Member Reviews

A Promise to My Sister has torn my heart to shreds whilst quietly reminding of the kindness that humanity can provide. The author has done a stellar job of allowing you to imagine yourself in the characters shoes by smelling what they smelt and eating what they ate while gagging. I don't think I could have done it but if you have no choice you do what you need to survive. Her love for her little sister shines high above everything else happening and I don't think there is a single thing she wouldn't do to protect her. The horrors of the war are atrocious but it also brings to life the strength and durability of the characters. A thought provoking read!

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I think I went through a full box of tissues. My gut got so tight and twisting that I wondered if I might need a bucket. The author transported me back to WW2 Poland. Through the eyes of her characters I saw the atrocities. Through their sense of smell, I was gagging. I was in awe of those that attempted to survived and those that did survive. The author's words brought the horrors to life.

We all learn about WW2 in school. We don't learn near enough. We don't study the human factor enough. We don't study destruction enough. We don't get the details. We don't study the survivors, their struggles that still imprison them. We all need insight and to humanize the facts we are taught.

A Promise to My Sister taught me more in one in depth story than numerous university history classes. Hodaya and Bayla's story takes the reader from pre-invasion Poland until 1961 when Hodaya finally gets a small bit of her life back.

Experience the treatment of Jews by Nazis and those who they thought of as friends after the Germans invade. Suffer the living conditions of the Jewish getto and see how they were treated. Arrive at Auschwitz, and know that we could all benefit from learning more about the atrocities. I closed the book, tears rolling down my cheeks, praying this never happens again. We can honor those that suffered by not forgetting and not repeating.

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A heartbreaking and raw account of life during WWII and the importance of family bonds and promises. This is definitely an emotional read but an important story to learn from.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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Such a heart-wrenching yet beautiful story about the love one sister has for another. Hodaya does everything in her power to protect her younger sister and keep her alive while living in concentration camps.

While imprisoned, Hodaya finds an ally in an unexpected person. Ultimately, this person's surprising kindness helps Hodaya and her little sister survive.

I can't even imagine the torturous nightmares that the survivors must have endured.

While the writing was almost lyrical at times, I did find the ending to be a little far-fetched.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion/review

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The subject matter of this book is as harrowing and heartbreaking as you would expect, but the author writes in such a way that while you are sad you also feel hope for the sisters plight. The depth of research and heart the author put into this book really comes across in the writing and the story elements to make this book a very good read.

Hodaya and Bayla are the main characters of this book, their relationship, journey and resilience are so well written that they stand up off the page with their tale.
The secondary characters were just as well rounded even the more horrible character straits are tangible and terrifying. These background characters were what enriched the story and highlighted the depth of the research the author clearly did to write this story. No one was portrayed as a cliche or characture of what one may expect from this sort of story.

While the subject matter is dark the story telling covers all aspects of the human story. The author offers us hope, love, and even laughter as the story is told. And well balanced without making light of the terrible history this book is based in.

I'm thankful to read the fictional tale of Hodaya and Bayla, but come away aware that not everything into the pages was fictional.

Grab this book for a weekend read as it's a little heavy subject matter for bedtime reading.

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Absolutely stunning - a heartbreaking novel full of heartbreak but also hope. Incredibly moving and one you will not forget

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A Promise to My Sister is a fantastic debut novel by S.E. Rutledge. The narrative follows Hodaya, who, along with her parents and her little sister Bayla, arrives at Auschwitz. In the sorting line, Hodaya is separated from her parents and is acutely aware that her sister's survival depends on her.. Determined to protect Bayla, it is at that moment she makes a promise to keep watch over her sister throughout the ordeal. The hardest thing that Hodaya has ever done is trying to keep her sister safe in the camp, but it is devastating to lose friends and family all while watching her sister quickly succumb to the camp's brutality.

The novel's portrayal of Hodaya's struggle is poignant and powerful, but it takes a hopeful turn with the introduction of Alaric, whose unexpected assistance becomes crucial to their survival.

It is remarkable that this is Rutledge's debut novel given the depth and complexity of the characters. This story evoked a full spectrum of emotions from laughter and tears to despair and hope. For readers seeking a historical fiction narrative that is both devastating and ultimately uplifting, A Promise to My Sister is a compelling choice. Just be sure to have a box of tissues nearby.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review this advance review copy.

