Member Reviews

The Hotel Maid
by Michelle Dunne
Pub Date: August 23, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion.
A tense ‘just one more page’ emotional rollercoaster of a read that will have you racing to the twisty end. Readers of The Woman in the Window, The Girl on the Train and Gone Girl will be absolutely gripped by The Hotel Maid.
I have read a lot of books this year about maids, and for that reason I really didn't think I would like this one. I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up liking this book. It started out kinda iffy for me, but as the story went on I got more and more interested. I was constantly trying to put the puzzle pieces together and then I thought they came together well. I loved the multiple POVs.

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What a surprising read! I got a bit worried a few pages in when the story turned a bit dark but I needn’t have worried! This book was fast paced and extremely hard to put down. The story progressed via a few characters perspective and had a lot more layers than first expected. Warning there are a few potentially triggering topics mentioned but I thought hadn’t extremely well. I will be looking for more books from this author and recommending this book to friends.

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Oh, I really loved this book. The twists, the turns, the psychological games. This book reminds me a lot of the very first mystery that I ever read and loved: The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. I was really young when I first read it and at the time I was completely against all thing's mystery. I was on the romance train, and no one was going to talk me out of it. Then, our teacher had us read it and I was hooked. After that, I started incorporating more mysteries into my life and haven't looked back. I have no idea why that book has stuck with me so many years later, but I am glad that it has.

This book has you riveted on the spot. The different point of views can be misleading if you're not paying attention. But then if you are paying attention, you are rewarded with the brilliant 'aha' moment when everything finally clicks together, and you realize that this story is more than just a story. It's a complex duality of characters who become combined and who have no beginning and no end.

Did I mention I loved this book? Man, oh man, I just enjoy twisty mysteries like this one. When you think it's one thing only to learn that it's actually something else. And I loved Jane. Yes, at first, she kind of comes off as nothing noteworthy. But then you realize that she's got more depth than anyone gives her credit for. And she is also right, as an ex-housekeeper, you are not paid much attention to unless someone needs something cleaned or done.

She's so covert, it's overt. The signs are there but no pays any attention to them at all. Brilliantly written. I enjoyed this so much. I hope there will be a second one. I highly recommend this book.

Thanks to Net Galley, the publishers, and to Michelle Dunne for the ability to read and review this book. All opinions are mine and are completely honest.

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I didn't even notice that this book was written in the third person, which is unusual because it usually takes me time to get used to this POV.

The writing and the story were so easy to get into, and the twist was just....mind-blowing!!

Honestly, I've read so many amazing thrillers this year, and this book is definitely one of them.

Thank you, Net Galley and Storm Publishing, for a copy of this arc.

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4.5⭐️ I was almost expecting this to be like the Housemaid but it’s was surprisingly, interesting, and twisty. I flew through this is about 3 hours. I kept wondering what was going on. I enjoyed the 3 different point of views.

June is just a quiet Housemaid but she starts receiving notes from someone that they know what she did in her past! Who knows and what did she do!?

This book totally caught me by surprise. I did not see any of the twists coming until they were right there in my face. I thoroughly enjoyed this popcorn thriller. Loved it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this advanced e-book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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No one knows who they even are in this twisty thriller!

This one started off slow, but did pick up and have some fun twists. Everyone had to learn something about themselves and their pasts, and how these revelations could affect their futures. Working in the hotel business can be so interesting!

Thank you to NetGalley, Michelle Dunne, and Storm Publishing for this ARC!

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My first Michelle Dunne book but definitely not my last. I totally enjoyed this domestic thriller. A rich cast of characters that kept me flipping pages nonstop. Some I loved and others I just wanted to smack up the side of their heads. So many secrets and lies, it was impossible to know who to trust.
Thank you NetGalley, Michelle Dunne and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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What a thrilling and exciting book. I was sucked into the story within 3 pages and absolutely loved the storyline.

With a dead body and a missing child, there are two crimes working simultaneously and I just kept saying one more page!

It was a truly thrilling, engrossing and fantastic book. It really cut me in two and brought me to tears. 100% outstanding.

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Danger lurks within the polished halls of Cedarwood Manor. Jane, the hotel's efficient maid, keeps her secrets close, her past buried deep. But when a chilling discovery shatters the tranquillity, a cryptic note surfaces, threatening to expose her hidden truths.

