommend.

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The Hotel Maid. For all intensive purposes, always there, but never seen.

This one took a little bit for me to find my feet. It seemed to be quiet an easy to read story, however it wasn't as captivating as i hoped.

Once all the pieces started falling into place, I was shocked. I absolutely did not see that, sneaky and well hidden, but always there, twist coming.

The storyline itself was very well done. Well mapped and planned out. Just didn't completely hit the mark for me, but a good an enjoyable read nonetheless.

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This was definitely a fast paced book and I really enjoyed the multiple povs. It did get a little confusing at times with so many different characters, but it was also very engaging to keep reading. There are definitely some triggers when reading the book, but in my opinion, it just makes it that much better!

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Well written but quite sad too. The hotel maid has such a sad life and the 10 year old girl has such a terrible, terrible life too. It was quite hard to read at times if you find children being treated cruelly hard to read. A little hard to read for me but it is a good book. The way the maid is ignored by giests in the hotel and how she sees things and knows alot more than what she appears to, is interesting

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3.5 stars. This is quite the story. So much going on and no one is who they say they are. I was unable to put together how Tess and June tied together and how Mia and her horrible mother were going to figure in. It all eventually comes together, but I'm still not sure I'm loving the outcome and explanation. It's one of those conclusions where you want to go back and read things again to see if it could have even been possible. But, it most definitely keeps you glued to the pages.

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This started off strongly with a great premise but by the end the waters had been so muddied for me in terms of who was who and who was not who seemed that it became a chore to reach the conclusion.

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