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My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘A Promise To My Sister’ written by S E Rutledge in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Hodaya, her Mama, Papa and little sister Bayla are Jews living in Bochnia, Poland, when the SS break into their Ghetto and force them into inhumane conditions in an overcrowded cattle car before being taken to Auschwitz. On arrival Hodaya and Bayla are sent in one direction and their parents another, but Hodaya struggles to care for Bayla as she weakens. She makes the unlikely acquaintance of a young German soldier who doesn’t want to follow Nazi orders and helps by bringing them food but Hodaya worries if she can trust him.

‘A Promise To My Sister’ is the heart-breaking story of Polish Jews struggling to survive during WWII. It’s a beautifully written emotional novel by an author who’s obviously researched deeply into what happened in Auschwitz and has given a credible account of events. This story is so much more than pure fiction as it gives an idea of how people struggled in concentration camps and the cruelty they encountered. It should be on the school curriculum for young people of today to learn from so hopefully it will never happen again. Although hard to read at times, this is a novel with characters for whom I felt great compassion and empathy, as well as learning about times that I was fortunate enough never to have experienced.

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A Promise To My Sister by S E Rutledge is a powerful, heart breaking historical novel that was all consuming.
The novel begins in Poland in 1961 before going backwards to 1939. Along with the leading characters we ‘experience’ Nazi occupied Poland from the ghetto to Auschwitz. We ‘hear’ of the horrendous evil and wonder how anyone could survive hell on earth.
The leading characters are two sisters who mascaraed as mother and daughter. They need luck to survive, as well as finding little pockets of kindness amongst the depravity as we see that not all Germans were evil Nazis.
Hope is needed – a hope for a brighter tomorrow. “If we survive today, we will be free tomorrow” was uttered on a daily basis. Without hope, the people will perish.
Strength of character is seen. Remaining alive to tell the world of the great evil is a goal of some.
For others, clinging to God helped them to survive (and luck). “Why God saw fit to save our lives when so many hundreds of others were senselessly lost, I will never know.”
There were times when it felt like God had abandoned them. “Every whispered prayer to God has gone unanswered, and now, here, God has vanished.” God never leaves us alone, but in the terrible times of man’s inhumanity to man, we sometimes lose sight of Him but He never loses sight of us. “God if You are listening.” God heard and God wept.
There is a beautiful bond between the sisters. They have to survive for the sake of the other.
Even with the war ending, some minds never left the confines of Auschwitz. In order to move towards tomorrow, yesterday must be let go of.
This is such a powerful read that needs to be read in memory of the six million innocents who perished, and of those who survived.
I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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A Promise to My Sister is a piece of historical fiction narrating the life of Hoday, her sister, Bayla, and their family (both by blood and found) as their lives change on the lead up to WW2, as it continues, and later on, decades after the war ends. Hodaya lives her life doing anything and everything she can to save her sister - her turmoil in undertaking this task becomes the focus of the story as they are taken to Auschwitz.

I was wary of this not sharing the true story of a prisoner but I feel as though the author did enough research to (mostly) portray an experience of the holocaust without romanticising it or making it unrealistic. It was a heartbreaking read and the writing itself was excellent.

An aspect of the book I respected was the reflection of the presence of a god or higher with everything the Nazis put innocent people through. The only qualm I have is the ending which made me feel uneasy.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Have no words left! Sobbed my absolute heart out over this book! Highly recommend and thanks
net Galley

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Such a moving, beautifully written book.

I have read a lot of WWII fiction, and this is up there with one of my favourites. The heartbreaking decisions and actions Hodaya had to take in order to keep Bayla alive hit me so hard. Hodaya was a well-written character, and her inner turmoil throughout the book had me crying on more than one occasion!

4.5 out of 5 stars ⭐️

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I have been through an emotional wringer… a tearjerker! I was completely absorbed from the first page… My heart was in my throat

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Hodaya and Balya are two sisters who are 17 and 6 at the start of the book.
they are sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau where they are
separated from their family and trying desperately to survive, .Hodaya makes a promise to herself to keep Balya alive and in all honesty the trauma and strength she shows was inspiring.
It's a heartbreaking story as many of these stories are but I feel it's important to read them
it's a truly excellent book by S. E. Rutledge.