The narrative unfolds through the alternating perspectives of Jane and Mia, weaving a tapestry of suspense as their lives intersect in unexpected ways. Though connections remain veiled at first, a web of intrigue tightens, drawing the reader deeper into the mystery.

While the plot may echo familiar themes, this well-paced thriller offers a captivating journey, riddled with clever twists and suspense. However, readers familiar with recent thrillers may find the premise less groundbreaking. Nevertheless, "Cedarwood Manor" delivers a satisfying and entertaining experience

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 23rd August! This was a thrilling, engrossing and literally impossible to put down book it hooked me from the very first page! I had so many questions about the character June and what would happen next for her!

It was a fast- paced read I’d highly recommend this book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars!

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This is definitely a slow burn & I found it a bit confusing at times. I liked how different the POVs were in past and presence & were from each other & was a good mystery. I do want to read the authors first book to compare. This is overall a clear read and perfect for thriller lovers. Thanks to netgalley & publisher for this arc.

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Well I was not expecting that ! I sat down on my deck to take a break and cool off before starting my evening chores and the next thing I knew I was finished.

The Hotel Maid is a fast paced read with lots of characters and lots of mystery going on so this one will definitely keep you on yours toes and with a twisty ending that may shock you !

Told through multiple POV’s we find our main character June a housemaid at the luxury Cedarwood Manor where she is to remain unseen but she knows everyone’s secrets , and she also has secrets of her own .

Read this if you like :
Multiple POV
Unlikeable Characters
Fast paced reads
Luxury Hotel settings

Thank you NetGalley , Storm Publishing and Michelle Dunne for this fun edgy and twisty digital ARC!

Respectfully Another Read by Angie

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Despite a lot of confusion on who was who because everyone kept changing names, Mia's identity was easily predictable. I didn't care for a single character. There were a lot of info dumps and tangents that did not move the plot. An interesting premuse, but it needs some work.

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3* Decent if unexciting intro to this author.

This is well written but for a tale set in Ireland, it lacked everything authentically Irish. There were no accents, no Gaelic words, not even a single Gaelic name, and not a single Irish dish, despite the tale being set in a boutique Irish hotel.

As to the tale itself, it wasn't hard to figure out who Mia/June was. The violence in this, both in terms of the murder and from a person of authority, didn't gel with 2024 Anywhere. I couldn't really empathise with the characters, and at times, felt like Liz with her fillers and Malcolm with his delusions of it'll-happen-one-day grandeur, were, pun unintentional, just filler. Still, it was readable if not very palatable.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Storm Publishing, for my reading pleasure.

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"The Hotel Maid" started slowly and it was difficult to want to engage with the story. I liked how different the POVs were from each other and appreciated how it all came together in the the end. Recommended for mystery readers who love a slow burn story. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

Pub Date: Aug 23, 2024


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I really enjoyed this book! I couldn’t wait to see the connection between the two main characters Mia and June and I was speechless! I had to go back and read a couple of pages and think did this really just happen! It was a great thriller that I couldn’t put down! The silent maid June knows and sees everything, she keeps all the secrets even her own. Thank you NetGalley and the author for this arc!!

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is the best book I have read in a long time. So much so that I have bought all the author's books. It is exceptionally well written, with some spectacular twists, turns and surprises. A must-read.

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The Hotel Maid, by Michelle Dunne is destined for the bestsellers list. This story had me so riveted that I stayed up all night to finish it, and now I'm sad it's over. Great thriller!

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This story started off very slowly and never seemed to pick up any kind of speed. Added to that, several characters were changing their names throughout the book, and it became a bit confusing to keep track of who everyone actually was. The story being told from two points of view, in the past and the present, did make things a bit more interesting though and it was easy to figure out who Mia actually was. I liked the idea that the story was set in Ireland, but I wish the author had played up that idea a bit, with some more details of the country.
Thank you, NetGalley, for the chance to read this ARC.

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This is a book that shows the consequences of the awful mother and baby units run by the Catholic Church until the 1980s, the effects on both the perpetrators and the victims. No one is who they say they are and everything leads to murder. This is a really dark book but needs to be read to see the damage that forced adoption can have on all the participants and it raises the question how could people, especially those acting in the name of God could do such things. This is well worth a read, if not an easy one.

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