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Deserves more stars! Amazing, heartbreaking book. Hodaya is one heck of a sister to Bayla. Sad story and I do believe a lot of it did happen. I was happy that Hodaya did have a good friend in Alric. Fabulous story and great ending. I highly recommend this book. Thanks to NetGalley, Bookoutre and the Author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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This was a really great read. I love Historical Fiction and this one did not disappoint. I love the way this book gives a glimpse of the beginning of the war and how the characters lived before. Then, as heavy as it was, I liked how we got the view of the main characters in the midst of the war and the challenges they faced. I also loved that we got to see the after effects the war had on the characters and the struggles they faced to get to a new normal. AND....ROMANCE to boot! Loved it!

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC and allowing me to read and review this book!

#APromisetoMySister #Netgalley

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Firstly I would like to thank netgalley and Bookoutune and the author S.E Rutledge for an early copy of her book to read.

My rating is 4.5.

This is my first read from this author,I enjoy reading historical war books.really enjoyed this read.Hodaya and her younger sister and there mama and Papa are Jewish.they were taken to the death camp,Auschwitz..Hodaya trying to protect her sister but how can she survive as children are sent to the gas chambers.a heartbreaking storyline,and survival..should never forget what happened and hoping history doesnt repeat...A great ending..

This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon uk.

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This book was Auschwitz during the Holocaust and gave the struggle of survival, resilience, and the power of hope when faced with unimaginable horrors.

Hodaya, finds herself thrust into the depths of despair and desperation as she goes through the brutal realities of the concentration camp while protecting her vulnerable sister, Bayla.

With the unexpected kindness shown by a German soldier named Alaric, it added emotion and tension to the story.

Hodaya's struggle to bring together her desire to survive and protect her sister with the moral struggles of getting help from the enemy forces her to confront her own beliefs, values, and sense of identity.

There are despair and fleeting moments of compassion in the worse of circumstances bringing the complicated dynamics of power, survival, and humanity in a time of extreme darkness.

Overall, this emotional story shines a light on the people’s acts of courage, kindness, and sacrifice that can emerge in the darkest of times, and hope among suffering and loss.

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I loved this book!!! I couldn’t stop reading it once I started. It was so well written and so engaging! My heart broke for the sisters and Hodaya’s strength to keep her younger sister alive in Auschwitz could not be denied. She did everything she could have and with the help of a nazi officer, who now knew he didn’t want to follow the nazi orders, managed to keep them both alive.

For historical fiction fans, this is definitely one to add to your collection.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this book, with my honest review below.

A Promise to My Sister looks at the loss of faith and desire to live when humans are put through the worst kind of torture - applied by others - but with it how the will to live can be sustained by our love of family and the conflicting kindness of those we should hate.

Hodaya and Balya are two sisters, starting out as 17 and 6, respectively, when the series of events in the book starts. As Jews in Poland the book describes their lives just before Nazi occupation, through their time in the Bochnia Ghetto, to their final destination during occupation, Auschwitz-Birkenau. Separated from their family and trying desperately to survive with their friends, Hodaya makes a promise to herself to keep Balya alive at all costs. That promise is tested time and again as their friends perish and they experience untenable horror. Hodaya is somewhat sustained by the kindness of a German soldier with demons, Alric, and the majority of this book describes her time in the concentration camp and her certain death, with only chance and Alric at times helping her live another day.

This was a heartbreaking story that was well written and researched. I don’t know how Hodaya was able to survive each day when giving up and giving her sister the mercy of death sometimes seemed so much simpler and easier. Words can’t describe the terror and lack of humanity the sisters and their family and friends faced, but I encourage young adult readers especially to pick this up to understand a dark chapter of history through the eyes of those who were forced to grow up in ways no one should have to. While you don’t need to believe in a higher power to appreciate this book, the questioning of how or why a God may turn his back on his or her people and how a single person can survive the horror of memory are concepts I think are important to reflect on when thinking about the holocaust and other atrocities and realizing what people have undergone.

My only criticism in the story, though it’s a big one, is that at times I felt manipulated. Yes this isn’t the first book to play with the idea of kindness amongst those who commit the worst crimes (or are complicit to them) but Alric’s character, though explained, was hard to believe against the gut wrenching descriptions of Hodaya and Balya’s lives in the camp. The ending especially, while bringing closure, was especially representative of this in the lifting of burdens amongst other things.

I recommend this book for the well researched and vivid writing of a horrible and painful event and the study of what it does to the victims.

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